
Pussy Worship

A file for those who want to worship their partner's pussy more intently. Best for those who have a specific partner in mind before beginning to listen. Incorporates elements of kneeling worship, ritual service to one's partner, and general supportive submission.

20 Minutes

Warm Together (Best)

A pleasant couples file for snuggling down under the blankets and getting warm. Forget where the divide between one body and another is, and snuggle deep, warm, and sleepy for the season. Mild corruption theme. Cuddle puddling encouraged. Encourages self-dropping using any methods you have for that, while you rest.


Keyholder's Binding

This is a track for couples. It contains a trigger phrase which you can give to your dominant to allow them to release you from the restriction it contains: an absolute restriction against orgasm.

I do not provide any deprogramming file, release from, or other support for this file. It is a take it or leave it use at your own risk set of programmings and persuasions.


Forging a Connection

  • File for the dominant partner in a relationship.
  • One partner listens to Connected, the other to this file.
  • Encourages embracing your dominant behaviour. It is what your partner wants.

Lover's Caress Induction

  • An induction for couples to use together when listening to the same file.
  • Lay next to each other and hold hands.
  • Concept of lover's slow entrancement serves as anchor for the listener.
  • Very tender, incorporates countdown induction and finger snaps.
  • Great for use with couples files.

Massage Mantra

This file goes with the Gift of Massage - it is a mantra reinforcing your desire to rub the stress out of your lover.

However, even if you don't have that other file, listen to it while you massage and you might find yourself getting in to it.

11 Minutes

Warm Together

  • Made to be listened to alongside a partner.
  • Non-erotic. Hold hands with your lover or cuddle partner and get comfy.
  • Bundle up, cuddle with your partner, and both listen at the same time..
  • United, two bodies can regulate their temperature better than one alone.
  • Lingering effects? Perhaps snuggling very close to your partner and not wanting to let go.

Connected Hands

  • A file for couples to feel closer.
  • Envision feeling what your partner does - emotion, arousal, sensation
  • Hold hands together while each of you listens to the file at the same time.
  • Cuddling in a shared trance.
  • Same concepts as Gift of Massage and Connected.


  • An erotic orgasm control piece. Both self-control and control by dominant partners.
  • At first subtle, and then explicit.
  • When you are alone, you should climax when you want to.
  • When you are with a dominant partner, you should climax only when allowed to do so.
  • It grows ever more arousing to have your orgasm controlled by a dominant partner.
  • Your desire to submit becomes desire to surrender your orgasms when partnered with someone dominant enough to deserve it.
  • Lingering effects? Orgasms controlled by others when with dominant partners, own will when alone.

Beloved Fixation

  • A long detailed file for people in relationships.
  • Theme: Your partner is the source of all your orgasms.
  • Fantasies about your partner arise while edging.
  • File encourages edging and elaborate fantasies during.
  • Listener is encouraged to see their partner as the seat of all sexual pleasure.
  • Lingering effects? Edging while fantasies of one's partner build and build.

Couples Feminization Play

Many feminization approaches ignore that one partner might have a penis. But, some people both like to dress up their submissive partner in alluring feminine outfits, with makeup... and like to enjoy the use of a hard and rigid cock.

This is two files, one for the dominant, one for the submissive partner. The assumption is that both partners use she/her pronouns, and that the submissive partner has a penis. Both parties should perhaps be snuggling up to each other, and begin listening at the same time. The content is exactly the same in duration, but different in topic.

Reassuring the dominant partner of both their dominance and their desire to see the "good girl" submissive, in feminine garb, but with a hard cock for the dominant's use and enjoyment.

Reassuring the submissive of their role, their comfort with it, and their desire to serve (and arouse) their domme through submission as a "good girl".

Heels and stockings for both parties are mentioned as minor fetish suggestions/enhancements. Overall a positive and unique feminization experience meant to be enjoyed by a couple together, though each file does stand alone as dominant feminization encouragement, or subby "good girl" reassurance respectively, without negativity.


