Mental Muzzle Series

Devotion - Midday Encouragement

Encouraging you to accept limitations with grace, to focus if you really have to, and to take care of yourself. A gentle piece of hypnotic reinforcement for best focus practices. Ties in well with mental muzzle and devotion.

10 Minutes

Devotion - Morning Devotional

This is a wakeup positivity and capability based rapport piece tied to serving/submitting but also feeling more capable of doing things "together". Ties in with Mental Muzzle and Automatically themed content as well. Place into a morning playlist or before other hypnosis pieces.

10 Minutes

Cockbrain Edging Session

Thinking with your cock, letting it be in charge, edging yourself up and allowing yourself to release only when it is suitable. Thinking with your cock is so much more hypnotically susceptible, subject to conditioning, and to edging...

Listen to the craving between your legs, and submit to me... through submitting to your own cock, which will routinely outvote you in favor of trance.

This was originally a custom request for an edging conditioning piece with a personalized flourish. This plays well with Devotion and Mental Muzzle, and includes submission to my hypnosis in particular as a theme.

Attached is a reinforcement piece AND a very sexy piece which uses the cockbrain conditioning from the reward file to toy with your mind.


Mental Muzzle - Muzzling You Deftly

A mental muzzle flourish which works alongside Siren's Voice to create a general deepening environment in your hypno habits. Conceptually simple: if your mind echoed with my voice, or your inner monologue was IN my voice, then this might make it more pleasantly fixating and effective. Just the idea you're not only allowed but expressly charged with putting the kind of things that help you trance, the kind of things your brain says to itself, IN my wording, or my voice, in addition to replacing your own inner voice with mine, which might be nice when you self-trigger, self-reinforce, or to play favorite phrases when you first begin to drop.

Seductive, dominant, a bit sinister.

Deepener, so put it on a playlist with another file after. It doesn't wake you at the end, quite the opposite ;)




Mental Muzzle - Thoughts Underfoot

Adds foot fetish additions to Mental Muzzle, which installs the concept of my voice as the delicious reinforcement of what you already intend to do. Your thoughts come through in my voice, which is like you are submitting to an outside agency helping you do what you already intended to. Staying on your path is easier when you have someone else who wants you to reach the end in safety.

What if you had an arousing fetish anchor joining in with the positive self-help reinforcements of my voice? When your trajectory is being improved through outside accountability, a pleasurable sexual fetish reinforcement can be quite helpful.

Programs submission, sexual desire, and masturbation to the concept of your growing foot fetish. Includes some foot worship themes and a recurring "you will be the author of your own submission" self-perpetuating cycle concept.

32 Minutes

Mental Muzzle 2020

Your internal voice, slowly and insidiously but helpfully replaced by my own. Encouraging, rapport building, and it leads well into numerous other files like Brain Drain and Night Night.


Sleep Submission Pack

Often I'm asked about files you can listen to while asleep. This doesn't *really* work. The mind can't hold a position of focused concentration while asleep and doesn't process language well, and a lot of what I do is heavily language dependent. Can't find a way to do kinesthetic online - though I did think of doing vibration for remote controlled toys, and if they come up with other haptic stuff I'd love to do that but anyway here is stuff that'll work *despite* sleeping, rather than during it.

Attached is the Open and Close Installation which is available here for patrons. The Pack contains two other files, each 10+ minutes long to make an over 30 minute pack. Requestable as a Reward audio in the usual way.

Open And Close Installation - What if both going to sleep and waking up from it were powerful reminders of the possibility of trance, and of the tendency to insert memory or thought after the fact in dreams and deja vu?

Dedicating Your Sleep - Though nothing may happen hypnotically while you are asleep, you can dedicate the process of being asleep to the improvement of your trance conditioning.

Looping Sleep Devotional - A loopable submissive pre-sleep track with a theme of submitting to me, goes well with devotion/brain drain/mental muzzle concepts.

30+ Minutes (10+ each, 3 files)

Mental Muzzle - Making Myself At Home

I occupy more and more of your mind. Picking up where Mental Muzzle's other components left off, I create a bastion of my influence in your head: a place from which memories or emotions may be effected, rather than merely replacing your interior voice with my own.

Heavy conditioning, rapport, and obedience elements. This one also enhances any work centered around obedience to and productivity for, me.


Mentally Muzzled - Muffled Thoughts

An augmentation to Mentally Muzzled, this sequel focuses on oral service to my pussy as a gateway to shared vulnerability and an increasing understanding that my voice can be a source of arousal as well as productivity and guidance. Adds an element of pussy worship, your masturbation, our shared climax, to the existing Mental Muzzle framework. Encourages you to command or narrate your sexual experiences with my voice forming your thoughts, rather than your own. Outside accountability mechanisms + my intentions and evidence that my intentions align with your safety and improvement are discussed.

