
Mental Muzzle 2020

Your internal voice, slowly and insidiously but helpfully replaced by my own. Encouraging, rapport building, and it leads well into numerous other files like Brain Drain and Night Night.

Length: 26+ Minutes

Needs - Nipple Play HFO

Focusing on your nipples as a source of pleasure, even to the point of hands free orgasm.

The triggered response of someone playing with your nipples evokes submission. The image of me playing with your nipples until you come accompanies rapidfire descriptions of just how vulnerable you are to pleasure which comes from unexpected sources. The feeling in your nipples can increase from continued stimulation and from focusing on them as a source of pleasure. Because this pleasure is manufactured, made from your own thoughts and learned behaviour, it is of a different quality to usual ascent to orgasm. This difference makes it more difficult to hold back when it comes time to come.

Nipple based pleasure, whenever it is safe and you are horny, will remain locked in at the last level achieved, until you are hovering right below orgasm for a long time, and need to clear your head.

This is part of the "Needs" series of post-hypnotic suggestion and training habituation files, and works well with the Instructed To Need induction.

Length: 46 Minutes

Confident - Fetish Exploration Trigger

This is trigger training to help you explore your fetish impulses, and be more adventurous when it comes to sex and play. While still encouraged to make wise decisions, the training includes the general idea of "what would Elena do?". When a specific object is worn on your person, you will find yourself dropping into a light trance and feeling more confidence generally when it comes to exploring your sexual desires with interested parties. Includes general confidence meditation and a logical approach.

You will need a ring. You can wear it on your finger or on a chain, have it near when you begin the trance. Masturbation will be encouraged during the file.

Length: 20 Minutes

Subby Puppy - Deep Doggy Desires

A sequel to Subby Puppy. This file can be chained directly after it, or listened to on its own. This is for those who like having a puppy mindset, including loyalty and confidence in your form. This file encourages general pet play fetish, as well as anticipating the desires and needs of your owner or handler. It is gender and genital neutral, both for the listener and for the potential dominant.

Exercise, eat healthy, serve always, and allow the loyal nature of a puppy play mindset to drive your urge to serve. The body teaches the mind lessons about better serving your owner. Gender neutral. A collar of some sort (established as a trigger in the aforementioned Subby Puppy file) is highly useful as a trigger and for reinforcement.

Non-sexual in its main themes, though I'm sure it might make you horny just with the positive servile attitude involved.

Includes a few useful mantras, see if you can remember them!

Length: 45 Minutes

Siren's Voice - Enhanced

Same general concept from Siren's Voice 1 with 20 extra minutes of content, more deepening, reinforcement, finger snaps throughout.

Rendering my voice a tempting siren's song to lure you back. Fantasy elements, suggestion my voice induces instant relaxation. Key words "imagine" and "Odysseus" brought up in future files too, as well as becoming triggers for your dominant partners to use with you if you like. Lingering Effects? Pleasant reaction to my voice in other contexts.Trigger use. Also works for any trusted dominant figure who you enjoy.

Length: 37.5 Minutes

Older version of Siren's Voice 1 is free here.

File Duration: 26:00 - 20.9MB

Arousal Switch

Sometimes focus is difficult, because you are in a body, a role, a reality which encourages you to be aroused quite a bit of the time. Your body might be unusually sensitive, or the fantasies born of hypnotic pleasure might be just a bit too distracting.

So what if you changed the rules?

A trigger focused around a specific type of stimulation. All sexual excitement, all sexual arousal, must begin with that trigger. Any other time, your body simply has its erogenous zones and genital response switched off. There is no stimulation in all the world which will matter. Arousal, fantasies, your distractions of desire, switched off.

Until a finger, a toy, a device, is pressed against your rear. When something slides inside your butt, your arousal is switched back on and your sexual response will be as it once was, until the stimulation of your rear ceases.

Also includes language allowing for the underlying trigger state to be removed: having vs. not having this arousal switch involving your butt.

Especially good for analytical and literal minded subjects.


Edge Your Pussy

Edging yourself has its own specific gravity, its own forceful allure. If you're walking around with your clit thrumming and pussy soaked all the time, it'll help you think of sex more and become a self-perpetuating cycle where the allure to perform the action exceeds the importance of some other thoughts. When you have time, you'll edge. When a lover touches you and finds not an ordinary pussy, but one that has been edged so close, and you find yourself unable to quite tip over the edge so a welcome lover's touch is all the better, because your lover will make you come with no regard for your edging regimen, unless you ask, and the temptation to ask might be very real.

