Most Recent Files

Self Control - Pussy

This is a file for those who like my previous pussy-centric releases like Emptiness and Release Valve. The theme here is one of your pussy directing your life and actions, telling you what to do in order to please it better. There are confidence elements, some task-oriented to-do-list material, and of course lots of sexy bits. Have toys nearby, or be good with your hands, because masturbation is encouraged throughout as a spellbinding tale of lust consuming your body and mind is laid out for you to enjoy. How can you resist something that is a part of you and sending orders right to your brain all the time anyway?

Cabin Kitty - Captain's Privilege

You are the horny ship's cat responsible for most simple duties of ship's protection, for reporting spies and intruders... and for satisfying the senior officers.

The wild magic used to propel the Tempest's Wail causes arousal, bodily mutation, and the entry into the world of various strange and fantastic creatures. When the senior officers (Captain, Bosun, Second Mate, First Mate) need assistance with their arousal, or have guests... you are there to provide pleasure. Of course, you provide coy, superior pleasure and hold out as long as you can, but you're head over heels for all of them - yes, even the catty Second Mate - and your service is a point of pride.

The Captain is a demigod, self-possessed, alluring. She wears a special outfit to lock in the beguiling beauty and immaculate shape of her body - as well as its corruptive and pervasive magic. When she strips it off, which she only does in the warded confines of the cabin, she more often than not needs relief. Her fluids are seductive, delicious, addictive, you want her... and you're quite resistant to her magic over the long term, so it's safe for you to let her indulge. Another is also resistant- one of the cabin people is actually not interested in the captain at all... but in you.

Nerija is indeterminate about their gender and would like some help getting off via your warm sandpaper tongue on their chest. They are incredibly sensitive, and a welcome addition to your play, once the Captain has softened you up and asked nicely. (Nerija will return in an upcoming Pirates piece, so keep an eye out for them as well!)

The captain has a cock and a pussy and desires service upon both. She is dominant, gentle, affectionate, and treats everyone like a long-lost friend.

Benefits from the Cabin Kitty- Getting Into Character piece being in mind.

This was created as the result of a custom request at my patreon.


Bonds Under The Moon

The listener is taken in by a massive werewolf woman and her lactating breasts, as she weaves a siren song about them under the moon. What seems somewhat sinister at first is actually pleasant, companionable, relaxing, restorative. Allow her sexual wiles to control and encourage your own, even as comfort and gentle friction against her body makes you ever more vulnerable to climax.


Climax Permission Bridge

If you ever feel like you're having trouble climaxing on your own, due to files, or due to content in your mind, or just because of the need to be told... this little clip can go into any playlist and, with a few good turns of phrase, instructs you to please climax for me, to go seek arousal and orgasm. It will be part of a forthcoming eye fixation climax encouragement piece, but hopefully it stands well on its own as a clip in larger playlists.


System Analysis - Respect and Relaxation Deepener and Induction

Bridging the gap between talking about your body as 'you' and talking about you as a system of sequences and filters.

This is more easily achieved if we talk about respecting yourself, preserving yourself, keeping yourself intact even if you are thoroughly brought to an aroused and sinking state.

This is also more easily achieved with a long progressive relaxation and counting induction using system and digitization metaphors alongside some arousing promises of things to come.

Both of these are in this pack, in deepener and induction form respectively. This induction can be chained with the previous Filter Editing Induction. This deepener can be used before any body file, but is particularly suited to those in the System Analysis series which concern obeying women, submitting to me, or submitting to your own mind.

24 Minutes Total

Stage Magic

You are onstage during a magician's performance where she demonstrates a few simple tricks as an induction. You are being stimulated in plain sight, and no one knows but you and her. Open ended conclusion which can lead into other fantasies.


Submissive Ass Worship: Lucid Dreaming Anchor

A lucid dreaming anchor makes use of a familiar scene or meditative visualization, in which you will perform a pre-ordained action. When you use an ass worship scenario of you kneeling and your domme tempting you with her ass, the only danger is you might slip into lucidity TOO easily, become tranced in your dream as you have been trained, and then end up in self-training ass worship fantasies for the rest of the dream.

