
Tap Tap Tap - Creativity Control

When you feel creatively blocked, the source is often anxiety or distraction. Fixation and relaxation are possible outcomes of trance.

Learning to channel them into a specific physical trigger would be greatly beneficial to you, and so this piece of training exists. Tap a certain locaztion when anxiety blocks you, drift, let ideas occur naturally to you.

See Also: Get It On The Page


Trigger Phrases and Deepener

  • A pack of triggers for some other files including encouragement and brief deepening.
  • Short files - mostly just me saying the trigger a bunch with some encouragement.
  • Triggers are included for Night Night | Brain Drain | and Butt Bunny Bondage
  • Good for people who want to test them out or have those triggers said in my voice.

Latex Entanglement - Band 2

Following on from Band 1 this is a further intensification of the end-of-a-long-day relaxation trigger tied to a simple latex wristband or bracelet you put on when you have finished in the rest of the world for the day.

The idea that you can access more of your mind and awareness when you are being your most authentic self, and that hypnosis is just a sufficiently relaxed state where you also feel at home enough to speak truth to yourself, and comfortable enough to be free of your ego and accept plus pass on the words I say which happen to resonate with what you like.


Latex Entanglement - Band 1

Following the Entanglement Induction's general imagery of quantum entanglement, energy transfer, and other energy-to-matter-influence concepts, this is an experiment in setting a simple trigger where you leave a latex wrist band in a safe comfortable place you associate with hypnosis, and then after a long day at work or out in the world you come home and put it on to more easily facilitate relaxation and a return to your best most relaxed self.

For anyone with a latex fetish, or desire for a relaxation trigger. Includes themes of speaking inner truth, generally relaxing, and feeling closer to me through our shared interest in hypnosis and/or latex.


Needs - Cum Eating

The fantasy of eating some of your cum after you masturbate and squirt it is a recurring one, but after you get off it can lose some of its allure. Keeping that desire, intensifying it, amplifying it, making it a need to complete the cycle and lick up your cum once your cock is spent. That is the theme, that is the need which is particularly installed by this training.


Udder Surrender (Best)

This is a vastly improved and extended version of my classic breast corruption piece. This is about corruption, self-milking, cowgirl and lactation themes. Addiction, tit control, the whole package. Also mooing.

48 Minutes

Succubus Harem - Transformation and Triggers

This file works with the other Succubus Harem files. It is a detailed transformation fantasy intended for listeners with penises. It incorporates a transformation fantasy including the addition of a second penis, a vagina, and highly sensitized skin. This file also goes into great detail about general transformative fantasies to be achieved alongside the conceptualized succubi in one's mental landscape.

Includes triggers to begin/end the play and general pro-transformative-play fantasy language.

52 Minutes

Night Night 2 - Deepener

  • The original Night Night was a trance anchor, presented as a body file.
  • This sequel is an extremely long, relaxing, detailed reinforcement of the same trigger.
  • A full 40 minutes for those who want to be extremely deep before the body file even starts.
  • This more dominant deepener expands on those concepts and persuades the listener with tension and resistance themes.
  • As a deepener, place it after an induction but before a body file.
  • Relaxation, nested countdowns, fractionation, implied amnesia.
  • Longer, updated, more detailed. Cements a trance anchor to return one to trance and thus reduce time spent on inductions.

Lazy Succubus - Pecking Order

Ever since you summoned a succubus and ended up with a lazy and not particularly servile demon tethered to your house, you've been finding her hanging around the place at odd hours. Seems you didn't quite close the portal when she went home, and now she shows up whenever.

But you sort of thought there'd be more, y'know, sex and fun and soul draining when it came to summoning her...

Expressing this thought might get you more than you asked for. Includes collaring and some face sitting+pussy worship themes.

21 Minutes

Subby Puppy Play 2 - Good Puppy

I slide a puppy hood with a blindfold, or even just a blindfold, into place. Darkness takes over, you climb inside your other puppy senses, awakening the aroused and hyper-sensitive puppy body. You push aside all the expectations about your pleasure which society has taught you, and just allow yourself to be what you are: a good puppy.

