Assumes Vagina

Cowrupting Tentacles - Body Trace and Playtime

This is a cowgirl (sensitive nipples, submission, lactation, some curves) themed pair of tentacle-corruption-submission pieces using my various triggers and concepts to their fullest. It is split into a body part, similar to Triggered Cowgirl Transformation, and a play part similar to the Devotion or The Farm files.

A nipple-based toy, and any insertable or suckable toys you like, can be helpful during the "Play" file. Place these in playlists, listen stand-alone, or chain them back to back (Body one first!) as you please.

A "cow name" of your choosing, defaulting to Mirabelle or Buttercup or "something like that" serves as the anchor for cow headspace and responses.

Samples below.

Pack contains:

Cowrupting Tentacles - Body Trace: 30:12
Cowrupting Tentacles - Play Time: 25:09

This is a Reward audio available on request from the Patreon.

55+ Minutes

Give Up And Moo

Teasing. Bullying. Terms of familiarity. Puns. Lactation. Bulying you over how easily you climax for your big milky tits. Jill-off-instructions for the advanced cowgirls of the conditioned hypnotic world. Dominant, teasing, pointing out how you can't help but moo. Full version avail as reward file. Sample above. Has "got milk, pet" and fingersnaps repeatedly, some really good visual description, some tempting phrases to replay later.

When you inevitably fail the "don't let a single drop of milk out" challenge, I move to the "Well can you have an orgasm without touching or thinking about your tits, without having a lactating cowgirlgasm?" And naw prolly not.


Shared HFO - My Pussy Controls Me So Much

This is two different audios totalling 120+ minutes. In both, I do a fairly standard progressive relaxation/rapport induction while dropping myself as I go, and invite you to come together with me. Both start sweet, go fairly dominant. Recorded this live in an ad-libbed go that also included a cock-based version which I am still editing and should post soon.

Includes: "Good pussy!", progressive relaxation, massage, "My pussy controls me so much", "I cannot resist hypnotic trance", night night, deeper and deeper down, honey-brain suggestion, Overflowing climax suggestion, bondage themes, allows you optionally to touch yourself if you enjoy that more than the hands-free option.

Sample below.

Available as a Reward request.

Full version is 120+ minutes long across 2 files. There was going to be a backing track and layers but they got corrupted and I was too disheatened to recreate them. Maybe next time.

120+ Minutes

Pussy Plug Possession - Soul Suction

You should have a pussy plug ready for insertion or begin the audio with it in. Something which vibrates can be quite fun in this context, but it should sit securely within. The kind of thing you could put clothes over and hold it within.
Some confusion induction, some storytelling, some good beguiling "come onnn, don't you wanna?" style suggestion. Taking out your plug drags your mind and drive with it, leaving you suggestible and empty - so make yourself a list of things to do, before pulling it out, and perform those tasks blankly with the re-insertion as your reward, if you like. I know I do.


Helia - Hot Sauna Cold Plunge (Pussy Version)

The game is simple. The sexy Salamander will take you into a hot sauna, where the two of you may tease each other freely. After one of you can no longer stand the heat, you will slide into tubs of cold water and whoever lasts the longest wins. Orgasm or surrender loses you the game. In a small portable sauna together, you seem to have the upper hand until she begins licking you.

How much fun you have depends entirely on how long you last. In this one, you don't even make it to the cold plunge...

After your orgasm, the muscled berserker carries you to the shower and promises you can try again in round 2 sometime soon.


Succubus Temptation 3 - Magically Knocked Up

Long intimate psychadelic hypnotic deepener paired to an impregnation file where a succubus with a cock "fucks" her magical potential, intimately, into the listener, who is an initiate, a student of her occult ways. General astral projection/energy drain and transference vibes. Idea of storing/crystallizing a moment, as in amber.

Originally created as a custom piece, I figured this kind of intimate fucking-energy-into-you session might of general interest as well. The succubus described has a t-dick, and the impreg part is part of a magical ritual/magical corruption narrative. Draw a sigil of choice, and imagine one of your choice for hers, and maybe do some fun body writing beforehand or otherwise prepare the offering sensually.

Assumes listener has a pussy and is comfortable thinking of being knocked up/impregnated. Follows on from other succubus temptation content. Plays well with feminization content.

60 Minutes

Got Milk - Heavy Cream

This is a sequel of Got Milk which focuses on a big milky belly. Pregnancy themes, but idea of being milked longer and mind emptied easier, using milky belly as reservoir.

Created as a result of eSuccubus Fantasy patreon specifically.


