System Analysis - Meta Cognitive Catharsis and Submission Seed

Sometimes we shy away from intense emotional experiences. That isn't healthy for your personal growth, nor for the growth of your understanding of submission and desire in hypnosis.

Night Night trigger is included, as are elements from Latex Succubus and Succubus Seed concepts more generally.

The general system analysis "thinking about how you think" theme is used to prepare you for the idea of being armored and bolstered by your past experiences so you can more comfortably experience intense emotions.

Also, hiding among the normal intense emotions along your life-path, your trajectory, are also moments which allow you to perfect a pleasurable submission-gasm which will overwhelm, overtake, enhance, and encourage you to be adventurous in finding catharsis and intense emotion to springboard you onward and upward on whatever trajectory of self improvement you pursue - instead of bogging you down.

30 Minutes