
Sleepy Hucow Pack

Simple milk-minded cow-focused pieces including countdowns to sleep, a loopable this-fetish-makes-you-sleepy piece, and a "your nipples have a wave of sleep behind them, stimulate them at your pleasure-peril" one for those of you who want something titillating on the edge of dream.Tracks:

1) Pillow Pressure - (20 minute, a big wave of sleepy pleasure is just waiting for you to provoke it by touching the right/wrong sensitive spot)

2) Cow Signal - Warm Milk Mind Loop Available to Backers in the Backer Folder as a bonus!
(23 minute loopable cow-content-is-allowed-to-help-you-sleep piece which is permissive and confidence building)

3) Cow Signal - Waiting Makes It Worse (arousing variant of the above content with encouragement to fall asleep after)

4) Warm Milk Cowntdown (Available as sample below) - a 15 minute countdown from 100 to 0 with permission to drift off and encouragement to link soothing concepts to the process.

Full pack available as a Reward.


Cowrupting Tentacles - Body Trace and Playtime

This is a cowgirl (sensitive nipples, submission, lactation, some curves) themed pair of tentacle-corruption-submission pieces using my various triggers and concepts to their fullest. It is split into a body part, similar to Triggered Cowgirl Transformation, and a play part similar to the Devotion or The Farm files.

A nipple-based toy, and any insertable or suckable toys you like, can be helpful during the "Play" file. Place these in playlists, listen stand-alone, or chain them back to back (Body one first!) as you please.

A "cow name" of your choosing, defaulting to Mirabelle or Buttercup or "something like that" serves as the anchor for cow headspace and responses.

Samples below.

Pack contains:

Cowrupting Tentacles - Body Trace: 30:12
Cowrupting Tentacles - Play Time: 25:09

This is a Reward audio available on request from the Patreon.

55+ Minutes

Ode To Good Moos

Trigger-laden masturbatory cow-corruption. This uses all my existing cow themed triggers. Lots of countdowns, milky-tits-steal-your-brain-all-day kind of vibe.

No specific body part reference other than tits. Got Milk, pointed, brain drain, and more.

30+ Minutes

Cow Factory - Instinct, Mechanism, Training

Different approaches to *why* you're a lactating, helplessly masturbating cowgirl with a craving to be better and better at cow headspace. Suits any playlist, works with the same concepts as the other recent cow audio like Moo For Me, and Cow Tits Must Moo.

They're all the same in induction and ending, only varying in the specific nature of the suggestions you are touching to. All 3 are in the backer folder already.

3 files, 30+ mins each, same induction

Moo For Me

Assumes boobs. "Good girl" and "good cowgirl" throughout.

The trigger "moo for me" paired with touching your breasts, to reinforce doing it on command for those you deem worthy to make, you, moo.

This is the kind of thing I like, so I make myself moo quite thoroughly and hope it provokes those of you for whom that is a sexy accompaniment to lactation and hucow thoughts.

Countdown, rapidfire, confusion, the seed of cowruption. Idea your boobs store moos in addition to the lactation and frequently lets bubbles buoy up to your brain and induce involuntary moos. Producing moos and milk, no wonder your body is so lazy drowsy deep. Also uses rapport/the idea I am deep and relaxed so maybe you could join me.

Recorded in an echoey closet while there was company in the house, sorry about that part but I think it was sexy anyway.


Give Up And Moo

Teasing. Bullying. Terms of familiarity. Puns. Lactation. Bulying you over how easily you climax for your big milky tits. Jill-off-instructions for the advanced cowgirls of the conditioned hypnotic world. Dominant, teasing, pointing out how you can't help but moo. Full version avail as reward file. Sample above. Has "got milk, pet" and fingersnaps repeatedly, some really good visual description, some tempting phrases to replay later.

When you inevitably fail the "don't let a single drop of milk out" challenge, I move to the "Well can you have an orgasm without touching or thinking about your tits, without having a lactating cowgirlgasm?" And naw prolly not.


Got Milk - Heavy Cream

This is a sequel of Got Milk which focuses on a big milky belly. Pregnancy themes, but idea of being milked longer and mind emptied easier, using milky belly as reservoir.

