Most Recent Files

Tap Tap Tap - Creativity Control

When you feel creatively blocked, the source is often anxiety or distraction. Fixation and relaxation are possible outcomes of trance.

Learning to channel them into a specific physical trigger would be greatly beneficial to you, and so this piece of training exists. Tap a certain locaztion when anxiety blocks you, drift, let ideas occur naturally to you.

See Also: Get It On The Page


A Goo'd Deed

  • Approached by a goo girl who seems to want to snuggle and fuck, you cooperate.
  • She seems especially thirsty, soaking up your fluids and keeping her own as the two of you enjoy some squishy pleasure.
  • Afterward, she shows you the nature of a problem facing the Lake, and you think of a way to help.
  • A sexy followup could occur... if you were to return sometime.

Rapport Builder Induction and Deepener

You've been listening to me, working with me.

I really and truly want you to produce results for yourself, to seek and find improvements to your life and your body.

This is a file encouraging exercise, good diet, and general positive habits, and it leverages your connectio nto me and attention to my voice as motivators.


Beginner's Rapport Primer 2021

The Beginner's Hypnosis Primer provides tools and concepts. This one localizes those concepts to the interaction between you and I. Incorporating some of my preferences and interests, this piece also discusses amnesia, fantasy, and the ability of the subject to apply various tools to their own experience of entering trance.

This forms part of the basic system of trance and relationship of relaxation we will use during all tracks going forward. Relaxing, arousing, and instructive in bringing us closer. That connection fuels better trance experiences and more complete relaxation into depth.


Basic Succubus Tools

A lustful journey through a succubus body, its urges, autohypnotic ideas for having fun on your own, and some corruption themes that network with all my common files on corruption/succubus seed themes.

Makes a great part of a playlist, so try following it with something on a theme you enjoy.

Attached is an induction you can use in succubus fantasy playlists, it forms the start of this audio.

40+ Minutes

Succubus Creation

There are many succubus series such as the Latex Succubus, and Feminine Succubus Seed. However, if these do not suit your needs, this addition to the Succubus Harem series of files is for meditating on your own externalization of certain fetishistic and self-improvement needs. A simple walkthrough for your own succubus, from the ground up. First, imagine the succubus in question- a dreamlike figure, envision name, meditate on her mannerisms, style of dress, interactions with any other succubi you've installed.

Something made from your own mind and thoughts will always be more satisfying, after all, though you may lack the ability to articulate what you should think about as accurately as some of the more descriptive succubus files. Give it a listen, think of it as an opportunity to externalize impulses normally kept solely internal, derive new perspective, and perhaps a new purring feminine voice in your ear.

This file makes reference to concepts from Mental Mansion and from Summoning Circle, so make sure you've tried those.


Submit to Her

When confronted with a woman who wants to engage with you sexually, first consider - is this safe and comfortable for both parties, are there no risks other than having a good time? If so, why not trance out and follow her every request or order automatically, as if tranced, triggered by the order itself - without considering what the orders are other than that they are safe. Learn to serve and submit. This audio works well with "Images - Her" and "Obey Women"


Trigger Phrases and Deepener

  • A pack of triggers for some other files including encouragement and brief deepening.
  • Short files - mostly just me saying the trigger a bunch with some encouragement.
  • Triggers are included for Night Night | Brain Drain | and Butt Bunny Bondage
  • Good for people who want to test them out or have those triggers said in my voice.


This is a file for those who have listened to work centered around submission, such as the various chastity files, obey women, obey unquestioningly, and so on. The theme is of remaining silent unless spoken to and in fact keeping one's mouth shut unless eating or otherwise required to open it. Such restraint and muzzling is reinforced by the phrase "Mouth shut, pet", and not opening one's mouth for unhealthy food is stressed. Enjoy this dominant instructive piece.

This is a custom file made for one of my long-term listeners, it relies on the idea that the person listening to it is experienced in listening to my files and enjoys going under for me. Said rapport gradually becomes repeated listening and silence-unless-spoken-to along with healthy eating are core concepts here. This is part of a progressive series of "lesson" files oriented around submission, chastity, and obedience.