This piece augments Submissive Ass Worship: Core, and its companion piece Suggestion Stream.


Maid to Order

  • Maid service themed file
  • Uses the Attend, Pet trigger to fixate the mind. Includes instructions.
  • Talks of uniform, chastity, panties, and performance of domestic chores.
  • Lingering effects? Submissive desire to be uniformed, pantied, and chaste.

Goblin - Test Subject

  • Meeting an unusually collected and calm goblin (well, for such a lustful species anyway) in the forest.
  • She uses her highly reflective silver nipple piercings to draw the observer in.
  • She has tested her aphrodisiac substances on herself and is incredibly turned on.
  • Some light hypnosis on her part that the observer fails to fully grasp, results in their exposure to similar substances.
  • Arousal, good natured trancy pleasure, ending in climax and an invitation to return.


Milk Farm Side Stories 1 - Turnabout

You have completed your transformation into a milky cowgirl. freed from your collar, you are allowed to roam freely, and it's a day off for everyone at the vast body modification and milk harvesting facility. pretty much everyone is aroused most of the time, but the regimented days of the facility keep them busy. But today, your graduation, you can roam... and the first person you turn your seductive and confident attentions to is your handler. A passing cowgirl is also snared into the fun. When you're done with them, you go off to find who else would like to play. Perhaps someone in the baths?

A three part sequential sexual fantasy using the mantras, repetitions, and themes from the other Milk Farm files.


Kitsune's New Pet 1

Transformation into a female fox-morph and then subjugation as a many-tailed fox spirit's pet. The kitsune intends to bring you home, but first comes trickery, transformation, and the implication that the spell cast on you will slowly bring you to your knees as her new pet.

Pet play and dominance themes. For pussy-having listeners or those who are fine with transformation toward that theme.

Dark Night - Fill Her

  • Fera was Mareth's goddess of the predatory hunt. Beautiful and possessive, she is tied in to the land's fertility as surely as any of its other deities. She was sealed away for siding with the demonic influence that fills the land, seeing them as superior sexually liberated hunters, and being fairly corrupted herself.
  • On rare nights, she can push some part of herself through a gateway between dimensions -and a sufficiently productive cock is capable of letting her come the rest of the way through. Her protrusions into this dimension are powerful, sexually pleasing, and possessed of aphrodisiac qualities transmitted by mere proximity.
  • This night, she is visiting your camp - well, if you can handle it. Beware, she may leave marks behind.
  • Note: Similar to the tentacle beast and corrupted glade files, this file featured a corrupted plant in the form of a pumpkin, which you fuck as it is enchanted/cursed along with its tendrils by Fera.
  • For listeners with penises.
  • Type: 

    Transformation Induction

    This is a conversational transformation induction for those who like bodily changes described in their transformation files, but prefer mental changes to be subtle or emergent. Beginning with the theme of your mind protected and apart, the file goes on to describe how changes to the hardware - the body - would nevertheless influence the insulated mind as it floats through a void of relaxation. Use this as an induction, or place it as a deepener between an induction and a body file. Enjoy.


    Cum Witch - A Taste

    The sequel to Neglected Pleasures and Cum Witch Conditioning. Listener returns and finds themselves in the presence of the aroused Cum Witch from before. No one else is around and the listener delivers passionate oral pleasure to the witch's length, before eliciting further control and a potential shared climax. This file is open ended to leave the possibility of the listener returning again and again for similar suckling sessions. Is the cock influencing the listener? Does it control the witch herself? Either way, she's grateful for the visit and the opportunity.


    Cum Witch - Neglected Pleasures

    For adventurers with penises. Infiltrating the coven, the listener discovers one of the Cum Witches hard at work. Her partner is exhausted and falls asleep, leaving just you and she in the room. The witch explains that she seldom enjoys any pleasure other than the penetrative vaginal intercourse she'd been engaging in, and sometimes she would like variety. Locked in a contest with her, her greater experience might prove your undoing, if not for a clever move at the last moment. Still, even if you've escaped, what other changes to your mindset might occur? And what might a second visit hold in store?