Includes triggers, and some commands, as I slide on my pink strap-on and fuck your ass slowly. Massage around your rear entrance, keep your hips where they are so when I slap into you hilt-deep, my hips slap your ass and you squirm. I feel myself rubbing against the base of my toy, when I thrust in my harness, so you're pushing pleasure back into me.

Puppy mind in deprivation of one sense, intensely focused on the others. Come for me and keep coming and lose yourself in the shivers of puppy play as I talk dirty and run you through intense memory of being pegged on my toy while I masturbate you and you deliberately push your ass upward so I can see what I'm doing to you and fuck you more thoroughly. Blindfolded, rammed deep, and taught your place. What more could a good puppy ask for?

This piece does not rely on the prior instalment in the series (which is being remastered currently), but benefits from any puppy training you may have, and also from wearing a blindfold and/or leather puppy hood.

The Puppy Playtime Induction is attached as a free download below, and it is a good way to start any session of puppy fun.

- Subby Puppy: Session Starter Induction

Length: 31 Minutes

Night Night (Best)

My best version of a dominant, submission-inducing anchor for returning to trance later.

Night Night, Pet.


Siren's Voice 2

A sequel to Siren's Voice. The topic of audiophilia, expanded. Audio enjoyment becomes ecstatic enthrallment, when it is my voice. Incorporates some triggers for future use. The original version of this file was placed on my youtube channel as a thank-you for reaching 800 subscribers. But not everyone hangs out over there, so now that some time has passed I am creating a more general release with some slight modifications.

You embark on a voyage of willing seduction which carries you far beyond the waking world and into my grasp. Tie yourself down all you want, as it only helps.

Getting Up

For those who want encouragement, conditioning, or some kind of trigger to get out of bed when their alarm goes off in the morning. Make it the first thing you do. No more "five more minutes", just rise up and get going.

- File Length: 10 Minutes

Submissive Ass Worship: Lucid Dreaming Anchor

A lucid dreaming anchor makes use of a familiar scene or meditative visualization, in which you will perform a pre-ordained action. When you use an ass worship scenario of you kneeling and your domme tempting you with her ass, the only danger is you might slip into lucidity TOO easily, become tranced in your dream as you have been trained, and then end up in self-training ass worship fantasies for the rest of the dream.

This piece augments Submissive Ass Worship: Core, and its companion piece Suggestion Stream.


Night Night - Fractionation and Playful Murmurs

This is an induction and deepener which heavily uses the Night Night trigger. It incorporates a rapport theme, and pops you into and out of trance repeatedly. The buried theme is the idea of growing closer to me, willingly embracing the use of the night night trigger as a bonding moment but also as a general trust reinforcement because of how the trigger is structured.

Put this first, then any other file where you want to go deep.

The principles from Night Night 2020 are in play in this file, as well as its trigger.


Go To Your Place

What if there could be a place inside of you that you so loved, were so compelled to go, that you would sit there and just watch the pleasures visited on your body, before returning to them only when instructed.

"Go to your place" becomes a direct trigger to check out, but your body still acts as commanded, still does as it is told while you sit in a room inside your head, a place with a comfortable chair, a warm hearth, with all the things you need and a definite connection to me... but from which you merely watch what happens, hypnotically and otherwise, with your will put away.

Much of the language will be familiar to fans of Brain Drain and some familiarity with traffic light safeties as a concept will help. You will still be able to notify your hypno top of your status, of course. It's just sometimes nice to send someone to their Place to remind them it is there, safe, helpful, and inevitable. The idea of not going there is silly, since it is the nicest place to rest and be.

Corruptive/sinister elements throughout, but only in the name of safety and communication. ;)

Length: 10 Minutes

10 Minutes


  • A simple reminder to drink more water -so few of us get enough - and a talk about the benefits of doing so.
  • Tie taking in fluids to specific routine activities.
  • Might get more water into your system if the process were a bit more interesting and tied to your desire for meditative relaxation.
  • Drink water before meals, when you first rise up from listening to files like these, and every time you have a caffeinated beverage.
  • Focus on the pleasure of having improved oneself toward an attainable but often neglected goal.
  • For all listeners.
  • Non-erotic.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe a bit more hydrated. Getting enough water is tough, but the knock on benefits are huge.