Under Me

Made this for a friend of mine as an ending to one of his sessions. Basically while stroking your submissive cock (check out that file, it ties in nicely with this one), I whisper huskily in your ear and remind you that your dripping cock has implanted an urge which will recur throughout the day, I present scenarios and reasons why it will be so while reminding you if I had you with me, I would pin you down, face down ass up, slide a milking toy over your cock, and then begin pumping it while the cum from you entering the masturbator was conveyed to flood your rear right onto your prostate, a hot cycle of self-milking as you imagine yourself thrusting into your own rear, every time you stroke from now on, and when you cum, your cock simply inundates you with more submission while I jerk it into oblivion. Uses triggers and conditioning from Siren's Voice, Brain Drain, Mental Muzzle, and similar overtones to Prized Stud/Milking The Stud. Hope you enjoy, check out the sample.


Dark Latex Kiss

An expansion of the Latex Succubus Series featuring dark sexual urge, hands free climax, encouragement to treat energy and nurturing as fuel for more stimulation and escapism.

Wear your favorite latex gear, be it a wristband or gloves or a full body suit. Coat yourself in it and visualize dark lips taking your thoughts away to a place of physical puppetry and mindless orgasm. Works alongside all of the other latex succubus work.

Half an hour of mindless fractionation, intensification, and latex linked fetish installation.

30 Minutes

Latex Entanglement - Band 2

Following on from Band 1 this is a further intensification of the end-of-a-long-day relaxation trigger tied to a simple latex wristband or bracelet you put on when you have finished in the rest of the world for the day.

The idea that you can access more of your mind and awareness when you are being your most authentic self, and that hypnosis is just a sufficiently relaxed state where you also feel at home enough to speak truth to yourself, and comfortable enough to be free of your ego and accept plus pass on the words I say which happen to resonate with what you like.


Ceraph Pack

This pack contains 14 mp3s comprising 5 hours (300 minutes+) of files centered around Ceraph or her estate, which in some cases you can't get anywhere else on the site. This pack includes an induction, the available Lose to Ceraph, the free Normal Ending, and the True Ending. Also included is the Forest Estate which is exclusive to this pack - Ceraph's home in the forest where her pets hang out. These ARE recorded with the older sound quality though, so be aware.

This place includes a hedge maze, and a special series of puppy play based files which come from one of the endings. Instructions on how to order your playlists are included. As for the contents of the files, you're going to have to try them to find out, though the names will give you a clue. All in all this is a lot of content, including bimbotization, freezing, puppy play, pure arousal, lactation, fetish installation, and some good rough sex with a hermaphroditic demon. An instruction file is included giving playlist order, but not giving away the surprise. None of the conditioning in these files will last much beyond the end of the file itself. So just enjoy yourself. There's no guarantee something in here will be for you, but the sheer breadth of material says something probably will be.

Although this massive pack of files is based on characters from Fenoxo's "Corruption of Champions", it is not formally part of my CoC work because it represents a substantial departure from the Omnibus' characterization. The files are a bit too tender, loving, gentle, and non-cock-involving to really be her kind of thing, nor are any other parts of her harem mentioned. There isn't even any piercing play. Accordingly, this audio - which was a commission involving the character - will always be here, but not be placed in the CoC catalog. The audio here is older, but detailed and explicit - it is a reassuring set of pet play files, with some lactation ideas. Think of this as an alternate universe, not my take on the canon.

I may someday resurrect the concept of the Forest Estate, but for now this pack simply stands on its own unless or until someone hires more, or my sizeable backlog empties out.

This is a lot of content. In addition to the whole pack, below is a link to Lose To Ceraph in its entirety, where the Omnibus takes control and torments you - it has two endings which are only found in this pack, but you can get the idea from forty minutes of exposure to her.

There is also a puppy play file - one of several included in the full pack.

WARNING: Files vary in their gender markers, some assuming "he/him". Many others assume you begin with a pussy and breasts. These are an erratic mishmash of body referents and were made for specific individuals some time ago. For example the puppy files use "he" and "good boy" while the labova and Lose to Ceraph themed files assume pussy and breasts but use no gendered pronouns.

