
    A mysterious pumpkin appears on the boundary of your camp. It conceals a dark secret: a sealed goddess from ancient times. She will judge you by your fertility or verility, and bestow a curse or a blessing depending on your conduct.

    Pale skin, red eyes, the power of transformation. Her ministrations are seldom gentle, and always bring out something dark, deep, and primal.

Breeder Bitch Blessing

  • Discovering a mysterious pumpkin and its very phallic stem, the listener finds themselves mesmerized.
  • Slipping it inside of your pussy, you feel the pumpkin begin to take over, fucking, claiming, using.
  • After a powerful climax and some spurting, Fera stands over you: goddess of the primal hunt.
  • Your lust and fertility is rewarded with more of the same.
  • For listeners with wet dripping pussies in need of fucking.

- File Length: 24 Minutes

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file

Virile Alpha Blessing

  • Discovering a mysterious pumpkin and its strange vaginal entrance, the listener finds themselves mesmerized.
  • Similar to other corrupted flowers in the forest, the pumpkin is designed to milk one's cock and retrieve their semen.
  • Slipping your cock inside, you proceed to fuck and thrust
  • After a powerful climax and some spurting, Fera stands over you: goddess of the primal hunt.
  • Your lust and virile confidence is rewarded with more of the same.
  • For listeners with hard cocks that yearn to fuck, thrust, grow, and enhance your confidence and pleasure.

- File Length: 29 Minutes

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file

Fill Her

  • Fera was Mareth's goddess of the predatory hunt. Beautiful and possessive, she is tied in to the land's fertility as surely as any of its other deities. She was sealed away for siding with the demonic influence that fills the land, seeing them as superior sexually liberated hunters, and being fairly corrupted herself.
  • On rare nights, she can push some part of herself through a gateway between dimensions -and a sufficiently productive cock is capable of letting her come the rest of the way through. Her protrusions into this dimension are powerful, sexually pleasing, and possessed of aphrodisiac qualities transmitted by mere proximity.
  • This night, she is visiting your camp - well, if you can handle it. Beware, she may leave marks behind.
  • For all lovers of pumpkin spice.
  • For listeners with penises.

- File Length: 45 Minutes

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file

Empty Itch Curse

Discovering a strange pumpkin in the nearby darkened forest, the listener notices the peculiar shape of its protruding phallic stem. Induced by a whispering voice to ride and writhe atop the corrupted rigidness, the listener's pussy is ultimately found unsatisfactory. Perhaps you cum too early, perhaps you are insufficiently devoted. Either way, Fera the goddess of the primal hunt is displeased. Her curse leaves you with a hungering itch for being filled, being fucked, being mated, being used for pleasure.

Slightly dark and the more harsh counterpart to the Breeder Bitch Blessing.

- File Length: 29 Minutes

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file