Runtime Series

Runtime Arousal Deepener

Made to continue onward from the Runtime Induction, this deepener notes that when your subconscious mind gets especially good at managing the descent into trance, it might use its excess processing power and free time to arouse you. Your mind is intrinsically pleasure seeking, and the very deep and aroused mind will tend to trance more actively and easily. Train yourself to enter trance in an aroused receptive state. Precede this file with an induction, and follow it with any other file of your liking.

10 Minutes

Runtime Induction

An induction focusing on the duality between the conscious and subconscious mind, and which tasks involved in entering routine trance are best divided which way. Double bind, finger snaps, confusion, relaxation. Gender and genital neutral. No dominant terms. This is an induction, the first part of trance. Follow it with any other hypnotic file you wish.

Length: 10:57

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