Edge Your Pussy 2 - Edging, Gooning, Ruining

A simple corruption themed file that works well with the Brain Drain series. The listener’s pussy becomes the focus of ever increasing edging, masturbation, porn viewing, and hungering for pleasure. You surrender to your pussy for the pleasure it gives you and your submission is just one more avenue to pleasure. Dominant on my part, and includes temptation and the promise of more. This is an enhanced remake of an older file. Masturbation during is encouraged, and masturbation after (whenever it is safe), would serve to reinforce. Some slightly ominous/corruption themed talk throughout.

This is a tease and denial file defining a few terms I use in other tease and denial work: edging, gooning, and ruining. These terms are often used to refer to penis-based pleasure, but pussies can be subject to all three as well.

Unique physical, anatomical, and visualization descriptions tailored for pussy-centric pleasure are included.

This file does not end in orgasm, but rather in a hungry empty edging as one masturbates. You might of course orgasm on your own schedule and in your own way, but it isn’t instructed during this file and it is in fact counterproductive to the specific topics. I discuss the strategic viewing of porn to heighten pleasure, and continuous masturbatory edging as habit forming. Be aware.

This audio is best listened to when you are already very deep. Burying it in a playlist or placing an induction before it will help to emphasize the slow, dreamlike quality and the instructions throughout. This is a long and intense piece including instructions to edge, to fantasize (and to later seek out porn to watch while edging), and eventually to ruin or come close to ruining an orgasm. This leads well into other denial training and may leave you with an empty wet hunger, but it doesn’t instruct chastity, so you can use this as a primer and then go into your next sexual encounter very edged and hungry for release.

That said, the temptation of carrying on seeking to avoid release and build up arousal instead can go on for a very long time...

Very long and leisurely. Can you make it to the end without coming? Can you come so many times you lose track? You choose your goal, but the result is likely to include some habit forming behaviours.


Kitsune's Pet 3 - Bound and Trained

Transformation into a female fox-morph and then subjugation as a many-tailed fox spirit's pet. The kitsune intends to bring you home, but first comes trickery, transformation, and the implication that the spell cast on you will slowly bring you to your knees as her new pet. She brought you back to her manor. Your training continues.

You awaken bound to a bondage device where you are free to grind your pussy and clit upon it. In fact you are already compulsively doing so with the help of her familiar. Much petting, encouragement, and gentle brainwashing follows to turn you into her ideal pet, trained to worship her pussy, follow in her footsteps, and eagerly kneel while sexual pleasure overtakes you for her enjoyment.

Created as part of the eSuccubus Fantasy patreon.


Shock and Say Ahh 2 - Milked Empty

The catgirl dominatrix from Shock and Say Ahh is back, with devious plans to turn the listener into a factory for creating be-cocked catgirl slaves.

This process involves transforming the listener's body, adding a cock, balls, heavy milk-laden breasts as well. Starting state assumes you have a pussy and breasts.

Device and predicament bondage, self-sucking, and increasing mindlessness as a villainous woman taunts your desperation to get off accompanies mild themes of instinctual helplessness and a self boobjob. Eventually you are little more than a machine in her grasp, knowing the psychotropic fluids from the multiple loads of cum you have let off will be harvested, in addition to being fed to you to lull you into compliance.

Created as part of the eSuccubus Fantasy side of things.

43 Minutes

Instructions for Good Girls

  • During a live session, a listener wanted instructions incorporating my trigger pieces and general masturbation instructions for her.
  • Dominant and encouraging. May not be for everyone, but give it a try.
  • Refers to listeners as "pet" and "Good girl" in places.
  • Employs nested deepeners prior to the instructions proper.
  • Instructions for clitoral masturbation and teasing. Use a vibe if you want. Instructs use of fingers.
  • "Faster, pet. Feel your mind leaking out, drooling and painting your fingers and inner thighs...."
  • That kind of thing.


Unlike the original emptiness, this version is part of a coherent fantasy narrative set in an estate that exists behind mirrors. This version is gender neutral, but specifically mentions a vagina and clitoris. This version was made for an FTM listener and friend but it is suitable for anyone with the correct genitals for its wording.

The listener is confronted with a horny, empty, aroused version of themselves who looks at them from behind a mirror, daring them to fill their dripping sex and to give in to an overall feeling of "emptiness" which will haunt and drive their days, leading to increased masturbation when there is spare time to fill oneself, and a general sense of wishing to pass that arousal on to others. Like all Mirror Estate files, there are implied amnesia suggestions for those who like them.

The Mirror Estate files will all connect together to describe a coherent, self-contained world within the series. There will be files for all gender identities and genital descriptions, throughout the series. This is basically a way for me to write about concepts and fun fantasies that don't much fit anywhere else.


