Voiced: Leanan Ivy

Leanan Ivy produces audio content for eSuccubus.com and her own work at her independent Patreon.

The Bequest + Celise The Slime Girl

Files from Leanan Ivy remaking older content.

This is an audio tribute to the intro to the game "Trials in Tainted Space", which includes a hot goo girl, and some exposition. The exposition is in "The Bequest - Intro" and the sexy bits are in the F4M and F4F files.

The Bequest:

Your estranged father has passed and left you his interstellar company - and the services of his long-time companion, if she judges you worthy.

Celise - F4F

Hot green transforming goo girl hungry for your fluids, wants to test you.

Celise - F4M

Hot green transforming goo girl hungry for your fluids, wants to test you.

If you like Leanan's files, their own patreon is here at Leanan Ivy Patreon

They have soundgasm as well.

And their tag on this site, which is also below, is https://esuccubus.com/tags/voiced-leanan-ivy


Quickie For Good Boys (Leanan Ivy)

Quick and dirty fuck me cum in me get your cock kissed afterward. I call you a good boy. This file uses he/him pronouns to refer to the listener, and uses the words "good boy". To support my work check out patreon.com/LeananIvy and I'm hosted on eSuccubus.com too. I put all my public work on this soundgasm.

A script written by eSuccubus and Victoria Shine. Voice performance by Leanan Ivy.


Rewarded Puppy by Leanan Ivy

Part of my Puppy series of audios using terms of endearment and a powerful pleasure trigger. This set does not use any actual puppy play or puppy outfits as the anchor, just the term "good puppy" and "Alpha" as a term of respect for your dominant. These audios will link into future My Puppy tracks. Includes fractionation and progressive relaxation in the induction, and forceful pleasure anchoring in the Rewarded Puppy track.

Leanan has their own Patreon where they produce works like this.

18:36, 33:01 with Induction.

Callu - Fish N Fuck (Penis Version)

A gorgeous otter girl who fishes from the dock near Lakeside Farm. She'll let you spend some time with her... she'll even let you spend some time *inside* her. Provided you don't squirm too much, the muscled otter-morph girl will sit on top of you with your cock buried in her powerfully squeezing pussy, and she will work you to climax inside her while she enjoys the feel of your dick. Just don't move too much, or touch her too much - you can't scare off the fish and she's out here to relax. Of course, if you hold out long enough, she might end up pleasuring herself to the point of forgetting about what she was up to, and letting her voice out...

Climax as she rides atop you and uses her internal muscles to milk you.

This is based on a character from Corruption of Champions, by Fenoxo. Callu has a southern farmer's daughter vibe and there is going to be a series which extends the relationship beyond the in-game content.

I don't do accents well so I asked Leanan Ivy, who meets the necessary qualifications, to do Callu for this piece. I really enjoyed how it came out.

Leanan Ivy has their own independent patreon where they post their own work.


Venus Pitcher - Easy Pickings

When scouting for fruit and herbs around the new settlement of Mhen'gha, the locals usually leave you alone. The exception is a gorgeous woman all too happy to be the subject of your attentions. Her breasts, her lips, her vines... her hunger for your arousal and your fluids. She stimulates you and invites you to return to her again in future, though she isn't releasing you until you're milked dry and you've had a taste of her as well.

Long plant girl fantasy, two versions one for pussy-havers and one for penis-havers, both incorporate instructions to climax and encouragement to return as well as some titnosis themes.

Voiced by Leanan Ivy whose independent Patreon is over here.

40+ Minutes

Getting To Know You / Inside And Out

A piece by Leanan Ivy. In the creator's own words:

Non-erotic and erotic versions of a simple type of hypnotic induction: the rapport induction. You are invited to identify with me, and informed about how *I* drop into trance, so I can give some examples and bring you closer. This uses the "submerge" phrasing I have used previously, and also the root and path metaphors I frequently draw on.

The erotic version, Inside And Out, is available to supporters at her Patreon along with her scripts, early access pieces, binaural and layered versions.
Leanan at Reddit
Leanan on Soundgasm

25 Minutes

Deep Drive (Habit Re-Use Deepener)

There is a part of you which always runs you deeper into trance, ticking in the background. This is an example of a deepener I will be using in coming full-length hypnotic sessions, and it includes triggers and concepts I like! The idea of re-using the same concepts and audios opening you up to more hypnotic trance is core to this experience, which also encourages good habit formation.

This audio was originally made a few months ago by Leanan Ivy, whose independent Patreon can be found here for scripts, exclusive audios, layered versions, and first access to her new releases.

7 Minutes

Sperm Serpent - Origins

In a lucid dream you observe a distant shore in the near past, witnessing a witch at work creating a servant - a monstrous creature designed to harvest semen and deny willing subjects until they cannot help but spurt. The sculpture she creates is tied to her body and she feels everything done to it as the erotic ritual concludes. You feel echoes of the sensation but know this is only the beginning.

A Leanan Ivy creation. The full version is available on her independent Patreon.

