
Green Light

Safeties of the green, yellow, red light variety are fairly common. Red means the play has to stop so you can discuss or do aftercare. Yellow means go slow, discuss, maybe bring the subject out of trance and talk about it.

Green means "yes, more like that, please"

Using the green safety normalizes using the other two and also helps your top know what to drill down on and focus on. What if it triggered you as well, and helped you to use all of your information conveyance: knowing you can always say any of those colors when they apply no matter how deep you are.

Mentally Muzzled - Coming Home

Sometimes you spend some time away from trance, from me, and from time spent working on your internal structure.

Working with all the other Mentally Muzzled pieces, Coming Home is about a return to trance. Use it to reassure and reacquaint yourself. Includes some mild sleep triggers and insidious verbiage, as well as a rapport based trance re-builder.

If you're someone concerned with 'losing' structures or triggers, this can be a reassurance and a re-induction, say if you've spent some time in an environment where you can't reliably trance, or you want a sexy and convincingly powerful top-up to your thought process.

Builds on the work from Mentally Muzzled - Renovation and uses numerous implied triggers useful for new trancers.

Length: 20 Minutes

Word Bath

Take a hot bath and let my words wash you away. This file can be placed on repeat, as it is loopable. It includes pleasure and submission, as well as a general relax-your-entire-body rundown accompanied by rapidfire delivery into fractionated slowness into re-induction. Amnesia has been reported but is not directly suggested. Maybe set an alarm so you don't get all pruney. Works best if you slide into the bath as you start listening.

Length: 22 Minutes

Quench - A "Relaxation" Experience

A small fragment of the self-help network I use. Combine it with a lavender-scented bath, some moisturizer, oil, or other self care mechanisms. Some of these concepts exist in other files, but this stands alone. Might be of use to some people.

Length: 15 Minutes

Common Concepts - Deepener

Continuing from the Common Concepts Induction. A journey down a path we have co-created. I go forward, ahead of you, into trance, trailing my ideas backward to honey and coat your mind. You can leave ideas and thoughts you don't need aside. The lighter you get, the heavier your mind and body have room to become later on. Positive rapport-based deepener. Use with Common Concepts, or between any induction and any body file on your playlist.

Length: 13 Minutes

Connect and Improve - Gradual Improvement

An improved eating and regular exercise encouragement self-help file which augments my earlier piece, Connect and Improve 2020.

Stresses gradually altering trajectories and improving your life's course in incremental ways to avoid pushback.

Length: 20 Minutes

Bottled Intention

A rapport based induction and deepener which is conversational.

Talking about how hard it is to get all of the ideas I have across to you, simply because we exist in different brains.

If I could bottle some part of my intentions for you, I would do so with an eye to making them digestible through providing a small enough facet of information that you could watch over yourself while receiving it.

We often talk about hypnotic safety: having some part of your mind which is always watching for suggestions you don't like.

What if there were also a part which was always watching for suggestions you adored, enjoyed, and helping drive them home?

Length: 10 Minutes

Backstage Magic - Intermission

The raven-haired stage hypnotist is giving a show. You're in the audience, but you're also very tired...

So tired that by the time her stage induction ends, you're already under and you awaken in her dressing room. A gentle massage, some snuggling, and her conclusion that maybe you haven't been sleeping enough lately, all go a long way toward solving your fatigue.

Ends with an instruction to sleep, suitable to use before bed. Many fingersnaps and a relatively quiet tone.

Length: 20 Minutes

Ticking Into Sleep

A simple thorough pre-sleep file. This goes into detail, includes the Night Night trigger, and one version below has a 60 BPM metronome ticking away as an auditory cue at a specific point and then throughout. Find yourself a free mp3 of a metronome online and listen to it before sleep or in other files, if you want.

Soothing, relaxing language throughout. Ends with an instruction to sleep and therefore you can end there without an awakener.
With metronome -
Without metronome -

Length: 16 Minutes

Subby Puppy Switch + Aftercare

This is a puppy play themed induction which goes with all the other puppy play files. It stresses that puppy urges are so ingrained that your unconscious mind and your training work together to create better puppy experiences. Your mind "toggles" into puppy mode when you are preparing for a session. Put this at the start of a playlist before any puppy play file, or before any file at all if puppy play is part of your usual course of events.

File contains encouraging tone, finger snaps, tasks and commands ("roll over" and "sleep" for example).

Includes a separate 10 minute Aftercare awakener about cuddling and reassuring you you are a good pup after the session.

- Sample is the entire Aftercare Clip.

File Length: 35 Minutes (25 Main + 10 minute aftercare clip)

Subby Puppy - Deep Doggy Desires

A sequel to Subby Puppy. This file can be chained directly after it, or listened to on its own. This is for those who like having a puppy mindset, including loyalty and confidence in your form. This file encourages general pet play fetish, as well as anticipating the desires and needs of your owner or handler. It is gender and genital neutral, both for the listener and for the potential dominant.

