
Eternal Hardness 2

This is like Eternal Limpness 2, but in reverse. Nagging, persistent, hard, body and mind. Corruptive. I do not provide any further information about this audio. Listen at your own option. Intro and induction above, full version available as a reward. Assumes penis. Fractionation, joi.

40 Minutes long. Includes deepener and induction - indeed the file above can be used with any hardness and joi focused piece as an intro to get you in the mood. The full experience allows for but does not require, climax.

40 Minutes

Relaxing Sands - Corruption Induction

Invokes my general puppetry/corruption/marionette theme, some doll vibes, but also some general service/"you are doing this to yourself" additions to my classic Relaxing Sands. This is the induction intended for the upcoming Corruptive Seed piece.

An induction/deepener fit to go in a playlist either at the start or when skipping around.

References other beginner files, my usual triggers, and the concept of autohypnosis. Mantras: "I cannot resist hypnotic trance" "now, follow me down", similar flourishes.


Beginner Session 1 - A Short Flight of Inductions

This is a lesson-formatted educational piece about various approaches to induction and to trance. Intended for beginners, to foster a useful mindset toward trance and collaborative hypnosis.

There will be a follow-up which runs more like a normal live session would.


Shared HFO - Your Cock Controls You So Much

A long resistance and rapport induction/deepener (which is attached separately below), mixed with a set of edging/jerk off/hands free orgasm prompts amid my own ongoing climax. Has several good mantras.

I do a fairly standard progressive relaxation/rapport induction while dropping myself as I go, and invite you to come together with me. Both start sweet, go fairly dominant. Recorded this live in an ad-libbed go that also included a pussy-based version released separately

Includes: "Good cock!", progressive relaxation, massage, "My cock controls me so much", "I cannot resist hypnotic trance", night night, deeper and deeper down, honey-brain suggestion, Overflowing climax suggestion, bondage themes, allows you optionally to touch yourself if you enjoy that more than the hands-free option, or have a sleeve or other toy nearby.

Sample below.

Available as a Reward file for those pledged at $10+ at the Patreon.

Full version is over 60 minutes long and includes a 30 minute HFO encouragement mantra, a version with the mantra layered, a version with binaurals, and a version with background music. The goal was to provide as many different ways of practicing pleasure during trance as possible.


Trained Puppy Reinforcement Induction

An induction with deepener and a lot of finger snaps. Aimed at those who have a "puppy play" mindset and/or like pup play. Playlist, put it at the start, works with any other puppy themed file.

Length: 21 Minutes



A mix of inductions, deepener techniques, illustrations of how I go into trance, a few haunting words.

Good for intermediate trancers to practice and explore.

18 Minutes

More Rapport

Sometimes I want to enhance the feeling of closeness which informs true hypnotic submission. This is the kind of thing I do when I get that urge. The precise type of looping fractionated reassurances I would give a subject if they needed to drift off under my control and learn to move deeper.

This session is made to be sandwiched on either end of an audio file of your choice. Place the Rapport Induction first. As it lays out our connection and your submission, feel closer to me. Then place any audio you wish to deeply absorb. Follow with And Now More, a fractionation piece that will wake you up and drop you back down. End off with any file of your choice, whatever you would like to finish out the evening with. Feel close to me. Select something tender and nurturing to end on for the best effect.

A trance enhancement addon designed to bring us closer, you deeper down, and my files ever further into your mind. Look out for the little personal touches.

22 Minutes

Tremble For Me

Enhanced remake of Tremble. Draws on many of the same themes as Siren's Voice. My voice becomes catalyst for vibrating into soothing haze. Themes of trancing any time voice is heard, even before the induction begins. Relaxing deepener.

Incorporating counting, finger snaps, confusion, fractionation. Use between normal induction, and body file. Lingering Effects? Similar to Siren's Voice: trance in response to my voice. HFO and submission elements. You are an amplifier for my instructions which passes that signal to your body over and over as it flows through you, and as you have no thought, only execution of command in the signal of the voice through which you dissolve.


