
Collective Unconscious - Profane Desires Induction and Aftershock Awakener

The Collective Unconscious series of files are all taken from live sessions or times when I was tired or out of it or otherwise just closing my eyes and letting words flow. They are experimental and a bit more raw than many other files.

This is an induction and an awakener, each with themes of corruption and erotic indulgence. The collective unconscious is the idea that everyone's minds are connected. I don't aspire that high, but by beginning and ending your session with this pair of files you can at least connect with me.

The induction begins with the premise that what we suppress ultimately controls us, and invites you to consider just letting certain urges out. The awakener focuses on an almost-orgasmic post-trance feeling.


Latex Mind Awakener

This addon is part of the Latex Succubus Series. It works with the Latex Bath inductions, where the listener's mind has drained away in the bath, separating and dividing the consciousness so both parts can be trained and directed.

Because your mind was absent, you might find thoughts between the induction and this awakener have fallen away and are inaccessible once you wake. Otherwise this is a fairly standard awakener involving a latex coccoon and the same themes as the other Latex Succubus files.

10 Minutes

Equilibrium Deepener and Awakener

A long deepener and a long awakener. Suitable for new listeners.
Stresses the balance between the societal conditioning of the waking world, and the level of generosity you ought to show to yourself when it comes to your hypnosis fetish and your desire for pliable brainwashing and conditioning.
The awakener for this is a very 'gentle' awakener and might leave you prone to drift back into trance.
A deepener goes between the induction and the main file(s), if you're using an induction. It can also stand on its own before any main file.
The awakener goes at the end to reinforce what came before and signal a clear end to the session.
Make a playlist, these work well if both used in the same playlist.

These files work well with the Beginner's Induction.

13 Minutes

A Warning About Words

This pack contains an induction, deepener, and awakener. Everything you need to add a spooky cautionary nature to a file.

Do you dive into things even more when you have been warned away from them? Do you like corruption, overwhelm, and fractionation?

Make a playlist. You can use the induction, the deepener, the awakener as components of a hypnotic playlist, any or all of them as you please.

Rapidfire, improvisational, and all tied together. Any of them can be looped on its own for various effects!


Sound of Sleep Induction and Awakener

  • Siren's Voice
  • Associate my voice with sleep and relaxation.
  • Words pass into your mind even if you are zoning out.
  • This is a set of two files, both induction and awakener.
  • Even if you fail to remember file contents, the words still exist in your mind.

Nothing More

A reverse psychology deepener where I highlight your rising up out of trance as so certain, so secure, so definite, it will obviously banish all trace of trance. All vision or element of being hypnotized will quickly go away, leaving you peaceful but wholly awake... right?

You can use this as an awakener, but it's far better as a deepener designed to trick you back down.

The script, as well as exclusive audios, can be found at Leanan Ivy's independent Patreon.


Determined Awakening

When you rise from trance, you don’t always know what to do, and it can be nice to drift, but sometimes you know you’ll have something to do after, and could use both permission and encouragement to take action right away. This audio sets an agenda and turns you loose upon it with a post-hypnotic instruction, designed to come at the end of playlists.

6 Minutes

Slow Awakener

To reinforce any given trigger which is included in a body file, this audio discusses awakening slowly enough that some of the hypnotic information stays in you, resides in the foreground of your mind as well as the background. Triggers will echo and repeat a little at the right times, and any grooves dug in your thoughts are pressed somewhat deeper by just the right wording as you awaken.

10 Minutes

Outside The Lines Awakener

An empowering awakener, which encourages you both to proceed with your day and to take a hungrier, more inviting approach to trance. As an awakener, it makes a nice end to a session - or if you're using a long looping playlist of all different files, you can include this for a little gentle fractionation.

Gender neutral, genital neutral, pure hypnotic, non-erotic. The inspiration for this piece was a binding circle - diagrams used to contain things, with some implication of mystic or deliberate intent, and the idea that when you go to leave I will pose the question, do you really want to? You only awaken from trance when you really want to, so maybe this will focus you on your reasons.

As this piece was ad-libbed there is no script available.

11 Minutes

Passive Latex Tendril Set

This is a set of a latex tentacle/suit themed induction, deepener, and awakener for use with latex files.

It describes a latex suit made of various tormenting and corrupting tendrils born from your own desire for ritual, routine, and deeper more interesting hypnosis.

The three files can be added to a playlist with other files, such as latex or transformation files, to make for a more latex-oriented experience throughout.

Gender neutral. Genital neutral. Arousal and obedience focused.

Originally created as part of the eSuccubus:Fantasy


Permissive Awakener

This long awakener is permissive - this means the choice is left up to the listener at the end, whether to wake up invigorated OR go to sleep immediately, moving from the relaxation of trance to the depths of sleep - whether normal full sleep, or just a drifty trance. This awakener uses simple, calming language of choice, discussing how since you prepared yourself to not be interrupted when you laid down to relax with the files before it, surely you can maybe afford a nap right now. And if you can, drifting off to sleep might be a good idea too. This goes well if you're listening in bed or before bed, or if you have a nap to take which fits your schedule.

Length: 9 Minutes

Quick Amnesia Instruction Awakener

Someone requested one of these. An extremely simple awakener with an amnesia instruction intended to be the awakener at the end of a long playlist of connected files. Very direct command-style awakener.

Just add it at the end of your playlist. Has implied dreamlike-forgetting and remember-if-you-need-to elements.

Length: 2 Minutes


Energy Exchange

Many of my files include a simple rapport element: I have spent energy creating this recording for you, and that energy was meant for you. Whether because it relaxes you or makes you feel more certain about your hypnofetishistic exploration, I want you to pick up that energy and use it yourself. I'm imagining you enjoying this. That amps me up. This is my way of returning the favor.

Instructions in this recording invite you to feel energized and capable, at least as capable and energetic as you were before you began listening. The concept is that it may counterract drowsy or inertial feelings post-trance.

This file is best used on a playlist after an intense section of a file, or a body file. It is not an awakener, but leads well into one. It also works excellently immediately before a file which will command some action on your part, like puppet or alert trance files.

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