    • An erotic orgasm control piece. Both self-control and control by dominant partners.
    • At first subtle, and then explicit.
    • When you are alone, you should climax when you want to.
    • When you are with a dominant partner, you should climax only when allowed to do so.
    • It grows ever more arousing to have your orgasm controlled by a dominant partner.
    • Your desire to submit becomes desire to surrender your orgasms when partnered with someone dominant enough to deserve it.
    • Lingering effects? Orgasms controlled by others when with dominant partners, own will when alone.

    Devotion - Direct and Indirect

    My voice as pervading corruption making you more and more a doll, a puppet, an automaton, a marionette, a thing either given a program *or* held in place to be programmed. Direct and indirect control, two sides of the same coin, ever at work. Connects well with my beginner content and with mental muzzle/devotion/blankness concepts as well as any kind of puppetry. Also has some basic hypnosub skills instruction/training buried in there, for whoever you play with.

    Even if a command comes only one or two or three percent from me, most of it constructed from your own needs or whims, *some* is nonetheless enough.

    30 Minutes


    • Training at how to relax and listen to these files.
    • Includes discussion of amnesia and visualizations.
    • A piece about the mechanics of trance.
    • Lingering effects? Maybe an easier time chilling out and following along.

    Night Night - Fractionation and Playful Murmurs

    This is an induction and deepener which heavily uses the Night Night trigger. It incorporates a rapport theme, and pops you into and out of trance repeatedly. The buried theme is the idea of growing closer to me, willingly embracing the use of the night night trigger as a bonding moment but also as a general trust reinforcement because of how the trigger is structured.

    Put this first, then any other file where you want to go deep.

    The principles from Night Night 2020 are in play in this file, as well as its trigger.


    Corrupted Pleasure Pet Training - Two Holes

    Comes with the corrupted pleasure pet warning which serves as induction, deepener, and warning about intensity.

    The Corrupted Pleasure Pet series has always been where I produce content which resonates with what I do with real subjects, and some of my favorite styles of trance or suggestions to give.

    In this audio you are assumed to have two toys nearby, one you want to suck on and one comfortable for anal insertion. Using rapport-building and devotional language, I encourage the listener to become more and more involved in porn in their mind, in the idea of fucking surrender into themselves and finding their inner hedonistic indulgence. The language and suggestions are meant to be "sticky", and are slightly more intense than my usual. I hope you enjoy. Language is gender neutral and genital neutral, focused entirely on oral and anal pleasure and administration of same. Climax is encouraged and the file is loopable.

    When you put the two parts together it's quite long, almost an hour, but the loopable second half can stand on its own or with any induction of your choice.


    Light Latex Kiss

    An expansion of the Latex Succubus Series featuring a light and recovering sexual urge, slight arousal, encouragement to treat time spent thinking about your latex fetish and improving the environment around you as an investment of energy to be drawn on later for more sexy fun.

    Wear your favorite latex gear, be it a wristband or gloves or a full body suit. Coat yourself in it and visualize light lips taking your thoughts away to a place of improvement, guidance, and rest. Works alongside all of the other latex succubus work.

    Half an hour of encouragement, visualization, and positive improvement to your latex fetished mindset.


    Beloved Fixation

    • A long detailed file for people in relationships.
    • Theme: Your partner is the source of all your orgasms.
    • Fantasies about your partner arise while edging.
    • File encourages edging and elaborate fantasies during.
    • Listener is encouraged to see their partner as the seat of all sexual pleasure.
    • Lingering effects? Edging while fantasies of one's partner build and build.


    There is nothing at the end to wake you up.

    A small experiment.


    Serpent Succubus - Metamorphosis

    A whispering presence offers you the chance to sever your mind and being from all that has gone before... to enter into a coccoon, an egg, a set of coils - representing a nourishing hypnotic place distinct from your body.

