
Mind Cage (Best)

Fast paced dominant instructions about setting a specific place to go under and enjoy trance, the cage of your mind. Setting terms for entering, leaving, Compliance based rapport. Enjoyable as a loop or as part of a session.

Listen in your cage, it's unlocked, you can leave, but enjoy it while you're here.



Script is below. It is machine-generated but it has timestamps and if you want to do something with this file and need a precise script, just poke me to do one for you, I will.


Queenly Nectar - Face Riding JOI

This will probably be rolled into some of the fantasy-side muscle succubus things to come, and has vibes/character from that, but this is mostly face riding hypnosis with an amnesia implication where you're instructed to masturbate while being more and more subby or slutty when someone is sitting on your face. Has some of my autohypnosis concepts and I was pretty trancey writing it. I hope it's enjoyable. Remember to consider touching yourself during, and it assumes you're in a comfy place or a bed and being pulled under the covers (for those who like to get off in bed).

Includes: sweat, body worship, pussy worship, pussy juices, sweet, amnesia, honey, genital neutral, gender neutral, succubus (implied as this will be part of a larger piece, fantasy (implied)

This is already in the backer folder.



Unlike the original emptiness, this version is part of a coherent fantasy narrative set in an estate that exists behind mirrors. This version is gender neutral, but specifically mentions a vagina and clitoris. This version was made for an FTM listener and friend but it is suitable for anyone with the correct genitals for its wording.

The listener is confronted with a horny, empty, aroused version of themselves who looks at them from behind a mirror, daring them to fill their dripping sex and to give in to an overall feeling of "emptiness" which will haunt and drive their days, leading to increased masturbation when there is spare time to fill oneself, and a general sense of wishing to pass that arousal on to others. Like all Mirror Estate files, there are implied amnesia suggestions for those who like them.

The Mirror Estate files will all connect together to describe a coherent, self-contained world within the series. There will be files for all gender identities and genital descriptions, throughout the series. This is basically a way for me to write about concepts and fun fantasies that don't much fit anywhere else.


Softgasm 2 - Censored Porn

Drawing from the first Softgasm file, this is an enhancement to your experience.

When you masturbate, your soft member creates a special pleasure unique to you. You're trapped with the feelings in a soft member which has a different limpgasm experience from the ordinary orgasm.

This shimmering heat, released from your no-longer-hard member, forms a concealment in front of the sexy bits of any pornography you view, deliberate or accidental. This triggered response, a combination of amnesia and distraction with physical hallucinatory phenomena, leaves you isolated only with your own fantasies and your softgasm generating limpness button between your legs.

None of the suggestions contained within will effect relations with others, only solo masturbatory softgasm play in line with the first file.


On Submission

  • The final file in the Submissive Pet Lesson Set.
  • References the listener wearing a collar.
  • Uses the triggers from Good Pet and Sleep For Me, previous files in this set.
  • Amnesia suggestions. Made to work well with Listen and Learn, the previous deepener in this lesson set.
  • Discusses the societal habit of shaming people for submitting.
  • Reminds that there is nothing wrong with being a submissive pet, and it is a good thing to have some people who are.
  • Reminder of previous content, reinforcement, briefly exalts and compliments the listener's listening habits.
  • This is part of the Submissive Pet Lesson Set and is made to be listened to by someone who has heard the previous lessons.
  • The files all interlock and use related concepts.

Listen and Learn

  • A deepener that works with the other files in the Submissive Pet Lesson Set.
  • References the listener wearing a collar.
  • Uses the triggers from Good Pet and Sleep For Me, previous files in this set.
  • Amnesia suggestions.
  • Discusses good traits of being a submissive: your skill at listening to a dominant partner.
  • Reminds that there is nothing wrong with being a submissive pet, and it is a good thing to have some people who are.
  • Elements of submission tied to learning how to submit more effectively.
  • This is part of the Submissive Pet Lesson Set and is made to be listened to by someone who has heard the previous lessons.
  • The files all interlock and use related concepts.

Collar Call

  • A trigger tied to wearing a collar. Have it nearby or put it on before you begin listening.
  • References the listener wearing a collar.
  • Uses the triggers from Good Pet and Sleep For Me, the previous files in this set.
  • Amnesia suggestions.
  • General positive associations with pet-state and wearing collar.
  • Small physical trigger of partner pressing fingers against skin under the collar, emphasizing submission and vulnerability.
  • Trance anchor tied to collar.
  • This is part of the Submissive Pet Lesson Set and is made to be listened to by someone who has heard the previous lessons.
  • The files all interlock and use related concepts.

