
Cow Factory - Instinct, Mechanism, Training

Different approaches to *why* you're a lactating, helplessly masturbating cowgirl with a craving to be better and better at cow headspace. Suits any playlist, works with the same concepts as the other recent cow audio like Moo For Me, and Cow Tits Must Moo.

They're all the same in induction and ending, only varying in the specific nature of the suggestions you are touching to. All 3 are in the backer folder already.

3 files, 30+ mins each, same induction

Wound Down - Clockwork Training

When someone puts their finger against your skin, someone you trust and want to "wind down" with, you surrender to their touch. One, down, left... two, down, left... twenty, down, left...

Each number makes you more submissive, each circling winding you deeper, down, lower, more subby... manifesting as a perfect clockwork work of art who ticks on compliant into the session.

Other features, such as a general clockwork framework for trance, its usefulness, and specific expansible modular elements of the instructions, are open for exploration in your own play or future files.

High Trancey Vibes
Moderate Hypnotic Skills
Moderate Visualization


On Submission

  • The final file in the Submissive Pet Lesson Set.
  • References the listener wearing a collar.
  • Uses the triggers from Good Pet and Sleep For Me, previous files in this set.
  • Amnesia suggestions. Made to work well with Listen and Learn, the previous deepener in this lesson set.
  • Discusses the societal habit of shaming people for submitting.
  • Reminds that there is nothing wrong with being a submissive pet, and it is a good thing to have some people who are.
  • Reminder of previous content, reinforcement, briefly exalts and compliments the listener's listening habits.
  • This is part of the Submissive Pet Lesson Set and is made to be listened to by someone who has heard the previous lessons.
  • The files all interlock and use related concepts.

Sleep For Me

  • Short and sweet, installation of a go-to-bed trigger to be used by dominant partners.
  • References the listener wearing a collar.
  • Uses the triggers from Night Night, Brain Drain, Good Pet, and On Submission.
  • Part of the Submissive Pet lesson set.
  • Sends the listener to sleep at the end.
  • Amnesia suggestions.
  • Might help in understanding and obeying a dominant partner's orders to get some rest.
  • Lingering effects? Going to sleep when told, getting everything out of the way and then safely settling in.
  • This is part of the Submissive Pet Lesson Set and is made to be listened to by someone who has heard the previous lessons.
  • The files all interlock and use related concepts.
8+ Minutes

Sensitive and Aroused Induction and Deepener

Sensitivity, arousal, amnesia. When you are turned on it's harder to remember and easier to forget.

An induction and deepener incorporating rapport and encouragement to masturbate. You can use it with any other induction and deepener to layer them on. Implied amnesia and forgetting things you do not need to retain, paired with ongoing increases in arousal which you draw from trance.

16 Minutes


  • Training at how to relax and listen to these files.
  • Includes discussion of amnesia and visualizations.
  • A piece about the mechanics of trance.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe an easier time chilling out and following along.

Subby Puppy - Underfoot Training Time

You, as a submissive puppy, serve and whimper under my thrall and influence. I rest my feet on you, and slowly train you. All foot fetish exposure brings out puppy mindsets and awakens your urge to be handled, positioned, and allowed to just be a good puppy.

Incorporates the Underfoot Training Time Induction

This was created as the result of a custom request at my patreon.


Devotion - Washed Away

You are being pulled away into the fabric of me. Seated on my lap, my words flowing into your mind, you are encouraged to edge, masturbate, climax, and edge more.

Every time you listen you edit your mind to be more susceptible to me, more drawn into my control, and more prone to pleasure. You think with your dripping pussy and your rigid clit and your mind fades away. Your hand goes just where it belongs, and my words slide into an open empty brain.

Intense conditioning which works well with the "Awash" deepener in front of it. Long, powerful, encourages and perhaps even enforces both climax and returns to listening. Some amnesia, some corruption themes. Interfaces with Night Night, Brain Drain, and mentally Muzzled as well as prior Devotion work.

Available as a reward file. Sample is attached.

Length: 30 Minutes


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