You enter a strange facility which gauges the ideal relaxing transformative scenario for you based on an analysis of your personality.
For you, it produces a cow stall complete with automated technological milking bench, and a screen that is more than it seems.
Comes with a reinforcement piece which implies the hidden "signal" of that place following you and making transformation into a horny milk-giving cow easier.
You will exist in the pump of your breasts, the emptying of your head, and genital stimulation designed to help you lean into the subconscious prompts to seek docility and absorb yourself into a new way of being. Do you ever really leave your stall at the end, or is the signal still drumming into your mind?
Penis-haver and Pussy-haver versions both available.
Sample is the Signal Reinforcement track which is gender and genital neutral.
One reward pledge gets you both versions.

Length: 30+ Minutes Each