
Tap Tap Tap

A simple triggered instruction from my set of files on the topic: When you tap a selected spot three times with intent, relax and savor, for a moment, time to breathe and feel trance wash over you. Worked into many of the various beginner and devotion files, as well as my preferred autohypnotic self-drop.


A Safe Escape - Intermediate Loop

This is an enhanced version of the existing "A Safe Escape" audio, specifically continuing on from the "Best" version listed there. Playing with more intense themes and the idea of a hypnotic "toolbox" for your future sessions.

Usefully edit your own experience and feel empowered to pause, resume, or edit, whether with me - or applying my work alongside other concepts you are training.

Long, soothing, corruptive loop.


Pantied Chastity 3

An extension of the earlier two, both of which are free and you should check out, so I attached them below.

Panty-triggered chastity and feminization. More of it.

Available as a Reward request at the Patreon.


Eternal Hardness Enhancement Pack

Its pretty good! An eternal hardness themed confusion, amnesia, enhancement, and jerk-off-instructions pack with some extras.

Eternal Hardness - Get Hard Confusion Amnesia and Resistance Loop (30:52)

Hardest Eternity (30:00)

Eternal Hardness - Enhancement (34:59)

Eternal Hardness - Fingersnap and Subtle Reinforcement JOI (15:42)

I do not give support for files with "eternal" in the name, enjoy the pack!

Throbbing, hard, craving, all the time.

So if that sounds like too much - try these:

The Stud Enhancements:

If you think these aren't QUITE as dire, conceptually, as Eternal Hardness... you're right!

You can have these for free just for checking out this post. They're attached below as "samples" since the vibes are similar but they're not as dire as the eternal content. They're a bit of cutting room floor from some of the remakes of stud content :D


Pointed (Best)

This re-imagined version of an old file puts together the breast-centric concepts from Self-Control: Breasts, Got Milk, The Farm, Breast Success, and Bounce! Containing triggers from many of those files and establishing some nipple-centered language of its own, this piece is for anyone who enjoys their breasts and wants to explore perking up and moooving forward with cowgirl themes and a discussion of submissive arousal. Good corruption/cow content overwhelm piece.

Pointedly drawn on by the mesmerizing points on the tips of your nips.

46 Minutes

Climax and Relaxation 2 - Keep It Comin

Corruption-centric followup to Climax and Relaxation which can be found here.

Playful lore-friendly corruptive climactic self-dropping. Climax at your own risk.

Come into trance when you come.

Trance into coming when you self-trigger.

Be persuaded to surrender to your own response when climax hits.


Warm Together (Best)

A pleasant couples file for snuggling down under the blankets and getting warm. Forget where the divide between one body and another is, and snuggle deep, warm, and sleepy for the season. Mild corruption theme. Cuddle puddling encouraged. Encourages self-dropping using any methods you have for that, while you rest.


Tap Tap Tap - Training

A trigger I often use myself and which is hopefully easy for you to train. Slightly dominant/BDSM inclined self-help and relaxation prompt featuring a soothing anchor state and a long deepener/induction mixed in. Some good phrasing in this.

The trigger? Tapping a spot you select (default is back of neck under your ear) with two fingers, three times. A simple reminder to relax and let any current stressors or useless information fall out of your mind in favor of focus. Good for play as well.


Cowrupting Tentacles - Body Trace and Playtime

This is a cowgirl (sensitive nipples, submission, lactation, some curves) themed pair of tentacle-corruption-submission pieces using my various triggers and concepts to their fullest. It is split into a body part, similar to Triggered Cowgirl Transformation, and a play part similar to the Devotion or The Farm files.

A nipple-based toy, and any insertable or suckable toys you like, can be helpful during the "Play" file. Place these in playlists, listen stand-alone, or chain them back to back (Body one first!) as you please.

A "cow name" of your choosing, defaulting to Mirabelle or Buttercup or "something like that" serves as the anchor for cow headspace and responses.

Samples below.

Pack contains:

Cowrupting Tentacles - Body Trace: 30:12
Cowrupting Tentacles - Play Time: 25:09

This is a Reward audio available on request from the Patreon.

55+ Minutes

Ode To Good Moos

Trigger-laden masturbatory cow-corruption. This uses all my existing cow themed triggers. Lots of countdowns, milky-tits-steal-your-brain-all-day kind of vibe.

No specific body part reference other than tits. Got Milk, pointed, brain drain, and more.

30+ Minutes

Moo For Me

Assumes boobs. "Good girl" and "good cowgirl" throughout.

The trigger "moo for me" paired with touching your breasts, to reinforce doing it on command for those you deem worthy to make, you, moo.