Shivering and Wet

  • The seasonal chill becomes synonymous with restraint from arousal.
  • Heat, the process of warming your body when you come into the heat, becomes linked to horny desire.
  • When chilly air leaves your body, restraint from arousal goes with it, turning the now-warm listener on.
  • Aroused, craving pleasure, losing oneself in it when safe after returning from the chill.
  • For listeners with vaginas.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe a bit turned on after shoveling the walk out in the cold.
23 Minutes

Pussy Plug Possession - The Clitbrain Corruption

For pussy-havers - the plug you're wearing has recruited your clit in its campaign to turn you into an efficient, but compulsively masturbating plaything for your own sex toy and its urges. Your clit, its conditioning, and the plug's control over you are cemented and enhanced through a regimen of edging and masturbation.
A sequel to the other Pussy Plug Possession files: Edging Always Eventually and What's In A Thought?

30 Minutes

Pussy Plug Possession - Upload/Download

The influence of the plug which seemed to be the origin of your corruption, is in fact coming from your own mind. This means you can pleasure yourself with other toys and enjoy them while still receiving its influence. Those toys may even be gradually entered by the same influence, downloading into them. The presence in question will use everything in its power to get you riding toys and fucking your mind out. Similar corruption themes and being controlled by your pussy/clit.

31 Minutes

Loopable Pussy Plug Corruption - Automatically Driven

A piece which works with the other Pussy Plug Possession audios. While you have a pussy plug in, you will automatically carry out your tasks so you can get back to masturbating and edging - aided the whole while by the whispering intentions of your sexy toy turning you into an even sexier toy.


Pussy Plug Possession - Edging Always Eventually

This interacts well with the prior Pussy Plug Possession content as your clit and pussy agree you should be plugged and getting closer and closer to limitless arousal. You can get everything you need done, and that's even encouraged, but once your day's tasks are done... time to touch, edge, condition your mind.

A loopable message from your clit and a plug you're using, which will have you edging for productivity and improvement as you pursue the far reaches of sensation. Corruption theme. have a pussy plug and be ready to tease yourself.

15 Minutes

Chronicle of the Unbound - Unexpected Gifts

You are an Amazon, a creature of power and potential. Your pheromones lure in the aroused and interested. Your will is manifested in the world around you. You love to read, you love to improve yourself.

Fortunately, there are no humans at the library today to get caught in your influence. Except one is, and one did, and she is not quite what she seems...

A story of denial and submission to a seductive raven-haired woman, her body adorned with tattoos and her heart filled with a true thirst for knowledge.

May benefit from the Getting Into Character - Studious Amazon file.

Assumes vagina/breasts on the listener's part. Sexual content is entirely woman-woman.

40 Minutes

Triggered Cowgirl Transformation

  • Large-breasted milky submissive cowgirl transformation.
  • Detailed transformation piece about leaving own body behind in favor of another.
  • This file goes best with the Relaxing Sands induction, which was made for it.
  • File mentions a leather collar with a bell attached, so wear it if you have one.
  • Does not reference original body state, so gender neutral as to start.
  • Final described form features breasts and dripping pussy.
  • Lingering Effects? Triggered return to this state when your trigger is heard, based on cowgirl name chosen during file. Pick yours now. I like "Mirabelle".

Mirabelle files exist elsewhere on the site as well, which is a potential side benefit of choosing that phrase.

This audio was improved in October 2024 from its original form: it has been enhanced as to both content and audio quality.



The Farm (Best)

A little mental journey to a special milking room for all your cow triggers to be used, for a handler to grope and train you, and for you to drink deeply of good-cow vibes. Subby pet-play, big boobs, lactation, feminization. Assumes pussy and breasts. Says "good girl" at various points.

Interacts with brain drain, mental muzzle, night night, and all cow files on this site.


Elven Wrapping

A winter fantasy, wrapped tight in the covers and subjected to a visitor with an agenda. Unwrap her? No, this is about wrapping you.

Tuck yourself in bed on a cold night, with the blankets right around you, then listen to this.

This is a body file, use it with your favorite induction. It is otherwise loopable and ends with a phrase that leads well into the start of this file so you can put it on repeat post-induction or put multiple copies in a row on a playlist.

Someone joins you in bed for a Christmas surprise. Special bonus for those who have a choker to wear afterward. File is made with those with vaginas and breasts in mind. A file for those with penises will be coming out after the holidays (Elven Unwrapping). About 20 minutes long, very tantalizing, you'll probably wanna get off afterward, maybe with a partner~ Hope people like it. A bonus little bit of conditioning is included for those who own festive chokers and similar neckwear, by the way.

Happy holidays!

19 Minutes

Canine Peppers - Heat

  • Another Canine Pepper add-on.
  • Eaten too many, consumed by an animalistic heat.
  • Slight canine-feature transformation theme.
  • Arousal, general instinctive need and enjoyment.
  • For listeners with vaginas. Masturbation theme.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe a desire to have fun with a partner after, or a need to climax by your own devices.