Training to Suck 2

This is an add-on for the free oral-centric file for couples, Training to Suck.

Listen with a lover in mind. This file is gender neutral and body neutral - "your lover" and "your partner" are used, and it refers specifically to a "length" for you to worship and suck on.

Place this file right after the original Training to Suck on your playlist, or play it on its own if you want.


System Analysis - Erection Chip Confiscation

Conceptualizing your headspace can let you tie triggers to sets of commands more easily.

What if every idea you have about hardening your cock, engaging arousing fetishes and masturbating in standard ways... were stored in one place. A chip, slotted into your mind and used to route and connect all sensations of desire for a hard cock, all your non-chaste masturbatory or sexual thoughts. Everything making you something other than limp and chaste.

If the chip were taken away, by someone with authority to do so... then you would just have to use the rest of your fetishes, the other chips containing chaste ways to be, erogenous zones usable even while your penis is limp, and other exciting alternatives. Until the chip is returned to you, slotted back into place, you will know your limpness and chastity is a byproduct of your own desire, your own mind. Self reinforcing with a trigger for couples/partners to use. Assumes a feminine partner.

Includes 2 trigger phrases for you to tell your partner(s) so they might use them to take away your erections and place you in chastity, or return your desires to normal so you can play.

Length: 21 Minutes


System Analysis - Meta Cognitive Suggestion: Obey Her

Some people have been turned off of prior System Analysis - Obey Women tracks because they are generalized to all women. This is about obeying one specific woman, your partner, your intimate and special someone, who you may have in mind when listening.

This file encourages you to explore submission to 'her". You will create your own image of your feminine partner. It also encourages you to have a token or object which will denote your submission and desire to explore submission to her, so you can have one safe zone for exploring submission and a clear sign for when you are equals again, if you wish it so. The token can be any object you would wear, selected by you during the track.

This file uses the idea of breaking through issues or entrenched beliefs in your own life, to improve, accepting the idea of submission but also accepting the idea of changing your trajectory with outside help.

Works on its own, self-reinforces through fantasy and submission. For those who want to add kinky submission and fantasizing about your partner to your everyday life, complete with some compulsive masturbation.

Length: 30 Minutes


Gift of Massage - Snap To It

Service, via massage, to a specific feminine partner.

When she snaps her fingers and indicates her desire for a massage, you will unquestioningly perform the very best one you can.

Uses an 'active trance' approach which includes pre-visualization and getting "in the zone", using your touches on her body as triggers so you re-induce yourself into trance over and over. You will continue until you must stop, perhaps with blankness or losing track of time.

Includes both a main file and a loopable reinforcer to listen to in the background on loop while actually massaging.


Aligning Your Interests

  • Couples file: Surrendering control of orgasms to your partner.
  • When your partner wishes you to cum, you cum.
  • Surrender and submission themes.
  • Theme of showing lover how keen you are for them through immediate orgasm.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe quicker easier orgasm.

Connect and Improve 2020

This is a modernized and improved version of an older file.

This is a file centered around healthy eating, body confidence, and regular exercise. It does not prescribe a form for these habits, leaving that to the listener. Instead the topic is the formation of habits generally - that very much is outside of our control and we should best make gradual changes instead. Crash diets, or harsh exercise programs, are more likely to be given up because they involve a reduction in pleasurable experiences (relaxation, comfort food) and a high spike in unpleasant experiences (the aforementioned terrible dieting or exercise). The topic of our habits and how they form, is laid out alongside body-positive messages and perspective about your slow improvement and integration of positive habits.

This isn't some strict you-must-do method, like the usual magic bullet weight loss and exercise marketing. Instead this piece elaborates that forming a habit is like changing the course of a river, not flipping a switch on the train tracks. It is free, so give it a try. Uses language which works well with the Connected file for couples, by the way - but it is not required, so try it on its own regardless.


Dominance and Submission Training

A couples pack - one file (Wrapped Up) for a dominant, one file (Guidance) for a submissive. Could also be enjoyable for switches.