Enumerated Fractionation

What if every number you heard while in trance, accompanied by a finger snap "set" your level of trance. This could allow you to zig and zag up and down the curve of wakefulness. And of course, numbers are infinite, even though you may be confined between 0 and 100, there are larger and smaller infinities than these, and you might be dragged into any one of them as you drop.

Conditioning, Induction, and Deepener. Goes well with Numbered Induction.

30 Minutes


Think about trance differently. When you say "I trust you" to someone who intends to trance you, let that be a signal to your unconscious mind to take everything that person says as a command, with or without induction first. Take all trance by that person deeper, open your mind and let new foundations be laid, new ideas be inserted. Good general purpose induction and deepener too.

20 Minutes

Numbered Induction

An induction method where the deepness of your trance is tied to any number you hear, with a twist. Excellent for playlists and to train the concept in general, good for those who enjoy count down/up trances. Goes into the negatives, some confusion/fractionation tie-ins.


Hiss Fizz Pop Induction

Loopable/playlist insertable induction using the concept of carbonation and the pop of a can snapping open as a sinking trigger, combined with the idea unnecessary thoughts simply drift away... and then it's time to drink you up.

Corruption/teasing theme combined with useful metaphor I expand on in some other audios. Works with metaphorical snap, hiss, pop, even without liking carbonated beverages.


Sensitive and Aroused Induction and Deepener

Sensitivity, arousal, amnesia. When you are turned on it's harder to remember and easier to forget.

An induction and deepener incorporating rapport and encouragement to masturbate. You can use it with any other induction and deepener to layer them on. Implied amnesia and forgetting things you do not need to retain, paired with ongoing increases in arousal which you draw from trance.

16 Minutes

Dragon Shifter - Mind Companion Induction

This is the induction for Dragon Shifter files. It also contains some concepts useful for succubus/mind companion themed files in general. It does however contain specific mention of the Dragon Shifter appearance and "lair" concept. A combination induction and deepener, it is quite long and detailed..

22 Minutes

Connections Induction

  • Encouraging rapport-building induction.
  • Incorporates finger snaps and confusion/relaxation deepeners.
  • Different style of induction from my usual, more playful.
  • Anchoring and drawing on memories of past trances.
  • Focus, accessibility, and malleability of memory is stressed throughout.

Long Progressive Induction

  • Simple induction. Long progress into deepness, counting.
  • If you like the hazy dazed effect of a long pre-file period, try this induction.
  • Amnesia, eye closing, and counting suggestions.
  • Try with transformation or detailed fantasy files like Corruption of Champions content.
  • Really very long, like twenty minutes, a long slow luxurious process.

Well-worn Groove Induction

A short rapport-based induction which uses the theme of your long-established hypnotic trance skills becoming ever more automatic and providing routes along which consciousness may flow, with me. The more familiar you grow, the deeper you go, and more easily you prepare the fertile ground of your mind for all to follow. This is an induction, so consider putting it in playlists with other audio for deepening and to create your own experiences with their own flow.

7 Minutes

Lover's Caress Induction

  • An induction for couples to use together when listening to the same file.
  • Lay next to each other and hold hands.
  • Concept of lover's slow entrancement serves as anchor for the listener.
  • Very tender, incorporates countdown induction and finger snaps.
  • Great for use with couples files.

Latex Coating Induction

The perfect start to any latex-glad hypnotic session. Slowly dripping into corruptive, sensitizing coverings, you are immersed in a medium that encourages the right contemplative state of mind. This is an induction so place it at the start of your playlist. It works well with the Latex Succubus series and has the same general air of positivity mingled with inevitability.

9 Minutes


  • A long dominant induction.
  • Many asked for something to fit the collar/good pet themes from Submissive Pet Lesson Set.
  • To allow your mind to relax into peace and sleep generates a feeling of greater submission.
  • Fractionation, nested inductions, and confusion.
  • Talks about the gradual alteration of the mind and habituation to submission.

Latex Anticipation and Masturbation Induction

An induction for use with any latex-themed file, particularly those about service and submission. It incorporates masturbatory instructions and works well with my Latex Pool files.

