System Analysis

System Analysis - Privileged Users

A sequel to the Obey Women content.

The desires of women are powerful and change the world around them. You want to be a passive amplifier for what women want - neither in their way nor speaking for them. You want the world to be a place where women have power over you.

Everyone is a participant in the system. Wouldn't you like to give your system access, system privileges, to women who cross your path and whose opinions you can amplify and support?

A nonsexual but pleasurable training piece about moving out of the way as women take over.

Ongoing conditioning, self reinforcing, works with other System Analysis files.

20 Minutes

System Analysis - Obey Women Module

This module follows up on my old "obey women" file concept for submissives to more automatically obey any command given by a woman in or out of trance.

The general theme of System Analysis, that you have a filter and a computer-like system where you can modify the permissions, persists here. You might open yourself up to considering any command from a woman to be a priority command. You could still resist it, still modify it, still consider and suppress it, but if it is normal and enjoyable or fits your model of what you want to do, including submitting, kneeling, and so on, you would obey such a command as long as it was safe and simple to do so. Works very well with the Self Respect Deepener from this pack.

Submit, modify yourself to submit completely, and find how seamless and automatic it can be.


System Analysis - Respect and Relaxation Deepener and Induction

Bridging the gap between talking about your body as 'you' and talking about you as a system of sequences and filters.

This is more easily achieved if we talk about respecting yourself, preserving yourself, keeping yourself intact even if you are thoroughly brought to an aroused and sinking state.

This is also more easily achieved with a long progressive relaxation and counting induction using system and digitization metaphors alongside some arousing promises of things to come.

Both of these are in this pack, in deepener and induction form respectively. This induction can be chained with the previous Filter Editing Induction. This deepener can be used before any body file, but is particularly suited to those in the System Analysis series which concern obeying women, submitting to me, or submitting to your own mind.

24 Minutes Total

System Analysis - Filter Editing Induction

This is the most basic induction of the Filter Editing series. It is a very basic approach to hypnotic trance which works along the same lines as Brain Drain, Automatically, Puppet Bot, and other drone or 'brain as computer' files I've made.

Your operating system filters things at different levels. Some commands, requests, or requirements are so basic that your brain submits them without your conscious review and you would have to exercise restraint to stop them. Breathing regularly, eating and drinking when you need to, falling asleep when tired, following a familiar route unthinkingly, climaxing when you're a bit too close to release.

Your body is a system and it is subject to permissions editing. Then there are things you get to review, decision-level filters. Then there are things you know you don't like, so you reject them unthinkingly without needing to do anything about it.

Placing different items in different categories is ordinarily a long journey of experience, but a nice hypnotic shortcut is to change what priority level various commands and suggestions are at.

This file sets up for that, and works with the various advanced deepeners and inductions which are forthcoming.

Lots of this filework will involve changing who can cause, or how things can on their own, enter at the 'top priority' level where you barely notice them. This concept was explored in Brain Drain and Obey Women.

Some of these files will be about self improvement on the line of meditation to set aside negative thoughts or distractions by placing them in the auto-reject filter level for a time.

It all starts with this very basic induction, however, which can be used with any file though it is uniquely suited to the System Analysis series.


Confident Reassurance - Good Pup Checkup

Combining puppy play and drone/systems maintenance themes, this is a file about setting aside part of the day to see how your settings are doing. Does some part of your internal configuration need adjusting? Has junk data crept in?

Includes confidence, certainty that you are attractive and a good candidate to be someone's submissive puppy in puppy play. Incorporates suggestions of your desirability, reassurance, and the idea that your dominant is something of a systems administrator, helping you organize and position the computer of your mind to better simulate desired behaviours while incorporating puppy play. A kind of pup-drone theme overall.


System Analysis - Erection Chip Confiscation

Conceptualizing your headspace can let you tie triggers to sets of commands more easily.

What if every idea you have about hardening your cock, engaging arousing fetishes and masturbating in standard ways... were stored in one place. A chip, slotted into your mind and used to route and connect all sensations of desire for a hard cock, all your non-chaste masturbatory or sexual thoughts. Everything making you something other than limp and chaste.

If the chip were taken away, by someone with authority to do so... then you would just have to use the rest of your fetishes, the other chips containing chaste ways to be, erogenous zones usable even while your penis is limp, and other exciting alternatives. Until the chip is returned to you, slotted back into place, you will know your limpness and chastity is a byproduct of your own desire, your own mind. Self reinforcing with a trigger for couples/partners to use. Assumes a feminine partner.

Includes 2 trigger phrases for you to tell your partner(s) so they might use them to take away your erections and place you in chastity, or return your desires to normal so you can play.

Length: 21 Minutes


System Analysis - Meta Cognitive Suggestion: Obey Her

Some people have been turned off of prior System Analysis - Obey Women tracks because they are generalized to all women. This is about obeying one specific woman, your partner, your intimate and special someone, who you may have in mind when listening.

This file encourages you to explore submission to 'her". You will create your own image of your feminine partner. It also encourages you to have a token or object which will denote your submission and desire to explore submission to her, so you can have one safe zone for exploring submission and a clear sign for when you are equals again, if you wish it so. The token can be any object you would wear, selected by you during the track.

This file uses the idea of breaking through issues or entrenched beliefs in your own life, to improve, accepting the idea of submission but also accepting the idea of changing your trajectory with outside help.

Works on its own, self-reinforces through fantasy and submission. For those who want to add kinky submission and fantasizing about your partner to your everyday life, complete with some compulsive masturbation.

Length: 30 Minutes


System Analysis - Meta Cognitive Catharsis and Submission Seed

Sometimes we shy away from intense emotional experiences. That isn't healthy for your personal growth, nor for the growth of your understanding of submission and desire in hypnosis.

Night Night trigger is included, as are elements from Latex Succubus and Succubus Seed concepts more generally.

The general system analysis "thinking about how you think" theme is used to prepare you for the idea of being armored and bolstered by your past experiences so you can more comfortably experience intense emotions.

Also, hiding among the normal intense emotions along your life-path, your trajectory, are also moments which allow you to perfect a pleasurable submission-gasm which will overwhelm, overtake, enhance, and encourage you to be adventurous in finding catharsis and intense emotion to springboard you onward and upward on whatever trajectory of self improvement you pursue - instead of bogging you down.

30 Minutes

System Analysis - Anchors and Processes

Self-help tied in with the In The Palm of My Hand and Mentally Muzzled themes.

It is rare we can ask ourselves - what could I be doing better? what do I feel like doing? - without also feeling concern, anxiety, or like we're not doing enough.

This pack has 3 clips, 2 loops and a simple primer.

The loopable files are about tacking my control, my voice, the puppetry of your body - on to your unconscious actions. When you do a simple unconscious thing, like walking somewhere familiar, getting dressed, getting undressed, or adjusting your body, adjusting your hair, etc. Anything unconscious and simple...

You free up extra processing power to let you use those unconscious actions as a trigger. A deep self-inquiry, cooperative and tinged with my growing control. This file has some sexual overtones, but its content is positivity and self-help in nature.

Uses some of the themes from the System Analysis series. Focused on self-triggering, re-triggering, accountability to yourself, and changing your trajectory in the name of long term improvement. Motivation and possibility.

Length: 35 Minutes Total

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