Lazy Succubus - Novelty

When you summon the lazy succubus and she sees a woman has called her, she is surprised enough by the novelty of the situation to actually give you her full attention.

The pleasurable and draining use of your body, and coupling with hers, does come with the promise she'll just return whenever she wants to.

Originally created for the Moonlit Hypnosis Project

Length: 21 Minutes

Kitsune's New Pet 1

Transformation into a female fox-morph and then subjugation as a many-tailed fox spirit's pet. The kitsune intends to bring you home, but first comes trickery, transformation, and the implication that the spell cast on you will slowly bring you to your knees as her new pet.

Pet play and dominance themes. For pussy-having listeners or those who are fine with transformation toward that theme.

Chronicle of the Unbound - Not Until You Know

Linoa, the mysterious woman you brought home, has begun bringing you incredible sexual pleasure nightly. Her methods, however, do not include orgasm. In fact the pressure point massages which remove tension from your muscles push your climax further and further away...

Your powerful body and pheromone influence are no match for her charms.

The days blur together in a spiral of carnal delights, and you grow more and more captivated with her body. Her breasts, her pussy, her ass, her feet, every inch of her tattooed body captivates and draws you in. One day you ask to inspect her in detail and draw her...

An action which sets a chain of events in motion with unpredictable results.

Denial, submission, and mischievous seduction are featured.

Builds well on the other files in the series.


Dark Night - Breeder Bitch Blessing

Discovering a mysterious pumpkin and its very phallic stem, the listener finds themselves mesmerized.
Slipping it inside of your pussy, you feel the pumpkin begin to take over, fucking, claiming, using as the vines and tendrils of this corrupted space stimulate you together.
After a powerful climax and some spurting, Fera stands over you: goddess of the primal hunt.
Your lust and fertility is rewarded with more of the same.
For listeners with wet dripping pussies in need of fucking.

Length: 34 Minutes


Flahne - Get Eaten Out

When you first land on the world Mhen'ga on the edge of civilized space, there is a customs port. The one woman army who staffs the desks here is a gorgeous loo-rahn named Flahne. Her species are somewhat gelatinous, thought their shapes are less malleable than galotians. She is amber in color and massively curvy. She keeps extra mass on her form intentionally consuming so much sugar that her saliva and sexual fluids are in fact sweet. The additions to her form include huge tits and a rockin' backside to match. She's practically spilling out of her unbuttoned top and too-tight skirt, and more than happy to have you peel her out of it as long as the two of you can close the privacy shades first.

She adores sexual fluids of any kind, and treats your soaked pussy as a sweet treat, just as you would hers...

She's also happy to tell you about her species and rewards good conversationalists who take an interest, with future fun.

Based on characters and setting from Fenoxo's Trials in Tainted Space, with permission.

Script by Elena.


Underfoot - Sympathy, Submission, and Masturbation

Instructions to masturbate while falling ever deeper into a growing foot fetish. Frames desire for, and delight in, pleasure from my feet as just a normal type of connection and comfort between us.

Over time, as you masturbate and I do the same, you arrive at a climax which embeds the fetish deeper including a trance anchor for next time.

This is the version of these masturbation instructions for listeners with pussies

Works well with the Enfetishization Induction as it is meant to heighten and persuade regarding an increasing foot fetish.


Kitsune's Pet 2 - Your New Place

Transformation into a female fox-morph and then subjugation as a many-tailed fox spirit's pet. The kitsune intends to bring you home, but first comes trickery, transformation, and the implication that the spell cast on you will slowly bring you to your knees as her new pet. She brought you back to her manor. Your free night is over. Now your training begins.

Made to kneel on the floor of a ballroom, she instructs you on your fate and your coming purpose, while teasing sexually but not granting fulfillment to your very aroused body.

Continued implication of training into a pet. Collaring. Knee pads. Kneeling. Following her. Some very light foot play themes as an overture to possible future content. Some tender moments.

Created as part of the Moonlit Hypnosis Project. This file is available here as a Reward file or on Moonlit as a Vault file.

Length: 25 Minutes


Dominika - Corrupt Fluid Harvesting (F4F Version)

An alternative take where you get along with Dominika better, as opposed to the light humiliation of Trance In The Bar.

You are taken home by a beautiful woman you meet in a bar. She has an interest in hypnosis and mind control too, and the two of you hit it off. She asks if she can "place her mouth on your genitals".

A strange description for oral sex. Perhaps that fits, as it turns out to be a very strange cunnilingus session.

Drained, emptied, seeing strange visions amidst the phenomenal pleasure of her worshipful sucking and swallowing. You awaken in the lobby of the boarding house she's staying in, completely clothed and with some interesting memories.



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