    That place will become your default, into which you enter whenever you trance and from which you emerge vibrantly at the end, with all the lessons that much deeper for the whispering glistening reinforcement you face.

    Reinforcement for my voice, my trances, our shared aims, tying into all other succubus and serpent content as symbols of your deepening.


    Go To Your Place

    What if there could be a place inside of you that you so loved, were so compelled to go, that you would sit there and just watch the pleasures visited on your body, before returning to them only when instructed.

    "Go to your place" becomes a direct trigger to check out, but your body still acts as commanded, still does as it is told while you sit in a room inside your head, a place with a comfortable chair, a warm hearth, with all the things you need and a definite connection to me... but from which you merely watch what happens, hypnotically and otherwise, with your will put away.

    Much of the language will be familiar to fans of Brain Drain and some familiarity with traffic light safeties as a concept will help. You will still be able to notify your hypno top of your status, of course. It's just sometimes nice to send someone to their Place to remind them it is there, safe, helpful, and inevitable. The idea of not going there is silly, since it is the nicest place to rest and be.

    Corruptive/sinister elements throughout, but only in the name of safety and communication. ;)

    Length: 10 Minutes

    10 Minutes


    • A simple description of a soothing massage.
    • Good for basic trance stimulation and training.
    • Non-erotic, just relaxing.
    • Drawn from content that was used in the last Vampire Fantasy file, but just the massage bit.
    • Lingering effects? Perhaps more relaxed when all is said and done.


    Helia - Recognition and Victory

    This file continues from Helia's appearance in the Tel'Adre Spa, where she was only a guest. Here you encounter her on her home turf, but she remembers you. This path assumes you have met Helia before, in at least one other file. She sees your request to not attack you as a sign of surrender. Taking control of the situation, the Salamander evokes your mutual pleasure using her long tail - working it in and out of your ass rapidly until climax is assured. Her muscled body, tender affection for anyone she takes to bed, and raw brute strength combine to make a fuck you won't soon forget as your ass is filled and trained by her powerful thrusts using the faux-cock of her prehensile tail pushed between her legs. Of course, the horny heated Salamander-girl can't resist getting wet and hot and getting off alongside you.


    Elven Unwrapping - Vagina Version

    • Sensual holiday encounter with a willing and submissive companion.
    • Guess you've been nice this year, a mysterious visitor comes with a present.
    • Short elven woman with curvy hips and small breasts.
    • Asked to decide between a mystery box, or her, the choice is obvious.
    • This is the version for listeners who have a vagina. There is a penis-centric version too.
    • Gender neutral on pronouns. Difference between the two files is only where the elf focuses on pleasuring the listener.
    • Ends with a possible opening for sequels.
    • Free public file. Like it? Consider the Patreon.
    • The notes I wrote when recording the file are included.

    Mental Muzzle 2020

    Your internal voice, slowly and insidiously but helpfully replaced by my own. Encouraging, rapport building, and it leads well into numerous other files like Brain Drain and Night Night.


    Elven Unwrapping - Penis Version

    • Sensual holiday encounter with a willing and submissive companion.
    • Guess you've been nice this year, a mysterious visitor comes with a present.
    • Short elven woman with curvy hips and small breasts.
    • Asked to decide between a mystery box, or her, the choice is obvious.
    • This is the version for listeners who have a penis. There is a vagina-centric version too.
    • Gender neutral on pronouns. Difference between the two files is only where the elf focuses on pleasuring the listener.

    Instructed to Need

    Part of the "Needs" series of conditioning and post hypnotic suggestion files.

    Adding new needs to yourself, giving you easy instructions so you can carry them out with a minimum of thought and maximum of pleasure. This process sometimes benefits from a deeper trance. Place this file into your playlist after the induction of your choice (I recommend the temptation of needs induction) and then follow it with any file about post hypnotic triggers or instructions.


    Chronicle of the Unbound - The Nature of Flame

    A simulation of the effects Linoa has had on your psyche and sexuality by the end of Not Until you Know

    Part of the Chronicle of the Unbound series.

