
Little Corruptions - Latex Tentacle Ravishment 2

Continuation of my tentacle based work.
Focuses on the tentacles exploring the upper body as well, same general themes..
When safe and comfortable, implications that the fantasy is so striking, so alluring, it will return.
This one ends with no awakener, simply an instruction to let the fantasy play itself out over your form, and enjoy yourself..
For all listeners.
Lingering effects? If the images in question are tempting and interesting to you, then when things are safe and private, you might turn your mind to them again.


Passive Latex Tendril Set

This is a set of a latex tentacle/suit themed induction, deepener, and awakener for use with latex files.

It describes a latex suit made of various tormenting and corrupting tendrils born from your own desire for ritual, routine, and deeper more interesting hypnosis.

The three files can be added to a playlist with other files, such as latex or transformation files, to make for a more latex-oriented experience throughout.

Gender neutral. Genital neutral. Arousal and obedience focused.

Originally created as part of the eSuccubus:Fantasy


Fingersnap and Fractionation Induction

A longer induction than usual. Uses a combination of basic induction techniques such as eye fixation and fractionation. Interspersed with numerous finger snaps and a permissive rapport building approach to trance.

A countdown and logic/confusion induction is used, helpful for people who like a distraction before the trance begins.

Uses my Night Night and Be Blank triggers throughout.

Length: 20 Minutes

Overflowing HFO Trigger

This is a vastly improved version of an older file. This is a hands-free orgasm file which incorporates beneficial. Rather than picking a specific time to order you to have an orgasm, this file deepens and gives a long titillating talk about euphoria and building climax. It includes training in linking your climax to a "reservoir" of trance and includes dose themes, drops of desire and fantasy entering your system the more arousing words you listen to. This file emphasizes that when a dominant party orders you to cum, you cum. This works with other hands-free files for this purpose, no matter who made them, and is nice for couples as well. There is no awakener, you can loop it or even stay under - using this file to prepare you for a sexy session or help you get deep and turned on before someone else takes control. You can just use it on your own, or chain it into one of my other files.

Good preparation for submissives wanting to get nice and horny before a scene. Good for those who listen to files commanding climax, whatever their source, and for fantasies involving the timing of climax.

Includes instructions to cum when the feeling becomes too much, but maybe you'll hold out til the end.

File Length: 50 Minutes

Chaste Servitude

A triggered chastity file for couples, made for chastity subjects with penises. The entire file includes elements of subordinating your pleasure to that of your lover, kneeling and serving, and otherwise deriving pleasure from your lover's observation of your pleasure. Enjoy these simple rules for fun chastity scenes.

"Belt On" - Only stimulation from your partner will cause any sensation between your legs, and your own desire to touch there will be interrupted by a gentle sinking into trance until the desire passes. Arousal still happens, of course.

"Belt Off" - Not just a deactivation of the previous one, but also a reminder of all the arousal you've been unable to act on, flooding back, and that your lover obviously wants you to show off for them as you cum.

"My Favorite Toy" - When your lover requests this, your cock is sensationless but rigid, there for them to use with no hope of orgasm, if you did cum you would simply ruin the orgasm on purpose by clenching your muscles and ceasing thrusting, to remind you to stay hard for use until your lover is done manipulating or riding you.

"Kneel and Serve" - If your lover is facing you, kneel and serve between their legs with your mouth. If your lover is facing away, kneel and serve their ass. The entire experience while feeling blank, trancey, servile, and reveling in every spark of pleasure you know they are feeling.

This file is loopable and has neither induction nor awakener, it goes well with Triggered Chastity Belt.

- File Length: 30 Minutes

Script is available here.

This is a remake of an older file.

Arousal Switch

Sometimes focus is difficult, because you are in a body, a role, a reality which encourages you to be aroused quite a bit of the time. Your body might be unusually sensitive, or the fantasies born of hypnotic pleasure might be just a bit too distracting.

So what if you changed the rules?

A trigger focused around a specific type of stimulation. All sexual excitement, all sexual arousal, must begin with that trigger. Any other time, your body simply has its erogenous zones and genital response switched off. There is no stimulation in all the world which will matter. Arousal, fantasies, your distractions of desire, switched off.

Until a finger, a toy, a device, is pressed against your rear. When something slides inside your butt, your arousal is switched back on and your sexual response will be as it once was, until the stimulation of your rear ceases.

Also includes language allowing for the underlying trigger state to be removed: having vs. not having this arousal switch involving your butt.

Especially good for analytical and literal minded subjects.


Spa Process Complete

If you could run a soothing spa-like imaginative protocol inside your mind, it might be quite useful to you. Installs a trigger simulating various sensory phenomena which are pleasantly detailed during a visualization walkthrough of a spa - massage, steam room, hot bath.

This is a relaxation piece. Use it with any induction and let yourself be walked through a relaxation process which will hopefully become familiar and helpful. The file ends in a general, open-ended way which allows you to put any file you want after it, including its erotic add-on.