Sleep For Me

  • Short and sweet, installation of a go-to-bed trigger to be used by dominant partners.
  • References the listener wearing a collar.
  • Uses the triggers from Night Night, Brain Drain, Good Pet, and On Submission.
  • Part of the Submissive Pet lesson set.
  • Sends the listener to sleep at the end.
  • Amnesia suggestions.
  • Might help in understanding and obeying a dominant partner's orders to get some rest.
  • Lingering effects? Going to sleep when told, getting everything out of the way and then safely settling in.
  • This is part of the Submissive Pet Lesson Set and is made to be listened to by someone who has heard the previous lessons.
  • The files all interlock and use related concepts.
8+ Minutes

The Counselor - Enjoy Your Cock More 5

Loopable, so you can place it on repeat. Amnesia themed trigger.

Your dreams turn to the private room where she rides you until you both pass out. Fucking, thrusting, losing track of who is in charge but only knowing that neither of you can or will stop. You learn to seduce her body as she beguiles your mind. You both come, together. It does not matter if you visit her office, any longer. It only matters that you think of her, and end up back inside her, your cock in charge of both of you, lost in orgasm, in her, and in the pursuit of greater pleasures which may be only a dimension away.

Length: 30 Minutes


The Pussy Myth

Cock worship fantasy with the theme of "does pussy even exist, or does everyone and anyone have a cock, making it the organ worth studying how to please... and since you have one, why not start there?"

Assumes listener has a penis. Gender neutral. Assumes listener is attracted to cock on others and wants to be conditioned to fantasize, crave, and focus any currently pussy-centric urge to cock-centric urge more directly. Some amnesia/manipulation and conditioned masturbation themes.

This was originally a custom commission.


Sensitive and Aroused Induction and Deepener

Sensitivity, arousal, amnesia. When you are turned on it's harder to remember and easier to forget.

An induction and deepener incorporating rapport and encouragement to masturbate. You can use it with any other induction and deepener to layer them on. Implied amnesia and forgetting things you do not need to retain, paired with ongoing increases in arousal which you draw from trance.

16 Minutes

Long Progressive Induction

  • Simple induction. Long progress into deepness, counting.
  • If you like the hazy dazed effect of a long pre-file period, try this induction.
  • Amnesia, eye closing, and counting suggestions.
  • Try with transformation or detailed fantasy files like Corruption of Champions content.
  • Really very long, like twenty minutes, a long slow luxurious process.

Simple Implied Amnesia Induction

This induction is just the first 8 minutes of the Mirror Estate Induction. Essentially it implies amnesia without directly ordering or requesting it, and notes that the content which follows this file may be difficult to remember. Combine it with fantasy files to achieve a description of dreamlike fading prior to the file, and then to enjoy after. Description and metaphor are employed, along with some of the imagery from the Common Concepts pack.


Mirror Estate Induction

This will be the induction for each of the files in a somewhat dreamlike exploratory fantasy series set in a world where sensual peril is around every corner. This induction was born out of several very old ideas I've since removed from the site for poor sound and writing quality, and improved here. This is a decent implied amnesia induction in its own right, so try it with other things and see if you like it.

The listener finds themselves facing a pool of amber-hued relaxation, and wondering what is on the other side, despite the possible arousing amnesia-laden consequences and training afterward.

The mirror estate is vast, things are dreamlike and you may not remember how you travelled within it - only that you enjoyed it.


Persuasive Amnesia Induction (Best)

This 10 minute long induction uses some simple number references while describing the mind as a toolbox into which various useful ways of thinking can go. We accept this idea with mnemonics, focus exercises, and any number of self-help techniques - so why not accept it for pleasure? Aren't there some thoughts you wish you could put out of your mind and retrieve later, so you could be surprised? Don't you sometimes want to forget the outside world and indulge in the words pouring into your mind? Persuasive metaphors, good visualization aid.

