Most Recent Files

A New Need - Mens' Version

  • Listener is trained to see orgasm and trance as one and the same.
  • Masturbation encouragement - trance when getting off, fall automatically back under.
  • Desire to consume one's cum after orgasm.
  • Early parts of file incorporate deliberate foreshortening of words, letting you complete them in your mind.
  • Long, includes deepening portion.

Vampire Fantasy - Part 1

  • An Inn in a quaint and misty town.
  • Alluring nocturnal visitor.
  • Haunted and aroused by her eyes.
  • A story driven and relaxing experience for all listeners.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe some arousal come the end.
  • Continued in Part 2.

Dominance Transfer Deepener

A looping piece to meditate to, all about moving any devotion you feel toward me, into a more general skill set you can assign or hand over to other dominant influences in your life, play partners, or anyone else who you want to step into that role.

Encourages seeing any track which trains you to be mine or listen to my work or feel a way toward *me*, into a more general thing you can hand the keys to, over to a dominant. Encourages you, if you have someone in mind already, to picture them instead of me, and to have a layer of replacing thoughts of me, with them, in listening to my work. It's a deepener too, so it can go in front of any file which stresses obedience to me personally, in a playlist, to help remind you of where your devotion really flows.


Mental Muzzle - Muzzling You Deftly

A mental muzzle flourish which works alongside Siren's Voice to create a general deepening environment in your hypno habits. Conceptually simple: if your mind echoed with my voice, or your inner monologue was IN my voice, then this might make it more pleasantly fixating and effective. Just the idea you're not only allowed but expressly charged with putting the kind of things that help you trance, the kind of things your brain says to itself, IN my wording, or my voice, in addition to replacing your own inner voice with mine, which might be nice when you self-trigger, self-reinforce, or to play favorite phrases when you first begin to drop.

Seductive, dominant, a bit sinister.

Deepener, so put it on a playlist with another file after. It doesn't wake you at the end, quite the opposite ;)




Worship Comes First

Pussy worship me, wait for my climax before having your own, if you have it at all. Become obsessed with my pleasure as paramount. Specific devotion and pussy worship are entrained.

A custom request originally, this track assumes a man listener with a penis.


Mirror Estate Induction

This will be the induction for each of the files in a somewhat dreamlike exploratory fantasy series set in a world where sensual peril is around every corner. This induction was born out of several very old ideas I've since removed from the site for poor sound and writing quality, and improved here. This is a decent implied amnesia induction in its own right, so try it with other things and see if you like it.

The listener finds themselves facing a pool of amber-hued relaxation, and wondering what is on the other side, despite the possible arousing amnesia-laden consequences and training afterward.

The mirror estate is vast, things are dreamlike and you may not remember how you travelled within it - only that you enjoyed it.


Feminine Succubus Seed - Mind/Body Synchronization

A fragment of my own thought and approach is implanted within you.

The more you study, learn, and acquire information, the more aroused you will become, until eventually you must masturbate or at least edge to achieve clarity so you may learn, study, and acquire more.

But as a side effect, your body might get a bit more aligned with my own too... resulting in heavy breasts, a wet and dripping pussy, curves, a higher more tempting voice, and a particular ever-increasing feminine presentation and mannerism.

Envisioned by the person who requested it as a kind of "reverse bimbo" file where learning, studying, and ordering your thoughts results in arousal and feminine characteristics both.

Length: 23 Minutes



  • Relaxation when the world is a bit hectic.
  • Soothing and sedate pace.
  • Take your time and make space in your mind for self-care.
  • Before listening, think about the kind of thing you do to relax and feel safe - this can be an anchor for a later return.
  • Sometimes it is a good idea to shut out your senses and just think things through.
  • Provide pleasant stimulus for yourself in a private space free of interruptions.
  • Free public release. Download and enjoy.

Edge of the Edge - Puppetry

Rapidfire wording-focused insidious corruptive serve-dominant-Mistress-and-submit edging-into-denial piece. Not genital or gender specific. Contemplates eventually being allowed to climax, but seeks to make that more difficult.

Idea of submitting to Mistress/dominant influence (file uses me but leaves idea of general dominant open) in order to edge as near as possible, completely separating climax from edging. And if you don't edge as intensely as possible... puppet-you will pick up from there.

Be careful, as climax without the permission of a dominant person might be quite difficult. Of course, plenty of my work orders or permits climax, but, I always like to tell people to be careful what they wish for.

Benefits from Brain Drain, Mental Muzzle, and my other work including of course the Devotion series.


