Little Corruptions

Little Corruptions - Stated Purpose 2

Long, reflective piece to tenderize one's mind for trance in general. Includes a lot of my favorite deepeners and a run through of relaxing about trance and how the more sure you are of your boundaries, the deeper you end up going. Good rapport-building piece to introduce my style.

A follow up / sidemake of the corruption concept from the original Stated Purpose. Essentially a perspective piece which trains a few of my frequently used phrases. Slightly ominous, slightly sinister, subtly dominant, still collaborative.


Little Corruptions - Latex Tentacle Ravishment

What if tendrils of latex were always waiting just out of sight, for when you were relaxing and horny and wanted them to coat and tease your body. Any time you are "Safe and relaxed" the tendrils will tease and pleasure you, magnifying all sensation, slowly raising your latex fetish, and massaging in all the best places while aiding trance. Continues on with passive background "Corruption" and kink increasing qualities, as well as some triggers for me to use in other latex files.

Ends with HFO instructions and a suggestion anchor tied to cumming while wrapped in latex.

Incorporates all of the Passive Latex Tendril Set components (induction, deepener, awakener).

Created as part of eSuccubus:Fantasy


Little Corruptions - Bound To Change

Small seeds of change which gradually, osmotically alter you.

When you sign up to be tied up, everything from your anticipation of bondage (whether self or another), to the time the ropes actually go on - forming shapes, lattices, fields around your body which change it. Hornier, sluttier, more aroused, more sensitive, and when the ropes are unwrapped that is your covering coming off, freeing a new and more compliant you. Great solo or for couples play, good concept to play with in your hypnotic fun. Same kind of vibe as Cocoon of Sand.


Little Corruptions - Cocoon of Sand (remake)

Tying into the "Relaxing Sands" and various other transformation themed files, this is a "corruption" track about overlaying my interests, desires, and favorite fetishes - as well as my intentions for your body - onto your perception of self.

You are put in a position to change, to be modified, with an intense and lengthy session.

If your body were more naturally aroused, lustful, and fetish disposed, then your mind and your day to day functionality would also be more oriented around pleasure. You would be easier to train.

Remodel your body, and thereby your sensory response and receptivity to the fetishes I present.

A long and dominant transformation and corruption track.

Re-made November 2023

30 Minutes

Little Corruptions - I Go To Your Head

This is a loopable track intensifying all trance which comes from me.
Your mind gradually adjusts, spotting what patterns make it go deepest into trance, and leaves them around for me to find and use.
Non-erotic. Gender neutral. Genital neutral. Purely hypnotic. Corruption themes.

32 Minutes

Submissive Ass Worship: Suggestion Stream

A fast paced fractionation and multi-thread induction/deepener which includes one set of instructions for while you’re “going down” into trance, and another set which uses logic/nested confusion for when you’re “rising up”. The combination produces a hybrid approach which unites to enhance the existing submissive ass worship programming. Includes masturbation instructions and a general air of ongoing reinforcement that will continue long after you are done listening. Delivered in an alternating rapidfire versus deliberative style.


Submissive Ass Worship: Core

Produced through me walking through how I would do a session with a real subject, and then mapping that into a script and recording it. Its scope is large, but intertwined. It goes from the actual act of ass worship, through the drive to do it, through your own self-training and auto-hypnotic urge to sublimate your sexuality into a dominant woman’s control of you through the presence of, and offer of the chance to worship, her ass.

This is a training and fractionation piece in which I take two different tones depending on whether you are currently drifting down into, or up out of, trance. One is that of reasonable temptation: I present alluring ideas to your conscious mind and invite you to enact them, an invitation which once received is entirely in your hands.

While your mind is in the “falling” phase, I emphasize how easily and effortlessly the simple corruptive idea packet of “ass worship submissive moaning and masturbating into their mistress’ ass” has taken root, how it is pressing deeper, becoming an idea inside a shell which is just the reasonable result of listening to me speak.

Talking to you on two different levels: ass-worship submissive, and pleasure-seeking reasonable waking un-hypnotized mind, dropping you between the two levels using the triggers from “brain drain” and “night night”, while elaborating my interests and technique. The influence and programming outlined in this file is “corruptive”, meaning it will slowly move your thoughts in the relevant direction, replacing, augmenting, and attaching to existing thoughts on for example, fetish and sexual expression.

Also, once you have the idea in your head, I’m not really involved any more... it’s yours to pick up or put down at that point.

