

This is a collection of 6 hypnotic musings, most of them either meditative or deepeners. Created while in trance and faded. I don't know what else to say. Hope you enjoy.

60 Minutes across 6 files.

Shiny Spandex Seed Meditation Loop

A shiny spandex worship training file. Yet another person commissioned a file on this theme. This file was made at the same time as, and works well with, Shiny Spandex Obedience. The listener is trained to worship and obey those wearing shiny spandex leggings, includes an intellectual meditation on why so many people have this fetish, and some arousal and teasing at the end culminating in climax and torment. Enjoy. This file is 13 minutes long, loopable, and is presented with neither induction nor awakener.


"Just Breathe" Meditation

A meditation for people who don't really 'get' or 'like' meditations. Less of the mystical energy stuff, more about the mechanics and the studies done into the practice. Its just about breathing, and you're going to do that anyway. Good for a pause or a break if you need it.


Self Knowledge Invitation

This is an invitation to meditate. Not precisely an induction, it is a thoroughly non-erotic but relaxing description of one possible incentive to address your innermost thoughts. The narrative of self improvement aids trance, aids relaxation, helps you acknowledge you have more to learn about yourself and that being self-taught is okay even if you need some assistance and guidance to get there. Begin your playlist here, then place any meditation, self help, or behavioural programming piece after it.


Edging Energization

What if you had a ritual for the morning, to get yourself going and up your energy all day long?

Edge yourself. Masturbate until near the point of climax, then stop. Hold on to your orgasm, save it for later.

This process grows stronger each time you do it, sending yourself through the day on an improved trajectory with the help of your edged up desire for an orgasm you will have on your own terms, with all your work done, at the end of the day.

The temptation grows throughout, but keeps you sharp and focused because of the promise of pleasure.


Meditation - Giving Yourself Permission

Giving yourself permission to work meditation into the everyday can sometimes require a level of "just experiencing things" which takes a bit of practice. You might talk about it, think about it, but eventually you have to try just doing it.

This is a lazy slow paced 20 minute meditation piece with breathing, bodyscan, mindfulness, and grounding elements. A good place to start.


Meditation Introduction

A possible introduction to why you might want to consider meditation, and my own approach. This is just a good reminder that you can take the time and should permit yourself time to meditate.


Get It On The Page

An artistic encouragement piece you can loop in the background while doing your daily writing practice. It encourages you to write on the page, get the words out, work them over and produce something. Good for all manner of art, but best for writing. There is also a remake/b-side made in 2025.


Basis for Rest Meditation

Sometimes you could use a little help falling back to sleep, like when you wake up in the night or you're trying to get a nap in midday.

This is an exercise to help with that.

13 Minutes

Cowgirl Motivation and Reassurance

Much cowgirl material has problematic elements you might want to ignore or discard.

This reassuring track helps you to imagine a perfect image of the cowgirl life and form you would like.

When you imagine this form, any training you seek out which conflicts with it can be ignored, but that which connects to it is more powerful.

A reassuring reminder that it is not only okay to blaze your own path: it is more effective.


Kind and Compassionate Connections Meditation

Connections between you and everyone you love and who has cared for you reinforce your ability to do good in the world. A simple concept, but useful and affirming. Allow a little over ten minutes for this meditation.


Meditative Tendencies

Meditation is good for your trance experience, good for your everyday calm and relaxation. This invitation draws on your connection to me and your desire to explore yourself. Use it at the start of any playlist and be gently invited into reflection and exploration alongside me. Works great with Masculine Allure, Self Knowledge Invitation, and any meditative slow reflective file of your choosing.

Kindness and Compassion Instruction

Goes with any meditation intro, like the Self Knowledge Invitation. Learn to forgive yourself, first. Its science.

This recording is based on a theme of self-forgiveness and compassion for others. This kind of meditation can be good for you.



Experimental meditation on being nothingness, turning yourself off, being empty and emptying out simply on command. Great as a break in longer playlists or practice on its own, or as an example of my voice if you want to see how work which causes greater response to my voice responds to an example.

Created by Leanan Ivy.

Exclusive work, scripts, layers, loops, and binaurals are available at her independent Patreon which is located here.


Otter Goddess Meditation

Out by a flowing river running through idyllic farmland, you encounter a giant otter - the spirit and goddess of a river.

She invites you to ride on her chest down the river, shielding you from rain and allowing you to float down a waterfall with her.

Length - 38 Minutes

Sleep - Training the Breath

More pre-sleep training. A permissive resistance and confusion-based rapport meditation which uses your own breathing and the word 'sleep' as a self-anchoring sleep mechanic, accompanied by the idea of being pushed down further and further each time you practice this exercise. Includes programming about processing yourself into easier wakening in the morning as well through breathing deliberately.
Useful for those who have studied the square breath during meditation, but any steady calm deep breathing makes a nice anchor if that is comfortable for you.

Length: 8 Minutes

Kindness and Compassion Meditation

This is a Loving-Kindness meditation. A meditation addressed at compassion and kindness, at love for the self and for others in a way which is understanding and unconditional.

This meditation is an exercise, meant for you to repeat it on your own eventually but works very well as guided meditation practice.

Voiced by Leanan Ivy, written by Elena McIvor

An associated mantra can be found here, just a short loop of the core lesson.
Length: 21 Minutes

Background Music:
Green Tea by Purrple Cat |
Music promoted on
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

The Location of Breath

One of the simplest principles of meditation is locating and following your breath.

Getting distracted is normal, even intended, because returning your attention to your breath is a learning behavior which forms new paths of thought and assists you in developing further meditative skills.

This audio is written by Elena McIvor and has been voiced by Leanan Ivy.

Features Royalty Free Music from Bensound, "Relaxing"

Length: 14 Minutes

Change of Season - Mindfulness Meditation

A meditation for you, this fall. Mindfulness, visualization. Very simple. Typical stuff.

Length: 12 Minutes

Under 5 Minutes and More Than Water Reminder

Slightly hypnotic dominance, slightly self care.

Under 5 Minutes is a meditation about habit formation and commands you to pick something you can do in 5 minutes or less, some chore or task you have in mind, and just go do it. The meditation itself is under 5 minutes long.

More Than Water is about how "have you been drinking enough water" and "remember to hydrate" are a way of saying something we normally leave unspoken, so examine that. But also literally drink enough water please.

More Than Water Reminder

Under Five Minutes

12 Minutes total

Meditation Lesson 1

The basics of meditation, as a prelude to later transformation…

Aine Duana is the most natural shapeshifter on the grounds of Athene Magical College. If asked how she does it, she would first question just how firm one’s form really is, and then ask if you meditate. This is an example of one of her simplest meditative outings. Next time you might get to the furry bits, or the scaly bits. But start here.

Created as part of the Moonlit Hypnosis Project

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