Created as a result of eSuccubus Fantasy patreon specifically.


Getting Into Character - Cowgirl

Truly getting into cowgirl character includes a breast-focused sensuality and the habit to see milking your breasts as the highest sexual pleasure. Mooing, a love of milkers, and seeking pleasure from milking throughout the day are all discussed along with docility as your thoughts are converted into milk to fill your bouncing breasts.

Once you are into character, an included daily assignment related to breast care might help underpin the reminders.


Mirabelle Lessons 3-7 - 'Ideal' 'Heavy Breasts' 'Body' 'Mind' 'Breast Obsession'

A series of simple loopable pieces of training and mantras which reinforce elements key to the Mirabelle series of feminine succubus seed breast centric files.

This is another piece in the Feminine Succubus Seed series. Worship of your own growing breasts, and of mine. A feeling of general submission. Soft large-breasted mentality. The internal idol, the idea of "Mirabelle", a feminine transformative manifestation of your desire to be controlled by both your own breasts and mine. These all work with the rest of the feminine succubus seed series, and the five interlaced lessons are made for times when you need a refresher course to reinforce. Lesson 3, "Ideal", is entirely available below, to get you started.

30 Minutes total

Nipple Pumping Visualization

A simple lactation induction loop, for when you're pumping and/or massaging your nipples. Encouragement, positivity, visualization, and you can put it on repeat until you're done for my reassuring voice accompanying your work.

10 Minutes

Triggered Cowgirl Transformation 2 - Nips

A nipple-centric enhanced supplement for Triggered Cowgirl Transformation 1 which can be found here.

When you hear your trigger - a cowgirl name you choose, I like Mirabelle, or Buttercup, or Daisy for example - your cowgirl form is there, with warm milky tits and confident feminine visualization. This version is genital-agnostic and stands alone as well, focusing on nipples and avoiding typical "large breasts" language for those who enjoy that. Created on request.



Triggered Cowgirl Transformation

  • Large-breasted milky submissive cowgirl transformation.
  • Detailed transformation piece about leaving own body behind in favor of another.
  • This file goes best with the Relaxing Sands induction, which was made for it.
  • File mentions a leather collar with a bell attached, so wear it if you have one.
  • Does not reference original body state, so gender neutral as to start.
  • Final described form features breasts and dripping pussy.
  • Lingering Effects? Triggered return to this state when your trigger is heard, based on cowgirl name chosen during file. Pick yours now. I like "Mirabelle".

Mirabelle files exist elsewhere on the site as well, which is a potential side benefit of choosing that phrase.

This audio was improved in October 2024 from its original form: it has been enhanced as to both content and audio quality.



The Farm (Best)

A little mental journey to a special milking room for all your cow triggers to be used, for a handler to grope and train you, and for you to drink deeply of good-cow vibes. Subby pet-play, big boobs, lactation, feminization. Assumes pussy and breasts. Says "good girl" at various points.

Interacts with brain drain, mental muzzle, night night, and all cow files on this site.


Just A Little More - Got Milk? 2

The temptation to go just a little further, just a little deeper, is very great. This is especially true when you visualize your big milk-filled breasts weighing your very mind down and making more milk out of your spare thoughts.

This is an expansion to the Got Milk? theme from the first file in this series.

Perhaps you will stop after this one, or maybe you will go onward to the third instalment - and the fourth and fifth as they appear.

Be careful how much you let into your mind. After this second one, I won't be holding back.

But relax, the most you'll find here is some soothing cowgirl thoughts. Mindless mooing cowgirl breasts, the desire to have your huge tits massaged and milked dry as your thoughts turn into more milk to supply the empty orgasmic flow. That is what awaits.

30 Minutes

Got Milk (Best)

A breast and lactation themed trigger file. When "Got milk, pet?" is said, it is a reminder to the listener that they should enter into docile, large-breasted cowgirl mindlessness, and milk themselves if able. This file ties in with other ones like The Farm, Pointed, and Bounce! and uses some of the triggers from them.

