
An Elf's Present

An elf comes to your camp and offers a present. You unwrap it only to find the bow is enchanted and the box contains a special guest with very specific intentions for you. Who is really the present here?

An homage and a twist on the Corruption of Champions holiday event where an elf brings you a present and it twists in a sexy direction.

This time the omnibus Ceraph gets involved, and your butt gets fucked.

Happy holidays!


Elven Unwrapping - Vagina Version

  • Sensual holiday encounter with a willing and submissive companion.
  • Guess you've been nice this year, a mysterious visitor comes with a present.
  • Short elven woman with curvy hips and small breasts.
  • Asked to decide between a mystery box, or her, the choice is obvious.
  • This is the version for listeners who have a vagina. There is a penis-centric version too.
  • Gender neutral on pronouns. Difference between the two files is only where the elf focuses on pleasuring the listener.
  • Ends with a possible opening for sequels.
  • Free public file. Like it? Consider the Patreon.
  • The notes I wrote when recording the file are included.

Elven Unwrapping - Penis Version

  • Sensual holiday encounter with a willing and submissive companion.
  • Guess you've been nice this year, a mysterious visitor comes with a present.
  • Short elven woman with curvy hips and small breasts.
  • Asked to decide between a mystery box, or her, the choice is obvious.
  • This is the version for listeners who have a penis. There is a vagina-centric version too.
  • Gender neutral on pronouns. Difference between the two files is only where the elf focuses on pleasuring the listener.
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