Files in this pack include: Simple CoC induction, Lose to Ceraph, Lose to Ceraph - Normal Ending, Lose to Ceraph - True Ending, Metaphor Explanation Induction, Forest Estate Induction, Hedge Maze, Bimbo Maze Ending, Escape Maze Ending, Stay Still Maze Ending, In Her Place, Puppy Training - In Her Place Part 2, Ceraph's Puppy Reassurances, Ceraph's Doggy Training, Checking In and Checking Out, Lust Maze Ending. There may be some overlapping content. Descriptions for these files are not really available, you'll just have to explore, so be warned, but most of them are pretty clear.

300 Minutes

Celise - Tease Her

You travel through space in your small but comfortable ship. Your goo girl companion keeps things from getting dull, but she can get a bit over-eager...

So you have a special toy to help you tease her without succumbing to the pleasure she can deliver. The voracious Galotian would love nothing more than to seduce you into relinquishing her favorite snack: your sexual fluids. The moment may come, but you show her that this isn't it...

A short tease/listener dominant piece.

11 Minutes

Latex Entanglement - Band 1

Following the Entanglement Induction's general imagery of quantum entanglement, energy transfer, and other energy-to-matter-influence concepts, this is an experiment in setting a simple trigger where you leave a latex wrist band in a safe comfortable place you associate with hypnosis, and then after a long day at work or out in the world you come home and put it on to more easily facilitate relaxation and a return to your best most relaxed self.

For anyone with a latex fetish, or desire for a relaxation trigger. Includes themes of speaking inner truth, generally relaxing, and feeling closer to me through our shared interest in hypnosis and/or latex.


Latex Bath (Best)

Latex succubus service bottom mindfuck for before you put on any latex garment. It's just an ordinary guided meditation! Good for lounging around in bed with latex outfit or toys, too, and was originally made-to-order as an example of that for a custom commission.

Uses a lot of common threads I have distributed through this kind of play. Latex masturbatory musings.

16 Minutes

Latex Entanglement Induction

Part of an experimental series of Latex themed self help files about mindfulness, embracing your fetish, confronting self-truth internally, and exploring themes of long distance entanglement and relationship between energy and thought.

An experimental file. It is the start of a kind of self helpey experimental latex series. Its a continuation of the old latex succubus stuff, in a way. General energy, restoration, and calming themes.

Even if you're not into latex, get yourself a small latex bracelet/wristband and follow along with the exercises in this and its coming sequels, then tell me how that goes.

Used a lot of computer/quantum/energy transfer metaphor imagery throughout, some amnesia suggestions, some relaxation stuff, some fractionation. Its pretty rapid and it tries to keep you interested.


An Elf's Present

An elf comes to your camp and offers a present. You unwrap it only to find the bow is enchanted and the box contains a special guest with very specific intentions for you. Who is really the present here?

An homage and a twist on the Corruption of Champions holiday event where an elf brings you a present and it twists in a sexy direction.

This time the omnibus Ceraph gets involved, and your butt gets fucked.

Happy holidays!


Latex Mirror 2 - Immersed In Darkness

Building on the events of Latex Mirror 1, your mind is touched by something out there in the dark, manifest in shining depersonalizing latex. For those who have actual latex they wear, this will be especially appropriate.

Fantasy mingled with the everyday realization that a little time in your joyous fetishized fantasized about latex might be just what you need.

Again and again.


Cum Witch - Size and Dominance Drain (Shrink Her)

The Cum Witch, breeding-oriented sorceress of the Sand Coven, has invented a new toy - a sleeve with suction cups at each end, for the two of you to both use at the same time

It suctions on to your body, licking and siphoning your energy, and wraps around her cock, which is long enough to extend all the way through and rub its dripping tip against you. As each of you fantasizes about the other, the device moves energy from one to the other... a struggle in which your genitals shrink or grow, and you become more submissive or dominant in the process - and the same happens to her.

