Assumes Breasts

Sleepy Hucow Pack

Simple milk-minded cow-focused pieces including countdowns to sleep, a loopable this-fetish-makes-you-sleepy piece, and a "your nipples have a wave of sleep behind them, stimulate them at your pleasure-peril" one for those of you who want something titillating on the edge of dream.Tracks:

1) Pillow Pressure - (20 minute, a big wave of sleepy pleasure is just waiting for you to provoke it by touching the right/wrong sensitive spot)

2) Cow Signal - Warm Milk Mind Loop Available to Backers in the Backer Folder as a bonus!
(23 minute loopable cow-content-is-allowed-to-help-you-sleep piece which is permissive and confidence building)

3) Cow Signal - Waiting Makes It Worse (arousing variant of the above content with encouragement to fall asleep after)

4) Warm Milk Cowntdown (Available as sample below) - a 15 minute countdown from 100 to 0 with permission to drift off and encouragement to link soothing concepts to the process.

Full pack available as a Reward.


Pointed (Best)

This re-imagined version of an old file puts together the breast-centric concepts from Self-Control: Breasts, Got Milk, The Farm, Breast Success, and Bounce! Containing triggers from many of those files and establishing some nipple-centered language of its own, this piece is for anyone who enjoys their breasts and wants to explore perking up and moooving forward with cowgirl themes and a discussion of submissive arousal. Good corruption/cow content overwhelm piece.

Pointedly drawn on by the mesmerizing points on the tips of your nips.

46 Minutes

Corrupting Breasts - Seed of Corruption HFO

A hot insistent focus on your own breasts as the heat inside them builds, you touch, and maybe even drop, and when you drop certain OTHER things are easier.

Based on a much older file called Captivating Breasts. Stands alone but has similar concepts to a lot of the breast-fetish and cow-themed files on this site and so goes in playlists or alongside them quite nicely.

Some good girls, a seed of corruption concept, idea of a glowing bloom of warmth which, when your heavy attention grabbing tits grab your *own* attention serve as anchored reminders of a time you let me just talk about how much I loved MY tit training, until it spreads to you. Takes a permissive approach to climax, at the request of an anorgasmic listener who loves cow and breast content. Improved by stimulation/arousal. Half of the file forms a short below,

Note the long duration of the full audio, which is available as a Reward file at the patreon on request.

26:06 (Short) / 56:16 (Full Length)

Cowrupting Tentacles - Body Trace and Playtime

This is a cowgirl (sensitive nipples, submission, lactation, some curves) themed pair of tentacle-corruption-submission pieces using my various triggers and concepts to their fullest. It is split into a body part, similar to Triggered Cowgirl Transformation, and a play part similar to the Devotion or The Farm files.

A nipple-based toy, and any insertable or suckable toys you like, can be helpful during the "Play" file. Place these in playlists, listen stand-alone, or chain them back to back (Body one first!) as you please.

A "cow name" of your choosing, defaulting to Mirabelle or Buttercup or "something like that" serves as the anchor for cow headspace and responses.

Samples below.

Pack contains:

Cowrupting Tentacles - Body Trace: 30:12
Cowrupting Tentacles - Play Time: 25:09

This is a Reward audio available on request from the Patreon.

55+ Minutes

Cow Factory - Instinct, Mechanism, Training

Different approaches to *why* you're a lactating, helplessly masturbating cowgirl with a craving to be better and better at cow headspace. Suits any playlist, works with the same concepts as the other recent cow audio like Moo For Me, and Cow Tits Must Moo.

They're all the same in induction and ending, only varying in the specific nature of the suggestions you are touching to. All 3 are in the backer folder already.

3 files, 30+ mins each, same induction

Moo For Me

Assumes boobs. "Good girl" and "good cowgirl" throughout.

The trigger "moo for me" paired with touching your breasts, to reinforce doing it on command for those you deem worthy to make, you, moo.

This is the kind of thing I like, so I make myself moo quite thoroughly and hope it provokes those of you for whom that is a sexy accompaniment to lactation and hucow thoughts.