Latex Bath Induction (2 Versions)

This is the first induction made for the Latex series of files. This series is about establishing safeties and comfort-increasing and self-deepening habits in subjects, as well as developing a framework for a corruptive fantasy through description and induction. It is a soothing piece about immersion in and control by dark latex, progressive relaxation elements. Can be used with other files, but it was made for the Latex Succubus stuff.

These are two vastly improved versions over the originals. The Indeepener is just that - induction, and/or deepener, stick it in playlists mixed in, and can be ably mixed into non-erotic playlists as well.


Sexy Version

Euphoria Version


Sexy Version

Euphoria Version

47 Minutes total

Serpent Succubus - Voice and Will

You are being remodelled into a machine for amplifying my voice. You are more and more subjected to my words, and they enter in with my coils and venom.

This works nicely with Siren's Voice programming and is addressed to general rapport and devotion themes. Serve me, submit to me, find that your every action is secretly puppetry for the benefit of me, you, and everyone around you. It's easier when your choices leave the equation and my will does the work.

General submission and mindfuck themes.

30 Minutes

Inevitable Induction

An induction which suggests that going into trance is a lot like going to sleep - inevitable, poetic, important. But this being guided meditation, some small but significant parts of you stay awake and focused. You may have to go somewhere or do something tomorrow, but for now you can sink and relax.

12 Minutes

Brain Break - Absolute Saturation

A rapidfire verbiage overwhelm audio which expands on the "Brain Break" concept.

I provide you with enough words and thoughts for your mind to concern itself only with self care, with thinking those thoughts that have been waiting for you to un-clench and address them. This is a time you can loop, and a track which more powerfully provides a chance to zoom your brain out, each time you visit. In the suspended time, which is about taking care of yourself as you would want to be taken care of, you are allowed to drift without thoughts you normally consider 'mandatory', and pause your mind enough to focus on yourself.

Works with Brain Drain and Night Night series concepts as well. Uses the same start as Brain Break - Loop and Pause, but is much longer.

Available as a Reward audio.


Dreaming Induction

  • For those who like to listen to files right before bed.
  • A reminder that thoughts carried across the boundary into dream can effect one there..
  • Goes great with dream-themed files.

Hot Wiring

  • A simple piece useful for practicing trance sensation.
  • The concept that stimulating one erogenous zone will cause them all to react at once.
  • Stimulation and masturbation become a linked full body experience, unique to the areas that make you personally more aroused.
  • Lingering effects? Perhaps more efficient and stimulating self-pleasure in future.

Eternal Hardness

A seed of being hard all the time. Morning wood, evening wood, would wood make things hard for you? Hard mind too. Enjoy.

Turns out I didn't post this one back when I released it on the patreon. there are several like this I will be catching up and putting on the site today.

So if you've been wondering where Eternal Hardness 1 is...oops. Fixed!

I do not answer questions about or provide support for any file with the word "Eternal" in its name. Happy listening!

50+ Minutes of content

Trigger Phrases and Deepener

  • Contains the re-done Skillset Deepener - a file to help people relax and get basic trance concepts into their minds.
  • Contains an assortment of trigger phrases for various files.
  • These files are add ons for: Butt Bunny Bondage, Night Night Re-Done, and Brain Drain
  • Lingering effects? See the referenced files for trigger descriptions.


This is a looping mantra to listen to while you are doing your needed activities, chores, etc.. The act of automatically moving through your chores is pleasurable and keeps you on edge while you do them, losing time, forgetting, and otherwise making it more of a practice exercise than an onerous endeavor. Simply loop this file on its own, and the triggers and conditioning from the other mentioned files will do the rest. Plays with the idea of looped puppet-play and blankness while leaving room to get work done and train trance at the same time. Consider using it in a playlist, or playing soft music in the background as well.

This is a much improved version made in October 2024.




Creature of Impulse Induction

For long-term listeners. You probably know enough about what I'm like and about my ad-libbing stream of consciousness tendencies to know when I'm slipping halfway into trance while trancing you out.

So revel in it. This is an example of my off-the cuff stream of consciousness style content, and also serves as a loving rapport-filled reminder that each session makes it easier to go under for the next one,

A good reminder and an excellent induction for story, confusion, or self-help/rapport based files with erotic twists.

Place this first in your playlist and follow up with deepeners or main body files of your choice.


Submissive Feminine Form

  • A file about feeling comfortably feminine in certain specific ways, while also submitting to dominant trusted presences.
  • Transformation themes, general submissive behaviour, relaxation and comfort with submission.
  • Lingering effects? Perhaps feelings of a specific kind of graceful curvy femininity unique to and for you, submission to trusted authority.