This is the kind of thing I like, so I make myself moo quite thoroughly and hope it provokes those of you for whom that is a sexy accompaniment to lactation and hucow thoughts.

Countdown, rapidfire, confusion, the seed of cowruption. Idea your boobs store moos in addition to the lactation and frequently lets bubbles buoy up to your brain and induce involuntary moos. Producing moos and milk, no wonder your body is so lazy drowsy deep. Also uses rapport/the idea I am deep and relaxed so maybe you could join me.

Recorded in an echoey closet while there was company in the house, sorry about that part but I think it was sexy anyway.


Give Up And Moo

Teasing. Bullying. Terms of familiarity. Puns. Lactation. Bulying you over how easily you climax for your big milky tits. Jill-off-instructions for the advanced cowgirls of the conditioned hypnotic world. Dominant, teasing, pointing out how you can't help but moo. Full version avail as reward file. Sample above. Has "got milk, pet" and fingersnaps repeatedly, some really good visual description, some tempting phrases to replay later.

When you inevitably fail the "don't let a single drop of milk out" challenge, I move to the "Well can you have an orgasm without touching or thinking about your tits, without having a lactating cowgirlgasm?" And naw prolly not.


A Safe Escape

An updated and expanded version of Safety and Escape. This is partly about how the more sure you are that hypnosis is safe and comfortable for you, the more you will feel comfortable letting go and cutting loose. It just makes sense.

For the very literal listener, this also provides reassurance and permission to "edit" the words you hear from me: maybe YOUR version of my triggers has a different wording, or only works at night, or only in the bath tub - maybe your "context" for hypnosis, requires that you be the only one at home during it. Everyone varies, so this is an open ended "safety" framework which also includes a few communication suggestions for when playing with people in hypno BDSM scenes.

PS - I snuck an improved version into this entry on January 30th 2025.


Common Concepts - Common Phrases

This is a file which incorporates a number of my favorite phrases, laying them out in a positive way with interspersed finger snaps and re-deepeners. It is excellent for beginners or as a refresher, and the themes within are used throughout my other work.

Example phrases covered:

"Now" - the way I tend to announce and begin files. Also my own trance trigger, in a way, since I so often trance out when unwinding material.

"Follow me down" - indicating I am going ahead of you and my voice is filtering back, which is related to...

The Path Metaphor - I constantly speak of trance as a path from where you were, to where you are going, which you may re-tread or back up on, on which you may examine material or images to the sides of the path, and so on.

"Leave behind the weary world" - suggesting if you have set aside time to trance, you would like a break from the outside, for a time.

"Deeper and deeper" - the classic deepener has a specific meaning and invitation, when I use it.

"Leave it by the wayside" - telling you to leave things you don't need, thoughts, awarenesses, next to the path - you can come back for them later.

"Heavy with honey" - that your mind is syrupy, sweet, but thoughts can't necessarily get out, even though my words can drop right into the honey coated mindscape from above.

"Listen, and relax..." - a reminder I so frequently use.

The general concept of choosing, amplifying, and later installing concepts, and that I may "visit" other spaces you've already built and used, is also addressed: an approach to self-hypnosis which is pro-actively going on at the same time as you are listening to my suggestions. Good beginner attitude for trance.

There are some playful deepener and induction flourishes as well.


Beginner Session 1 - A Short Flight of Inductions

This is a lesson-formatted educational piece about various approaches to induction and to trance. Intended for beginners, to foster a useful mindset toward trance and collaborative hypnosis.

There will be a follow-up which runs more like a normal live session would.


Long Session - Night Night Remix

This is a remixed version of my basic go-into-trance anchor/trigger, "Night Night", though it may be called something different in YOUR head based on what editing you choose to do ;) An autohypnosis-embracing rambling long form multiple induction runthrough of my hypnotic style, in which I drop along with you and give useful tips for future trances. I think there's useful stuff here anyway.

Counting inductions. I imply it would be okay to be touching yourself during, but give no specific descriptions except to note how it helps *me* drop when I do so. Repeated finger snaps. Confusion induction. No progressive relaxation induction, but contains a joke about one. Some talk about occult practices as fun hypnosis frameworks.

If I could recommend one piece from the beginner series it'd be this one. It's an hour long. Longer. Sorry about that.


The Long Session

This is an over three hour session I recorded, with reasonable breaks (and indeed I encourage you, in the recording, to take breaks throughout).

This session is a domination/softdomme session coupled with instructions and hypnotic examples. All the structures I use in my own trance - and I do drop extensively during this - are explained or referenced. Many of the excerpts from this are just more rapport-focused versions of the beginner or intermediate concepts already on the site.