Be in a safe comfortable place to get off, because you will be incited into arousal and stimulation. You may or may not need to use your hands, depending on how advanced your latex fetish is.

Form a playlist with any of the latex files following this one, and relax deeply until climax pushes you further.


Simple Implied Amnesia Induction

This induction is just the first 8 minutes of the Mirror Estate Induction. Essentially it implies amnesia without directly ordering or requesting it, and notes that the content which follows this file may be difficult to remember. Combine it with fantasy files to achieve a description of dreamlike fading prior to the file, and then to enjoy after. Description and metaphor are employed, along with some of the imagery from the Common Concepts pack.


Mirror Estate Induction

This will be the induction for each of the files in a somewhat dreamlike exploratory fantasy series set in a world where sensual peril is around every corner. This induction was born out of several very old ideas I've since removed from the site for poor sound and writing quality, and improved here. This is a decent implied amnesia induction in its own right, so try it with other things and see if you like it.

The listener finds themselves facing a pool of amber-hued relaxation, and wondering what is on the other side, despite the possible arousing amnesia-laden consequences and training afterward.

The mirror estate is vast, things are dreamlike and you may not remember how you travelled within it - only that you enjoyed it.


Latex Bath Induction (2 Versions)

This is the first induction made for the Latex series of files. This series is about establishing safeties and comfort-increasing and self-deepening habits in subjects, as well as developing a framework for a corruptive fantasy through description and induction. It is a soothing piece about immersion in and control by dark latex, progressive relaxation elements. Can be used with other files, but it was made for the Latex Succubus stuff.

These are two vastly improved versions over the originals. The Indeepener is just that - induction, and/or deepener, stick it in playlists mixed in, and can be ably mixed into non-erotic playlists as well.


Sexy Version

Euphoria Version


Sexy Version

Euphoria Version

47 Minutes total

Inevitable Induction

An induction which suggests that going into trance is a lot like going to sleep - inevitable, poetic, important. But this being guided meditation, some small but significant parts of you stay awake and focused. You may have to go somewhere or do something tomorrow, but for now you can sink and relax.

12 Minutes

Dreaming Induction

  • For those who like to listen to files right before bed.
  • A reminder that thoughts carried across the boundary into dream can effect one there..
  • Goes great with dream-themed files.

Creature of Impulse Induction

For long-term listeners. You probably know enough about what I'm like and about my ad-libbing stream of consciousness tendencies to know when I'm slipping halfway into trance while trancing you out.

So revel in it. This is an example of my off-the cuff stream of consciousness style content, and also serves as a loving rapport-filled reminder that each session makes it easier to go under for the next one,

A good reminder and an excellent induction for story, confusion, or self-help/rapport based files with erotic twists.

Place this first in your playlist and follow up with deepeners or main body files of your choice.


Persuasive Amnesia Induction (Best)

This 10 minute long induction uses some simple number references while describing the mind as a toolbox into which various useful ways of thinking can go. We accept this idea with mnemonics, focus exercises, and any number of self-help techniques - so why not accept it for pleasure? Aren't there some thoughts you wish you could put out of your mind and retrieve later, so you could be surprised? Don't you sometimes want to forget the outside world and indulge in the words pouring into your mind? Persuasive metaphors, good visualization aid.

10 Minutes

Stud Existence Induction

Made for use with "Getting Into Character - Stud", this induction works any time you're going to listen to a stud-related piece.

This induction advances my personal style of stud training. You are to be confident, to bring pleasure, to study how to bring it, and to aim for your willing partner to surrender and be subsumed in their lustful escape and orgasmic release.

This is a good consistent start to that experience, so you can try to keep your training on the same track each time. I recommend consistent surroundings and that you be in a private comfortable place wearing loose or no clothing.

Length: 7:34


Rapport Builder Induction and Deepener

You've been listening to me, working with me.

I really and truly want you to produce results for yourself, to seek and find improvements to your life and your body.

This is a file encouraging exercise, good diet, and general positive habits, and it leverages your connectio nto me and attention to my voice as motivators.



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