Vampire Fantasy - Part 2

  • An Inn in a quaint and misty town.
  • More of the story behind the old room and its vampiric visitor.
  • A necessary shared shower.
  • A date to meet again sometime.
  • Relaxation, arousal.
  • A story-driven and relaxing experience for all listeners.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe some arousal come the end.
  • Continued from Part 1. Story continued in Part 3

Got Milk (Best)

A breast and lactation themed trigger file. When "Got milk, pet?" is said, it is a reminder to the listener that they should enter into docile, large-breasted cowgirl mindlessness, and milk themselves if able. This file ties in with other ones like The Farm, Pointed, and Bounce! and uses some of the triggers from them.

This version has no induction or awakener, so you can pick your favorite, or loop it on its own. Some confusion and fractionation.

Includes feminine body and genitalia transformation themes. It doesn't care where your body starts and has a transformation theme. The track calls the listener a "cowgirl".


Memory Stone - Milking Farm 3

Your handler brings you from your room to a special body modification suite. It's been days since anyone milked your huge lactating breasts. Or even touched them. You need a machine to get you emptied and induce the spectacular milkgasms your cowgirl body craves...

She brings you to climax as the milker enhances and empties your breasts and mind while you're tied down and enjoying a flood of pleasure.

41 Minutes

The Quilt

A piece to help travelers relax in the usually unpleasant environment associated with long transit.Loopable, so you can put it on repeat until journey's end. Non-erotic self help meditations only. General positive/supportive language throughout. Suitable for train, bus, plane. Soothingly tune out the journey and arrive refreshed.


Confidence In Action

Confidence self-help theme. Discusses 'freezing" in interpersonal, work, and chore contexts. Non-erotic self help meditations only. General positive/supportive language throughout.


Sensitive and Ready

For those who want their rear to be the seat and focus of their sexual pleasure. Maybe you don't interact with your other sex organs much, maybe you already love anal. The listener will ideally find a marked increase in sensitivity coupled with an automatic, hypnotic response when they stimulate that entrance. This file goes great with the Long Resistance Induction and was made alongside it. Enjoy your new sensitivity~ Relaxation/a trancelike state are also stressed. This file is 25 minutes long and is a body file, so choose your favorite induction to go with it. Goes great with Butt Bunny.


Connected Hands

  • A file for couples to feel closer.
  • Envision feeling what your partner does - emotion, arousal, sensation
  • Hold hands together while each of you listens to the file at the same time.
  • Cuddling in a shared trance.
  • Same concepts as Gift of Massage and Connected.

Elven Wrapping

A winter fantasy, wrapped tight in the covers and subjected to a visitor with an agenda. Unwrap her? No, this is about wrapping you.

Tuck yourself in bed on a cold night, with the blankets right around you, then listen to this.

This is a body file, use it with your favorite induction. It is otherwise loopable and ends with a phrase that leads well into the start of this file so you can put it on repeat post-induction or put multiple copies in a row on a playlist.

Someone joins you in bed for a Christmas surprise. Special bonus for those who have a choker to wear afterward. File is made with those with vaginas and breasts in mind. A file for those with penises will be coming out after the holidays (Elven Unwrapping). About 20 minutes long, very tantalizing, you'll probably wanna get off afterward, maybe with a partner~ Hope people like it. A bonus little bit of conditioning is included for those who own festive chokers and similar neckwear, by the way.

Happy holidays!

19 Minutes

Shiny Spandex Seed Meditation Loop

A shiny spandex worship training file. Yet another person commissioned a file on this theme. This file was made at the same time as, and works well with, Shiny Spandex Obedience. The listener is trained to worship and obey those wearing shiny spandex leggings, includes an intellectual meditation on why so many people have this fetish, and some arousal and teasing at the end culminating in climax and torment. Enjoy. This file is 13 minutes long, loopable, and is presented with neither induction nor awakener.


Leather Obedience Pack

Two files themed around different clothing fetishes. One file fixates on simple sandals on women as the crux of a desire to obey and serve. The other file is about leather pants. Clothing fetish curses, requested as customs. The "pantied chastity" files are like this too.

The two files together focus on general obedience to women based on specific clothing fetishes and were originally a custom request.

50+ Minutes

Deepener and Amnesiagasm

Deepener which runs through various styles of deepening meditation, including an elaborate descriptive fantasy, and ends with instructions to allow self-pleasure to become a catalyst for forgetting the contents of the file to follow. To continue pleasuring while feeling mired in forgetful hazy blank self-pleasure. Uses trigger phrases from Brain Drain. A file to help one be nice and relaxed before listening to another file they wish to deeply absorb. Sensitivity, continued stimulation, and the feeling of being corrupted and dragged down into pleasure are all discussed.


