Succubus Harem Series

Succubus Harem - Mental Mansion

There are many Succubus files on this site, the concept being a manifestation of fantasy and fetish which teases and torments in accordance with pre-existing triggers and dispositions. A kind of mental narrative fed by your fantasizing about it. The Arousal Succubus, Latex Succubus, and Feminization Succubus are all different for example, and operate differently. And many people will listen to more than one, and then find it difficult to keep all of the inclinations and ideas straight.

This file lays out a mental space, including rooms for each succubus, and is part of a network of files which will provide a framework for the addition of new fantasies to that mental locale, new succubi being created and "playing with" the listener. For now it is good for anyone who listens to more than one set of Succubus files. Goes well with irresistible as the induction.


Succubus Harem - Seductive Succubi

This file works with the other Succubus Harem files. This file is the sexual equivalent to Support Structure - discussing the general baseline habits of mental companions when it comes to their sexual interest in the listener. Drawn from one's own fantasies and fetishes, succubi anticipate and brush their hands across their "host", emerging from the summoning circle in the mental mansion which has served as metaphor for the subconscious mind.

30 Minutes

Succubus Harem - Reinforcement

This file reinforces all of the earlier content in the Succubus Harem Series. It draws on files such as Succubus Creation, Summoning Circle, Mental Mansion, and Support Structure

It includes a deepener to make sure the reinforcement is well presented, and it can be used as a lead-in to any of the other files in the series.


Succubus Harem - Support Structure

This file follows on from Succubus Harem - Mental Mansion and Succubus Harem - Summoning Circle files.

For those who enjoy listening to multiple Succubus files like the Latex Succubus and Arousal Succubus, there is the Succubus Harem series. Also good for those who ordered custom succubus themed files. Simple enough concept - internal visualization of a fetishistic feminine entity there to support and tease the listener. This one is about self-help things like motivation to adopt good habits, proper posture, and overall supportive encouraging reminders like backrubs and helping one get to sleep. Titillating concepts mixed in, but mostly non-erotic.

31 Minutes

Succubus Creation

There are many succubus series such as the Latex Succubus, and Feminine Succubus Seed. However, if these do not suit your needs, this addition to the Succubus Harem series of files is for meditating on your own externalization of certain fetishistic and self-improvement needs. A simple walkthrough for your own succubus, from the ground up. First, imagine the succubus in question- a dreamlike figure, envision name, meditate on her mannerisms, style of dress, interactions with any other succubi you've installed.

Something made from your own mind and thoughts will always be more satisfying, after all, though you may lack the ability to articulate what you should think about as accurately as some of the more descriptive succubus files. Give it a listen, think of it as an opportunity to externalize impulses normally kept solely internal, derive new perspective, and perhaps a new purring feminine voice in your ear.

This file makes reference to concepts from Mental Mansion and from Summoning Circle, so make sure you've tried those.


Succubus Harem - Transformation and Triggers

This file works with the other Succubus Harem files. It is a detailed transformation fantasy intended for listeners with penises. It incorporates a transformation fantasy including the addition of a second penis, a vagina, and highly sensitized skin. This file also goes into great detail about general transformative fantasies to be achieved alongside the conceptualized succubi in one's mental landscape.

Includes triggers to begin/end the play and general pro-transformative-play fantasy language.

52 Minutes

Succubus Harem - Propogation

This file follows on from Succubus Harem - Mental Mansion and Succubus Harem - Summoning Circle files.

For those who enjoy listening to multiple Succubus files like the Latex Succubus, Feminine Succubus Seed and Arousal Succubus, there is the Succubus Harem series. Also good for those who ordered custom succubus themed files. Simple enough concept - internal visualization of a fetishistic feminine entity there to support and tease the listener. This one is for those who want to listen to files intended for a sole succubus and have the training therein move through the network of internal visualizations. Simply envision each succubus as branded and interfaced with the others, so what one learns to do, the others learn. General visualization of the fantasy from the Mental Manse and Summoning Circle are also described herein.

21 Minutes

Succubus Harem - Safe and Private

This file follows on from Succubus Harem - Mental Mansion and Succubus Harem - Summoning Circle files.

For those who enjoy listening to multiple Succubus files like the Latex Succubus and Arousal Succubus, there is the Succubus Harem series. Also good for those who ordered custom succubus themed files. Simple enough concept - internal visualization of a fetishistic feminine entity there to support and tease the listener. This one is for those who get very in to the succubus theme and are concerned they may be too aroused by their internal assistants to focus, sometimes - or who simply want to confine succubus fantasies only to their private spaces while retaining the reminders and positive habit forming elements from Support Structure. Visualize each thing your succubi might do with you, categorize it as Everywhere, Semi-Private, or Private. Useful for those who are very literal when it comes to files like this.

15 Minutes

Succubus Harem - Summoning Circle

Follows on from Succubus Harem - Mental Mansion file.

Succubi arrive in your mind and get integrated into the harem, their identities branded with the symbol of the summoning circle at the heart of the mental mansion. The place you store those succubi, concepts and ideas linked to common fetishes and desires, cannot be seen while you're awake. But the courtyard of that manor, with its summoning symbol, is different. A place where they will arrive and be integrated, greeted, explore the manor. Also when you want to externalize a succubus, imagine calling her to the courtyard and then open your eyes, feel her flesh on yours, and so on.

This file is compatible with the arousal succubus, latex succubus, and feminine succubus files and is part of a free succubus harem series for those who want to integrate multiple succubi or invent file regimens for their own. This file should also flow well with succubus themed files from other artists.

21 Minutes

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