Goo Girls

  • Gelatinous goo girls have firm transforming bodies which can selectively become more liquid
  • The lake is home to many, though recent corruption has endangered them.
  • Naturally drawn to sources of pure water and fluids, they are drawn to most humans who come nearby.
  • Thankful for sexual fluids provided, they can be very affectionate.
  • Some were once human and are intelligent enough to interact using speech or writing.

A Goo'd Deed

  • Approached by a goo girl who seems to want to snuggle and fuck, you cooperate.
  • She seems especially thirsty, soaking up your fluids and keeping her own as the two of you enjoy some squishy pleasure.
  • Afterward, she shows you the nature of a problem facing the Lake, and you think of a way to help.
  • A sexy followup could occur... if you were to return sometime.

- File Length: 21:48 - 31MB

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?), but consider trying the Lake Induction at least once.
  2. This file