
Training For Later - Part 1

Edging and denial focused fantasy set in my sleeves and denial series.

The first four days of denial where you are locked in a ball-filling good time: a sentient sex toy is loose in the rooms you'll be inhabiting, but don't worry, she'll only milk you in the mornings and never to completion in this one. Originally a custom request. Assumes balls and penis, a lot of breeding and impregnation talk, resisting breaking the rules until she tempts you into thrusting, moving - but that's the province of file 2. This one ends with a robust ache. A lot of "Good boys do x" and the temptation to break the rules of the training so you can both get off. The witch's familiar needs her ideal training cock, but that cock doesn't need to come - better if it doesn't. Right?

If this leaves you wanting more, which it should, there is always the fifth day, coming soon.

60 Minutes

Edge Your Pussy - Loopable Anal Edging Addon + Reinforcement Loop

Have an anal toy and some lube nearby. Have the toy in or near to stimulating your rear when you begin listening.

This file is loopable so you can put it on repeat or chain copies of it one after another. The reinforcement loop, which reiterates the basic principles from the longer main file, can also be placed on repeat or looped in with other files.

This is an add on for the Edge Your Pussy series which adds anal edging to your toolbox for creating a blank edged state. Reminding you that some sources of arousal are always readily available, it places an emphasis on teasing your ass even without touching your pussy, and reminding you that you're going to indirectly stimulate your clit through the walls if you fuck your ass with a toy.

The Anal Edging Reinforcement Loop (10 Minutes) is available in the Backer folder. Samples of each main file are below. The long main file is a Reward.

36 Minutes

Edge Your Cock - Loopable Anal Edging Addon + Reinforcement Loop

Have an anal toy and some lube nearby. Have the toy in or near to stimulating your rear when you begin listening.

This file is loopable so you can put it on repeat or chain copies of it one after another. The reinforcement loop, which reiterates the basic principles from the longer main file, can also be placed on repeat or looped in with other files.

This is an add on for the Edge Your Cock series which adds anal edging to your toolbox for creating a blank edged state. Reminding you that some sources of arousal are always readily available, it places an emphasis on teasing your ass even without touching your cock, and on prostate play/milking even while you're soft. Edging is inescapable.

The Anal Edging Reinforcement Loop (10 Minutes) is available in the Backer folder. Samples of each main file are below. The long main file is a Reward.


Edge Your Cock 2 - Edging, Gooning, and Ruining

A simple corruption themed file that works well with the Brain Drain series. The listener’s cock becomes the focus of ever increasing edging, masturbation, porn viewing, and hungering for pleasure. You surrender to your cock for the pleasure it gives you and your submission is just one more avenue to pleasure. Dominant on my part, and includes temptation and the promise of more. This is an enhanced remake of an older file. Masturbation during is encouraged, and masturbation after (whenever it is safe), would serve to reinforce. Some slightly ominous/corruption themed talk throughout.

This is a tease and denial file defining a few terms I use in other tease and denial work: edging, gooning, and ruining.

Unique physical, anatomical, and visualization descriptions tailored for cock-centric pleasure are included.

This file does not end in orgasm, but rather in a hungry empty edging as one masturbates. You might of course orgasm on your own schedule and in your own way, but it isn’t instructed during this file and it is in fact counterproductive to the specific topics. I discuss the strategic viewing of porn to heighten pleasure, and continuous masturbatory edging as habit forming. Be aware.

This audio is best listened to when you are already very deep. Burying it in a playlist or placing an induction before it will help to emphasize the slow, dreamlike quality and the instructions throughout. This is a long and intense piece including instructions to edge, to fantasize (and to later seek out porn to watch while edging), and eventually to ruin or come close to ruining an orgasm. This leads well into other denial training and may leave you with a hard cock for some time, but it doesn’t instruct chastity, so you can use this as a primer and then go into your next sexual encounter very edged and hungry for release.

That said, the temptation of carrying on seeking to avoid release and build up arousal instead can go on for a very long time...

Very long and leisurely. Can you make it to the end without coming? Can you come so many times you lose track? You choose your goal, but the result is likely to include some habit forming behaviours.

