
Tap Tap Tap

A simple triggered instruction from my set of files on the topic: When you tap a selected spot three times with intent, relax and savor, for a moment, time to breathe and feel trance wash over you. Worked into many of the various beginner and devotion files, as well as my preferred autohypnotic self-drop.


Safety and Escape (Best)

The safety and escape of comfortably knowing you're only going to experience what you want to. This is a comfort/safety/rapport track meant to work with the other Beginner files.

17 Minutes

Climax and Relaxation 2 - Keep It Comin

Corruption-centric followup to Climax and Relaxation which can be found here.

Playful lore-friendly corruptive climactic self-dropping. Climax at your own risk.

Come into trance when you come.

Trance into coming when you self-trigger.

Be persuaded to surrender to your own response when climax hits.


Tap Tap Tap - Training

A trigger I often use myself and which is hopefully easy for you to train. Slightly dominant/BDSM inclined self-help and relaxation prompt featuring a soothing anchor state and a long deepener/induction mixed in. Some good phrasing in this.

The trigger? Tapping a spot you select (default is back of neck under your ear) with two fingers, three times. A simple reminder to relax and let any current stressors or useless information fall out of your mind in favor of focus. Good for play as well.


Relaxing Sands - Corruption Induction

Invokes my general puppetry/corruption/marionette theme, some doll vibes, but also some general service/"you are doing this to yourself" additions to my classic Relaxing Sands. This is the induction intended for the upcoming Corruptive Seed piece.

An induction/deepener fit to go in a playlist either at the start or when skipping around.

References other beginner files, my usual triggers, and the concept of autohypnosis. Mantras: "I cannot resist hypnotic trance" "now, follow me down", similar flourishes.


Common Concepts - Common Phrases

This is a file which incorporates a number of my favorite phrases, laying them out in a positive way with interspersed finger snaps and re-deepeners. It is excellent for beginners or as a refresher, and the themes within are used throughout my other work.

Example phrases covered:

"Now" - the way I tend to announce and begin files. Also my own trance trigger, in a way, since I so often trance out when unwinding material.

"Follow me down" - indicating I am going ahead of you and my voice is filtering back, which is related to...

The Path Metaphor - I constantly speak of trance as a path from where you were, to where you are going, which you may re-tread or back up on, on which you may examine material or images to the sides of the path, and so on.

"Leave behind the weary world" - suggesting if you have set aside time to trance, you would like a break from the outside, for a time.

"Deeper and deeper" - the classic deepener has a specific meaning and invitation, when I use it.

"Leave it by the wayside" - telling you to leave things you don't need, thoughts, awarenesses, next to the path - you can come back for them later.

"Heavy with honey" - that your mind is syrupy, sweet, but thoughts can't necessarily get out, even though my words can drop right into the honey coated mindscape from above.

"Listen, and relax..." - a reminder I so frequently use.

The general concept of choosing, amplifying, and later installing concepts, and that I may "visit" other spaces you've already built and used, is also addressed: an approach to self-hypnosis which is pro-actively going on at the same time as you are listening to my suggestions. Good beginner attitude for trance.

There are some playful deepener and induction flourishes as well.


Beginner Session 1 - A Short Flight of Inductions

This is a lesson-formatted educational piece about various approaches to induction and to trance. Intended for beginners, to foster a useful mindset toward trance and collaborative hypnosis.

There will be a follow-up which runs more like a normal live session would.


Collaborative Trance Primer

This is a mindset primer, describing one approach to take when going into trance - that you are responsible for using your own deepening triggers, your own tools of trance, as part of a "yes-and" improv game in which I am just one component. Encouraging, positive, gives some examples, has a hidden induction and suggestion mixed in for fun. More Beginner content it might be helpful and feel reassuring to have in your mind.


Beginner's Hypnosis Primer

First thing's first: if you wanna learn about hypno here are a few excellent resources for an erotic setting: This is a guide by Sleepingirl! It is very very good and much of what I say in this track is inspired by what she says in this and her other works.
- is her excellent collection of works which I also enjoy and which inspired my playful approach to self hypnosis

This is a basic introduction to my hypnotic style and some thoughts about improving hypnotic trance for newcomers. It includes an induction, deepener, a trigger suggesting you drop for the phrase "night night", and some permissive awakening playfulness.

If you want to skip the information/education and go directly to the trance, go to the 30 minute mark.




This is a collection of 6 hypnotic musings, most of them either meditative or deepeners. Created while in trance and faded. I don't know what else to say. Hope you enjoy.