    Features pussy-based denial and submission as well as body worship themes.

    This one is about the changes in the Amazon's mindset from "getting into character", to the end of the series, it also serves as an excellent temptation to try the other parts.

    12 Minutes

    System Analysis - Filter Editing Induction

    This is the most basic induction of the Filter Editing series. It is a very basic approach to hypnotic trance which works along the same lines as Brain Drain, Automatically, Puppet Bot, and other drone or 'brain as computer' files I've made.

    Your operating system filters things at different levels. Some commands, requests, or requirements are so basic that your brain submits them without your conscious review and you would have to exercise restraint to stop them. Breathing regularly, eating and drinking when you need to, falling asleep when tired, following a familiar route unthinkingly, climaxing when you're a bit too close to release.

    Your body is a system and it is subject to permissions editing. Then there are things you get to review, decision-level filters. Then there are things you know you don't like, so you reject them unthinkingly without needing to do anything about it.

    Placing different items in different categories is ordinarily a long journey of experience, but a nice hypnotic shortcut is to change what priority level various commands and suggestions are at.

    This file sets up for that, and works with the various advanced deepeners and inductions which are forthcoming.

    Lots of this filework will involve changing who can cause, or how things can on their own, enter at the 'top priority' level where you barely notice them. This concept was explored in Brain Drain and Obey Women.

    Some of these files will be about self improvement on the line of meditation to set aside negative thoughts or distractions by placing them in the auto-reject filter level for a time.

    It all starts with this very basic induction, however, which can be used with any file though it is uniquely suited to the System Analysis series.


    Full Moon Transformation

    • Aching, needy transformation to feminine wolf-like creature during the full moon.
    • Six nipples, wanton aching pussy, desire to be penetrated or to masturbate while on all fours.
    • Indicia of primal heat, desire to experience it again.
    • Lingering effects? Perhaps recurrence of file contents under next full moon.

    Chronicle of the Unbound - Not Until You Know

    Linoa, the mysterious woman you brought home, has begun bringing you incredible sexual pleasure nightly. Her methods, however, do not include orgasm. In fact the pressure point massages which remove tension from your muscles push your climax further and further away...

    Your powerful body and pheromone influence are no match for her charms.

    The days blur together in a spiral of carnal delights, and you grow more and more captivated with her body. Her breasts, her pussy, her ass, her feet, every inch of her tattooed body captivates and draws you in. One day you ask to inspect her in detail and draw her...

    An action which sets a chain of events in motion with unpredictable results.

    Denial, submission, and mischievous seduction are featured.

    Builds well on the other files in the series.



    • Fantasy file centered around a goddess figure whose glance imposes chastity.
    • Custom request for someone.
    • Lengthy file, chastity and dominance themes.
    • Ends with a command to sleep, still bound.


    • A simple reminder to drink more water -so few of us get enough - and a talk about the benefits of doing so.
    • Tie taking in fluids to specific routine activities.
    • Might get more water into your system if the process were a bit more interesting and tied to your desire for meditative relaxation.
    • Drink water before meals, when you first rise up from listening to files like these, and every time you have a caffeinated beverage.
    • Focus on the pleasure of having improved oneself toward an attainable but often neglected goal.
    • For all listeners.
    • Non-erotic.
    • Lingering effects? Maybe a bit more hydrated. Getting enough water is tough, but the knock on benefits are huge.

    Getting Into Character - Studious Amazon

    An Amazon, in the world of the fae, is a creature of manifested intent. Muscular, powerful, and possessed of arousing and captivating pheromones.

    This particular specimen believes in relentless self improvement and only occasionally brings home willing new partners on her way back from the library.

    Rather than physical features, this conditioning file aims to use impressionistic self-help descriptions about the drive for refinement and improvement, to place you into a mindset similar to that of the Studious Amazon immediately before she meets her intriguing new partner in Chronicle of the Unbound.