In this version, you decide to give her a taste of her own medicine, winning her rigged contest and convincing her to worshipfully enjoy your newly enlarged length.

This audio makes no assumptions about the listener's genitals until after the transfer has occurred, at which point your cock and its control over the Witch is described in detail as you fuck, fill, and rut with her.

Another version, where you submit and become null, with no way of gaining pleasure except through pleasuring her, your crotch a genderless blank expanse she has siphoned away, will release really soon.

37 Minutes

Stud Unleashed

So I'm making a 5 part successor to stud farm, it'll be about answering an ad for a very special sperm donation facility utilizing live cover (and incidentally also making bimbofied cowgirls out of OTHER people who come in), but you are destined to breed and have your cock take over your mind and to cum as your body changes into virility and thick aching lust via sex with busty women and indoctrination/chemicals/training/the firm control of the "milkmaids" at the facility.

Climax and cum harvesting and your cock being worshipped as you descend into docility alongside your partners. A five part fantasy, each chunk in easy to digest 25 minute rapidfire fractionated and syncopated lustful murmurings right into your head. I tacked a warning on this as I will with all the Special Edition files.

- File Length: 27:57 - 27MB

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction
  2. This file


Submissive Ass Worship: Suggestion Stream

A fast paced fractionation and multi-thread induction/deepener which includes one set of instructions for while you’re “going down” into trance, and another set which uses logic/nested confusion for when you’re “rising up”. The combination produces a hybrid approach which unites to enhance the existing submissive ass worship programming. Includes masturbation instructions and a general air of ongoing reinforcement that will continue long after you are done listening. Delivered in an alternating rapidfire versus deliberative style.


Needs - Cum Eating

The fantasy of eating some of your cum after you masturbate and squirt it is a recurring one, but after you get off it can lose some of its allure. Keeping that desire, intensifying it, amplifying it, making it a need to complete the cycle and lick up your cum once your cock is spent. That is the theme, that is the need which is particularly installed by this training.


Udder Surrender (Best)

This is a vastly improved and extended version of my classic breast corruption piece. This is about corruption, self-milking, cowgirl and lactation themes. Addiction, tit control, the whole package. Also mooing.

48 Minutes

Collective Unconscious - Profane Desires Induction and Aftershock Awakener

The Collective Unconscious series of files are all taken from live sessions or times when I was tired or out of it or otherwise just closing my eyes and letting words flow. They are experimental and a bit more raw than many other files.

This is an induction and an awakener, each with themes of corruption and erotic indulgence. The collective unconscious is the idea that everyone's minds are connected. I don't aspire that high, but by beginning and ending your session with this pair of files you can at least connect with me.

The induction begins with the premise that what we suppress ultimately controls us, and invites you to consider just letting certain urges out. The awakener focuses on an almost-orgasmic post-trance feeling.


Cerulean Succubus Encounter

  • File assumes listener has penis.
  • Long, detailed. Arousal and drinking-from-her-lactating-breasts themes.
  • Exposure to said semen could form a habit of stimulating masturbation.
  • Lingering suggestion one might wish to return.
  • File is loopable so you could listen again and again in a row, if you dare.
  • It is, after all, very long and intense.

Mental Muzzle - Thoughts Underfoot

Adds foot fetish additions to Mental Muzzle, which installs the concept of my voice as the delicious reinforcement of what you already intend to do. Your thoughts come through in my voice, which is like you are submitting to an outside agency helping you do what you already intended to. Staying on your path is easier when you have someone else who wants you to reach the end in safety.

What if you had an arousing fetish anchor joining in with the positive self-help reinforcements of my voice? When your trajectory is being improved through outside accountability, a pleasurable sexual fetish reinforcement can be quite helpful.

Programs submission, sexual desire, and masturbation to the concept of your growing foot fetish. Includes some foot worship themes and a recurring "you will be the author of your own submission" self-perpetuating cycle concept.

32 Minutes

"Just Breathe" Meditation

A meditation for people who don't really 'get' or 'like' meditations. Less of the mystical energy stuff, more about the mechanics and the studies done into the practice. Its just about breathing, and you're going to do that anyway. Good for a pause or a break if you need it.


