Milking Farm

Memory Stone - Milking Farm 1

This is based loosely on my old The Farm file, but it incorporates a lot more sexy times, better programming language, use of triggers from other cowgirl themed files, and a looping background mantra. There is a version both with and without the mantra. The mantra itself is also included on its own, for looping.

You explore a memory contained in a mysterious stone. Within, you find the experiences of a well-trained cowgirl with huge milkable lactating breasts as her handler milks her and pleasures her. Genital-neutral between the legs, but breast centric with she/her gendering and "Good girl" throughout.

40 Minutes

Memory Stone - Milking Farm 3

Your handler brings you from your room to a special body modification suite. It's been days since anyone milked your huge lactating breasts. Or even touched them. You need a machine to get you emptied and induce the spectacular milkgasms your cowgirl body craves...

She brings you to climax as the milker enhances and empties your breasts and mind while you're tied down and enjoying a flood of pleasure.

41 Minutes

Milk Farm Side Stories 1 - Turnabout

You have completed your transformation into a milky cowgirl. freed from your collar, you are allowed to roam freely, and it's a day off for everyone at the vast body modification and milk harvesting facility. pretty much everyone is aroused most of the time, but the regimented days of the facility keep them busy. But today, your graduation, you can roam... and the first person you turn your seductive and confident attentions to is your handler. A passing cowgirl is also snared into the fun. When you're done with them, you go off to find who else would like to play. Perhaps someone in the baths?

A three part sequential sexual fantasy using the mantras, repetitions, and themes from the other Milk Farm files.


Memory Stone - Milking Farm 2

A continuation of the prior Milk Farm file.

You are found by your handler just where you have spent the last several hours: standing in a corner touching your breasts and masturbating. She takes you in for a checkup to see how the body modifications have taken, and ends up milking you while she stimulates you in other ways. You reflect on the increasing docility: full breasts, empty mind. Your lactating tits are emptied and you know the next day will bring more and exciting pleasures with the common joy of your breasts being your main sexual focus and the subject of your Handler's desire as well.

File uses "good girl" and "cowgirl" referents for listener.

30 Minutes

Milk Farm - Good Cowgirl Reinforcement Loop

A loopable positive reinforcement piece. Good cowgirls are blank, empty, docile, milked, obedient, and so on. General submission + breast and lactation themes. Put it on repeat or play it behind your cowgirl file of choice.


Milk Farm 4 - The Machine

You have once more been denied your milking for days. Your heavy breasts need to be emptied in the orgasmic frenzy which is your usual due, your favorite thing, your constant fetish. Your handler takes you to the room where breast augmentation and massage is done, the same place your "output" was tested last time.

This time she turns the milking machine on full, including an inserted dildo and headphones + goggles to play pornographic imagery, condition you with repeated mantras, and otherwise bring you to the deepest most powerful climax possible in preparation for your future life as a milked euphoric part of the machinery of this place. Continuing the Milk Farm content, assumes breasts, no specific genital references but assumes some kind of toy insertion either anal or vaginal will occur.

The Good Cowgirl Mantra can be found here.
Length: 40 Minutes + Includes a 10 minute Good Cowgirl mantra.

The Only Way Out Is Moo

You enter a strange facility which gauges the ideal relaxing transformative scenario for you based on an analysis of your personality.

For you, it produces a cow stall complete with automated technological milking bench, and a screen that is more than it seems.

Comes with a reinforcement piece which implies the hidden "signal" of that place following you and making transformation into a horny milk-giving cow easier.

You will exist in the pump of your breasts, the emptying of your head, and genital stimulation designed to help you lean into the subconscious prompts to seek docility and absorb yourself into a new way of being. Do you ever really leave your stall at the end, or is the signal still drumming into your mind?

Penis-haver and Pussy-haver versions both available.

Sample is the Signal Reinforcement track which is gender and genital neutral.

One reward pledge gets you both versions.

Length: 30+ Minutes Each

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