Brain as solid/vapor/liquid phase moving between states, my classic amber/honey/stickiness around the mind metaphor, confusion, counting, resistance, fractionation, the night night trigger, brain drain concept, mental muzzle, siren's voice, inevitable, and skillset, are all canvassed and explained. There is an aftercare encouragement trigger, some of the best safety language I've ever devised, and overall a hypnotic showcase. Selected excerpts are below.

This is a reward file, and you get a pack with the full session, 3 1-hour chunks of it in case you want a specific part, and then individual files for each piece of it, so you can use them in playlists or on their own. As I went, I marked each one so the divides are sensical, my typical "now, follow me down" language + encouragement to take breaks but come back fractionated. Some sexy vibes, and "here is how to self-hypno and autotrain this when playing, and remember to share your triggers with yourself, but feel comfortable with them yourself.

Available as a Reward request in a pack with the full session, and excerpted versions of all the major concepts.

Contents: Night Night excerpt (attached to this post as sample), Brain Drain Live Version, Inevitable Live Version, Skillset 1, 2, & 3 Live Versions, Siren's Voice Live Version, 3 hour Long Session, 5 minute Aftercare addon for this or other files, 10 minute rapidfire trigger based deepener.
Total: 188 minutes

3 Hours 8 Minutes

Autohypnotic Lesson 1 - Pulse and Prime

Beneficial self-hypnosis links:

I'm doing a series on self-hypnosis / autohypnosis, rituals and practices to flex your brain muscles and try different mental processes/attention exercises, and also hypnotic concepts such as how to build your own responses on top of other sessions you're doing, to benefit the session. I do most of this to myself too.

The lesson is available to everyone below. The full reward pack also includes:

*Main lesson audio

*Prime reinforcement audio

*Pulse reinforcement audio

*Combined Pulse and Prime example exercise audio

*PDF with scripts of the above

Some sexy/masturbatory tones in this one (that's the pulse part). HFO, JOI, chastity, etc. will be optional modules in future, but the main parts are pretty fetish neutral.

50+ minutes

Feminine Succubus Seed - Heel Doppelganger Corruption

A version of you, through the skin of a mirror, absorbed into you, more feminine, more soft and flourished, and dressed to impress - so you'd better catch up. Conditioning and storytelling. The induction/deepener is the one given with the Long Session and which is also used in Heel Doppelganger.

30 Minutes

Rapidfire Overflowing Mind JOI

This is an instruction to touch yourself, or squeeze, tighten, pulse, and relax your pelvic floor until pleasure, climax, or overwhelm. It draws on concepts from the Long Session and was recorded at the same time, but is more sexual than the rest of the session and demands rather more mental and physical activity. Also more dominant in tone. But you could put it right after with the Aftercare file (attached here), and enjoy. Corruption vibes.

Available as a reward request, includes aftercare trigger short, and a rapidfire deepener excerpt for use in playlists (the same induction/deepener which comprises the first 10 minutes of the file).

30 Minutes + 5 aftercare + 10 rapidfire induction/deepener

Heel University - What Heels Reveal

Simple concepts, sensitizing your feet as erogenous zone, activated through heels of your choice, the general temptation to imagine you are helplessly controlled as you put your "best foot forward". Feminization flourishes on top of that including dresses, makeup, heels, walking in ways that feel "feminine" to you, doing your hair, etc. General positivity and encouragement and fetish-building for heel-wearing and ritually getting dressed as a comfy thing to do.

20 Minutes

Pussy Plug Possession - Soul Suction

You should have a pussy plug ready for insertion or begin the audio with it in. Something which vibrates can be quite fun in this context, but it should sit securely within. The kind of thing you could put clothes over and hold it within.
Some confusion induction, some storytelling, some good beguiling "come onnn, don't you wanna?" style suggestion. Taking out your plug drags your mind and drive with it, leaving you suggestible and empty - so make yourself a list of things to do, before pulling it out, and perform those tasks blankly with the re-insertion as your reward, if you like. I know I do.


Memory Stone - Milking Farm 1

This is based loosely on my old The Farm file, but it incorporates a lot more sexy times, better programming language, use of triggers from other cowgirl themed files, and a looping background mantra. There is a version both with and without the mantra. The mantra itself is also included on its own, for looping.

You explore a memory contained in a mysterious stone. Within, you find the experiences of a well-trained cowgirl with huge milkable lactating breasts as her handler milks her and pleasures her. Genital-neutral between the legs, but breast centric with she/her gendering and "Good girl" throughout.