7 Minutes / 31 Minutes Extended

Rooted Induction

I use plant, vine, and root metaphors frequently. Deep within you, the fundamentals of trance mirror patterns found in nature. The vascular system already mimics a leaf, already mimics roots, and you are rooted so deeply that it's easy to slide deep. Excellent for any playlist where you go deep for me.

Created by Leanan Ivy. Scripts, other versions, and exclusives are available at her independent Patreon campaign.


Nothing More

A reverse psychology deepener where I highlight your rising up out of trance as so certain, so secure, so definite, it will obviously banish all trace of trance. All vision or element of being hypnotized will quickly go away, leaving you peaceful but wholly awake... right?

You can use this as an awakener, but it's far better as a deepener designed to trick you back down.

The script, as well as exclusive audios, can be found at Leanan Ivy's independent Patreon.


Nothingness 2 (Normal and Extended Versions)

Your mind empties, as effectively as ever, and you only notice those places where our discussion and shared regard alights. The longer you fall into the relaxed place, the more you are just a void waiting for the next thing to be highlighted, and for my voice to lead you home.

In the extended version, the only parts of you which exist are the parts I talk about, the erotic bits which feel best and which you then have no way to clench against because of the fact they are the only thing you can sense.

A longer erotic version is available to supporters of Leanan Ivy at her independent Patreon, as well as a copy of the script and other exclusive extras.

7 Minutes / 15 Minutes Extended


Experimental meditation on being nothingness, turning yourself off, being empty and emptying out simply on command. Great as a break in longer playlists or practice on its own, or as an example of my voice if you want to see how work which causes greater response to my voice responds to an example.

Created by Leanan Ivy.

Exclusive work, scripts, layers, loops, and binaurals are available at her independent Patreon which is located here.


Permissive Path to Sleep

Though this is meant to go at the end of a playlist, it is actually intended to let you just stop listening even if it is included in a loop, helping you treat all further words as sleep encouragement, giving yourself permission to drift off after the recording or even during it. This track goes well at the end of a pre-sleep playlist or one you intend to drift off to or as one of the components of a longer looping pre-sleep or simultaneous-with-sleep playlist.

A path is open and you can allow yourself to head down it, allowing suggestions to aid your relaxation.

Created by Leanan Ivy.

Exclusive work, scripts, layers, loops, and binaurals are available at her independent Patreon which is located here.


Werewolf GF Hunting Roleplay

Description from Leanan Ivy:

Your girlfriend is in heat. Her transformations come on strong and while she safely restrains herself... she does like to go wild once in a while. You hide, she hunts, and by the time she finds you she is too turned on and caught in your scent to do anything but ravage you, eat you out, subject you to her pinning control, taste you, use you, hump against you, growl in your ear. All wolf sound effects are by myself.

Leanan Ivy recorded this based off a script from reddit's 'gone wild audio' subreddit by user vixel_is_aroused

F4M Version of the audio

F4F Version of the audio

If you appreciate Leanan's work and want to support her as well as get exclusives which are *not* featured here at eSuccubus, consider pledging to her Patreon campaign which can be found here.

21+ Minutes

The Lake of Desire - Benefits of Experience (Restraint and Climax endings)

One of the tentacled plant women who lives at the Lake has taken an interest in you. With her vast experience and deep fixation on drinking up your fluids, she will milk you dry... or perhaps only threaten to. Two different endings available.

The restraint ending is attached below, while climax is in the backer folder.

Voiced by Leanan Ivy

30+ Minutes

Determined Awakening

When you rise from trance, you don’t always know what to do, and it can be nice to drift, but sometimes you know you’ll have something to do after, and could use both permission and encouragement to take action right away. This audio sets an agenda and turns you loose upon it with a post-hypnotic instruction, designed to come at the end of playlists.

6 Minutes

Natural Magic - The Red Sleeve

A variety of sperm-harvesting sleeve-like creatures has popped up near a local lake, and it is your job to determine the differences between them. The lab conditions you are in are designed so you know nothing before you lift the box and begin to allow the creature within to pleasurably feed from your length.

This is the first of the files in this series, but not the last.

I won't spoil the special sensations this particular variety causes.

Just the induction on its own is attached as well, and could be used with any sleeve creature or sperm-harvesting entity track.

Voiced by Leanan Ivy. Script by Elena McIvor and Victoria Shine.

35 Minutes

Fairy Mischief - Catch F4M and F4F

You catch up to the fairies, narrowly avoiding their trap. Of course, now that you've caught them you don't have any idea what to *do* with them. Given that two of them have fallen prey to the magical rope harness intended for you, you think maybe you'll let them go...

Except they are begging you to play with them, to toy with them, to allow them to feed from your sexual fluids as you take charge of the three women and direct them how to pleasure you despite your size disparity.

As they are effected by your fluids as though you were a potent aphrodisiac, the fairies enjoy themselves immensely and even have a surprise for you in the end.

Written by Elena McIvor, voiced by Leanan Ivy.