32 Minutes

Mental Muzzle - Truth and Flow

Need help talking dirty, revealing your inner thoughts, or just giving yourself permission to be sexy?

Let words flow from you, quite uncontrollably, with my voice fueling them. Turn on a lover, tell the truth about what you crave, and relax into my influence as the replacement of your thoughts with my voice - which I assure you never has trouble saying filthy things in eager tones - spurring you on.

30 Minutes

Little Corruptions - Stated Purpose

My intentions corrupt your thoughts slowly, but only the ones you're not using, only the ones you don't need. All of my hypnotic trances enter into your mind and fuel an already-existing diagram. I am in there with you, and I am there to help. When my stated aims are for you to become excellent at making your thoughts agree with me, why would I ever need ulterior motives?

Corruption and pleasure themes, as well as honest and forthright rapport with a sinister mood.

30 Minutes

Somnolence Evocation

You can loop this or use it in any playlist. A pre-sleep or pre-trance piece reminding you of my tendencies, drawing on rapport, using Mental Muzzle, Brain Drain, and Night Night adjacent language alongside general resistance and rapidfire induction themes.

15 Minutes

Mentally Muzzled - My Canvas

Works great after the Layer and Lair deepener on any playlist.

You are my ideal canvas - prepared, inlaid.

Every time you hear my voice, every time I blank your thoughts, every time you follow along to your natural conclusion you are filled with my control more and more. The many layers of prior trances are a tempting euphoria you are never fully free from, and all of your squirming attempts only enmesh you more.

Uses my most common triggers such as Night Night and Be Blank, alongside themes of my voice slowly and deliberately replacing then augmenting your thoughts. The ultimate expression of your life as my ideal blank canvas being etched and textured again and again. Have you wanted to simulate being my ideal plaything, my perfect expression of artistry? How effectively can you blank out your mind, let it drip away, and drift into the ocean of my voice working in you?

How completely my own would you like to be?

The machinery of you prints layer after layer of my intent, and it is always working. The only difference between trancing for me, and being outside of trance, is whether the machine is working off pre-programmed plans, or being actively steered at that moment.

Length: 30 Minutes

Mentally Muzzled - Layer by Lair Deepener

Every time your brain is rendered blank and a beloved trance is laid over your previous thoughts, a new layer is formed.

You are an ideal canvas, bestowed with the continued information of all prior trances. When your thoughts move away in the wake of blankness, my voice assists you in continued trance and those thoughts burrow down to prior trances where you can be effected.

Submission, corruption, addiction, subservience to my words, dedication to my influence and an understanding that every trance builds on all those before. This deepener fits excellently into any playlist featuring my common trigger and submission pieces.

Makes use of Night Night and Brain Drain triggers.

Length: 20 Minutes

Sleep - Inversion

Your mind already speaks with the voice of my trances, my works in a small box in the corner of your mind that you sometimes erratically and accidentally-on-purpose hit on.

What if we switched it around, so your busy thoughts were down in that box instead, and most of your mind was occupied with different tones and frequencies of trance?

The core of your experience is of switching between different remembered trances. This audio draws on existing rapport and understanding, but only to place you in a state where my commands are a little stronger so I can issue one ideal one: to sleep.

The general training may stick for other conditioning as well, and the track includes the mental muzzle aspect of hearing my voice aiding you internally in replacement of your own.

Uses the trigger from Night Night, Brain Drain, and Brain Drain 5's extra trigger specifically.

Length: 20 Minutes

Mentally Muzzled - Coming Home

Sometimes you spend some time away from trance, from me, and from time spent working on your internal structure.

Working with all the other Mentally Muzzled pieces, Coming Home is about a return to trance. Use it to reassure and reacquaint yourself. Includes some mild sleep triggers and insidious verbiage, as well as a rapport based trance re-builder.

If you're someone concerned with 'losing' structures or triggers, this can be a reassurance and a re-induction, say if you've spent some time in an environment where you can't reliably trance, or you want a sexy and convincingly powerful top-up to your thought process.

Builds on the work from Mentally Muzzled - Renovation and uses numerous implied triggers useful for new trancers.

Length: 20 Minutes

Mentally Muzzled - Renovation

Building on Making Myself At Home, this is an enhancement of the "my voice in your mind replaces your inner monologue" theme. I add renovations, including a cursed box for keeping my most potent instructions, a lab for devising new trance, loudspeakers for echoing or surprising you with my triggers.

Powerful, habit forming, and elaborating some of the ways my own mind functions in relation to trance, this training includes the idea of keeping your brain de-cluttered by making a lot of things into my responsibility and placing them in the new areas I have added to your conception of your internal space.

The Induction is available below, free, separately. It works with any trigger or training file.

- The Induction alone.

Length: 31 Minutes

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