Practice sessions, Seven Minutes to Dominate and Seven Minutes to Submit, for each of you.

If you're on your own, you can always try the relevant starter file with its relevant practice file right after. Training to be more secure in your personal sense of dominance, and to be more trusting of your need to submit.

The files are the exact same length, so start them together and finish in the grips of desire.

Have fun together. Hold hands. Sink. Rise. Play.


Gift of Massage

The act of massaging your partner's body becomes a devotional, submissive, blank experience.
Submissive reminders throughout. Service-massage theme.
Establishes triggered response to carry out luxurious massage in the same blank state each time.
General body relaxation and restoration themes.

- File Length: 31:17 - 29MB

Triggered Chastity Belt 2.0

This file includes many useful triggers for a couple participating in orgasm control play. Many of these triggers are shared with the Chaste Service trigger file and the two files can be looped or used interchangeably to train yourself.

The focus is on a "beloved" who is in control. Gender is not specified.

Listener's gender is also not assumed, works for all genital configurations.

Belt On - The trained listener feels unable to stimulate themselves, but stimulation from their partner will still get through.

Belt Off - The listener notices that they can now stimulate themselves, and furthermore notes all of the pent up arousal from when the belt was on has come flooding back.

Perfect Plaything - the listener's partner requests that they become a "Perfect Plaything", emphasizing that the listener's body is dedicated to their lover, and is for their use - unable to cum until ordered, only able to edge and be constantly aroused. Coming only when commanded, and combining some of the effects of the other triggers.

This file is loopable and has neither induction nor awakener, but is very long so remember to hydrate.

This is a remake of an older file, with many improvements.

Length: 30 Minutes

Loved As You Are Deepener and Trigger

Follows on from the concepts in the Dominant Rapport and Connection Induction

A long continuous deepener suitable for placing in any playlist before the main body and suggestion piece. It encourages masturbation, uses triggers from the Brain Drain files, and cements its own useful trance anchor.

Rapidfire dominant talk is a main feature.

The phrase "Loved as you are, pet" is a powerful confidence and emotional pleasure reminder which brings the listener back to the level of trance reached toward the end of this audio.

Suggests use with other trusted partners, including a general openness to pleasure and connection.

Length: 21 Minutes

Training to Suck

A file for those who want to suck cock especially well for their partner.

This is the first of two files, and you can chain one after the other and includes a trigger for your lover to use to remind you that you should be training to deepthroat more effectively. For listeners who have a partner in mind, but you can put ANY cock-sucking/worship fantasy after this one.

Consider using with the Sucking Induction

Length: 26 Minutes

Needs - Chained Desires Safety and Communication System

Safety/comfort conditioning for hypnotic and bdsm contexts.

What if you could have a system which allows you to freely communicate how you feel about a given activity or fetish. Green for "love it, go ahead", yellow for "go slowly, but I'm interested", and red for "I'm not interested".

There are a lot of confounding factors in play, whether sexual or in overarching hypno or bdsm. You might not feel completely comfortable speaking up, or you might be so out of it on pleasure that encouraging/discouraging one or another type of activity is difficult to do.

This system is different. Always running in the background, reminding you that your top will find nothing sexier than your clear articulation of what you want. All decisions include this background program where if you feel a certain way, you will let your partner know by saying the color, or number, or other indicator you've worked out, and what fetish you are talking about.

Nothing will be sexier than doing something to you and hearing "green, green", trust me.

This system is built BY you, in your mind, not something I install, so my files, my works, my ideas are also subject to it... and triggers, suggestions, conditioning, will function only if you're at least thinking "yellow" about the fetish in question.

Imagine if you could have a tunnel which cut through indecision and subspace, through anxiety and lack of confidence, and answered affirmatively - unthinkingly, you'll find yourself describing how you feel without even meaning to, as long as it's safe to do so.

The system is built by you with pieces I give you, so it applies to everyone, anyone, and it works how you need it to, to achieve this purpose.

Uses similar princples to the other "Needs" basics files.

Gender neutral, genital neutral, has an induction and visualization.