10 Minutes

Beginner's Rapport Primer 2021

The Beginner's Hypnosis Primer provides tools and concepts. This one localizes those concepts to the interaction between you and I. Incorporating some of my preferences and interests, this piece also discusses amnesia, fantasy, and the ability of the subject to apply various tools to their own experience of entering trance.

This forms part of the basic system of trance and relationship of relaxation we will use during all tracks going forward. Relaxing, arousing, and instructive in bringing us closer. That connection fuels better trance experiences and more complete relaxation into depth.


Latex Entanglement Induction

Part of an experimental series of Latex themed self help files about mindfulness, embracing your fetish, confronting self-truth internally, and exploring themes of long distance entanglement and relationship between energy and thought.

An experimental file. It is the start of a kind of self helpey experimental latex series. Its a continuation of the old latex succubus stuff, in a way. General energy, restoration, and calming themes.

Even if you're not into latex, get yourself a small latex bracelet/wristband and follow along with the exercises in this and its coming sequels, then tell me how that goes.

Used a lot of computer/quantum/energy transfer metaphor imagery throughout, some amnesia suggestions, some relaxation stuff, some fractionation. Its pretty rapid and it tries to keep you interested.


Night Night 2 - Deepener

  • The original Night Night was a trance anchor, presented as a body file.
  • This sequel is an extremely long, relaxing, detailed reinforcement of the same trigger.
  • A full 40 minutes for those who want to be extremely deep before the body file even starts.
  • This more dominant deepener expands on those concepts and persuades the listener with tension and resistance themes.
  • As a deepener, place it after an induction but before a body file.
  • Relaxation, nested countdowns, fractionation, implied amnesia.
  • Longer, updated, more detailed. Cements a trance anchor to return one to trance and thus reduce time spent on inductions.


  • Training at how to relax and listen to these files.
  • Includes discussion of amnesia and visualizations.
  • A piece about the mechanics of trance.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe an easier time chilling out and following along.

Get Hard Trigger

For listeners with penises. Implies a link between arousal, erection, and hypnotic amnesia after the session. Erect mind, erect body. Can't get erect below? Doubly erect mind, focused on lust, fixating on the fantasies long delayed. You cannot postpone your braingasm indefinitely.

These files train a trigger, my instruction to get hard accompanied by a finger snap. The possibilities of trance, the effects of your erection, and the permission to allow other dominant partners to use your trigger are all contemplated.

The listener is walked through a brief rapport and trust based induction implying amnesia as to file contents might make for a pleasant surprise. "Get Hard" trigger and frequent finger snaps leading in to a brief awakening and encouragement to forget file contents while remembering and responding to trigger.

Might end with you in a fit state to go listen to another file. I loop it sometimes.


Brain Drain 2020

Deep introductory training for a set of related triggers to do with entering a state of blankness and then changing perception. Time dilation experiences as well as amnesia as to specific file or session contents are not uncommon. Includes three triggers:

Be Blank which induces the initial blankness.
Think Only of... which is a fixation and obsession trigger.
You can forget (x), Instead remember/think (y)... which is a trigger to replace one thought with another and set aside the original while enjoying the new thought.
Concepts are meant to be used by the listener on themselves, by others they trust, and in many of my own pieces.

These triggers are used in many other files such as Bimbotization Masturbation, Brain Break, and Blank Puppet Masturbation
This trigger and encouragement related to it can be found in the Trigger Phrases pack.

Length: 37 Minutes

The induction from this file is useful if you want to use these triggers with any other training or fantasy. This induction, on its own, is in the link below:

Length: 12 Minutes


Fading Fire

  • Forgetting that you have pleasured yourself, and so you might do it again and again until the time you remember when it will be unusually powerful .
  • Amnesia theme mixed with masturbation trigger.
  • Might feel like you only edged even though in reality you have already orgasmed, so you take longer to reach a second plateau which is also more intense.
  • The act of forgetting orgasms becomes a game in its own right, and you win when the last orgasm of a session is particularly powerful.
  • For all listeners.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe longer more enjoyable masturbation..

Brain Drain Ramble

Brain Drain is my classic "make your mind blank and receptive" trigger, and this is a rambling long-form deepener-laden meditation on it and its effects (and why you want them in your brain).

