Produced through me walking through how I would do a session with a real subject, and then mapping that into a script and recording it. Its scope is large, but intertwined. It goes from the actual act of ass worship, through the drive to do it, through your own self-training and auto-hypnotic urge to sublimate your sexuality into a dominant woman’s control of you through the presence of, and offer of the chance to worship, her ass.
This is a training and fractionation piece in which I take two different tones depending on whether you are currently drifting down into, or up out of, trance. One is that of reasonable temptation: I present alluring ideas to your conscious mind and invite you to enact them, an invitation which once received is entirely in your hands.
While your mind is in the “falling” phase, I emphasize how easily and effortlessly the simple corruptive idea packet of “ass worship submissive moaning and masturbating into their mistress’ ass” has taken root, how it is pressing deeper, becoming an idea inside a shell which is just the reasonable result of listening to me speak.
Talking to you on two different levels: ass-worship submissive, and pleasure-seeking reasonable waking un-hypnotized mind, dropping you between the two levels using the triggers from “brain drain” and “night night”, while elaborating my interests and technique. The influence and programming outlined in this file is “corruptive”, meaning it will slowly move your thoughts in the relevant direction, replacing, augmenting, and attaching to existing thoughts on for example, fetish and sexual expression.
Also, once you have the idea in your head, I’m not really involved any more... it’s yours to pick up or put down at that point.
Ass worship when under the influence of dominant women is part of this, but it is also just an experiment in creating a powerful self-reinforcing idea that creates more pleasure as it is absorbed, and allowing you to augment it on your own using the included mantra, assignment, and suggestion track.
Invites you to select a specific dominant woman OR the concept of dominance in general, your call, if it’s any woman you trust who takes the lead, or someone personal, you can use anyone because the training is generalizable to the situation of “offered a chance to worship a dominant woman’s ass and show your submissive state in response to it”.

Length: 36 Minutes