Kitsune's Pet Series

Kitsune Pet 5 - Aftercare

After your mistress ran you through your sexual paces, you're exhausted. You try to put up a brave face but she knows you're tired and need to be taken care of. She brushes your fur focusing on your tail, massages, and then tucks you in to bed with her to be her body pillow for the night as the two of you drift away.

Final installment in the Kitsune Pet series.

This file was made possible through eSuccubus Fantasy


Kitsune's Pet 4 - A Spell of Heat

You awaken to your aroused mistress pinning your form down, exploring it with her hands. A spell of arousal forces your pussy into overdrive, you need to be filled, used for her whims, to be a good pet through surrendering to your lusts. She brings you off repeatedly, has you pleasure her body, and enjoys her pet to the fullest.

This file was made possible through the eSuccubus Fantasy project.


Kitsune's Pet 3 - Bound and Trained

Transformation into a female fox-morph and then subjugation as a many-tailed fox spirit's pet. The kitsune intends to bring you home, but first comes trickery, transformation, and the implication that the spell cast on you will slowly bring you to your knees as her new pet. She brought you back to her manor. Your training continues.

You awaken bound to a bondage device where you are free to grind your pussy and clit upon it. In fact you are already compulsively doing so with the help of her familiar. Much petting, encouragement, and gentle brainwashing follows to turn you into her ideal pet, trained to worship her pussy, follow in her footsteps, and eagerly kneel while sexual pleasure overtakes you for her enjoyment.

Created as part of the eSuccubus Fantasy patreon.


Kitsune's Chastity Curse

Dominant kitsune babe takes control. Cock-specific anatomy and it assumes you are under some kind of chastity conditioning or command.

That chastity is taken as a powerful tool to feed and infuse your new patron, who shows you you'd rather it were *even stronger* instead. Dreamlike helplessness, relaxation.

TBH made this one long ago and just found it sitting in my unposted files folder so I wanted to share it. Hope you like it. Again, exercise caution and maybe do a cautionary listen to make sure I didn't miss any warnings. Thanks!


Kitsune's New Pet 1

Transformation into a female fox-morph and then subjugation as a many-tailed fox spirit's pet. The kitsune intends to bring you home, but first comes trickery, transformation, and the implication that the spell cast on you will slowly bring you to your knees as her new pet.

Pet play and dominance themes. For pussy-having listeners or those who are fine with transformation toward that theme.

Kitsune's Pet 2 - Your New Place

Transformation into a female fox-morph and then subjugation as a many-tailed fox spirit's pet. The kitsune intends to bring you home, but first comes trickery, transformation, and the implication that the spell cast on you will slowly bring you to your knees as her new pet. She brought you back to her manor. Your free night is over. Now your training begins.

Made to kneel on the floor of a ballroom, she instructs you on your fate and your coming purpose, while teasing sexually but not granting fulfillment to your very aroused body.

Continued implication of training into a pet. Collaring. Knee pads. Kneeling. Following her. Some very light foot play themes as an overture to possible future content. Some tender moments.

Created as part of the Moonlit Hypnosis Project. This file is available here as a Reward file or on Moonlit as a Vault file.

Length: 25 Minutes

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