Dominant, positive, encourages arousal, good beginner concept, inventive induction and deepener portion. Submission and obedience. Trigger for amnesia as to session contents ("you can forget "), trigger for focusing on one idea or concept ("think only of"), and trigger for receptive suggestible blankness (be blank *snap*)

Script on Scriptbin:

Listen on Soundgasm:


The Orgasm Myth

Have you ever had a real orgasm? Probably not. There is an infectious idea that the mere stumbling pulsing pleasure is an orgasm. Casting doubt on what you really remember, might it not be more fun if you had trouble remembering the last time you came? Might it not constantly haunt you if when you came, you could feel the experience but then it had a dreamlike hard-to-recall quality after, as if the sheer magnitude of the experience were too large for a mere memory to contain.

Originally someone's custom request when they wanted to recapture the intensity of their first orgasm, I went somewhat beyond the confines of the request to add extra themes.

Made with edging and chastity in mind, may also include some number amnesia. The idea is if you use one of those number-locked chastity key codes, you might forget it. So make sure you write it down somewhere safe (which you already do, of course).

Use an induction of your choosing.

19 Minutes

Corruptive Brain Drain Deepener

This is a short and loopable piece using the idea that the contents of Brain Drain 4 and 5 have already conditioned you to be slowly contaminated by my intentions for you.

In short, you fall easily because you are submissive, controlled, compliant, and you'd only miss out on your favorite ways of dropping if you struggled at all. Your mind is making space, contains a space which is designed to make you more compliant every time. Works with the Night Night and Brain Drain triggers I am so fond of.

Time dilation, amnesia suggestions, heavy and lasting submission language of a strong sort. Use with caution.

16 Minutes

Blank Puppet Masturbation - F4M and F4F Versions

This file is gender neutral and uses the triggers from Brain Drain and Mental Muzzle's conditioning. This file instructs the listener to masturbate, feeling their hands as if they were outside their control but out to bring them pleasure, their mind blank and empty, encouraging orgasm and an empty mindset. Has amnesia suggestions. This is short and simple but instructs the masturbation to continue teasingly afterward. Sexy, with lingering impact.

This file begins with the brain drain trigger and uses the other brain drain triggers. You can listen to it on its own, but you can also use a deepener and induction if you want. No awakener needed, it attempts to awaken you at the end... but it also loops at the end, giving you a chance to be pulled back in if you want that, or fail to avoid it.

21 Minutes / 22 Minutes

Devotion - Washed Away

You are being pulled away into the fabric of me. Seated on my lap, my words flowing into your mind, you are encouraged to edge, masturbate, climax, and edge more.

Every time you listen you edit your mind to be more susceptible to me, more drawn into my control, and more prone to pleasure. You think with your dripping pussy and your rigid clit and your mind fades away. Your hand goes just where it belongs, and my words slide into an open empty brain.

Intense conditioning which works well with the "Awash" deepener in front of it. Long, powerful, encourages and perhaps even enforces both climax and returns to listening. Some amnesia, some corruption themes. Interfaces with Night Night, Brain Drain, and mentally Muzzled as well as prior Devotion work.

Available as a reward file. Sample is attached.

Length: 30 Minutes


The Only Thing Left Is Moo

When you listen, you will be slowly stripped of everything but the word "moo" by the end, lost in coruption, desire, and delight in me. When it is done, the playlist can continue into any cowgirl file quite handily.

Gender neutral. Mentions breasts. Periodic fractionation, cooling down into simpler thoughts gradually, drops you at the end in prep for further transformation or conditioning.

Length: 30 Minutes


Word Bath

Take a hot bath and let my words wash you away. This file can be placed on repeat, as it is loopable. It includes pleasure and submission, as well as a general relax-your-entire-body rundown accompanied by rapidfire delivery into fractionated slowness into re-induction. Amnesia has been reported but is not directly suggested. Maybe set an alarm so you don't get all pruney. Works best if you slide into the bath as you start listening.

Length: 22 Minutes

Siren - Catch and Release Fantasy

A tale of your slow seduction by a siren who dwells in a lake. You seek resources, gems, treasures on its shore - certain you are safe in the power of your talisman.

But perhaps your encounter with the creature is not so random as you would first believe.

Warning: Elements of confusion, amnesia, and not knowing what is the fantasy and what is reality, at least immediately after.

Works well with concepts from all the Siren's Voice files, but also a nice stand alone fantasy with a seductive mind fucky element.

Length: 25 Minutes


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