Shiny Spandex Obedience (Best)

The listener's arousal becomes submission which becomes further arousal. This is especially true in the presence of women wearing shiny spandex leggings, wherein the urge is encouraged to become quite uncontrollable. Submitting to women who wear shiny spandex is also an express theme.

This was requested as a custom file long ago. I re-made and improved it in 2024 on a whim.

20 Minutes

Podcast 10 - On Satisfaction

A podcast about personal satisfaction, recent developments, containing some brief cage based induction trance at the end and the answers to questions. I talk about when I'll publish Izma content, my forthcoming schedule, and what I'm working on in the way of stories.

Visiting Venus

  • Help the lonely giant woman to get off.
  • Her gentle and considerate treatment does nothing to hide her smouldering arousal.
  • She does not mind an audience, and can easily stimulate someone's entire body.
  • Repeat listening is suggested.
  • Size disparity, intense stimulation.

Persuasive Amnesia Induction (Best)

This 10 minute long induction uses some simple number references while describing the mind as a toolbox into which various useful ways of thinking can go. We accept this idea with mnemonics, focus exercises, and any number of self-help techniques - so why not accept it for pleasure? Aren't there some thoughts you wish you could put out of your mind and retrieve later, so you could be surprised? Don't you sometimes want to forget the outside world and indulge in the words pouring into your mind? Persuasive metaphors, good visualization aid.

10 Minutes

Minotaur Encounter

  • The surprised Champion comes face to face with a minotaur's unique attributes.
  • Minotaur semen is quite addictive and arousing.
  • Minotaurs cannot achieve orgasm without considerable assistance.
  • Their huge cocks and powerful muscles can be quite alluring to those who don't mind enthusiastic treatment.
  • If you have sex toys nearby, play along with the fun parts.
  • Rough, arousing, pleasurable, memorable.

Harem of the Absent Queen

  • In a city deep within the desert, Lamias and Naga live in harmony.
  • Half of the city belongs to each species.
  • The Lamia half is a desert city full of spires and silks, ruled by the Lamia queen, the Sultana.
  • Once there was a sultan, and then he left yet his harem and its cultures survived.
  • Now the Sultana fertilizes her own eggs, and no one uses the harem.
  • But the snake girls are still there, wiling away their days in hookah smoke and transformative potions.
  • Three harem girls induct you into their ways, and incite you to worship their cocks, while their matron watches from afar and considers what to do with you if you should return again.

Just A Little More - Got Milk? 1

The temptation to go just a little further, just a little deeper, is very great. This is especially true when you visualize your big milk-filled breasts weighing your very mind down and making more milk out of your spare thoughts.

Get comfortable, combine this with the "You Sure?" induction, and settle in for an introductory journey.

Perhaps you will stop after this one, or maybe you will go onward to the second instalment - and the third, the fourth, the fifth as they appear.

Be careful how much you let into your mind. After about the second one, I won't be holding back.

But relax, the most you'll find here is some soothing cowgirl thoughts.

Make sure to check out the other 'Just A Little More' series files.


Latex Entanglement 4 - Protection

The latex band and other gear you have been wearing grows more charged with your sexual and hypnotic realizations, the longer you wear it and learn from the experience of being more compassionate and connected to your immediate world.

The latex you might wear out of the house, even though you wear it concealed, helps engage the meditative and entanglement properties of insulating yourself from negativity, energizing yourself, and fueling greater understanding in future. Your latex fetish will grow alongside this, but that is part of what is good for you.

Wear as much latex as often as you can get away with it, as often as is safe and comfortable. Take good care of your latex gear, and the positivity of hypnosis, meditation, and energy stored in latex related anchors, will serve you well.


Just A Little More - Latex 2

The temptation to go just a little further, just a little deeper, is very great. This is especially true when you visualize controlling, corruption, influential latex on every inch of your body.

Get into any latex gear you have, combine this with the "You Sure?" induction, and the first one in this category.
Perhaps you will stop after this one, or maybe you will go onward to the second instalment - and the third, the fourth, the fifth as they appear.

Be careful how much you let into your mind. After about the second one, I won't be holding back.

In this file, the latex drone thoughts get more intense and might become quite overwhelming if you give them a chance. Mechanistic visualization metaphors and an invitation to cherish your latex covering are included.

Make sure to check out the other 'Just A Little More' series files.