Countdown, rapidfire, confusion, the seed of cowruption. Idea your boobs store moos in addition to the lactation and frequently lets bubbles buoy up to your brain and induce involuntary moos. Producing moos and milk, no wonder your body is so lazy drowsy deep. Also uses rapport/the idea I am deep and relaxed so maybe you could join me.

Recorded in an echoey closet while there was company in the house, sorry about that part but I think it was sexy anyway.


Give Up And Moo

Teasing. Bullying. Terms of familiarity. Puns. Lactation. Bulying you over how easily you climax for your big milky tits. Jill-off-instructions for the advanced cowgirls of the conditioned hypnotic world. Dominant, teasing, pointing out how you can't help but moo. Full version avail as reward file. Sample above. Has "got milk, pet" and fingersnaps repeatedly, some really good visual description, some tempting phrases to replay later.

When you inevitably fail the "don't let a single drop of milk out" challenge, I move to the "Well can you have an orgasm without touching or thinking about your tits, without having a lactating cowgirlgasm?" And naw prolly not.


Mirabelle Lessons 3-7 - 'Ideal' 'Heavy Breasts' 'Body' 'Mind' 'Breast Obsession'

A series of simple loopable pieces of training and mantras which reinforce elements key to the Mirabelle series of feminine succubus seed breast centric files.

This is another piece in the Feminine Succubus Seed series. Worship of your own growing breasts, and of mine. A feeling of general submission. Soft large-breasted mentality. The internal idol, the idea of "Mirabelle", a feminine transformative manifestation of your desire to be controlled by both your own breasts and mine. These all work with the rest of the feminine succubus seed series, and the five interlaced lessons are made for times when you need a refresher course to reinforce. Lesson 3, "Ideal", is entirely available below, to get you started.

30 Minutes total

Chronicle of the Unbound - Unexpected Gifts

You are an Amazon, a creature of power and potential. Your pheromones lure in the aroused and interested. Your will is manifested in the world around you. You love to read, you love to improve yourself.

Fortunately, there are no humans at the library today to get caught in your influence. Except one is, and one did, and she is not quite what she seems...

A story of denial and submission to a seductive raven-haired woman, her body adorned with tattoos and her heart filled with a true thirst for knowledge.

May benefit from the Getting Into Character - Studious Amazon file.

Assumes vagina/breasts on the listener's part. Sexual content is entirely woman-woman.

40 Minutes

Triggered Cowgirl Transformation

  • Large-breasted milky submissive cowgirl transformation.
  • Detailed transformation piece about leaving own body behind in favor of another.
  • This file goes best with the Relaxing Sands induction, which was made for it.
  • File mentions a leather collar with a bell attached, so wear it if you have one.
  • Does not reference original body state, so gender neutral as to start.
  • Final described form features breasts and dripping pussy.
  • Lingering Effects? Triggered return to this state when your trigger is heard, based on cowgirl name chosen during file. Pick yours now. I like "Mirabelle".

Mirabelle files exist elsewhere on the site as well, which is a potential side benefit of choosing that phrase.

This audio was improved in October 2024 from its original form: it has been enhanced as to both content and audio quality.



The Farm (Best)

A little mental journey to a special milking room for all your cow triggers to be used, for a handler to grope and train you, and for you to drink deeply of good-cow vibes. Subby pet-play, big boobs, lactation, feminization. Assumes pussy and breasts. Says "good girl" at various points.

Interacts with brain drain, mental muzzle, night night, and all cow files on this site.


Got Milk (Best)

A breast and lactation themed trigger file. When "Got milk, pet?" is said, it is a reminder to the listener that they should enter into docile, large-breasted cowgirl mindlessness, and milk themselves if able. This file ties in with other ones like The Farm, Pointed, and Bounce! and uses some of the triggers from them.

This version has no induction or awakener, so you can pick your favorite, or loop it on its own. Some confusion and fractionation.

Includes feminine body and genitalia transformation themes. It doesn't care where your body starts and has a transformation theme. The track calls the listener a "cowgirl".


Elven Wrapping

A winter fantasy, wrapped tight in the covers and subjected to a visitor with an agenda. Unwrap her? No, this is about wrapping you.

Tuck yourself in bed on a cold night, with the blankets right around you, then listen to this.