This version has no induction or awakener, so you can pick your favorite, or loop it on its own. Some confusion and fractionation.

Includes feminine body and genitalia transformation themes. It doesn't care where your body starts and has a transformation theme. The track calls the listener a "cowgirl".


Memory Stone - Milking Farm 3

Your handler brings you from your room to a special body modification suite. It's been days since anyone milked your huge lactating breasts. Or even touched them. You need a machine to get you emptied and induce the spectacular milkgasms your cowgirl body craves...

She brings you to climax as the milker enhances and empties your breasts and mind while you're tied down and enjoying a flood of pleasure.

41 Minutes

Just A Little More - Got Milk? 1

The temptation to go just a little further, just a little deeper, is very great. This is especially true when you visualize your big milk-filled breasts weighing your very mind down and making more milk out of your spare thoughts.

Get comfortable, combine this with the "You Sure?" induction, and settle in for an introductory journey.

Perhaps you will stop after this one, or maybe you will go onward to the second instalment - and the third, the fourth, the fifth as they appear.

Be careful how much you let into your mind. After about the second one, I won't be holding back.

But relax, the most you'll find here is some soothing cowgirl thoughts.

Make sure to check out the other 'Just A Little More' series files.


Got Milk 2

Some people want more than just mental change. Yet, the regimen to make change - pumping your nipples, pumping the entire breast with a vacuum pump carefully each day, applying a milker, massaging the breasts and moisturizing to induce softness - can be difficult to adhere to. Maybe you need a reminder. Maybe you need some help.

A dominant reminder which works alongside the content from Got Milk, and encourages practices aimed at softer bigger boobs.


Milk Farm Side Stories 1 - Turnabout

You have completed your transformation into a milky cowgirl. freed from your collar, you are allowed to roam freely, and it's a day off for everyone at the vast body modification and milk harvesting facility. pretty much everyone is aroused most of the time, but the regimented days of the facility keep them busy. But today, your graduation, you can roam... and the first person you turn your seductive and confident attentions to is your handler. A passing cowgirl is also snared into the fun. When you're done with them, you go off to find who else would like to play. Perhaps someone in the baths?

A three part sequential sexual fantasy using the mantras, repetitions, and themes from the other Milk Farm files.


Memory Stone - Milking Farm 2

A continuation of the prior Milk Farm file.

You are found by your handler just where you have spent the last several hours: standing in a corner touching your breasts and masturbating. She takes you in for a checkup to see how the body modifications have taken, and ends up milking you while she stimulates you in other ways. You reflect on the increasing docility: full breasts, empty mind. Your lactating tits are emptied and you know the next day will bring more and exciting pleasures with the common joy of your breasts being your main sexual focus and the subject of your Handler's desire as well.

File uses "good girl" and "cowgirl" referents for listener.

30 Minutes

Milk Farm - Good Cowgirl Reinforcement Loop

A loopable positive reinforcement piece. Good cowgirls are blank, empty, docile, milked, obedient, and so on. General submission + breast and lactation themes. Put it on repeat or play it behind your cowgirl file of choice.


Cowgirl Motivation and Reassurance

Much cowgirl material has problematic elements you might want to ignore or discard.

This reassuring track helps you to imagine a perfect image of the cowgirl life and form you would like.

When you imagine this form, any training you seek out which conflicts with it can be ignored, but that which connects to it is more powerful.

A reassuring reminder that it is not only okay to blaze your own path: it is more effective.


Cow Tits - Mooful Loop

This is a simple loop which uses the "Got Milk" trigger phrase just once, but I think uses it well. Loopable, encourages self-stimulation and verbal mooing.

Assumes breasts, cowgirl language.


Just A Little More - Got Milk 3: So Big

This is an expansion to the Got Milk? theme from the second file in this series.

Continuation of the "Just A Little More" series. Each file becomes more intense, chain them into a playlist for an escalating experience.

This file fixates on the Got Milk line of thinking - large breasts full of milk that slowly drain your mind and take up more and more of its space. As you wish to make them the center of your sexual awareness, you will become more and more fixated and docile.

