
Persuasive Amnesia Induction (Best)

This 10 minute long induction uses some simple number references while describing the mind as a toolbox into which various useful ways of thinking can go. We accept this idea with mnemonics, focus exercises, and any number of self-help techniques - so why not accept it for pleasure? Aren't there some thoughts you wish you could put out of your mind and retrieve later, so you could be surprised? Don't you sometimes want to forget the outside world and indulge in the words pouring into your mind? Persuasive metaphors, good visualization aid.

10 Minutes

Get Hard Trigger

For listeners with penises. Implies a link between arousal, erection, and hypnotic amnesia after the session. Erect mind, erect body. Can't get erect below? Doubly erect mind, focused on lust, fixating on the fantasies long delayed. You cannot postpone your braingasm indefinitely.

These files train a trigger, my instruction to get hard accompanied by a finger snap. The possibilities of trance, the effects of your erection, and the permission to allow other dominant partners to use your trigger are all contemplated.

The listener is walked through a brief rapport and trust based induction implying amnesia as to file contents might make for a pleasant surprise. "Get Hard" trigger and frequent finger snaps leading in to a brief awakening and encouragement to forget file contents while remembering and responding to trigger.

Might end with you in a fit state to go listen to another file. I loop it sometimes.


Brain Drain Ramble

Brain Drain is my classic "make your mind blank and receptive" trigger, and this is a rambling long-form deepener-laden meditation on it and its effects (and why you want them in your brain).

Dominant, positive, encourages arousal, good beginner concept, inventive induction and deepener portion. Submission and obedience. Trigger for amnesia as to session contents ("you can forget "), trigger for focusing on one idea or concept ("think only of"), and trigger for receptive suggestible blankness (be blank *snap*)

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