    Get Hard Trigger

    For listeners with penises. Implies a link between arousal, erection, and hypnotic amnesia after the session. Erect mind, erect body. Can't get erect below? Doubly erect mind, focused on lust, fixating on the fantasies long delayed. You cannot postpone your braingasm indefinitely.

    These files train a trigger, my instruction to get hard accompanied by a finger snap. The possibilities of trance, the effects of your erection, and the permission to allow other dominant partners to use your trigger are all contemplated.

    The listener is walked through a brief rapport and trust based induction implying amnesia as to file contents might make for a pleasant surprise. "Get Hard" trigger and frequent finger snaps leading in to a brief awakening and encouragement to forget file contents while remembering and responding to trigger.

    Might end with you in a fit state to go listen to another file. I loop it sometimes.


    Obey Women

    The classic file Obey Women, redone with improved quality - no music, no echoes. this includes a version with the Relaxing Sands induction already tacked on, and a body version. The 8 minute mantra is part of the file itself, but is also included separately for looping and listening during your day. This file is all about obeying any woman who wants to trance you, it is unequivocal in language about obeying all women at all times when they wish to dominate or command you. Good for people who listen to trance files voiced by women or have women to trance for in their lives.

    Simple enough idea: no echoes, no music, a mantra that is loopable. The suggestion of obeying women is absolute and incorporated throughout. First, deepening and relaxation, then a suggestion of returning to re-listen and also a mantra of obedience and submission to women explained to one's relaxed mind. Enjoy.


    Sensory Feminization

    Feminization via one's senses. The sight of feminine beauty, the sound of a feminine voice, the scent of perfume or merely the proximity of a woman, the feel of clothing you associate with your ideal of femininity - all of these charge up a resting set of feminine commands and suggestions. The perception of one's own form alters the more exposure to these stimuli occurs, and since this is a desire you already had, all that is really happening is a connecting bridge between your subconscious desire for feminine form and thoughts, and the conscious observations of these things. A mantra is included which is loopable. The file is 18 minutes long, the loop is 10 minutes long. The loop is free and contains the same subject matter, you can check it out by clicking the Sample button below.


    Just A Little More - Latex 1

    The temptation to go just a little further, just a little deeper, is very great. This is especially true when you visualize controlling, corruption, influential latex on every inch of your body.

    Get into any latex gear you have, combine this with the "You Sure?" induction, and settle in for an introductory journey.

    Perhaps you will stop after this one, or maybe you will go onward to the second instalment - and the third, the fourth, the fifth as they appear.

    Be careful how much you let into your mind. After about the second one, I won't be holding back.

    But relax, the most you'll find here is some soothing latex drone style thoughts.

    Make sure to check out the other 'Just A Little More' series files.

    Experimental Methods 2

    More factory fun for listeners with a penis. The tall blonde bimbo secretarial succubus with the long tongue and the blue skin has taken you out back after you passed out in pleasure. She licked you, lightly humiliated, milked some orgasms out of you, and tested some new corruption methods. But you're still intact enough, so she and her friend - a muscled and tanned succubus - try some new devices.

    Unfortunately, letting the bimbo succubus control the device means it ends up misused and then used for her own pleasure.

    While wrestling with the muscled succubus, things get intensely pleasurable, you gain the upper hand, and all of you end up cumming your way into a mindless and restful nap.

    Light humiliation, prostate milking, focus upon your cock and some seductive succubus venom into the mix.

    Of course, you're not fully corrupted yet by the end... so there is more to come.


    Couples Feminization Play

    Many feminization approaches ignore that one partner might have a penis. But, some people both like to dress up their submissive partner in alluring feminine outfits, with makeup... and like to enjoy the use of a hard and rigid cock.

    This is two files, one for the dominant, one for the submissive partner. The assumption is that both partners use she/her pronouns, and that the submissive partner has a penis. Both parties should perhaps be snuggling up to each other, and begin listening at the same time. The content is exactly the same in duration, but different in topic.

    Reassuring the dominant partner of both their dominance and their desire to see the "good girl" submissive, in feminine garb, but with a hard cock for the dominant's use and enjoyment.

