Cerulean Potion

Cerulean Succubus Summoning

A lactating succubus who convinces you to drink a "potion" which contains her aphrodisiac nectar, and then uses her breasts to further arouse you before milking your cock - first with her pussy, and then with her tail's sleeve-like tip. Sequels in the works.

Succubus, Fantasy, Aphrodisiac, Lactation, Assumes Penis-Having Listener

This extra release was made possible by the Fantasy Patreon specifically


Cerulean Succubus Encounter

  • File assumes listener has penis.
  • Long, detailed. Arousal and drinking-from-her-lactating-breasts themes.
  • Exposure to said semen could form a habit of stimulating masturbation.
  • Lingering suggestion one might wish to return.
  • File is loopable so you could listen again and again in a row, if you dare.
  • It is, after all, very long and intense.
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