Triggered Cowgirl Transformation

Cowrupting Tentacles - Body Trace and Playtime

This is a cowgirl (sensitive nipples, submission, lactation, some curves) themed pair of tentacle-corruption-submission pieces using my various triggers and concepts to their fullest. It is split into a body part, similar to Triggered Cowgirl Transformation, and a play part similar to the Devotion or The Farm files.

A nipple-based toy, and any insertable or suckable toys you like, can be helpful during the "Play" file. Place these in playlists, listen stand-alone, or chain them back to back (Body one first!) as you please.

A "cow name" of your choosing, defaulting to Mirabelle or Buttercup or "something like that" serves as the anchor for cow headspace and responses.

Samples below.

Pack contains:

Cowrupting Tentacles - Body Trace: 30:12
Cowrupting Tentacles - Play Time: 25:09

This is a Reward audio available on request from the Patreon.

55+ Minutes

Triggered Cowgirl Transformation

  • Large-breasted milky submissive cowgirl transformation.
  • Detailed transformation piece about leaving own body behind in favor of another.
  • This file goes best with the Relaxing Sands induction, which was made for it.
  • File mentions a leather collar with a bell attached, so wear it if you have one.
  • Does not reference original body state, so gender neutral as to start.
  • Final described form features breasts and dripping pussy.
  • Lingering Effects? Triggered return to this state when your trigger is heard, based on cowgirl name chosen during file. Pick yours now. I like "Mirabelle".

Mirabelle files exist elsewhere on the site as well, which is a potential side benefit of choosing that phrase.

This audio was improved in October 2024 from its original form: it has been enhanced as to both content and audio quality.



The Farm (Best)

A little mental journey to a special milking room for all your cow triggers to be used, for a handler to grope and train you, and for you to drink deeply of good-cow vibes. Subby pet-play, big boobs, lactation, feminization. Assumes pussy and breasts. Says "good girl" at various points.

Interacts with brain drain, mental muzzle, night night, and all cow files on this site.

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