You've watched her from afar for a long time. No one ever perceives you. You don't quite know how to turn that ability off. You internalized your shadeshifter training a little too well. You keep certain muscles tensed, you move in a shuddering vibratory way. Paired with the darkness inside of you, you are simply not seen. You take food from shops and leave payment. You take contract payments right from the desks of village clerks after you've done the job.
You leave offerings for the Willow Maidens and for one in particular. She always takes the black gowns you leave. You leave other colors too, but the black garments end up on her body one way or another.
Willow maidens have no hierarchy, but she certainly feels above the others...
And you watch her, one day, when you're leaving your offering. She turns to leave, you think you should be leaving too.
She walks toward you. You move out of the way. She corrects course. You dart ten feet away. She kisses you on the top of your head and says hello. She dispels your illusions with a word. A powerful submissive ache wells in you as you talk. The two of you make love.
She makes a proposal.
You accept.
Bit of sapphic elf-on-Willow Maiden romance ensues.

As a bonus:
- The Getting Into Character entry which sets the scene for the main file.
Length: 40 Minutes