Just A Little More - Stud 1

"Just A Little More" files are part of graduated series of files, they build upon one another to create more and more controlling scenarios and fantasies. If you have the fetish described in the first file, you might try the second in the series... the third... the fourth... and so on to the fifth and final audio. Make a playlist with the files in order, they will chain efficiently and each elaborates on a slightly different concept. The entire experience is an hour at most.

The "Stud" files are about confident cock-centric pleasure-giving including the desire to make others want and enjoy your cock and to bring willing partners to the heights of ecstatic release. The focus is on confidence, virility, edging, enjoyment, and 'impregnation' of submissive willing desirable partners as a theme.


Lazy Succubus - Novelty

When you summon the lazy succubus and she sees a woman has called her, she is surprised enough by the novelty of the situation to actually give you her full attention.

The pleasurable and draining use of your body, and coupling with hers, does come with the promise she'll just return whenever she wants to.

Originally created for the Moonlit Hypnosis Project

Length: 21 Minutes

Succubus Harem - Transformation and Triggers

This file works with the other Succubus Harem files. It is a detailed transformation fantasy intended for listeners with penises. It incorporates a transformation fantasy including the addition of a second penis, a vagina, and highly sensitized skin. This file also goes into great detail about general transformative fantasies to be achieved alongside the conceptualized succubi in one's mental landscape.

Includes triggers to begin/end the play and general pro-transformative-play fantasy language.

52 Minutes

Night Night 2 - Deepener

  • The original Night Night was a trance anchor, presented as a body file.
  • This sequel is an extremely long, relaxing, detailed reinforcement of the same trigger.
  • A full 40 minutes for those who want to be extremely deep before the body file even starts.
  • This more dominant deepener expands on those concepts and persuades the listener with tension and resistance themes.
  • As a deepener, place it after an induction but before a body file.
  • Relaxation, nested countdowns, fractionation, implied amnesia.
  • Longer, updated, more detailed. Cements a trance anchor to return one to trance and thus reduce time spent on inductions.

Submissive Ass Worship Reinforcement and Mantra

Simple reinforcements for the concepts from Submissive Ass Worship: Core. This augmentation includes repeatable phases, instructions to repeat them, and general suggestion reinforcement. It is meant to be looped on repeat, perhaps in the background or layered over other files with similar themes.

Lady of the Forest - Cock Milking

For listeners with penises - the hungering Lady uses special flowers to milk semen from them.
Same hands-free climax language as Overflowing, permissive so you can use hands if you want to. Her goal is to induce a happy return and encourage a feeling of intense pleasure even if the subject is drained. Plant-like minions in various colors use special substances to spark enhanced arousal. While the Lady does not have the same take on sex, her hunger for the listener's assistance is definite. File ends with permissive awakener so you can drift - timed somewhat to the climax.


Just a Little More - Latex 3

The temptation to go just a little further, just a little deeper, is very great. This is especially true when you visualize controlling, corruption, influential latex on every inch of your body.

Get into any latex gear you have, combine this with the "You Sure?" induction, and the first and second one in this category.
Perhaps you will stop after this one, or maybe you will go onward to the second instalment - and the third, the fourth, the fifth as they appear.

Be careful how much you let into your mind. Now that we're on the third one I won't be holding back.

In this file, the latex drone thoughts get more intense and might become quite overwhelming if you give them a chance. Mechanistic visualization metaphors and an invitation to cherish your latex covering are included.


Dreaming Induction - Dream It

A stylish remake of my classic "dreaming induction" which is intended to set up the idea that your mind is processing and installing conditioning during periods of rest. A little confusion, trickery, many of my commonly used phrases. Dominant and erotic tone. Listen while lying in bed, preferably with a bunch of files queued up! The better your sleep hygeine the more one might benefit. The concept: that as you listen to pieces while sleeping you DO drift into wakefulness sometimes, plus there is when you get up in the morning - to be reminded you've been trained and conditioned on your material of choice all night long.