This file works just as well alone, you'll simply have to set up a mechanism by which you permit yourself to come, or grind on something, or vibrate over the edge. But once you know how good it feels to come after three days of edging every chance you get, fantasizing actively, indulging in fantasy, might you not want to wait until four days, or more, to see if the release gets better?

Learning how it feels to touch yourself in ways which feel good, but won't get you off, is another treat in this conditioning. Some angles of vibration or stimulation will never get you off but will get you close enough to qualify as edging.

This and other related topics intertwine to begin a course about edging.

Edging during is permitted.

21 Minutes

Limp Dot EXE

This goes great with files like Limp and Obedient, Pantied Chastity or Pantied Chastity 2. Limpness, chastity, updating how your arousal works, a desire to re-listen. You may also enjoy the Chaste Limp Deepener file as a simple set of affirming mantras about limp trancey goodness.

This is a file about limpness, chastity, and updating how your arousal works. When you become aroused, rather than your cock hardening, the rest of your body flushes hot and aches with desire. .Because it cannot find a comfortable home between your legs, it is forced to find other outlets. The restless desire moves over your body. Included is a copy of the Arousal Test, and a simple mantra. This same mantra is incorporated into the file. This is a file for listeners who liked the computer theme in Update Induction, as well. Limpness, a desire to re-listen, and the idea of your cock itself being entranced, are included.

30 Minutes


  • Long couples trigger file.
  • When partner places their hand on your lower back, feel wired in to their nervous system.
  • Pleasure you give and pleasure you receive blend together, become one and the same.
  • Aware of the pleasure in your partner's body as if it were in your own.
  • Closeness, obedience to partner's wishes, and a general feeling of overall enjoyment.
  • Similar to the themes in Connected Hands.
  • Lingering effects? Partner's hand on the small of the back predicts a fun time.

- File Length: 43:02 - 33.7MB

Originally made in 2014, this file was made free for all in January 2019.

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file

Cock Conversion 2

The act of worshipping cock causes your desire for a more feminine form to come out, and the desire for the more feminine form brings out your worship of cock. Contains explicit language, description of the listener's feminization, their oral worship of the ideal cock, the desire to worship and serve shaft, balls, head, advice on giving oral pleasure - and then conditioning to only cum when a cock they are serving has cum, or when a cock they are watching in porn has cum. The feminization and forgetfulness re: listener's old body, accompany seeing my descriptions as authoritative and overriding. There is a very long sample, so check it out. This file is over fifty minutes long and highly detailed.

- File Length: 51 Minutes

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file

This mp3 was made free, and was originally produced some time ago.

Obey Women

The classic file Obey Women, redone with improved quality - no music, no echoes. this includes a version with the Relaxing Sands induction already tacked on, and a body version. The 8 minute mantra is part of the file itself, but is also included separately for looping and listening during your day. This file is all about obeying any woman who wants to trance you, it is unequivocal in language about obeying all women at all times when they wish to dominate or command you. Good for people who listen to trance files voiced by women or have women to trance for in their lives.

Simple enough idea: no echoes, no music, a mantra that is loopable. The suggestion of obeying women is absolute and incorporated throughout. First, deepening and relaxation, then a suggestion of returning to re-listen and also a mantra of obedience and submission to women explained to one's relaxed mind. Enjoy.

- File Length: 45 Minutes

Note: this is an older file which has just rotated into free public release on this date.

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file


Get a pair of thigh high stockings and place them nearby. This file is gender neutral, I know a lot of my listeners like stockings regardless of gender. This file ties intense arousal to those stockings so that whenever you wear them your body will be in a state of sensitive needy ache. Furthermore, any climax or arousal experienced while wearing the stockings will fuel your arousal and increase it in future, making them a more and more powerful conditioning trigger for more and more sexy arousal. Pick a pair you like!

- File Length: 30 Minutes

Submissive Feminine Form - Nightly Developments

While you sleep your mind processes many things. Can you really listen to all the winding fantasy-fulfilling verbiage in my work, the proposal of full swaying breasts and curvy hips and a mind submitting to every pleasure it wants to explore - and remain completely unaffected while you rest?

Perhaps, but when you include the mantra referencing Got Milk, Night Night, Brain Drain, Pointed, and The Farm, it might be difficult to hold back.

Visualize the incarnation of your fetish for a gorgeous curvy large-breasted lactating form, floating down to give you dreams of enhancement and increase. If you wake with your breasts a bit larger, your body a bit softer, your mind a bit more submissive, well I can hardly be blamed for that.



This is a file for those who have listened to work centered around submission, such as the various chastity files, obey women, obey unquestioningly, and so on. The theme is of remaining silent unless spoken to and in fact keeping one's mouth shut unless eating or otherwise required to open it. Such restraint and muzzling is reinforced by the phrase "Mouth shut, pet", and not opening one's mouth for unhealthy food is stressed. Enjoy this dominant instructive piece.