40 Minutes

Night, Soon

A devotion series file. A take on my common anchoring trigger which includes rapport, trust, and a slow gradual "reason" / confusion based approach. Both a sexual and a relaxation version are included. I would consider them both erotic, but the trigger itself is linked to relaxation in one and sensual pleasure in the other. Both versions are available as one reward request.

36 Minutes

Puppy Urges

This is a file which centers around simple conditioning in the puppy play style, with four triggers used throughout. Finger snaps are also employed, to play into the "training" aspect. The file uses exclusively positive reinforcement and highlights the best and most tempting qualities of being locked into one's "puppy play" mentality.

The commands are set up long before they are explicitly described and stated, for example the concept of "rolling over" not just physically, but also mentally as you fall under into sub space, and puppy mentality.

"Roll over" is a deep trance command which pushes your mind down into puppy state and opens you for obedience.

"Stay" as a freeze command which works because you want to impress your owner with how still you can stay, until your mind stays still as well.

"Beg", is a fairly standard command, with added context here for those puppies who are allowed to speak in their puppy role, adding "beg for x" can help orient what you're begging for.

"Get wrecked" is an instruction which conjures pleasurable sensations and near-climax as a way of reminding the puppy of their place.

Finally "present", for assuming your best puppy posture and ensuring your best qualities are open and on display. Also makes a good command for when you're being dressed in locked-on puppy gear, the idea being you will follow their guidance for moving your arms and legs into place and being posed, as opposed to stay where you will stay until told otherwise.

The whole thing is presented in a positive, encouraging light alongside tempting descriptions meant to draw one further and more automatically into the puppy mindset. The file is open ended and the end abruptly stops after language which resembles the beginning but could also lead into other files, making it loopable. Rather than visualization-heavy, this file relies on cooperative teaching and explanation, on the presentation of arguments the typical eager loyal horny puppy would jump to accept and incorporate into their mind, with a little help. But if that busy, enthusiastic puppy brain is sleeping, the mind can more readily leap on suggestions presented by a third party (me) for conditioning in future puppy play.

- File Length: 36 Minutes

Little Corruptions - Latex Tentacle Ravishment

What if tendrils of latex were always waiting just out of sight, for when you were relaxing and horny and wanted them to coat and tease your body. Any time you are "Safe and relaxed" the tendrils will tease and pleasure you, magnifying all sensation, slowly raising your latex fetish, and massaging in all the best places while aiding trance. Continues on with passive background "Corruption" and kink increasing qualities, as well as some triggers for me to use in other latex files.

Ends with HFO instructions and a suggestion anchor tied to cumming while wrapped in latex.

Incorporates all of the Passive Latex Tendril Set components (induction, deepener, awakener).

Created as part of eSuccubus:Fantasy


Silver - BDSM Session (Tease and Climax)

Two audios, both BDSM sessions with the titular AI, building off other content in the series. Benefits from you having a ball gag, dildos, vibrating buttplug or prostate milking toy, cuffs, and a sleeve-style toy for your penis.

The tracks are the same except around the climax - one contains one, and the other just teases you. No I won't tell you which is which.

2x 30 Minutes

Got Milk - Heavy Cream

This is a sequel of Got Milk which focuses on a big milky belly. Pregnancy themes, but idea of being milked longer and mind emptied easier, using milky belly as reservoir.

Created as a result of eSuccubus Fantasy patreon specifically.


Memory Stone - Stud Farm 2

Created at the Moonlit Hypnosis Project as part of its "Memory Stone" series of fantasy files.

An extension of the prior triggers. A horny cowgirl from the facility finds you and uses your triggers to help make the experience even better as she offers her pussy for impregnation and rides you to your mutual climax. You feel how your huge cock is her sole focus, and how you can reshape and direct her thoughts just by filling her and bringing you both to release.

Includes triggers which can be used by any dominant partner, in couples settings, or on your own. These include "Bigger", "Longer", "Feel How Hard You Are" and "Throb". Often coupled with finger snaps.

Hot large-breasted lactating cowgirl rides you in oblivion and worships your body during sex that is merely a prelude to your future experiences.

Ends with the handler checking in on you.

31 Minutes

Memory Stone - Stud Farm 1

Created at the eSuccubus Fantasy as part of its "Memory Stone" series of fantasy files, this is a detailed fantasy visualization which includes trigger play.

Set in a facility where you are being trained as a huge-cocked stud, to breed and impregnate the horny hucows of the farm.

Includes triggers which can be used by any dominant partner, in couples settings, or on your own. These include "Bigger", "Longer", "Feel How Hard You Are" and "Throb". Often coupled with finger snaps.

Includes a cock milking machine and an assertive woman who is your handler, milker, and guide through this procedure.

30 Minutes


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