Slow Awakening (Trigger and Suggestion Reinforcement Awakener) To reinforce any given trigger which is included in a body file, this audio discusses awakening slowly enough that some of the hypnotic information stays in you, resides in the foreground of your mind as well as the background. Triggers will echo and repeat a little at the right times, and any grooves dug in your thoughts are pressed somewhat deeper by just the right wording as you awaken. Tags: Free, Vanilla, Voiced: Leanan Ivy, Suggestion, Awakener Slow and leisurely. That is the key. You’re going to rise from trance, to be freed from the languor and weight of your limbs. I tell you this at the outset only so that you know it to be true. Because at times in this leisurely ascent it may not necessarily seem I am raising you up... But that is because today we will be raising you as delicately as possible. To keep all of the suggestions, ideas, and desires from deep in trance *perfectly* intact... keeping them just where they belong... suggestions... triggers... Everything I have asked you to do, everything you have considered doing, focused on, and laid into your mind... Every habit... every anchor. If a word leads to a thought, if a thought leads to an action, that structure is suspended in your mind, floating, ready... suspended in amber. Waiting to be risen up... And during normal awakeners, perhaps your mind rises from the fog, floating to the surface into the light, into action... But during this one, I delicately place my fingers, framing the ideas and concepts of the trance... and I breathe across them... Lifting one layer, one tiny component, at a time... installing you from your deepest place to a waking place. In that waking place, once you arrive there, you will be able to experience a similar state to trance... Triggers will be as potent as they were in trance, because we are raising you slow. It begins with an autonomic twitch. It begins with a movement... The movement of your body, moving your limbs, your extremities, your entire body... slowly dialing up. A little shiver, a tiny shiver, delighted, and active... And this is your deep trance being carried up. It makes sense, the more you manage to transport deep relaxation up toward the surface, the better you feel. Because trance feels good, euphoric, enjoyable... So if you can have a trance sensation, and carry it into wakefulness... into being alert... but also being so aware of how deep you were... Knowing that allows the triggers and conditioning, all the hypnotic words which still live in your memory... this helps them take hold. Because now the path from being deep to being alert is connected. The path from trance to waking... contains the triggers, the commands, the anchors. You rise up slow, as I lift your consciousness from deep trance, lifting it like gold leaf, slowly settling it over your conscious mind. And when this layer has risen and you are in the conscious world... any commands, triggers, suggestions, ideas which you enjoy, have been safely transported upward, together. The body even rises slowly from languid relaxation, those twitches and trembles becoming steady... you can move. You could even act on instructions, especially instructions which mirror deep trance. You could even act on triggers, especially ones you’ve learned, ones you’ve anchored deep. You have so many options and they are all simple, easy, steady... All of the options in the world, but with trance intact. Waking and rising and sleeping and trancing are the same. You have the same ability to drop deep as always, but you add the unique ability to rise up and keep your programming ,your triggering, buried deep inside you... and on the surface as well. A sympathetic link, connecting the two together. Connecting you when you’re deep, to you when you’re awake... So the trance, the programming, the triggers, all of the things you’ve been asked to do, they now exist both deep in the trance *and* on the surface, in the waking world... Giving you the ability to transport things across the boundary, from trance to waking, and once the triggers exist in the waking, just as powerfully... the programming and conditioning existing in the waking, just as powerfully... You can learn more, hold on to more, and awaken with the suggestions, programming, and lessons all intact and perfect for you. Perfect for my words. I help you rise up, slow, steady, even breathing is delicately raising you, my fingertips against the edges of your awareness, lifting it, surfacing, rising slow. You can even try to slow it down yourself, to rise and wake as slowly as you can... The slower you wake the more time all the programming, suggestions, triggers, have to bind themselves into you, to go deeper, deeper... As you get higher and higher up, back toward wakefulness, there is more and more deep suggested triggered behaviour buried inside you, and it is easier and easier to free it, the tension building between deepness and waking, between where we have planted the anchors and programming, and where they are functioning. Rising up slow lets them function better and better, as finally you have accrued enough energy, enough gradual wakefulness, to lightly, softly rise, as slowly as you please, but also as easily and definitely as one... two... three... up.