Fairy Fun

  • File assumes listener with penis.
  • Fairy flies inside listener's clothing and works them to orgasm.
  • Dripping signs of listener's arousal drive fairy companion into a lusty haze.
  • The tiny woman uses her unique position to enforce rigid climax as quickly as possible.

Stud Existence Induction

Made for use with "Getting Into Character - Stud", this induction works any time you're going to listen to a stud-related piece.

This induction advances my personal style of stud training. You are to be confident, to bring pleasure, to study how to bring it, and to aim for your willing partner to surrender and be subsumed in their lustful escape and orgasmic release.

This is a good consistent start to that experience, so you can try to keep your training on the same track each time. I recommend consistent surroundings and that you be in a private comfortable place wearing loose or no clothing.

Length: 7:34


Drink Me

A new approach to transformation themed material. The listener witnesses someone subjected to a transformation into an aroused large-breasted catgirl, relentlessly self-pleasuring her horny pussy. The listener, in an effort to assist, is ensnared and likewise transformed: into a large-breasted catgirl, relentlessly pleasuring one's own sensitive clit and lips. Lengthy fantasy transformation with a playful trigger at the end. Great for fans of Cat On The Prowl.


Loopable Lucid Dreaming Anchor: Succubus Energy Exchange

This track can be looped, and is a follow up to Succubus Energy Exchange - F4M. When you visit the succubus in your dreams, the feminine energy induced by your encounter arises, and reinforces the yearning lustful behavior.Includes a Lucid Dreaming Anchor, which is meant to aid in lucid dreaming training by providing a memorable moment in the main file to use as your touchstone in directing dream experiences and reinforcing the overall sensations and transformations of this audio.

Get Hard: Autohypnotic Trigger Seed

"Get Hard" is my go-to mental and physical arousal instruction. This is a version which works with my various self-hypnotic instructions, and with the existing stud and eternal hardness content. Further reinforces "Get Hard" as your mental and physical erection fixation. When said by me, you, or someone you trust.

Already in the backer folder. Reassuring basic triggered response concept, good for beginners.


Pussy Overwhelmed

Clit and pussy centered triggers to climax in a melodic and rapid set of instructions. Put it after your favorite induction, place it after Overflowing which is what inspired this method of hands free orgasm. Get off, masturbate, or leave your arms by your sides and twitch your drooling self through my signals. A long slow build with insistent pressure inside until every thought becomes the fire of climax.

Shiver and spasm as your mind drips out of your pussy.


Hands Off 2022

A trigger "Hands off", to avoid touching yourself and get locked in the mindset of refraining from stimulation. A substitute for physical chastity belt. Works well if you have an orgasm denial or control domme who would use the phrase and other methods to train you.

Implies your own agency and the idea of entering enough of a trance for your muscles to be very relaxed. Your hands simply.... stop. If you try to pleasure yourself with something other than your hands for example by squeezing your thighs, your legs will relax, The simple suggestion of a useful anchor which leverages your desire to be a good submissive partner.

"Hands on" is a trigger not only to end the hands off state, but to induce compulsive relief and release of your pent up desires.

Similar themes to Mentally Muzzled. When you are triggered, my voice in your mind reassuring you and agreeing with your own that maybe you ought to refrain from touching yourself.

This chastity trigger can be used by you, or by dominant figures you trust. It may be used in future chastity files.

Simple and powerful, it focuses only on preventing or discouraging your own direct masturbation in a stern dominant way. Any other stimulation such as indirect or hands free orgasm might still be possible.

30 Minutes

Cock Overwhelmed

Cock-centered triggers to climax in a melodic and rapid set of instructions. Put it after your favorite induction, place it after Overflowing which is what inspired this method of hands free orgasm. Get off, masturbate, or leave your arms by your sides and twitch your drooling self through my signals. Powerful and quick, using a clipped lyrical flow.

Shiver and spasm as you spurt for me and your mind along with.



Get a pair of thigh high stockings and place them nearby. This file is gender neutral, I know a lot of my listeners like stockings regardless of gender. This file ties intense arousal to those stockings so that whenever you wear them your body will be in a state of sensitive needy ache. Furthermore, any climax or arousal experienced while wearing the stockings will fuel your arousal and increase it in future, making them a more and more powerful conditioning trigger for more and more sexy arousal. Pick a pair you like!


Canine Peppers - Heat

  • Another Canine Pepper add-on.
  • Eaten too many, consumed by an animalistic heat.
  • Slight canine-feature transformation theme.
  • Arousal, general instinctive need and enjoyment.
  • For listeners with vaginas. Masturbation theme.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe a desire to have fun with a partner after, or a need to climax by your own devices.
