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Podcast 7 - Tests of Trance

July 15th, 2016. I discuss tests of trance used in stage shows as well as private sessions, and give a brief rundown on examples of them. Talk about upcoming projects, posting schedule, answer reader questions. Set out goals and muse over status of the site. Brief trance portion in this.

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Hot and Hard

  • Heat as metaphor: we talk about horny people being "in heat", about being hot and bothered.
  • Hot days outside turn into hot internal thoughts, an arousal which activates and runs wild through your system. >/li>
  • Once activated, it remains until you get somewhere cool, such as an air conditioned structure...
  • Then the heat leaves, but takes your inhibitions with it.
  • Then a cold flame of arousal remains - forcing your masturbation onward efficiently and continuously until startling climactic release.
  • Heat to cold, one type of arousal into another that is more mechanistic and all consuming.
  • This version is for listeners with penises and places more emphasis on a long confusion induction before the arousal signals.

Limp Chastity Deepener

  • Works well with any chastity file that also discusses limpness.
  • Loopable, put it on repeat if you want.
  • Catchy mantras that stress deepness as well as chaste limp conditioning.
  • Enjoy one's limp-cocked state of arousal.

- File Length: 10:32 - 9MB

Playlist order:

  1. Any induction
  2. This file
  3. Any body file

Fetish Cultist - Princess In The Tower

  • Almost sleep walking, you enter a tower that is eerily familiar.
  • Arousal and a phantom voice luring you on in your head.
  • How much do you know? How much have you forgotten?
  • As you draw closer, memories return - of how to restore her power.
  • Each guard succumbs, surrenders to her power.
  • Returning the makeup and enchanted stockings which hold her power leads to her escape...
  • ...but not until after she has rewarded you.
  • Stocking dress up, masturbation, the feeling of being pretty and safe.
  • For the parts where she is speaking dominantly, I just closed my eyes and ad libbed.
  • So it should be similar to the Live Session Chronicles in those bits.
  • If you have your own cute silver or white stockings ready, keep them nearby...
  • and add the looping instructions below - they'll tell you to get dressed up and get off.

- File Length: 56:21 - 51MB

If you want to get dressed in your own stockings and get off afterward, here is a loopable mantra which follows on from the end of the file, so put it on a playlist after the above file, even put multiple copies if it will take you a while to get off ;) You could use it with files other than this one, or even just as a reminder of "Her" when getting off in stockings in future.

- File Length: 10 minutes - 9MB - Stocking Masturbation Instructions

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?) but consider the Lake induction.
  2. The Princess in The Tower file
  3. (Optional)The Stocking file, as many times as you need ;)

Related Corruption of Champions Files


  • Talks about the focused state of trance which is born from really wanting to go deep.
  • Installs trigger, "Obsess over..." or "Obsess about..."
  • Letting circular chains of pleasantly loopable thoughts fill your head.
  • Ends on a segment about obsessing with my breasts.
  • Future files in this series will go into more detail about specific obsessions: masturbation, breasts, stockings, chastity.
  • Dominant tone throughout.
  • Uses Brain Drain and Night Night triggers.
  • Lingering Effects? An obsession trigger useable by those you trust.

File Duration: 20:05 - 18MB

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file