This piece is angled toward beginners who have listened to the other beginner files, and as said it works at the beginning or sprinkled throughout playlists.




Lazy Succubus - Pecking Order

Ever since you summoned a succubus and ended up with a lazy and not particularly servile demon tethered to your house, you've been finding her hanging around the place at odd hours. Seems you didn't quite close the portal when she went home, and now she shows up whenever.

But you sort of thought there'd be more, y'know, sex and fun and soul draining when it came to summoning her...

Expressing this thought might get you more than you asked for. Includes collaring and some face sitting+pussy worship themes.

21 Minutes

Subby Puppy Play 2 - Good Puppy

I slide a puppy hood with a blindfold, or even just a blindfold, into place. Darkness takes over, you climb inside your other puppy senses, awakening the aroused and hyper-sensitive puppy body. You push aside all the expectations about your pleasure which society has taught you, and just allow yourself to be what you are: a good puppy.

Includes triggers, and some commands, as I slide on my pink strap-on and fuck your ass slowly. Massage around your rear entrance, keep your hips where they are so when I slap into you hilt-deep, my hips slap your ass and you squirm. I feel myself rubbing against the base of my toy, when I thrust in my harness, so you're pushing pleasure back into me.

Puppy mind in deprivation of one sense, intensely focused on the others. Come for me and keep coming and lose yourself in the shivers of puppy play as I talk dirty and run you through intense memory of being pegged on my toy while I masturbate you and you deliberately push your ass upward so I can see what I'm doing to you and fuck you more thoroughly. Blindfolded, rammed deep, and taught your place. What more could a good puppy ask for?

This piece does not rely on the prior instalment in the series (which is being remastered currently), but benefits from any puppy training you may have, and also from wearing a blindfold and/or leather puppy hood.

The Puppy Playtime Induction is attached as a free download below, and it is a good way to start any session of puppy fun.

- Subby Puppy: Session Starter Induction

Length: 31 Minutes

Lock The Door - Advanced

A re-recording of the older Lock The Door file, this file contains additional material and better quality. This very long deepener is for those who want to "lock in" conditioning, triggers, and so on. Permanence of conditioning unless you wanted it removed, and preventing third parties from removing conditioning or triggers that we don't want them to. The file uses the triggers from Brain Drain and language used in Mentally Muzzled, so you will benefit if you have listened to those as well. This file goes between your induction of choice, and the file you want to lock in. This file's topic is making the file which follows it, a more integral part of the listener's thinking and ensuring the conditioning and triggers remain, as something we have built together. The subject consents by listening, getting themselves in a comfortable place to listen, and selecting this file. Now that the listener has consented, the inevitable pleasure from their memories and ongoing conditioning is sure to render the ongoing maintenance of the suggestions, desirable. And because you want them, they will remain. After all, you can't be made to do anything under hypnosis that you don't want to do, and that includes deprogramming things you'd really rather keep in your head. Good to make sure you don't accidentally lose triggers or conditioning worked on with me, while listening to others.

Contains elements of obedience/service, and the idea you are serving me by letting your mind be a fertile testbed for my work. This file also encourages stimulating your body both throughout the deepener and through the file which follows to be locked in. Good for helping relax more deeply and letting you vent any arousal coming from listening and going down deep.


Got Milk 2

Some people want more than just mental change. Yet, the regimen to make change - pumping your nipples, pumping the entire breast with a vacuum pump carefully each day, applying a milker, massaging the breasts and moisturizing to induce softness - can be difficult to adhere to. Maybe you need a reminder. Maybe you need some help.

A dominant reminder which works alongside the content from Got Milk, and encourages practices aimed at softer bigger boobs.


Night Night (Best)

My best version of a dominant, submission-inducing anchor for returning to trance later.

Night Night, Pet.


Vampire Fantasy - The Cave

The vampire girl who periodically visits you in your room central to this sleepy seaside town, has invited you out on a date. There is a place up on the bluffs outside of town, a cave where she hangs out...

And the moon is full tonight.

