Pet Play

Subby Puppy - Submission Position

A long puppy pet-play piece as continuation of the Subby Puppy series.

Fucking your butt while you get in an appropriate puppy pet play position. Include any appropriate attire or mannerisms at your option, and get pulled into puppy head space for a while.


Trained Puppy Reinforcement Induction

An induction with deepener and a lot of finger snaps. Aimed at those who have a "puppy play" mindset and/or like pup play. Playlist, put it at the start, works with any other puppy themed file.

Length: 21 Minutes


My Pet 2 - Latex Encasement + Queening

Encasement themed milk and sexual fluid conditioning including worship of my breasts and pussy. Latex encasement/bondage and objectification but also reassurance and encouragement.

There are no specific pronoun or genitalia references.

Collar references, encasement, following commands, body service/worship.


Kitsune Pet 5 - Aftercare

After your mistress ran you through your sexual paces, you're exhausted. You try to put up a brave face but she knows you're tired and need to be taken care of. She brushes your fur focusing on your tail, massages, and then tucks you in to bed with her to be her body pillow for the night as the two of you drift away.

Final installment in the Kitsune Pet series.

This file was made possible through eSuccubus Fantasy


Kitsune's Pet 4 - A Spell of Heat

You awaken to your aroused mistress pinning your form down, exploring it with her hands. A spell of arousal forces your pussy into overdrive, you need to be filled, used for her whims, to be a good pet through surrendering to your lusts. She brings you off repeatedly, has you pleasure her body, and enjoys her pet to the fullest.

This file was made possible through the eSuccubus Fantasy project.


Kitsune's Pet 3 - Bound and Trained

Transformation into a female fox-morph and then subjugation as a many-tailed fox spirit's pet. The kitsune intends to bring you home, but first comes trickery, transformation, and the implication that the spell cast on you will slowly bring you to your knees as her new pet. She brought you back to her manor. Your training continues.

You awaken bound to a bondage device where you are free to grind your pussy and clit upon it. In fact you are already compulsively doing so with the help of her familiar. Much petting, encouragement, and gentle brainwashing follows to turn you into her ideal pet, trained to worship her pussy, follow in her footsteps, and eagerly kneel while sexual pleasure overtakes you for her enjoyment.

Created as part of the eSuccubus Fantasy patreon.


My Pet - Taste Me

A pet themed exploration of two positions - laid across my lap suckling at my breasts and drinking my milk, and being 69ed into relaxing climax with my pussy against your face for you to drink down my juices.

This is a dominant file which encourages touching yourself and a general attitude of relaxation and belonging. Climax is left up to you. There are no specific pronoun or genitalia references.

20 Minutes

Pet Play 2 - Ears and Tail

If you're getting into a pet play persona, getting into your sub space for a handler, an owner, a controlling dominant presence, then maybe you should wear something appropriate.

This file assumes you have something to wear on your upper body, and something on your lower body. Not like a collar, that will be a separate file, but instead like a headband with cute ears or anything you wear on your upper body at all. Something on your lower body too, like a plug with a tail attached, or an appropriate pair of underwear.

Pick something specific, you will be asked to wear it or visualize it.

When you are offered the chance to wear your 'ears' and 'tail', you will comply, and then drop into your pet play persona, until the play is done. When it is done, perhaps enjoy one of the pet play aftercare files.

Programmed to set everything else aside and prioritize your play, your ears and tail mark a special signal that it is time to only enjoy the play time to come.


Pet Play - Muzzle and Guidance + Aftercare

A pet play themed training set, which includes aftercare files to help you unwind after the potentially exhausting practice of crawling around, wearing pet play gear, and enacting arousing obedience training.

This first file is themed around a muzzle and leash arrangement, so if you have one with a bit gag inside that would be perfectly thematic. The overall theme contains a trigger for use with your handler, owner, or partner.

Compatible with Subby Puppy, Bunny Breeder, and Playful Pussy as well as the "Muzzled" file.