30 Minutes

Edge Your Pussy 2 - Edging, Gooning, Ruining

A simple corruption themed file that works well with the Brain Drain series. The listener’s pussy becomes the focus of ever increasing edging, masturbation, porn viewing, and hungering for pleasure. You surrender to your pussy for the pleasure it gives you and your submission is just one more avenue to pleasure. Dominant on my part, and includes temptation and the promise of more. This is an enhanced remake of an older file. Masturbation during is encouraged, and masturbation after (whenever it is safe), would serve to reinforce. Some slightly ominous/corruption themed talk throughout.

This is a tease and denial file defining a few terms I use in other tease and denial work: edging, gooning, and ruining. These terms are often used to refer to penis-based pleasure, but pussies can be subject to all three as well.

Unique physical, anatomical, and visualization descriptions tailored for pussy-centric pleasure are included.

This file does not end in orgasm, but rather in a hungry empty edging as one masturbates. You might of course orgasm on your own schedule and in your own way, but it isn’t instructed during this file and it is in fact counterproductive to the specific topics. I discuss the strategic viewing of porn to heighten pleasure, and continuous masturbatory edging as habit forming. Be aware.

This audio is best listened to when you are already very deep. Burying it in a playlist or placing an induction before it will help to emphasize the slow, dreamlike quality and the instructions throughout. This is a long and intense piece including instructions to edge, to fantasize (and to later seek out porn to watch while edging), and eventually to ruin or come close to ruining an orgasm. This leads well into other denial training and may leave you with an empty wet hunger, but it doesn’t instruct chastity, so you can use this as a primer and then go into your next sexual encounter very edged and hungry for release.

That said, the temptation of carrying on seeking to avoid release and build up arousal instead can go on for a very long time...

Very long and leisurely. Can you make it to the end without coming? Can you come so many times you lose track? You choose your goal, but the result is likely to include some habit forming behaviours.


Confident 2 - Exploration L. E. C.

I have heard similar worries from many individuals with cocks, who wish to explore limpness, chastity, or edging oriented hypnosis content: that they might have trouble getting hard during normal sexual events with their lovers.

Another constant concern is getting 'stuck' in the chaste, limp, or edged state - unable to turn back.

The final concern is confidence, the confidence to pursue and truly enjoy limpness, edging, or chastity, what if you don't like it?

This file is a general confidence meditation combined with a reality check about how chastity and hardness are actually similar in their own way. It further points out that as hardness is the reference state and modifications tend to flow from that, your mind has "saved" and stored that hard state. Also, your cock gets hard while you're sleeping/unconscious as part of the body's nightly arousal system.

You'll be fine.

Lastly there is a reassurance file included which is a command from me/reassurance that you can take a break from all chaste, limp, and edging experiments for a while - for those of you who are very literal or benefit from direct instructions.

21 Minutes

Egging Edging and Egging Reinforcement

Genital neutral (you pick which hole/it's unstated) egging + edging + erogenous zone engagement + better not edge too long or the egg will be so big you'll cum when it emerges + self-trigger/masturbation ritual vibes. Some confusion and empathetic/rapport mirroring.

There is a sample and a reinforcement piece with the triggers in it/encouragement.

Full version available as a reward file.

Visualization/hallucination expectation: Moderate
Trancey Vibes: Moderate-High
Trance skills expectation: Moderate

31:38 + 10:03 Reinforcement

Edge of the Edge - Mindgasm Complete

An erotic hypnotic release, prefaced with intense edging to train the habit of edging yourself in order to maximize pleasure. Gender neutral. Genital neutral. Some denial/edging for enhanced sensation themes.

30 Minutes

Nnno Really

A 'no nut november' special, drawing on themes from Eternal Limpness, Hands Off! and others. The concept: cumming is fine! But you have to edge first. And you can only edge while in trance. And wouldn't timing your climax to the best part of the file be best? But if not, just stay in trance after the hypno ends, and keep jerking. Or make a playlist. Try to edge outside trance and you'll end up dropping.

Attached, along with the sample, is an induction and an awakener which can be placed on files as modular additions to ANY hypnotic playlist, to make jerking off and remembering to edge during trance, more memorable and encouraged even if a file implies or induces stillness. Jerk Awake is an awakener, and the whole experience can begin at Hypnotic Jerk Induction.

There are some other little tricks and twists, and this IS a chastity file - the result might be that you have more trouble cumming, but that's intended. Think of, and follow, the instructions carefully.