This is a body file, use it with your favorite induction. It is otherwise loopable and ends with a phrase that leads well into the start of this file so you can put it on repeat post-induction or put multiple copies in a row on a playlist.

Someone joins you in bed for a Christmas surprise. Special bonus for those who have a choker to wear afterward. File is made with those with vaginas and breasts in mind. A file for those with penises will be coming out after the holidays (Elven Unwrapping). About 20 minutes long, very tantalizing, you'll probably wanna get off afterward, maybe with a partner~ Hope people like it. A bonus little bit of conditioning is included for those who own festive chokers and similar neckwear, by the way.

Happy holidays!

19 Minutes

Udder Surrender (Best)

This is a vastly improved and extended version of my classic breast corruption piece. This is about corruption, self-milking, cowgirl and lactation themes. Addiction, tit control, the whole package. Also mooing.

48 Minutes


This file is made for people who listen to Got Milk, The Farm, Pointed, and other breast-centric files. It also draws on and enhances any cowgirl or lactation hypnosis of any kind. Using the triggers from those files, and the fact you listen to and fetishize breast based hypnosis in general, Bounce! persuades the listener that their constantly present breasts are jealous and desirous of attention. As you go through the day and see things bounce (whether the suspension of a car, wind chimes in the breeze, or the feel of your shoes impacting the sidewalk when you take a sudden step), your breasts remind you of the various triggers you have willingly put inside your head and which continue to tease and titillate by strumming your lustful desires all day.

Want your bouncing breasts to stimulate you even more than they usually do? Check it out.

Includes both the original and an updated version made in 2025. More hucow content in the (Best) version.


Cow Tits - Mooful Loop

This is a simple loop which uses the "Got Milk" trigger phrase just once, but I think uses it well. Loopable, encourages self-stimulation and verbal mooing.

Assumes breasts, cowgirl language.


Dragon's Round 1 - A Round On The Dragon

Arriving at the Sapphire Star, an inn run by a cute couple you're fond of, you head inside and offer the single remaining gold coin from your most recent heist as collateral for a room for several nights... and one round of drinks for the house "on the dragon".

For you did indeed steal that coin from a dragon's hoard. To be fair, she was sleeping. Or seemed to be...

Unbeknownst to you, she has followed you with designs on finding her way into your bed, and bringing you home to her lair. Of course, she'll have to get in line behind the powerful warrior woman who wants to spar with you, with sexual favors on the line.

You're happy to accept, your legendary agility and skill with a blade should enable you to end it quickly enough to avoid being controlled by the pheromone-laden Amazon warrior *too* early in the encounter...

It's not that you never want to fall, you'd just like to put on a good show before she takes you to her bed, rubs you down, and puts you to work on her gorgeous body.

The attached "Getting Into Character" audio is a good setup for our protagonist's mindset.

A bratty sapphic love story in numerous parts, starring you as the noble thief in the crosshairs of a bunch of domme vixens on one of the few vacations you've taken in your career.

This was created as the result of a custom request at my patreon.


Getting Into Character - The Noble Thief

A master thief steals for the people, whenever the times are lean. She finds herself in the lair of a sleeping dragon. The dragon vanishes sometimes to be replaced by a gorgeous scaled woman rolling on her cold, but that's okay, neither form would ever notice her anyway. It would be unseemly to look too long, and so she does her business and leaves. They sleep for centuries. Its security system would thwart any ordinary mortal, but the part-elven thief Poe finds it just enough of a challenge.

Filling your purse with coins from her hoard to supplement a recent heist, you take all of the gold you obtain to the local farmers except for one piece, which comes with you to your favorite little inn. The pretty bartender at the Sapphire Star is happy to take your coin as you tell her you're buying a round 'On the dragon".

But this time... you've been followed by something with almost no interest in retrieving its gold.

Be careful when you closely observe, that you are not being closely observed.

Be careful when you steal that something of yours is not being emptied in turn.

Sapphic love story featuring the innkeeper, the innkeeper's wife, and the cast of characters occupying the inn who would all love to let off some steam with someone as pretty and pliable as you... including the dragon herself.