Ass worship when under the influence of dominant women is part of this, but it is also just an experiment in creating a powerful self-reinforcing idea that creates more pleasure as it is absorbed, and allowing you to augment it on your own using the included mantra, assignment, and suggestion track.

Invites you to select a specific dominant woman OR the concept of dominance in general, your call, if it’s any woman you trust who takes the lead, or someone personal, you can use anyone because the training is generalizable to the situation of “offered a chance to worship a dominant woman’s ass and show your submissive state in response to it”.


Little Corruptions - The Palm of My Hand + The Spark of Creation

This series is about corruption - the idea of overriding your inclinations with a foreign if pleasurable set of ideas or concepts. In this case the ideas are mine - my fetishes, my interests, my particular brand of dominance.

This file is a detailed combination induction and deepener to make all content in my voice more effective. The visualization of you as a piece of work upon my table - clockwork, or a doll, a project for editing - and I the much larger artificer working upon you. Size disparity, "giantess" themes, sure, but also the general radiation of my touch and my desire and design. You can use this as the first part of a submissive or sexual playlist, especially any tied to my favorite fetishes. This file focuses on mental changes and perceiving my voice as "larger" and more influential each time.

Also included is the experimental "The Spark of Creation" induction which uses similar principles tied to my attention and focus, and tied to the circumstances in which that recording was made.


Little Corruptions - Positive Temptation

Deprogramming your existing negative tendencies, getting you past your blocks, your orthodoxies: loosening your chains.

Sounds like a job for temptation. For the whispered word which you can pick up as you please.

Habits of negative self care, habits of sensual repression, habits you wish to break, they have been foisted upon you by a wider world and expected to take. Temptations, on the other hand, are offers which you either accept or do not. My approach is more open.

Rapport-based conditioning to see positive improvement, to have less stigma against temptation, and to enjoy guilt-free climax as part of your self care if you enjoy getting off.


Little Corruptions - Stated Purpose

My intentions corrupt your thoughts slowly, but only the ones you're not using, only the ones you don't need. All of my hypnotic trances enter into your mind and fuel an already-existing diagram. I am in there with you, and I am there to help. When my stated aims are for you to become excellent at making your thoughts agree with me, why would I ever need ulterior motives?

Corruption and pleasure themes, as well as honest and forthright rapport with a sinister mood.

30 Minutes

Hard To Think

What if your mind could get hard and horny, aroused and become part of your system of sexual climax in a more real way? This isn't about physicality, this is about your mind as a purpose build organism, a device for turning your body on and submitting it to my control and artifice. If all you were was your arousal, might your mind not engorge with lust and chemical desire, tagging all your fantasies for inclusion in your mind, and everything else being excluded? Might my hands, my words, not stroke your thoughts into a pleasing shape and let all of the unnecessary things spurt out in a wave of calming controlling desire.

General corruption elements throughout.

Gender neutral, genital neutral, some electricity/communication of nerve endings through pulses and throbs induced mechanically.

A stand-alone file which can also be used as an exhausting induction before any other file or story of my creation. Choose whether you'll savor a drifting erect brain after, or merely use this as the gateway to more action.

This session was made live while working with a subject.

File Length: 26 Minutes

Little Corruptions - Submissive Pet Apotheosis

This is something I made for a listener as a surprise. Encourages ass-play, uses the Brain Drain and Butt Bunny triggers. Includes some light humiliation/embarrassment suggestions, also some oversensitive manipulation and stimulation of your clitoris. Instructions and a bit of tempting BDSM philosophy. Get wet and dripping and drooling for me. Good if you listen to it before a session of masturbating/getting lost in self stimulation. Some endearment/rapport language. Submissive Pet Lesson Set concepts are mentioned, as is being nude except a collar, and having sex toys nearby.

Includes pussy worship, ass worship, general body/scent worship themes, and the concept of imagining me looking at you and wanting to look as horny and wrecked as possible while giggling mindlessly. Rapidfire and positive while also being dominant.

Length: 30 Minutes

Little Corruptions - Latex Tentacle Ravishment 2

Continuation of my tentacle based work.
Focuses on the tentacles exploring the upper body as well, same general themes..
When safe and comfortable, implications that the fantasy is so striking, so alluring, it will return.
This one ends with no awakener, simply an instruction to let the fantasy play itself out over your form, and enjoy yourself..
For all listeners.
Lingering effects? If the images in question are tempting and interesting to you, then when things are safe and private, you might turn your mind to them again.

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