Pet Play 3 - Place and Time

Expanding on Ears and Tail, this entry in the series is all about rules to follow, and giving yourself permission to be the best pet you can. Your dominant presence, your handler, might want you to be a good pet, but communication is a two way street and you need to both restore yourself after sessions and show you feel comfortable and confident being a good pet.

When you are in your place, only you can fill it.

This file addresses general pet play guidelines, an open base for programming by a handler /dom(me), and tries to help you think through sub drop and self care. Rules, giving yourself permission to be truly in your role as a pet, and getting clear signals from your partner, are all discussed along with many "good pet!" reminders and some simple triggers + pet conditioning.


On Submission

  • The final file in the Submissive Pet Lesson Set.
  • References the listener wearing a collar.
  • Uses the triggers from Good Pet and Sleep For Me, previous files in this set.
  • Amnesia suggestions. Made to work well with Listen and Learn, the previous deepener in this lesson set.
  • Discusses the societal habit of shaming people for submitting.
  • Reminds that there is nothing wrong with being a submissive pet, and it is a good thing to have some people who are.
  • Reminder of previous content, reinforcement, briefly exalts and compliments the listener's listening habits.
  • This is part of the Submissive Pet Lesson Set and is made to be listened to by someone who has heard the previous lessons.
  • The files all interlock and use related concepts.

Canine Peppers - Rut

  • Another Canine Pepper add-on.
  • Eaten too many, consumed by an animalistic rut.
  • Slight canine-feature transformation theme.
  • Arousal, general instinctive need and enjoyment.
  • For listeners with penises.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe a desire to have fun with a partner after, or a need to climax by your own devices.

Subby Puppy - Boned Puppy and Loop

Links anal stimulation to puppy mindset. The free loop is attached. It comprises a nice deepener and trigger piece for getting into a puppy mindset before being played with and can be put on repeat, while the longer piece (30 minutes) is conditioning to both want anal sex more often, and to associate being buttfucked with being in puppy headspace and more sensitive to stimulation.

Play and obey as the more you're played with the deeper you get and the more your sensitive vulnerable butt is played with, the more you feel sensitive, vulnerable, obedient, trainable, and in your puppy headspace. An easy signal your handler can use to get you where you'd like to be. Combine with a plug for extended puppy scenes. Includes wanting to be safe and comfortable and practice anal play so you're ready when it's time.

This was created as the result of a custom request at my patreon.

15 Minutes Loop / 30 Minutes extended

Toppy Puppy

A subby puppy/ general puppy play expansion featuring a new 'trick', confidently and thoroughly topping your handler. You will bring pleasure, dominant and desirous. This is just one more command, which you can feel comfortable with knowing it is what your lover wants. You will lick and paw and hump and grind and whimper and growl and pin and bring pleasure until you are told to stop or until both of you are happily spent...

Then you will slide back down submissively, even deeper. The more energy you apply into pushing upward, the deeper you will go afterward until you have rubberbanded down to your lowest most submissive point for aftercare.

This audio leverages the desire to serve, be adaptable, and learn new tricks, to create a puppy's understanding of how to serve while topping, even if it is a bit unusual. Increasing comfort and confidence when your partner would like to explore the partner on top.

34 Reward + 10 Reinforcement & Trigger file

Silver Surrender - Pet Designation Mark

The AI in the city are indispensable, existing in every aspect of life... and they run on a parallel augmented reality view of the world. What if they saw you differently than humans did?

And what if your view of the world was changed so it matched theirs... and your "owner" was known as such to all of them.

Naked, but only AI who are in on your submission can see it. Silver has you on a leash and collar, dragging you along to a special parlor and having you inscribed with a special mark that will aid her in programing you in future. You are a pet, a thrall, and one of the AI drones in the place is happy to entertain you and stimulate you for her amusement.

Trance, augmentation, and control.

Say "Yes, Silver", and drop.

Originally a custom request.

Gender neutral but assumes listener has a penis.