25 Minutes

Slow Awakener

To reinforce any given trigger which is included in a body file, this audio discusses awakening slowly enough that some of the hypnotic information stays in you, resides in the foreground of your mind as well as the background. Triggers will echo and repeat a little at the right times, and any grooves dug in your thoughts are pressed somewhat deeper by just the right wording as you awaken.

10 Minutes

Rubbing It In

Each time you masturbate during hypnotic trance, you drive the desire deeper into you. You create reinforcement of the state of induced relaxation and it grows. You may even find yourself slipping into trance more easily when you masturbate, even without hypnotic instructions, if that is your kind of fun.

6 Minutes

Surface and Substrate Induction and Trigger

Establishes a simple trigger: “Submerge” followed by a finger snap.

A trance trigger which uses the fabric of the listener’s thoughts as the anchor - the longer they listen to it the more comfortable and obvious it is to have an easy way to fall under - to listen to you when you trigger them.

Being triggered means being sunk into the vast ocean of your words, which sometimes ebb slow, sometimes overflow, and always soak in to change the listener into someone who experiences more and more obedient relaxation each time they hear the trigger.

A separate clip is available which contains only the final 1.5 minutes of the file, making an excellent playlist insertion if you just want to be triggered to drop.

- Just the trigger, for use in playlists


Length: 12 Minutes

Give Or Take A Few - Fractionation Induction

A numerical fractionation induction including numerous implied rises and a number of deep falls. Uses spatial visualization rather than specific fantasies, so it is good for people with visualization issues and for those vulnerable to counting, math, and spatial patterning in their trances.

Includes the reminder you’re always a LITTLE bit hypnotized and it isn’t your job to keep track of exactly where your mind is, it’s mine… and all you need to do is listen and follow the trajectories I set.

A script for this audio can be found here.

Length: 12 Minutes

Kindness and Compassion Meditation

This is a Loving-Kindness meditation. A meditation addressed at compassion and kindness, at love for the self and for others in a way which is understanding and unconditional.

This meditation is an exercise, meant for you to repeat it on your own eventually but works very well as guided meditation practice.

Voiced by Leanan Ivy, written by Elena McIvor

An associated mantra can be found here, just a short loop of the core lesson.
Length: 21 Minutes

Background Music:
Green Tea by Purrple Cat | https://purrplecat.com/
Music promoted on https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

In The Arachne's Web

This audio continues on from the Fae Transformation induction.

While flying through the forest you are snared in the web of an Arachne weaver, a pretty spider girl with aphrodisiac venom and an intention to leave you bound and stimulated beyond reason.

The climactic and dosed experience of being in her thrall and controlled with her webbing culminates in being dragged away and back to her lair, for who knows what...

Voiced and written by Leanan Ivy.

Originally posted at the Moonlit Hypnosis Project (patreon.com/Moonlithypnosis)

Length: 39 Minutes

Resistance, Confusion, and Fractionation Induction and Deepener

New piece written and recorded by Leanan Ivy - a very long induction inspired by my fingersnap and fractionation induction.

This is a 20+ minute long resistance induction and deepener which uses fingersnaps, confusion, and the idea of wanting to fall into trance but being obliged to play a game with your hypnotist. Press back, clench your body, use physical responses to support the mental response to confusion and rapid counting.

An excellent jumping off point for any hypnotic experience, and good for making playlists featuring Leanan's audio tracks.

Length: 20 Minutes

Fae Transformation Induction

Finding a mysterious glade, you are encased in the vines of an amber-dripping tree and Changed, gradually, body infused with mysterious substances.

The resulting form is a proud fae, from fluttering wings and prehensile vines to sharp teeth and pointed ears.

A series of audios leading on from this one feature this fae being laid low in a variety of ways and by a variety of creatures.

Written and voiced by Leanan Ivy and originally posted at the Moonlit Hypnosis Project (Patreon.com/Moonlithypnosis)

Fairy Mischief - Caught F4M and F4F

When walking in the forest near your camp, you discover a mysterious and serene glade. Pure energy emanates from a mysterious pearl, driving back all of the local corrupted vegetation and allowing sun to penetrate the canopy.

You move to take the pearl, inspect it, maybe use it to cleanse the local area- when the three fairies who have been basking in its light challenge you and run off with it.

You give chase, only to fall into their traps and fall prey to their mischievous ministrations.

Caught in a magical rope harness and used for pleasure, two of them go down on you and one rides your tongue.

You lick the diminutive fae until climax, while she and her companions experience powerful aphrodisiac effects from your fluids.

Written by Elena McIvor, voiced by Leanan Ivy.

- Caught F4M

- Caught F4F

Length: 25+ Minutes

The Location of Breath

One of the simplest principles of meditation is locating and following your breath.

Getting distracted is normal, even intended, because returning your attention to your breath is a learning behavior which forms new paths of thought and assists you in developing further meditative skills.

This audio is written by Elena McIvor and has been voiced by Leanan Ivy.

Features Royalty Free Music from Bensound, "Relaxing"

Length: 14 Minutes

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