The temptation to go just a little further, just a little deeper, is very great. This is especially true when you visualize your big milk-filled breasts weighing your very mind down and making more milk out of your spare thoughts.

Perhaps you will stop after this one, or maybe you will go onward to the fourth instalment...

Be careful how much you let into your mind. After the second one, I'm not holding back.

But relax, the most you'll find here is some soothing cowgirl thoughts. Mindless mooing cowgirl breasts, the desire to have your huge tits massaged and milked dry as your thoughts turn into more milk to supply the empty orgasmic flow. That is what awaits.


A Cowgirl's Bell - Clarion Call

Intensely adding to the existing work of A Cowgirl's Bell, Clarion Call adds a stronger large-breasted self-pleasuring response to hearing a bell in safety, especially from one's own collar. Confusion, resistance play, powerful cowgirl programming, and arousing mindless blankness are all involved. Night Night and Brain Drain triggers are invoked, as well as Got Milk, Pointed, and other cowgirl audios.
Intense submission elements and submitting to your handler/domme are also discussed.

Length: 30 Minutes

A Cowgirl's Bell 2021

Follow-up to the Getting Into Character - Cowgirl pack. Wearing a bell on a collar, hearing a bell ringing, anywhere it happens - that sound becomes a trigger to think about your heavy breasts and cowgirl mindlessness. Maybe a partner will use a ringing bell as a trigger, or you will get a collar and hang a bell from it so you will be stimulated and reminded of your status wherever you go. Whatever the cause of your regular exposure to the sound, even if you just happen across it, the invitation and encouragement in this file will have your heavy breasts weighing your down and your empty mind turning to the next time you can take in some cowgirl training. Includes intense meditation upon and fascination with your own breasts.

- Length: 20 Minutes

Length: 20 Minutes

Just A Little More - Got Milk 4: Pumped Dry

This is an expansion to the Got Milk? theme from the third file in this series.

Continuation of the "Just A Little More" series. Each file becomes more intense, chain them into a playlist for an escalating experience.

This file fixates on the Got Milk line of thinking - specifically milking your large breasts dry using a machine or suction cup to empty your mind and induce an orgasmic flood of docility.

The temptation to go just a little further, just a little deeper, is very great. This is especially true when you visualize your big milk-filled breasts weighing your very mind down and making more milk out of your spare thoughts.

Perhaps you will stop after this one, or maybe you will go onward to the final instalment...

Be careful how much you let into your mind. After the second one, I don't hold back.

But relax, the most you'll find here is some soothing cowgirl thoughts. Mindless mooing cowgirl breasts, the desire to have your huge tits massaged and milked dry as your thoughts turn into more milk to supply the empty orgasmic flow. That is what awaits...

Make sure to check out the other 'Just A Little More' series files.

File Length: 10 Minutes

The Only Way Out Is Moo

You enter a strange facility which gauges the ideal relaxing transformative scenario for you based on an analysis of your personality.

For you, it produces a cow stall complete with automated technological milking bench, and a screen that is more than it seems.

Comes with a reinforcement piece which implies the hidden "signal" of that place following you and making transformation into a horny milk-giving cow easier.

You will exist in the pump of your breasts, the emptying of your head, and genital stimulation designed to help you lean into the subconscious prompts to seek docility and absorb yourself into a new way of being. Do you ever really leave your stall at the end, or is the signal still drumming into your mind?

Penis-haver and Pussy-haver versions both available.

Sample is the Signal Reinforcement track which is gender and genital neutral.

One reward pledge gets you both versions.

Length: 30+ Minutes Each

Milked Into Mooing

Breast-focused mooing and submission track with a theme of absolute mindlessness.

There is a pun-filled loopable tease and reinforcement track with it.

Length: 31 Minutes

The Only Thing Left Is Moo

When you listen, you will be slowly stripped of everything but the word "moo" by the end, lost in coruption, desire, and delight in me. When it is done, the playlist can continue into any cowgirl file quite handily.

Gender neutral. Mentions breasts. Periodic fractionation, cooling down into simpler thoughts gradually, drops you at the end in prep for further transformation or conditioning.

Length: 30 Minutes


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