Discovering a mysterious pumpkin and its strange vaginal entrance, the listener finds themselves mesmerized.
Similar to other corrupted flowers in the forest, the pumpkin is designed to milk one's cock and retrieve their semen.
Slipping your cock inside, you proceed to fuck and thrust
You fall short of allowing the eldritch goddess sealed inside to cross over. Deeming you inadequate, she uses the minimal power you have provided to punish you with a curse rendering your submissive cock too sensitive for much thrusting at all.
Yet it never climaxes from your own masturbation...
It might feel quite good, set you trembling and clenching your ass, make your nipples tingle and otherwise excite your body...
But it will never climax unless you are filled, fucked. You are a submissive bottom, sensual prey for powerful desirable partners who pin you down and let you feel pleasantly helpless. Then, and only then, your limp cock will climax in a submissiongasm which cements your true hunger to be fucked and filled.
Length: 26 Minutes