A "getting into character" track for the Dragon's Round series. This audio was a custom commission. The Dragon's Round files benefit from this bit of characterization.


Werewolf GF Hunting Roleplay

Description from Leanan Ivy:

Your girlfriend is in heat. Her transformations come on strong and while she safely restrains herself... she does like to go wild once in a while. You hide, she hunts, and by the time she finds you she is too turned on and caught in your scent to do anything but ravage you, eat you out, subject you to her pinning control, taste you, use you, hump against you, growl in your ear. All wolf sound effects are by myself.

Leanan Ivy recorded this based off a script from reddit's 'gone wild audio' subreddit by user vixel_is_aroused

F4M Version of the audio

F4F Version of the audio

If you appreciate Leanan's work and want to support her as well as get exclusives which are *not* featured here at eSuccubus, consider pledging to her Patreon campaign which can be found here.

21+ Minutes

Fairy Mischief - Catch F4M and F4F

You catch up to the fairies, narrowly avoiding their trap. Of course, now that you've caught them you don't have any idea what to *do* with them. Given that two of them have fallen prey to the magical rope harness intended for you, you think maybe you'll let them go...

Except they are begging you to play with them, to toy with them, to allow them to feed from your sexual fluids as you take charge of the three women and direct them how to pleasure you despite your size disparity.

As they are effected by your fluids as though you were a potent aphrodisiac, the fairies enjoy themselves immensely and even have a surprise for you in the end.

Written by Elena McIvor, voiced by Leanan Ivy.

25 Minutes

A Cowgirl's Bell - Clarion Call

Intensely adding to the existing work of A Cowgirl's Bell, Clarion Call adds a stronger large-breasted self-pleasuring response to hearing a bell in safety, especially from one's own collar. Confusion, resistance play, powerful cowgirl programming, and arousing mindless blankness are all involved. Night Night and Brain Drain triggers are invoked, as well as Got Milk, Pointed, and other cowgirl audios.
Intense submission elements and submitting to your handler/domme are also discussed.

Length: 30 Minutes

Milk Farm 4 - The Machine

You have once more been denied your milking for days. Your heavy breasts need to be emptied in the orgasmic frenzy which is your usual due, your favorite thing, your constant fetish. Your handler takes you to the room where breast augmentation and massage is done, the same place your "output" was tested last time.

This time she turns the milking machine on full, including an inserted dildo and headphones + goggles to play pornographic imagery, condition you with repeated mantras, and otherwise bring you to the deepest most powerful climax possible in preparation for your future life as a milked euphoric part of the machinery of this place. Continuing the Milk Farm content, assumes breasts, no specific genital references but assumes some kind of toy insertion either anal or vaginal will occur.

The Good Cowgirl Mantra can be found here.
Length: 40 Minutes + Includes a 10 minute Good Cowgirl mantra.

Sensitive Breasts 2 + Sensitive Nipples and Breasts Pack

Two inductions and one main file in a single reward file pack.

The Nipple Play Induction and Deepener is quite simply about finding the right way to play with your nipples to push you deeper and encourages nipple play as a general trance anchor in future. It serves as a deepener as well, as you can re-deepen and intensify your own drop through playing with your nipples and focusing on the sensations in addition to the induction itself.

The Sensitive Breasts Induction and Deepener is a combination piece about stimulation on your breasts dragging you down into trance which also encourages docile simple enjoyment of your tits. It is free for all and downloadable below.

Sensitive Breasts 2 works well with the Sensitive Breasts deepener and is about finding ways to feel more than just sensual pleasure from playing with your tits, including other 'good' feelings into association and encouraging you to use breast play as an ever more powerful and consuming reward when you have done well and want to anchor a behaviour in yourself.

Length: 10+15+25 Minutes - 50 total.

The Only Thing Left Is Moo

When you listen, you will be slowly stripped of everything but the word "moo" by the end, lost in coruption, desire, and delight in me. When it is done, the playlist can continue into any cowgirl file quite handily.

Gender neutral. Mentions breasts. Periodic fractionation, cooling down into simpler thoughts gradually, drops you at the end in prep for further transformation or conditioning.

Length: 30 Minutes


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