
Beginner's Rapport Primer 2021

The Beginner's Hypnosis Primer provides tools and concepts. This one localizes those concepts to the interaction between you and I. Incorporating some of my preferences and interests, this piece also discusses amnesia, fantasy, and the ability of the subject to apply various tools to their own experience of entering trance.

This forms part of the basic system of trance and relationship of relaxation we will use during all tracks going forward. Relaxing, arousing, and instructive in bringing us closer. That connection fuels better trance experiences and more complete relaxation into depth.


Latex Entanglement Induction

Part of an experimental series of Latex themed self help files about mindfulness, embracing your fetish, confronting self-truth internally, and exploring themes of long distance entanglement and relationship between energy and thought.

An experimental file. It is the start of a kind of self helpey experimental latex series. Its a continuation of the old latex succubus stuff, in a way. General energy, restoration, and calming themes.

Even if you're not into latex, get yourself a small latex bracelet/wristband and follow along with the exercises in this and its coming sequels, then tell me how that goes.

Used a lot of computer/quantum/energy transfer metaphor imagery throughout, some amnesia suggestions, some relaxation stuff, some fractionation. Its pretty rapid and it tries to keep you interested.


Collective Unconscious - Profane Desires Induction and Aftershock Awakener

The Collective Unconscious series of files are all taken from live sessions or times when I was tired or out of it or otherwise just closing my eyes and letting words flow. They are experimental and a bit more raw than many other files.

This is an induction and an awakener, each with themes of corruption and erotic indulgence. The collective unconscious is the idea that everyone's minds are connected. I don't aspire that high, but by beginning and ending your session with this pair of files you can at least connect with me.

The induction begins with the premise that what we suppress ultimately controls us, and invites you to consider just letting certain urges out. The awakener focuses on an almost-orgasmic post-trance feeling.


Dreaming Induction - Dream It

A stylish remake of my classic "dreaming induction" which is intended to set up the idea that your mind is processing and installing conditioning during periods of rest. A little confusion, trickery, many of my commonly used phrases. Dominant and erotic tone. Listen while lying in bed, preferably with a bunch of files queued up! The better your sleep hygeine the more one might benefit. The concept: that as you listen to pieces while sleeping you DO drift into wakefulness sometimes, plus there is when you get up in the morning - to be reminded you've been trained and conditioned on your material of choice all night long.

This piece is angled toward beginners who have listened to the other beginner files, and as said it works at the beginning or sprinkled throughout playlists.




Night Night (Best)

My best version of a dominant, submission-inducing anchor for returning to trance later.

Night Night, Pet.


"The Wind" Induction

Somewhat personal induction piece I used in a recent live session. As it was ad libbed in the moment its flow is different than some others. Confusion, visualization, metaphor, some erotic-ish bits. Good short sweet induction for when you need one.

- File Length: 5:30 - 5MB
Playlist order:
  1. This file, as the induction.
  2. Any body file

Nodding Off

Falling asleep in one place and waking in another. A classic stable of stories of transportation to another world, or of memory loss. Try this induction before any fantasy file, and nod off in your seat to wake somewhere else.

- File Length: 10:26 Minutes - 10MB

System Analysis - Respect and Relaxation Deepener and Induction

Bridging the gap between talking about your body as 'you' and talking about you as a system of sequences and filters.

This is more easily achieved if we talk about respecting yourself, preserving yourself, keeping yourself intact even if you are thoroughly brought to an aroused and sinking state.

This is also more easily achieved with a long progressive relaxation and counting induction using system and digitization metaphors alongside some arousing promises of things to come.

Both of these are in this pack, in deepener and induction form respectively. This induction can be chained with the previous Filter Editing Induction. This deepener can be used before any body file, but is particularly suited to those in the System Analysis series which concern obeying women, submitting to me, or submitting to your own mind.

24 Minutes Total

Transformation Induction

This is a conversational transformation induction for those who like bodily changes described in their transformation files, but prefer mental changes to be subtle or emergent. Beginning with the theme of your mind protected and apart, the file goes on to describe how changes to the hardware - the body - would nevertheless influence the insulated mind as it floats through a void of relaxation. Use this as an induction, or place it as a deepener between an induction and a body file. Enjoy.



There is nothing at the end to wake you up.

A small experiment.


System Analysis - Filter Editing Induction

This is the most basic induction of the Filter Editing series. It is a very basic approach to hypnotic trance which works along the same lines as Brain Drain, Automatically, Puppet Bot, and other drone or 'brain as computer' files I've made.

Your operating system filters things at different levels. Some commands, requests, or requirements are so basic that your brain submits them without your conscious review and you would have to exercise restraint to stop them. Breathing regularly, eating and drinking when you need to, falling asleep when tired, following a familiar route unthinkingly, climaxing when you're a bit too close to release.

Your body is a system and it is subject to permissions editing. Then there are things you get to review, decision-level filters. Then there are things you know you don't like, so you reject them unthinkingly without needing to do anything about it.