Relaxation, a hot bath, and some sexy fun besides. She's still a bit shy, but less so now...


Siren's Voice 2

A sequel to Siren's Voice. The topic of audiophilia, expanded. Audio enjoyment becomes ecstatic enthrallment, when it is my voice. Incorporates some triggers for future use. The original version of this file was placed on my youtube channel as a thank-you for reaching 800 subscribers. But not everyone hangs out over there, so now that some time has passed I am creating a more general release with some slight modifications.

You embark on a voyage of willing seduction which carries you far beyond the waking world and into my grasp. Tie yourself down all you want, as it only helps.

"The Wind" Induction

Somewhat personal induction piece I used in a recent live session. As it was ad libbed in the moment its flow is different than some others. Confusion, visualization, metaphor, some erotic-ish bits. Good short sweet induction for when you need one.

- File Length: 5:30 - 5MB
Playlist order:
  1. This file, as the induction.
  2. Any body file

Getting Up

For those who want encouragement, conditioning, or some kind of trigger to get out of bed when their alarm goes off in the morning. Make it the first thing you do. No more "five more minutes", just rise up and get going.

- File Length: 10 Minutes

Didn't Sign Up For This - Taking One For The Team

You are the squire to a knight who is bonded to her armor. Her skin is as tough as steel, she is resistant to all magic, and her very presence has a purifying effect. She can spar with one person without breaking a sweat, so she spars with ten and works up an appetite... for many things. When opening her mail you are struck with a curse clearly meant for her. The knight, rising from the bed where she had been taking care of her post-exercise 'urges', comes over to check on you.

Your worshipful mind makes you blurt out your desires, kissing along her musculature, and servicing her willing form... but she's still going to take you to the bath and wash the cursed energies out of you with her own. Climactic and loving encounter, set in my "I Didn't Sign Up For This" universe which will see some expansion later down the line.

Genital and gender neutral. Muscular woman partner, wisecracking, gremlin.

This was created as the result of a custom request at my patreon.


Hypnotic Intermission Permission + Reassuring Reinforcement Awakener

A combination pack.

*The Intermission includes permission to take a break, stretch your limbs, move your body, get a drink of water, do anything you need to do and then to return to trance and easily slide back under when done. A bridge file for between recordings.
*The Reassuring Reinforcement Awakener is for use at the end of a long playlist or after any file at all really. Just a reminder that I am pleased you're listening, that you're doing fine, and that our interests are the same and I have good intentions for your long term happiness while listening to my files.

When you are listening to a long string of fantasy or hypnotic recordings, you can get very into the action. We all know how it is: you focus too much and forget to go have a drink of water, use the bathroom, etc. and maybe you wake up hours later feeling kinda groggy. This file is for when you create a playlist that is sort of long or contains multiple files, or just to be spliced into existing files if you find yourself getting fatigued or needing to move at particular points. And, sometimes you just need time to feel reassured and connected.


Pirates - Morning Cockwarming Conditioning (F4M and F4F)

As the newest memory of the Pirates' crew, you find yourself propositioned, teased, and fucked by the First Mate one morning before duty begins.

She makes it clear in no uncertain terms that you will fall in love with her cock, hooked on the effect it has on you. As she emphasizes this, fucks you, stimulates you, she also makes you do all the moving for a bit.

Priming you to crave her cock, she promises to use you to fulfill her urges later in the day, no matter who is watching, and leaves you turned on enough to end up edging throughout the day.


Nodding Off

Falling asleep in one place and waking in another. A classic stable of stories of transportation to another world, or of memory loss. Try this induction before any fantasy file, and nod off in your seat to wake somewhere else.

- File Length: 10:26 Minutes - 10MB

Surrender to Heat

A file made for a friend who often experiences arousal centered on the desire to fill their pussy and toy with their clit which borders on an animalistic heat and need. This file uses a deepening section to emphasize that heat and then elaborates on a fantasy of being pinned and filled. The gender of the partner in this fantasy is not detailed, nor is the nature of the length doing the filling - whether flesh or toy. A very detailed fantasy.