    Reassuring the submissive of their role, their comfort with it, and their desire to serve (and arouse) their domme through submission as a "good girl".

    Heels and stockings for both parties are mentioned as minor fetish suggestions/enhancements. Overall a positive and unique feminization experience meant to be enjoyed by a couple together, though each file does stand alone as dominant feminization encouragement, or subby "good girl" reassurance respectively, without negativity.


    Latex Pool

    Goes with any meditation intro, like the Self Knowledge Invitation. Learn to forgive yourself, first. Its science.

    This is just me thinking out loud about one of the chambers in an upcoming game I want to work on where the listener is in charge of a facility for training sexual servants/courtesans. Magic, technology, biological modification etc. anyway I've bandied the idea about a bit. This is a drugged latex mind control pool facility where the listneer is instructed to walk across. It also works with my other recent latex stuff. Includes hands free orgasm suggestions, and bonus content for those wearing latex gear while listening.


    Just A Lot More - Latex Cock and Ball Control

    An extension for those who have listened to both Attachment - Cock Sleeve and Attachment - Ball Massage and Cum Production. This file intensely commands the use of both of those attachments' programming together, and edges the listener toward climax but does not quite take them there. Sequels will take you over the edge, but this is an intense edging file in its own right which unites those two attachment recordings. Compatible with Latex Pool and Latex Entanglement as well.

    Your cock is a tool for making submission to your latex-inclined dominant into an automatic activity, and you will follow where your massaged sealed balls and jerked shaft lead you.

    Length: 10 Minutes


    Deeper and Dilute

    Your thoughts are diluted across a vast ocean of inner space. There are lighthouses, radiating purple light. You crawl ashore, and forget... and back into the liquid of your thoughts you go. A dark, lurking, observing overseeing force is present, helping make sure you go where you belong.

    Submission, mild corruption - that your thoughts will be more dilute during trance in future - and an element of ongoing surrender where your thoughts stay slow and methodical and easily interrupted while mine stay clear and calm and obeyed. This can be looped, or used as an induction and deepener before other audio.

    Length: 20 Minutes


    Just A Lot More - Latex Clit and Pussy Control

    An extension for those who have listened to both Attachment - Clit Suction and Attachment - Latex Tentacles and Pussy Control. This file intensely commands the use of both of those attachments' programming together, and edges the listener toward climax but does not quite take them there. Sequels will take you over the edge, but this is an intense edging file in its own right which unites those two attachment recordings. Compatible with Latex Pool and Latex Entanglement as well.

    Your pussy and clit are powerfully wired to your mind, and keeping you horny but unreleased leaves you putty in the hand of a dominant latex inclined partner who wants to bring you to your deepest subspace.

    Masculine Allure

    A piece about comfort with the arousal induced by masculine bodies - what we think of as masculine: muscles, rigid cock and heavy balls, taut muscled chests, strong arms, searching firm lips. This file includes a portion encouraging self-stimulation. A very slow and methodical air, meditative and encouraging you to explore yourself so you can know what you like. If you keep listening, you may begin to see more and more appeal in submitting to masculine forms which present themselves to you. I try to share and impart my own thoughts on the matter. The description is intense and vivid, to prepare you for the real thing when you get it.

    Having something to suck might help you out during the included cock worship description.



    Triggered chastity. It descends - limpness and relaxation, either when you wear panties or when a dominant partner orders you into limp chastity. Pantied chastity is stressed, and limpness means you no longer have the outlet of your rigid cock to get you off, your arousal will build up and find new outlets. This file is different from the other pantied chastity files and limpness files in that you maintain the ability to become hard when not actively submitting or wearing panties.

    This was made for a listener who found Pantied Chastity to contain suggestions which were too prohibitive and lasting. So this is more of a trigger file - wearing panties on your own or being placed in them by a partner or trusted person, or else being instructed by that trusted person using a specific trigger. This file also uses the blank trigger language from Brain Drain.

