Corruption of Champions
Content in this section is based in the world from the text-based game "Corruption of Champions" by Fenoxo. Setting and characters used with permission, writing and recording is all my own.
Go exploring. You never know what you might find.

These are specific places. A city, a house, a particular tower or cave.

These are stories that happen between the listener and a partner, a companion, or a submissive. Most take place at the listener's camp, in comfort and safety, and many are continuations of stories that began elsewhere. For example one might meet the cowgirl Marble at The Farm location, and then invite her back to camp where more scenes will continue on. These scenes tend to be intimate and story driven. Each follower's page will note where other files involving that character can be found.
Even normal food in Mareth can be transformative. Some items even moreso. Native inhabitants eat it safely, the unwary might end up changed.

Character Roleplaying
Step inside a character's role, to see the world of Mareth with their capabilities and through their eyes.

Strange things happen at certain times of year.