This is a custom file made for one of my long-term listeners, it relies on the idea that the person listening to it is experienced in listening to my files and enjoys going under for me. Said rapport gradually becomes repeated listening and silence-unless-spoken-to along with healthy eating are core concepts here. This is part of a progressive series of "lesson" files oriented around submission, chastity, and obedience.


Succubus Harem - Reinforcement

This file reinforces all of the earlier content in the Succubus Harem Series. It draws on files such as Succubus Creation, Summoning Circle, Mental Mansion, and Support Structure

It includes a deepener to make sure the reinforcement is well presented, and it can be used as a lead-in to any of the other files in the series.


Masculine Allure

A piece about comfort with the arousal induced by masculine bodies - what we think of as masculine: muscles, rigid cock and heavy balls, taut muscled chests, strong arms, searching firm lips. This file includes a portion encouraging self-stimulation. A very slow and methodical air, meditative and encouraging you to explore yourself so you can know what you like. If you keep listening, you may begin to see more and more appeal in submitting to masculine forms which present themselves to you. I try to share and impart my own thoughts on the matter. The description is intense and vivid, to prepare you for the real thing when you get it.

Having something to suck might help you out during the included cock worship description.


Siren's Voice 2

A sequel to Siren's Voice. The topic of audiophilia, expanded. Audio enjoyment becomes ecstatic enthrallment, when it is my voice. Incorporates some triggers for future use. The original version of this file was placed on my youtube channel as a thank-you for reaching 800 subscribers. But not everyone hangs out over there, so now that some time has passed I am creating a more general release with some slight modifications.

You embark on a voyage of willing seduction which carries you far beyond the waking world and into my grasp. Tie yourself down all you want, as it only helps.

- 17 Minutes

Subby Puppy Play

This file works well with Subby Puppy, Subby Puppy Behaviour, and Trained Puppy induction.

This file is for those who don't necessarily have an authority figure to take advantage of their subby puppy conditioning, but want commands like SIT, STAY, HEEL, and other more involved ones, to run through their mind. The file ends in a permissive way which encourages the listener to listen to the next file, chain another puppy file after it if you wish, or otherwise just lay there and relax.

22 Minutes

Subby Puppy Fundamentals

This file works well with Subby Puppy, Subby Puppy Behaviour, and Trained Puppy induction.

A file about an obedient doglike mindset where authority is automatically obeyed because it pleasurably works the levers inside your mind. This file reinforces and works alongside the aforementioned doglike obedience files.

22 Minutes

Succubus Harem - Propogation

This file follows on from Succubus Harem - Mental Mansion and Succubus Harem - Summoning Circle files.

For those who enjoy listening to multiple Succubus files like the Latex Succubus, Feminine Succubus Seed and Arousal Succubus, there is the Succubus Harem series. Also good for those who ordered custom succubus themed files. Simple enough concept - internal visualization of a fetishistic feminine entity there to support and tease the listener. This one is for those who want to listen to files intended for a sole succubus and have the training therein move through the network of internal visualizations. Simply envision each succubus as branded and interfaced with the others, so what one learns to do, the others learn. General visualization of the fantasy from the Mental Manse and Summoning Circle are also described herein.

21 Minutes

Succubus Harem - Safe and Private

This file follows on from Succubus Harem - Mental Mansion and Succubus Harem - Summoning Circle files.

For those who enjoy listening to multiple Succubus files like the Latex Succubus and Arousal Succubus, there is the Succubus Harem series. Also good for those who ordered custom succubus themed files. Simple enough concept - internal visualization of a fetishistic feminine entity there to support and tease the listener. This one is for those who get very in to the succubus theme and are concerned they may be too aroused by their internal assistants to focus, sometimes - or who simply want to confine succubus fantasies only to their private spaces while retaining the reminders and positive habit forming elements from Support Structure. Visualize each thing your succubi might do with you, categorize it as Everywhere, Semi-Private, or Private. Useful for those who are very literal when it comes to files like this.

15 Minutes

Succubus Harem - Support Structure

This file follows on from Succubus Harem - Mental Mansion and Succubus Harem - Summoning Circle files.

For those who enjoy listening to multiple Succubus files like the Latex Succubus and Arousal Succubus, there is the Succubus Harem series. Also good for those who ordered custom succubus themed files. Simple enough concept - internal visualization of a fetishistic feminine entity there to support and tease the listener. This one is about self-help things like motivation to adopt good habits, proper posture, and overall supportive encouraging reminders like backrubs and helping one get to sleep. Titillating concepts mixed in, but mostly non-erotic.