Length: 25:35

Overflowing HFO Trigger

This is a vastly improved version of an older file. This is a hands-free orgasm file which incorporates beneficial. Rather than picking a specific time to order you to have an orgasm, this file deepens and gives a long titillating talk about euphoria and building climax. It includes training in linking your climax to a "reservoir" of trance and includes dose themes, drops of desire and fantasy entering your system the more arousing words you listen to. This file emphasizes that when a dominant party orders you to cum, you cum. This works with other hands-free files for this purpose, no matter who made them, and is nice for couples as well. There is no awakener, you can loop it or even stay under - using this file to prepare you for a sexy session or help you get deep and turned on before someone else takes control. You can just use it on your own, or chain it into one of my other files.

Good preparation for submissives wanting to get nice and horny before a scene. Good for those who listen to files commanding climax, whatever their source, and for fantasies involving the timing of climax.

Includes instructions to cum when the feeling becomes too much, but maybe you'll hold out til the end.

File Length: 50 Minutes

Chaste Servitude

A triggered chastity file for couples, made for chastity subjects with penises. The entire file includes elements of subordinating your pleasure to that of your lover, kneeling and serving, and otherwise deriving pleasure from your lover's observation of your pleasure. Enjoy these simple rules for fun chastity scenes.

"Belt On" - Only stimulation from your partner will cause any sensation between your legs, and your own desire to touch there will be interrupted by a gentle sinking into trance until the desire passes. Arousal still happens, of course.

"Belt Off" - Not just a deactivation of the previous one, but also a reminder of all the arousal you've been unable to act on, flooding back, and that your lover obviously wants you to show off for them as you cum.

"My Favorite Toy" - When your lover requests this, your cock is sensationless but rigid, there for them to use with no hope of orgasm, if you did cum you would simply ruin the orgasm on purpose by clenching your muscles and ceasing thrusting, to remind you to stay hard for use until your lover is done manipulating or riding you.

"Kneel and Serve" - If your lover is facing you, kneel and serve between their legs with your mouth. If your lover is facing away, kneel and serve their ass. The entire experience while feeling blank, trancey, servile, and reveling in every spark of pleasure you know they are feeling.

This file is loopable and has neither induction nor awakener, it goes well with Triggered Chastity Belt.

- File Length: 30 Minutes

Script is available here.

This is a remake of an older file.


  • Long couples trigger file.
  • When partner places their hand on your lower back, feel wired in to their nervous system.
  • Pleasure you give and pleasure you receive blend together, become one and the same.
  • Aware of the pleasure in your partner's body as if it were in your own.
  • Closeness, obedience to partner's wishes, and a general feeling of overall enjoyment.
  • Similar to the themes in Connected Hands.
  • Lingering effects? Partner's hand on the small of the back predicts a fun time.

- File Length: 43:02 - 33.7MB

Originally made in 2014, this file was made free for all in January 2019.

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file

Gateway of Control

A simple conditioning and trigger piece for couples. When the listener's cock is inside their lover, the listener slowly feels trance overtaking them. The lover can induce greater sensitivity and suggestibility in the listener by playing with their nipples, any nipple stimulation sends the listener deeper and deeper. When the subject orgasms while inside of their lover, they instantly enter deep trance, a trance trigger their lover can then use to instruct, train, or command. Simple, plays on the listener's experience with trance, great for lovers who are both into trance. Specifies a listener with a penis, no specification of partner's gender.

- File Length: 39 Minutes

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file

Images - Her

This file is part of the Images series - the use of vivid detailed descriptive fantasy to present transformative themes. The Images Induction is the intended start to this mental journey.

In this case, the "Image" in question is that of your partner, lover, dominant feminine figure in control of your mind. Envision her, meditate upon her. Before listening, have a woman in mind who you would like to submit to. This audio encompasses her growing control over you, how right and good it is, and includes chastity and edging elements. There are also fitness themes and general self-care concepts tied up in the idea of serving well.

Listen, and submit utterly to the special someone in your life.

40+ Minutes
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