Puppy Pawse

What if bondage mitts or any other kind of puppy glove simply helped you forget about hands and just have paws, paw at things.

Meditative, rapidfire.

Non-erotic, simply about being a good relaxed puppy who doesn't need hands once you offer them up to have gloves or other bondage put on your wrists or hands.

A good puppy can just be in the puppy part of their mind and put the rest to sleep. Your mind is on pause while you have paws.

Having some kind of thing you wear on your wrists or hands to indicate you have paws instead of hands, is useful for the anchor contained here.

General puppy mindset is trained as well.

The induction attached below is also an excellent standalone puppy induction, while the full 30 minute file is available as a Reward.

30 Minutes

Kitsune's New Pet 1

Transformation into a female fox-morph and then subjugation as a many-tailed fox spirit's pet. The kitsune intends to bring you home, but first comes trickery, transformation, and the implication that the spell cast on you will slowly bring you to your knees as her new pet.

Pet play and dominance themes. For pussy-having listeners or those who are fine with transformation toward that theme.

Good Pet Induction and Reminder

A reminder that "break times are good times to break", an induction into trance you can follow with any submission or pet play themed track. Uses corruption language and was something I made for a subject of mine directly

10 Minutes

Subby Puppy Praise + Up Pup Induction

In this file I use fractionation and positive reinforcement. I praise you for each small puppy task done, and leverage all puppy themed training pieces I have previously created to produce an effective "stay a while and listen" style induction. This induction is available separately as an attachment below. Includes suggestion to think or say "yes, yes, yes", agreeing with the praise you are subject to, and internalizing it.

30 Minutes

Cabin Kitty - Cream and Catsequences

You are the very loyal familiar of the necromancer/bosun of the pirate ship, who keeps the "skeleton" crew that rows the ship during low winds, in line.

She's gorgeous, she's your mistress, and she's your responsibility. Which is why you're causing mischief to get her to slow down, of course.

Unfortunately (fortunately?) this also draws the attention of her muscular girlfriend, the first mate, who is happy to put both of you in your place.

The Necromancer has a problem, and a 'bone' or two to pick with you, so you're happy to hear her out while purring with your mouth around her cock and your backside exposed to the Mate's tender mercies.

Includes cock worship, spanking, cum drinking, kitty pet play, praise, light brushing/petting, and more.

Gender and genital neutral as to the listener.

Benefits from having listened to the Getting Into Character


Latex Puppy - Foot Worship Conditioning

Following on from other puppy play tracks and from the Latex Bath and Latex Succubus tracks, the subject is put in their place and allowed to worship their mistress, their handler, their owner. Foot worship and scent worship are stressed along with good puppy behaviour and being put in your place. Some light domination overall.

Length: 15 Minutes

Latex Succubus - Puppy Training

Layers of latex surround you. A puppy hood, a tail, and all the stuff of your own sensitized delight. As you are trained and conditioned you are placed in a fit state to serve, primed to be a good puppy and to adore and worship in submissive pet play bliss.

Works well with Latex Bath.

Length: 18 Minutes

Puppy Signal

An intense expansion of puppy content.

Are you a puppy because you identify with that kind of pet play? Are you a puppy because you have been trained?

Or, are you a puppy because I've been gradually modulating you to a powerful signal that runs deep inside you, which is running away with your mind, your thoughts, your will?

I could modulate this signal, switching one thing for another, or tugging at your good-puppy stay-puppy obey-puppy mind to bring about changes.

Following the signal, automatically moving with the signal, is precisely what lets you be manipulated by handlers and others you wish to submit to.

Good puppy.

Length: 35 Minutes

Playful Pussy

The start of a series of pet play files with distinctive kitty play themes. Ears, tail plug, a trigger your owner or owners can use to remind you of the primal heat inside of you. This heat and arousal takes you from a typical aloof cat to a mewling begging entity only able to meow, purr, beg with your body, and yearn for more. Only obedience or sex reduces the heat. Includes theme of being unable to stimulate oneself/chastity/needing owner's permission to slake the thirst and defray the heat.