Get Hard Trigger

For listeners with penises. Implies a link between arousal, erection, and hypnotic amnesia after the session. Erect mind, erect body. Can't get erect below? Doubly erect mind, focused on lust, fixating on the fantasies long delayed. You cannot postpone your braingasm indefinitely.

These files train a trigger, my instruction to get hard accompanied by a finger snap. The possibilities of trance, the effects of your erection, and the permission to allow other dominant partners to use your trigger are all contemplated.

The listener is walked through a brief rapport and trust based induction implying amnesia as to file contents might make for a pleasant surprise. "Get Hard" trigger and frequent finger snaps leading in to a brief awakening and encouragement to forget file contents while remembering and responding to trigger.

Might end with you in a fit state to go listen to another file. I loop it sometimes.



Triggered chastity. It descends - limpness and relaxation, either when you wear panties or when a dominant partner orders you into limp chastity. Pantied chastity is stressed, and limpness means you no longer have the outlet of your rigid cock to get you off, your arousal will build up and find new outlets. This file is different from the other pantied chastity files and limpness files in that you maintain the ability to become hard when not actively submitting or wearing panties.

This was made for a listener who found Pantied Chastity to contain suggestions which were too prohibitive and lasting. So this is more of a trigger file - wearing panties on your own or being placed in them by a partner or trusted person, or else being instructed by that trusted person using a specific trigger. This file also uses the blank trigger language from Brain Drain.


Needs - H-Spot

Condition yourself to have a hypnotic erogenous zone which exists separate from the physical and mental arousal and erogenous response you might ordinarily have. Self-reinforcing. When you are hypnotized in any way, your erogenous zones grow more powerfully turned on and sensitized.


Latex Attachment - Pussy Control and Latex Tentacles

A latex attachment file, which works alongside Latex Pool and the other Latex Attachment files to create a more pleasurable experience and some post hypnotic edging and addiction triggers for those who use latex toys in their play. This file's suggestions work best with some kind of pussy pump device, or with a long g-spot stimulating toy.

When you are commanded, you can come. Otherwise, latex edges your pussy and you feel the combination of suction and weaving tendrils touching deeper than ever before, massaging through the walls of your pussy, setting you off. The language is similar to that used in the Clit Stimulation attachment file. Includes submission suggestions, including that a dominant you wish to serve might activate the latex, incorporating suggestions from Pool and Attachment files.


Night Night 2020

My most commonly used trigger. A useful trance anchor which stresses safety and taking care of yourself/having boundaries, while still being able to let a trusted friend or partner use it. Includes some positive messages.

Improved and re-released for 2020.

Includes an induction and deepener, ends with an awakener.

This track is kept for historical interest but Night Night (Best) is better.


Sleep Submission Pack

Often I'm asked about files you can listen to while asleep. This doesn't *really* work. The mind can't hold a position of focused concentration while asleep and doesn't process language well, and a lot of what I do is heavily language dependent. Can't find a way to do kinesthetic online - though I did think of doing vibration for remote controlled toys, and if they come up with other haptic stuff I'd love to do that but anyway here is stuff that'll work *despite* sleeping, rather than during it.

Attached is the Open and Close Installation which is available here for patrons. The Pack contains two other files, each 10+ minutes long to make an over 30 minute pack. Requestable as a Reward audio in the usual way.

Open And Close Installation - What if both going to sleep and waking up from it were powerful reminders of the possibility of trance, and of the tendency to insert memory or thought after the fact in dreams and deja vu?

Dedicating Your Sleep - Though nothing may happen hypnotically while you are asleep, you can dedicate the process of being asleep to the improvement of your trance conditioning.

Looping Sleep Devotional - A loopable submissive pre-sleep track with a theme of submitting to me, goes well with devotion/brain drain/mental muzzle concepts.

30+ Minutes (10+ each, 3 files)

Brain Drain 2020

Deep introductory training for a set of related triggers to do with entering a state of blankness and then changing perception. Time dilation experiences as well as amnesia as to specific file or session contents are not uncommon. Includes three triggers:

Be Blank which induces the initial blankness.
Think Only of... which is a fixation and obsession trigger.
You can forget (x), Instead remember/think (y)... which is a trigger to replace one thought with another and set aside the original while enjoying the new thought.
Concepts are meant to be used by the listener on themselves, by others they trust, and in many of my own pieces.