Lightside Latex Succubus Re-Done

This is it, the beginning of a journey into edging, ruining, latex addiction, and supportive mental succubi. This is an improved version of the Lightside Latex Succubus. You listen to this file first, then you can listen to the various advanced lessons and darkside files interchangably, once these seeds are planted This version has been changed so you can use it after the Latex Bath Induction Advanced. It begins with you waking from darkness and ends with the Night Night trigger. There is a lot of new material and phrasing improvement.

A symbiotic succubus dwells in the listener, two sides - light and dark, supportive and sexual. Existing in balance, empowering the listener and then driving them onward into edging, ruined orgasm, rubber addiction, a general latex fetish in fact. Mild amnesia elements, desire to return, guided masturbation, light teasing. The Darkside Latex Succubus Advanced file relies on the concepts established in this file. Post-file suggestion of arousal and return is included. This file is loopable and interchangeable with the 2 Advanced Latex Succubus files, and the Advanced Lightside file. You can sandwich any number of them between the Advanced Induction and your awakener of choice.

This file incorporates the idea of a helpful latex succubus rewarding the listener with orgasms for achieved tasks while training them in tandem with the dark succubus.

This file can be found in the Dual Latex Succubus pack which also includes the exclusive refresher and the original Latex Succubus Deepener.

42 Minutes

Darkside Latex Succubus Re-Done

This is an improved version of the Darkside Latex Succubus. This version has been changed so you can use it after the Latex Bath Induction Advanced. It begins with you waking from darkness and ends with the Night Night trigger. There is a lot of new material and phrasing improvement.

A symbiotic succubus dwells in the listener, two sides - light and dark, supportive and sexual. Existing in balance, empowering the listener and then driving them onward into edging, ruined orgasm, rubber addiction, a general latex fetish in fact. Mild amnesia elements, desire to return, guided masturbation, light teasing. The Darkside Latex Succubus Advanced file relies on the concepts established in this file. Post-file suggestion of arousal and return is included. This file is loopable and interchangeable with the 2 Advanced Latex Succubus files, and the Re-Done Lightside file. You can sandwich any number of them between the Advanced Induction and your awakener of choice.



  • Long couples trigger file.
  • When partner places their hand on your lower back, feel wired in to their nervous system.
  • Pleasure you give and pleasure you receive blend together, become one and the same.
  • Aware of the pleasure in your partner's body as if it were in your own.
  • Closeness, obedience to partner's wishes, and a general feeling of overall enjoyment.
  • Similar to the themes in Connected Hands.
  • Lingering effects? Partner's hand on the small of the back predicts a fun time.

- File Length: 43:02 - 33.7MB

Originally made in 2014, this file was made free for all in January 2019.

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file

Collar Call 2 - Heavy

Bonding and rapport, an enhancement of desire and hypnosis tied to wearing a collar. Works with Collar Call from the Submissive Pet Lesson series. Dominated, held under my control, guided further into conditioning related to your collar. When you wear your collar, you say to yourself and the world that there is some exploratory fetished part of you which has agreed to be carried deeper and brought more under control. Briefly evokes leashing and the looping of my fingers into your collar to press my flesh against the sensitive skin underneath. Your collar is a signal to your fetished mind that you want and deserve what I will do to you in every future file.

Your collar is a weighty influence in your life which drags you down into an easy and hazy world of pleasure.


Hot and Wet

  • Experiment in rapid deepening and affixation, bit different from its counterpart.
  • Use a long induction before it, for preference.
  • Heat as metaphor: we talk about horny people being "in heat", about being hot and bothered.
  • Hot days outside turn into hot internal thoughts, an arousal which activates and runs wild through your system.
  • Once activated, it remains until you get somewhere cool, such as an air conditioned structure...
  • Then the heat leaves, but takes your inhibitions with it.
  • Then a cold flame of arousal remains - forcing your masturbation onward efficiently and continuously until startling climactic release.
  • Heat to cold, one type of arousal into another that is more mechanistic and all consuming.
  • This version is for listeners with clitoris and vagina and places emphasis on the imminent physicality: body doing the controlling.
  • Mechanistic metaphor here slightly more programming based.
  • Listen: 
    9 Minutes

    Hot and Hard

    • Heat as metaphor: we talk about horny people being "in heat", about being hot and bothered.
    • Hot days outside turn into hot internal thoughts, an arousal which activates and runs wild through your system. >/li>
    • Once activated, it remains until you get somewhere cool, such as an air conditioned structure...
    • Then the heat leaves, but takes your inhibitions with it.
    • Then a cold flame of arousal remains - forcing your masturbation onward efficiently and continuously until startling climactic release.
    • Heat to cold, one type of arousal into another that is more mechanistic and all consuming.
    • This version is for listeners with penises and places more emphasis on a long confusion induction before the arousal signals.

    Limp Chastity Deepener

    • Works well with any chastity file that also discusses limpness.
    • Loopable, put it on repeat if you want.
    • Catchy mantras that stress deepness as well as chaste limp conditioning.
    • Enjoy one's limp-cocked state of arousal.

    - File Length: 10:32 - 9MB

    Playlist order:

    1. Any induction
    2. This file
    3. Any body file


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