Placing different items in different categories is ordinarily a long journey of experience, but a nice hypnotic shortcut is to change what priority level various commands and suggestions are at.

This file sets up for that, and works with the various advanced deepeners and inductions which are forthcoming.

Lots of this filework will involve changing who can cause, or how things can on their own, enter at the 'top priority' level where you barely notice them. This concept was explored in Brain Drain and Obey Women.

Some of these files will be about self improvement on the line of meditation to set aside negative thoughts or distractions by placing them in the auto-reject filter level for a time.

It all starts with this very basic induction, however, which can be used with any file though it is uniquely suited to the System Analysis series.


Deeper and Dilute

Your thoughts are diluted across a vast ocean of inner space. There are lighthouses, radiating purple light. You crawl ashore, and forget... and back into the liquid of your thoughts you go. A dark, lurking, observing overseeing force is present, helping make sure you go where you belong.

Submission, mild corruption - that your thoughts will be more dilute during trance in future - and an element of ongoing surrender where your thoughts stay slow and methodical and easily interrupted while mine stay clear and calm and obeyed. This can be looped, or used as an induction and deepener before other audio.

Length: 20 Minutes


The Simplest Induction

  • A very short induction, useful for beginners building familiarity with the material.
  • Goes at the start of any playlist.
  • Trust in the voice and the material will help a listener to go under any time they set aside the time.
  • Listening to files while in the same relaxing surroundings each time, will build familiarity when possible.
  • Lingering effects? Awareness of how easy it is to relax and just listen to the scenario presented..


Night Night 2020

My most commonly used trigger. A useful trance anchor which stresses safety and taking care of yourself/having boundaries, while still being able to let a trusted friend or partner use it. Includes some positive messages.

Improved and re-released for 2020.

Includes an induction and deepener, ends with an awakener.

This track is kept for historical interest but Night Night (Best) is better.


Brain Drain 2020

Deep introductory training for a set of related triggers to do with entering a state of blankness and then changing perception. Time dilation experiences as well as amnesia as to specific file or session contents are not uncommon. Includes three triggers:

Be Blank which induces the initial blankness.
Think Only of... which is a fixation and obsession trigger.
You can forget (x), Instead remember/think (y)... which is a trigger to replace one thought with another and set aside the original while enjoying the new thought.
Concepts are meant to be used by the listener on themselves, by others they trust, and in many of my own pieces.

These triggers are used in many other files such as Bimbotization Masturbation, Brain Break, and Blank Puppet Masturbation
This trigger and encouragement related to it can be found in the Trigger Phrases pack.

Length: 37 Minutes

The induction from this file is useful if you want to use these triggers with any other training or fantasy. This induction, on its own, is in the link below:

Length: 12 Minutes


You Sure?

This is the induction made specifically for the Just A Little More series of incremental single-fetish fixation and focus files. Try out the induction, then decide if you really want to risk the further attachments, one at a time.

Listen with just the "1" installment of a Just A Little More series, and if you like what you hear, perhaps move on to "2". Then "3", "4" and "5". I'd really recommend stopping around "2", but it is your mind.

- File Length: 5 Minutes

Playlist order:

  1. This Induction
  2. Any Body file but particularly the first one from any "Just A Little More" series
  3. (Optional: the 2nd to 5th installment of a "Just A Little More" file set, in order of increasing intensity)

Short Resistance Induction

This is one of the simplest inductions that works for deep trance. Focusing on your eyes, your musculature, a series of jarring finger snaps and firm commands. It is short and sweet and eminently useable when you are experienced, wish to go right to the action of the main body, but still like direct trappings of an induction.

If you enjoy this, also explore:


Images Induction

This is a long combination induction and deepener for a new series of files. Images are powerful and we all have them in our heads, informing imagination and fantasy. Whether from internal fantasy or sexy pictures you've seen, these images have some pull, some internal tug. By expanding relaxing imagery, one might relax more. By expanding arousing imagery - that is describing it in exacting detail so it takes on weight and substance for the listening - we might arouse. By describing transformative imagery - a new viewpoint, a new way of thinking, a persuasive argument for change - we might effect that change.

This is a transformation-themed series and you should place this induction before any of the "Images" body files on your playlist.


Relaxing Sands 2 + Unusual Induction and Deepener Pack

This is a combination of a sequel to Relaxing Sands, and a set of unusual deepeners targeted at alternative approaches to trance. Some are extracted and enhanced from the original Relaxing Sands, while others are adaptations of favorite techniques I haven't worked into other inductions. All of these are useful for achieving deeper relaxation and trying new approaches.


Relaxing Sands 2: Sequel to Relaxing Sands, focusing on the concept of sliding even deeper into a cavern beneath the sand. Includes number reversal, fractionation, and visualization elements.

Breath Option Trigger Induction: Installs a trigger reminding you that by taking a deep breath you may influence yourself into deeper trance at any time. You always have permission to take a deep breath. Works in a similar way to Relaxing Sands.