Exercise, eat healthy, serve always, and allow the loyal nature of a puppy play mindset to drive your urge to serve. The body teaches the mind lessons about better serving your owner. Gender neutral. A collar of some sort (established as a trigger in the aforementioned Subby Puppy file) is highly useful as a trigger and for reinforcement.

Non-sexual in its main themes, though I'm sure it might make you horny just with the positive servile attitude involved.

Includes a few useful mantras, see if you can remember them!

Length: 45 Minutes

Change of Season - Mindfulness Meditation

A meditation for you, this fall. Mindfulness, visualization. Very simple. Typical stuff.

Length: 12 Minutes

Checklist Improved

A general self-help audio with the theme of doing everything on your to do list. Includes themes of momentum and beneficial habit formation. Meditation on reinforcing the pleasure of checking off an item on your list.

Required supplies: paper, at least two pieces, and something to write with.

Remake of my original meditation on this topic.

- File Length: 25 Minutes

Under 5 Minutes and More Than Water Reminder

Slightly hypnotic dominance, slightly self care.

Under 5 Minutes is a meditation about habit formation and commands you to pick something you can do in 5 minutes or less, some chore or task you have in mind, and just go do it. The meditation itself is under 5 minutes long.

More Than Water is about how "have you been drinking enough water" and "remember to hydrate" are a way of saying something we normally leave unspoken, so examine that. But also literally drink enough water please.

More Than Water Reminder

Under Five Minutes

12 Minutes total

Lightside Latex Succubus Re-Done

This is it, the beginning of a journey into edging, ruining, latex addiction, and supportive mental succubi. This is an improved version of the Lightside Latex Succubus. You listen to this file first, then you can listen to the various advanced lessons and darkside files interchangably, once these seeds are planted This version has been changed so you can use it after the Latex Bath Induction Advanced. It begins with you waking from darkness and ends with the Night Night trigger. There is a lot of new material and phrasing improvement.

A symbiotic succubus dwells in the listener, two sides - light and dark, supportive and sexual. Existing in balance, empowering the listener and then driving them onward into edging, ruined orgasm, rubber addiction, a general latex fetish in fact. Mild amnesia elements, desire to return, guided masturbation, light teasing. The Darkside Latex Succubus Advanced file relies on the concepts established in this file. Post-file suggestion of arousal and return is included. This file is loopable and interchangeable with the 2 Advanced Latex Succubus files, and the Advanced Lightside file. You can sandwich any number of them between the Advanced Induction and your awakener of choice.

This file incorporates the idea of a helpful latex succubus rewarding the listener with orgasms for achieved tasks while training them in tandem with the dark succubus.

This file can be found in the Dual Latex Succubus pack which also includes the exclusive refresher and the original Latex Succubus Deepener.

42 Minutes

Energy Exchange

Many of my files include a simple rapport element: I have spent energy creating this recording for you, and that energy was meant for you. Whether because it relaxes you or makes you feel more certain about your hypnofetishistic exploration, I want you to pick up that energy and use it yourself. I'm imagining you enjoying this. That amps me up. This is my way of returning the favor.

Instructions in this recording invite you to feel energized and capable, at least as capable and energetic as you were before you began listening. The concept is that it may counterract drowsy or inertial feelings post-trance.

This file is best used on a playlist after an intense section of a file, or a body file. It is not an awakener, but leads well into one. It also works excellently immediately before a file which will command some action on your part, like puppet or alert trance files.



  • Robot and software themed self-care piece.
  • About using the opportunity to go deep as a chance to clean out unnecessary things in the mind.
  • Uses the trigger from Brain Drain
  • Submission theme - the idea of being controlled at all times but unaware of that fact.
  • General body relaxation and restoration themes.
  • Amnesia suggestions.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe a desire to return for routine maintenance.

Pet Play Aftercare - 2 (Body Scan and Self Care)

When your pet play session is done, you might need some rest.

Pet play can be an intense submission space, a time of great euphoria and sexual as well as intimate satisfaction.

You might experience the drop in mood known as "sub drop". Or maybe your body will be tired, maybe you use a tail plug and your butt needs to be moisturized and massaged. Maybe your muscles are cramped. You might have been so into the fun that you didn't notice your tiredness or overexertion.

This aftercare file combines a body scan meditation with a reminder that sub drop and bodily exhaustion require you to participate in self care.


Fitness Succubus - Encouragement and Rapport

Building on themes began in the Succubus Harem series, this is a file about mental conditioning and encouragement toward a beneficial fitness-based mental presence. The idea of a hand on your shoulder during fitness training and conditioning. Hydration, stretching, eagerness and encouragement toward self improvement are all featured. The concept of fitness as a submissive act toward me (and indeed the succubus described resembles me, lurking in one's mind). Fuel your desires for self-improvement with a little nudge in the right direction. Interacts with files like Succubus Harem and Latex Succubus in beneficial ways.



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