When you first land on the world Mhen'ga on the edge of civilized space, there is a customs port. The one woman army who staffs the desks here is a gorgeous loo-rahn named Flahne. Her species are somewhat gelatinous, thought their shapes are less malleable than galotians. She is amber in color and massively curvy. She keeps extra mass on her form intentionally consuming so much sugar that her saliva and sexual fluids are in fact sweet. The additions to her form include huge tits and a rockin' backside to match. She's practically spilling out of her unbuttoned top and too-tight skirt, and more than happy to have you peel her out of it as long as the two of you can close the privacy shades first.
She adores sexual fluids of any kind, and treats your soaked pussy as a sweet treat, just as you would hers...
She's also happy to tell you about her species and rewards good conversationalists who take an interest, with future fun.
Based on characters and setting from Fenoxo's Trials in Tainted Space, with permission.
Script by Elena.