60 Minutes across 6 files.

Backstage Magic

  • Sequel to Stage Magic - the magician invites the listener to her dressing room for a lesson.
  • Builds on themes from the the previous file.
  • Lucid dream themes.

Carrying on from the ending of Stage Magic, the listener enters a dressing room which belongs to the star of the show.

She instructs the listener in new ways to interact with their dreams, through an object lesson and a useful illusion.

Eyes, spirals, sensual implications.


Vampire Fantasy - Part 3

  • A dark path near a quaint and misty town.
  • An intimate greeting by your vampiric friend.
  • An invite near her home.
  • A moonlit soak in a heated pool.
  • Relaxation, arousal, a massage.
  • Her glowing, seductive eyes.
  • A story-driven and relaxing experience for all listeners. Very long and detailed.

Boundary of Dream

  • Piece intended for right before sleeping.
  • New perspective on sleep and dream.
  • Some elements recognizable to those who liked the Dragon Shifter files.

Rotated to free on Sept 12, 2023.


Kitsune's Chastity Curse

Dominant kitsune babe takes control. Cock-specific anatomy and it assumes you are under some kind of chastity conditioning or command.

That chastity is taken as a powerful tool to feed and infuse your new patron, who shows you you'd rather it were *even stronger* instead. Dreamlike helplessness, relaxation.

TBH made this one long ago and just found it sitting in my unposted files folder so I wanted to share it. Hope you like it. Again, exercise caution and maybe do a cautionary listen to make sure I didn't miss any warnings. Thanks!


Devotion - Trust and Safety

A reassuring rapport based audio about my stated intentions in trance. I want you to be happy, safe, and capable, and to be able to enjoy hypnotic experiences very broadly. I make my work known to help drive this home, but literal minds sometimes want very specific reassurances - that I only want what if best for you, and that you're this to and with yourself.

These reassurances were requested as a custom piece, and now are available for everyone.

30 Minutes

Nipple Play HFO Loops and Reassurance

This is a set of nipple themed pieces already in the Backer Folder. A general theme of climaxing without touching anything but your nipples, they are gender and genital neutral, focusing on nipples rather than making any reference to breasts or to anything going on between your legs other than pleasure.

Loopable Nipple Play HFO Training - 21 Minutes

A piece for while you play with your nipples which takes a permissive non-dominant approach to enabling you to develop greater skill and sensitivity during nipple play. This is just another way you can get off. Compatible with all my nipple pumping, massaging, and stimulation files while using a very gentle and permissive induction and positioning itself as loopable for long masturbatory sessions. Since it is a loop, put it on repeat or mix it freely into playlists.

Nipple Sensitivity Development and Reassurance Loop - 7 Minutes

Made for a listener who wanted reassurance when dropping into trance, this loopable piece includes general descriptions of increasing sensitivity and metaphors tied to developing more sensation from previously less sensitive areas. Loop it as a reminder when you do not have time for the full Training.

Permission to Touch- Nipple HFO Reinforcement.mp3 - 8 Minutes

A reinforcement piece which notes that if you are setting aside time to touch yourself, this is the best possible place and time to do it, and that in so doing you are only giving puppeted, hypnotized force to your pre-existing desire to participate in a nipple-stimulation based orgasm.

36:53 total

Get Snuggly/Hard Deepener

Giving your brain a boner while you're nestling down into blankies/all wrapped up for sleep piece. Get comfy and let your brain get all hard and horny. Works with my "get hard" piece from long ago, and is genital and gender neutral. Good in playlists.

Corruption and comfort themes.


Tap Tap Tap - Creativity Control

When you feel creatively blocked, the source is often anxiety or distraction. Fixation and relaxation are possible outcomes of trance.

Learning to channel them into a specific physical trigger would be greatly beneficial to you, and so this piece of training exists. Tap a certain locaztion when anxiety blocks you, drift, let ideas occur naturally to you.

See Also: Get It On The Page


Night Night 2 - Deepener

  • The original Night Night was a trance anchor, presented as a body file.
  • This sequel is an extremely long, relaxing, detailed reinforcement of the same trigger.
  • A full 40 minutes for those who want to be extremely deep before the body file even starts.
  • This more dominant deepener expands on those concepts and persuades the listener with tension and resistance themes.
  • As a deepener, place it after an induction but before a body file.
  • Relaxation, nested countdowns, fractionation, implied amnesia.
  • Longer, updated, more detailed. Cements a trance anchor to return one to trance and thus reduce time spent on inductions.