These triggers are used in many other files such as Bimbotization Masturbation, Brain Break, and Blank Puppet Masturbation
This trigger and encouragement related to it can be found in the Trigger Phrases pack.

Length: 37 Minutes

The induction from this file is useful if you want to use these triggers with any other training or fantasy. This induction, on its own, is in the link below:

Length: 12 Minutes


Full Moon Feminization

A feminizing presence descends over the listener during the full moon, drawn from their own mind. While they can delay said transformation, this will empower her the next time. Includes elements of sultry seduction and arousal whenever the light of the full moon is overhead. Extensive visualization and deepener portion. Works well with Irresistible, just let your subconscious mind know you trust it to open the door and let that feminine presence out.


Captivating Breasts

  • For listeners with breasts- any self breast massage becomes a compulsive blank experience.
  • Any time a breast massage is initiated while in a safe place, the listener's breasts are absolutely captivating.
  • Ensnared by a powerful urge to massage and squeeze one's own breasts, whenever one is somewhere safe.
  • Lingering effects? When you are somewhere safe and private and begin to rub your breasts, you might not be stopping for a while.



This file is made for people who listen to Got Milk, The Farm, Pointed, and other breast-centric files. It also draws on and enhances any cowgirl or lactation hypnosis of any kind. Using the triggers from those files, and the fact you listen to and fetishize breast based hypnosis in general, Bounce! persuades the listener that their constantly present breasts are jealous and desirous of attention. As you go through the day and see things bounce (whether the suspension of a car, wind chimes in the breeze, or the feel of your shoes impacting the sidewalk when you take a sudden step), your breasts remind you of the various triggers you have willingly put inside your head and which continue to tease and titillate by strumming your lustful desires all day.

Want your bouncing breasts to stimulate you even more than they usually do? Check it out.

Includes both the original and an updated version made in 2025. More hucow content in the (Best) version.


Chaste and Ruined Gooning and Ass Worship - Penis Version

Interacting with all chastity and gooning content, this is a file about dedication to worshiping women's rears. It includes the ritual that all orgasms to women's rears or images of same, must be ruined orgasms. The act of long masturbation or "gooning" should be accompanied by pornographic imagery or visualization of women's butts. Encourages submission and submissive actions in the presence of women's butts, and seeking of more tempting images to help intensify your fetish.

Encourages masturbation, stimulation of yourself creating an ever-increasing energy drain from normal orgasm/masturbation into the act of increasing your butt worship fetish.

Powerfully worded and uses indirect suggestions and re-deepeners throughout.

Length: 46 Minutes

Confident - Fetish Exploration Trigger

This is trigger training to help you explore your fetish impulses, and be more adventurous when it comes to sex and play. While still encouraged to make wise decisions, the training includes the general idea of "what would Elena do?". When a specific object is worn on your person, you will find yourself dropping into a light trance and feeling more confidence generally when it comes to exploring your sexual desires with interested parties. Includes general confidence meditation and a logical approach.

You will need a ring. You can wear it on your finger or on a chain, have it near when you begin the trance. Masturbation will be encouraged during the file.

System Analysis - Erection Chip Confiscation

Conceptualizing your headspace can let you tie triggers to sets of commands more easily.

What if every idea you have about hardening your cock, engaging arousing fetishes and masturbating in standard ways... were stored in one place. A chip, slotted into your mind and used to route and connect all sensations of desire for a hard cock, all your non-chaste masturbatory or sexual thoughts. Everything making you something other than limp and chaste.

If the chip were taken away, by someone with authority to do so... then you would just have to use the rest of your fetishes, the other chips containing chaste ways to be, erogenous zones usable even while your penis is limp, and other exciting alternatives. Until the chip is returned to you, slotted back into place, you will know your limpness and chastity is a byproduct of your own desire, your own mind. Self reinforcing with a trigger for couples/partners to use. Assumes a feminine partner.

Includes 2 trigger phrases for you to tell your partner(s) so they might use them to take away your erections and place you in chastity, or return your desires to normal so you can play.

Length: 21 Minutes



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