Deepening Loop: A remake of my classic Deepening Loop. Loopable, simple, put it in your playlist.

Reminder You Can Breathe Deepener: Different from the trigger above, reminds you that all processes of trance are normal, physical, and safe, and so when you do take deep breaths, it can remove some of the concern or anxiety by reminding you that ordinary processes are happening and will continue to happen no matter how deep you go. This reassurance sets up a feedback loop for further deepening.

The Pulse of You Induction: intended for transformation or self help files, this is one of my programming/background subconscious themed inductions which asserts that your main "programming loop" is in a language only you have access to, so by undergoing communication between us I can help you to code new elements on to that loop, add additional functions and assertions. Includes reminders that your attitude is knowable and visible to others, and so thought has more power over perception and actualization than you would think.

28 Minutes

Fractionation - Trance Variability Induction

Trances are of different duration and intensity, but often carry a theme of change over time.

Useful with transformation pieces, or files that will require you to perform actions during them. Guided visualization with some up and down trance triggers and finger snaps as signals.


Beginner's Induction

Simple and straightforward, addresses common misconceptions, includes rapport and some minor confusion plus fractionation suggestions. Gives examples of various deepening and relaxation techniques. Incorporates my Night Night trigger, and some rapidfire methods I enjoy. Mildly erotic. Finger snaps and implication but not command to sleep.


Enfetishization Induction

An induction for when you're installing a new fetish or deep trigger tied to a fetish. (Underfoot, pussy worship files, cowgirl/breast files, etc).

As an induction, it forms the start of a playlist followed by any fetish-oriented file of your choice.

8.5 Minutes

The Temptation of Needs Induction

An induction for the "Needs" series addressing the transformation of mere drives into hypnotically reinforced post hypnotic suggestions or compulsions. A variety of possible needs can be enhanced with this series, but this induction is also good for any post hypnotic suggestion or trigger file. For example, brain drain or training to suck.


Warm Up Trigger

Works as a deepener or induction sprinkled amid other tracks. Tension theme, and eventually the signal and trigger to let go, let yourself slide into malleability. Self-reinforcing, plays on the recurring 'you can only remain tensed to the maximum for so long before some part of you will begin to slip, to tire, to sink" theme.

Some submission/corruption elements, works well with mental muzzle and brain drain/blank puppet themes, but anywhere in general if you want a subby thematic push.

11 Minutes

Overwhelming Dose of Trance Induction and Deepener

This is a long combination induction and deepener. Use it in the creation of playlists. It goes very well with Overflowing and with HFO or trigger centric inductions in particular.

This is a rapidfire 'overwhelm' induction with some visualization metaphors. It doesn't get bogged down in progressive relaxation but instead approaches the matter of specific body part relaxation more obliquely.

It compliments my approach to triggers, and to hands free orgasm, very well. Some light corruption/habit forming themes. Uses dosing/discrete drops of trance-substance as a metaphorical focus for visualization.


Little Corruptions - The Palm of My Hand + The Spark of Creation

This series is about corruption - the idea of overriding your inclinations with a foreign if pleasurable set of ideas or concepts. In this case the ideas are mine - my fetishes, my interests, my particular brand of dominance.

This file is a detailed combination induction and deepener to make all content in my voice more effective. The visualization of you as a piece of work upon my table - clockwork, or a doll, a project for editing - and I the much larger artificer working upon you. Size disparity, "giantess" themes, sure, but also the general radiation of my touch and my desire and design. You can use this as the first part of a submissive or sexual playlist, especially any tied to my favorite fetishes. This file focuses on mental changes and perceiving my voice as "larger" and more influential each time.

Also included is the experimental "The Spark of Creation" induction which uses similar principles tied to my attention and focus, and tied to the circumstances in which that recording was made.


A Couple or Three Induction

A number confusion, rapport, and fractionation induction asking you to regard "a couple" as something different than you might normally. Creates a connection of shared meaning between us.

Use as an induction before any body file, to build some confusion into your day and to slide deep.

- File Length: ~8 Minutes

A Warning About Words

This pack contains an induction, deepener, and awakener. Everything you need to add a spooky cautionary nature to a file.

Do you dive into things even more when you have been warned away from them? Do you like corruption, overwhelm, and fractionation?

Make a playlist. You can use the induction, the deepener, the awakener as components of a hypnotic playlist, any or all of them as you please.

Rapidfire, improvisational, and all tied together. Any of them can be looped on its own for various effects!


Sound of Sleep Induction and Awakener

  • Siren's Voice
  • Associate my voice with sleep and relaxation.
  • Words pass into your mind even if you are zoning out.
  • This is a set of two files, both induction and awakener.
  • Even if you fail to remember file contents, the words still exist in your mind.

Long Resistance Induction

  • This is an unusual resistance-style induction with submissive elements.
  • Uses the classic hypnotic induction for "resistant" trancers.
  • This is a very long induction, so use it when you want to relax a lot before the body file.
  • The straining body can only clench for so long before it must relax.


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