Tap Tap Tap - Useful Signals 2

Continuing the Tap Tap Tap series, this piece is about dismissing unnecessary thoughts and filling your mind with pleasing purple light instead. Useful to follow on after the first 'Tap Tap Tap - Useful Signals", this is an instruction set for anchoring a simple trigger to a three-taps-in-a-specific-location mnemonic.

Also includes a remake made in 2025


Tap Tap Tap - Useful Signals

The act of tapping a chosen spot three times with your fingers becomes a useful anchor - a reminder that you are here and only useful information can and should be present with you.

You only need certain information in order to function, and a lot of the data you receive from your body can be junk data.

That data can be discarded with a few simple taps.


Tap Tap Tap - Relaxation Trigger

A simple and calming trigger implantation piece. The trigger of gently tapping two fingers anywhere on your body becomes a signal to help you calm down, center yourself, restore equilibrium, and limit your senses and awareness only to the things you need to handle. Just for a few moments, long enough to resettle your mind and choose new actions in the wake of that pleasant reminder.

Uses the experience of trance as an analogy. Includes confidence and encouragement.


Autohypnotic Conditioning Practice

The Conditioning piece (attached below) is about adding a self-conditioning element to your trances, allowing you to pick kinesthetic, verbal (self-mantra-repetition), and visualization (images of fetishes, programming, or dreams of your own subservience) to the exercise from the first track.


Autohypnotic Practice Session

This is a simple exercise for relaxing, taking some deep breaths, and visualizing your mind turning off as you slide into trance. It is intended to be a basic form of practice. The exercise asks you to note the time or perhaps set a timer, and then to drift with your eyes closed, progressively relaxing your body and focusing on simple visualizations and kinesthetic response.


Getting To Know You / Inside And Out

A piece by Leanan Ivy. In the creator's own words:

Non-erotic and erotic versions of a simple type of hypnotic induction: the rapport induction. You are invited to identify with me, and informed about how *I* drop into trance, so I can give some examples and bring you closer. This uses the "submerge" phrasing I have used previously, and also the root and path metaphors I frequently draw on.

The erotic version, Inside And Out, is available to supporters at her Patreon along with her scripts, early access pieces, binaural and layered versions.
Leanan at Reddit
Leanan on Soundgasm

25 Minutes

Brain Break - Absolute Saturation

A rapidfire verbiage overwhelm audio which expands on the "Brain Break" concept.

I provide you with enough words and thoughts for your mind to concern itself only with self care, with thinking those thoughts that have been waiting for you to un-clench and address them. This is a time you can loop, and a track which more powerfully provides a chance to zoom your brain out, each time you visit. In the suspended time, which is about taking care of yourself as you would want to be taken care of, you are allowed to drift without thoughts you normally consider 'mandatory', and pause your mind enough to focus on yourself.

Works with Brain Drain and Night Night series concepts as well. Uses the same start as Brain Break - Loop and Pause, but is much longer.

Available as a Reward audio.


Brain Break 2 - Loop

Drawing on triggers from Night Night and Brain Drain, this file follows in the footsteps of the original Brain Break.

10 minutes of rapidfire triggers and conditioning aimed at providing alternative focus so you can be truly blank, maybe even lose track of time or forget the period of time entirely. Great for resting a tired body. Loopable so you can put it on repeat and keep going through, perhaps forgetting the cycle, until you need to do something else.

10 Minutes

Brain Break - Loop and Pause

A simple loop about your thoughts getting slower and more relaxed so you can have a breather. It can be looped, or put on a playlist multiple times. You can just put it on repeat, and drift.

Uses the Brain Drain concepts, various beginner concepts, and interacts well with Night Night.

There is another loop in this series, Brain Break 2.


Nothing More

A reverse psychology deepener where I highlight your rising up out of trance as so certain, so secure, so definite, it will obviously banish all trace of trance. All vision or element of being hypnotized will quickly go away, leaving you peaceful but wholly awake... right?

You can use this as an awakener, but it's far better as a deepener designed to trick you back down.

The script, as well as exclusive audios, can be found at Leanan Ivy's independent Patreon.


Nothingness 2 (Normal and Extended Versions)

Your mind empties, as effectively as ever, and you only notice those places where our discussion and shared regard alights. The longer you fall into the relaxed place, the more you are just a void waiting for the next thing to be highlighted, and for my voice to lead you home.

In the extended version, the only parts of you which exist are the parts I talk about, the erotic bits which feel best and which you then have no way to clench against because of the fact they are the only thing you can sense.

A longer erotic version is available to supporters of Leanan Ivy at her independent Patreon, as well as a copy of the script and other exclusive extras.

7 Minutes / 15 Minutes Extended


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