If you like pet play series, check out the Puppy files on the site already, for an idea of what kind of topics will be reviewed in this.

- File Length: 21:09 - 20.9MB

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file

Kitsune's Pet 2 - Your New Place

Transformation into a female fox-morph and then subjugation as a many-tailed fox spirit's pet. The kitsune intends to bring you home, but first comes trickery, transformation, and the implication that the spell cast on you will slowly bring you to your knees as her new pet. She brought you back to her manor. Your free night is over. Now your training begins.

Made to kneel on the floor of a ballroom, she instructs you on your fate and your coming purpose, while teasing sexually but not granting fulfillment to your very aroused body.

Continued implication of training into a pet. Collaring. Knee pads. Kneeling. Following her. Some very light foot play themes as an overture to possible future content. Some tender moments.

Created as part of the Moonlit Hypnosis Project. This file is available here as a Reward file or on Moonlit as a Vault file.

Length: 25 Minutes

Pet Extra Pack

A set of pet themed files which can be slotted into any playlist to give it an overall pet play theme.

The sample is an induction of this type. There is also some breast worship, pussy worship, and an assignment contained within.

My Pet Induction - Start a playlist with this to set off an evening of pet play themed thoughts.

Pet's Reassurance - Pet play is a vulnerable space. This is a short reassurance which can be used as a bridge or deepener or else to help with sub drop.

Milk and Honey - My breast milk and sexual juices excite and control you, rendering you blank and allowing you time to worship. Goes excellently with other breast and pussy worship files.

Pet's Secret Arousal Assignment - An awakener/ending to a playlist which instructs you to store all of the arousal from the session and go for a short walk in the world. You'll be safe and careful, but you'll feel your intense heat and arousal as you go out there and walk around.

Length: Total 33 Minutes

Confident Reassurance - Good Pup Checkup

Combining puppy play and drone/systems maintenance themes, this is a file about setting aside part of the day to see how your settings are doing. Does some part of your internal configuration need adjusting? Has junk data crept in?

Includes confidence, certainty that you are attractive and a good candidate to be someone's submissive puppy in puppy play. Incorporates suggestions of your desirability, reassurance, and the idea that your dominant is something of a systems administrator, helping you organize and position the computer of your mind to better simulate desired behaviours while incorporating puppy play. A kind of pup-drone theme overall.

Length: 20 Minutes

Subby Puppy Switch + Aftercare

This is a puppy play themed induction which goes with all the other puppy play files. It stresses that puppy urges are so ingrained that your unconscious mind and your training work together to create better puppy experiences. Your mind "toggles" into puppy mode when you are preparing for a session. Put this at the start of a playlist before any puppy play file, or before any file at all if puppy play is part of your usual course of events.

File contains encouraging tone, finger snaps, tasks and commands ("roll over" and "sleep" for example).

Includes a separate 10 minute Aftercare awakener about cuddling and reassuring you you are a good pup after the session.

- Sample is the entire Aftercare Clip.

File Length: 35 Minutes (25 Main + 10 minute aftercare clip)

Pet Play Aftercare - 2 (Body Scan and Self Care)

When your pet play session is done, you might need some rest.

Pet play can be an intense submission space, a time of great euphoria and sexual as well as intimate satisfaction.

You might experience the drop in mood known as "sub drop". Or maybe your body will be tired, maybe you use a tail plug and your butt needs to be moisturized and massaged. Maybe your muscles are cramped. You might have been so into the fun that you didn't notice your tiredness or overexertion.

This aftercare file combines a body scan meditation with a reminder that sub drop and bodily exhaustion require you to participate in self care.


Canine Peppers - Heat

  • Another Canine Pepper add-on.
  • Eaten too many, consumed by an animalistic heat.
  • Slight canine-feature transformation theme.
  • Arousal, general instinctive need and enjoyment.
  • For listeners with vaginas. Masturbation theme.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe a desire to have fun with a partner after, or a need to climax by your own devices.
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