31 Minutes

Dual Latex Succubus Set

This series was completely re-made in November of 2024.

An assortment of files comprising the first Latex Succubus, both dark and light, they all work together and encourage some useful practices. This is based on an older series.

A latex bath followed by a systemic education in rubber fetishism and its wholistically beneficial effects on the listener. Sexy bits throughout, and of course the ever-present nagging, aching fetish. Two sisters, light and dark, there to balance each other out and help get you on the right foot. Gender neutral, safe, and conscientious. Give it a try, I'm proud of my work here, and it all connects together well.

A light side for self care and for maintenance, and a darker instinctive bit for sinking into it and satisfying yourself. Horny throughout.

This is a complete Succubus set. It has its own unique Latex Bath induction set.. Included in the pack is a Lightside Latex Succubus file for supportive/self help themed meditations from a feminine, seductive entity with your best interests at heart, a Darkside Latex Succubus file for a hungrier, hornier version, a Latex Succubus Refresher file (20 minutes), and a unique Latex Bath Awakener (10 minutes) in addition to all the various interchangeable baths.

You can mix and match these files, they all fit together and are loopable together. The idea is you might even forget sometimes

The Darkside Latex Succubus includes orgasm control and encouragement to masturbate as a way of solidifying the included elements, all the files incorporate encouragement to shamelessly enjoy latex fetishism, feel more attentive and enthusiastic after listening, and overall an encouragement to regard the tormenting dark and light entities as two halves of a support system for a better, hornier latex-fetished you. Dirty talk and sexiness reign throughout, as well as both pleasure and relaxation. You can download the Induction for free below, if you want a sample of the themes. You can also grab the Awakener and Refresher, but none of these work so well without the 2 actual Succubus files. If you appreciate them, you might consider it worth the price to uncage this Succubus. Or wait for the next one..

97 Minutes

Latex Loop Mantra

A simple looping mantra reminding the listener of their latex succubus training and that it has entered them and is always with them. A simple short loop, it encourages a surrender to the inevitability of training and conditioning.

Play the mantra as you do other things, as a reminder, as you fall asleep, whenever - enjoy.


Surrender to Heat

A file made for a friend who often experiences arousal centered on the desire to fill their pussy and toy with their clit which borders on an animalistic heat and need. This file uses a deepening section to emphasize that heat and then elaborates on a fantasy of being pinned and filled. The gender of the partner in this fantasy is not detailed, nor is the nature of the length doing the filling - whether flesh or toy. A very detailed fantasy.

- File Length: 31 Minutes

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file

Self Control - Pussy

This is a file for those who like my previous pussy-centric releases like Emptiness and Release Valve. The theme here is one of your pussy directing your life and actions, telling you what to do in order to please it better. There are confidence elements, some task-oriented to-do-list material, and of course lots of sexy bits. Have toys nearby, or be good with your hands, because masturbation is encouraged throughout as a spellbinding tale of lust consuming your body and mind is laid out for you to enjoy. How can you resist something that is a part of you and sending orders right to your brain all the time anyway?

- File Length: 30 Minutes

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file

Submit to Her

When confronted with a woman who wants to engage with you sexually, first consider - is this safe and comfortable for both parties, are there no risks other than having a good time? If so, why not trance out and follow her every request or order automatically, as if tranced, triggered by the order itself - without considering what the orders are other than that they are safe. Learn to serve and submit. This audio works well with "Images - Her" and "Obey Women"

- File Length: 40 Minutes

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file


  • Talks about the focused state of trance which is born from really wanting to go deep.
  • Installs trigger, "Obsess over..." or "Obsess about..."
  • Letting circular chains of pleasantly loopable thoughts fill your head.
  • Ends on a segment about obsessing with my breasts.
  • Future files in this series will go into more detail about specific obsessions: masturbation, breasts, stockings, chastity.
  • Dominant tone throughout.
  • Uses Brain Drain and Night Night triggers.
  • Lingering Effects? An obsession trigger useable by those you trust.

File Duration: 20:05 - 18MB

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file

Forging a Connection

  • File for the dominant partner in a relationship.
  • One partner listens to Connected, the other to this file.
  • Encourages embracing your dominant behaviour. It is what your partner wants.

File Duration: 11:00 - 9MB

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file

Maid to Serve

  • Uniform play theme. Wear your maid uniform if you have one
  • Fantasy of being entered with a strap on while lying on one's back being conditioned into a maid persona.
  • Hard pleasurable running through one's paces.
  • Ends with a teasing promise of things to come.
  • Lingering Effects? Arousal and memory when wearing uniform in future.


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