30 Minutes

Pussy Plug Possession - The Clitbrain Corruption

For pussy-havers - the plug you're wearing has recruited your clit in its campaign to turn you into an efficient, but compulsively masturbating plaything for your own sex toy and its urges. Your clit, its conditioning, and the plug's control over you are cemented and enhanced through a regimen of edging and masturbation.
A sequel to the other Pussy Plug Possession files: Edging Always Eventually and What's In A Thought?

30 Minutes

Loopable Pussy Plug Corruption - Automatically Driven

A piece which works with the other Pussy Plug Possession audios. While you have a pussy plug in, you will automatically carry out your tasks so you can get back to masturbating and edging - aided the whole while by the whispering intentions of your sexy toy turning you into an even sexier toy.


Jerk Off Instruction Trap

Teasing instructions which end with instruction to edge and feel the need more powerfully next time.

Lots of praise for your cock, lots of mention of thick cum oozing out or your balls itching with desire to come. Edging and masturbation encouragement, reference to your desire to fuck.

21 Minutes

Edge Your Cock

Edging yourself has its own specific gravity, its own forceful allure. If you're walking around with your dick hard and throbbing, precum coating it, it'll help you think of sex more and become a self-perpetuating cycle where the allure to perform the action exceeds the importance of some other thoughts. When you have time, you'll edge. When a lover touches you and finds not an ordinary cock, but one that has been edged so close, and you find yourself unable to quite tip over the edge so a welcome lover's touch is all the better, because your lover will make you come with no regard for your edging regimen, unless you ask, and the temptation to ask might be very real.

This file works just as well alone, you'll simply have to set up a mechanism by which you permit yourself to come, or grind on something, or vibrate over the edge. But once you know how good it feels to come after three days of edging every chance you get, fantasizing actively, indulging in fantasy, might you not want to wait until four days, or more, to see if the release gets better?

Learning how it feels to touch yourself in ways which feel good, but won't get you off, is another treat in this conditioning. Some angles of vibration or stimulation will never get you off but will get you close enough to qualify as edging.

This and other related topics intertwine to begin a course about edging.

Edging during is encouraged.

21 Minutes

Pussy Plug Possession - Edging Always Eventually

This interacts well with the prior Pussy Plug Possession content as your clit and pussy agree you should be plugged and getting closer and closer to limitless arousal. You can get everything you need done, and that's even encouraged, but once your day's tasks are done... time to touch, edge, condition your mind.

A loopable message from your clit and a plug you're using, which will have you edging for productivity and improvement as you pursue the far reaches of sensation. Corruption theme. have a pussy plug and be ready to tease yourself.

15 Minutes

Cockbrain Edging Session

Thinking with your cock, letting it be in charge, edging yourself up and allowing yourself to release only when it is suitable. Thinking with your cock is so much more hypnotically susceptible, subject to conditioning, and to edging...

Listen to the craving between your legs, and submit to me... through submitting to your own cock, which will routinely outvote you in favor of trance.

This was originally a custom request for an edging conditioning piece with a personalized flourish. This plays well with Devotion and Mental Muzzle, and includes submission to my hypnosis in particular as a theme.

Attached is a reinforcement piece AND a very sexy piece which uses the cockbrain conditioning from the reward file to toy with your mind.


Edging Energization

What if you had a ritual for the morning, to get yourself going and up your energy all day long?

Edge yourself. Masturbate until near the point of climax, then stop. Hold on to your orgasm, save it for later.

This process grows stronger each time you do it, sending yourself through the day on an improved trajectory with the help of your edged up desire for an orgasm you will have on your own terms, with all your work done, at the end of the day.

The temptation grows throughout, but keeps you sharp and focused because of the promise of pleasure.


Just A Little More Stud - Anal and Edging addon

An addition to the general Stud content, this file includes the concept of ass worship and fucking your partner anally as such a pleasurable thing to do for all parties that it takes priority even over your own climax.

A submissive and tempting partner points out how helpless they will be if you tease instead of cumming, and tempts you to think of giving anal pleasure as tied intimately with edging and stud conduct. The listener is dominant. Assumes penis and calls the listener a "stud".


Insatiable Cock Construct

Created for a listener without a cock who wanted to know what it felt like/feel affirmed in having a relentlessly aroused, arousing, utterly insatiable cock they must stroke, must stimulate, must edge. Compulsive masturbation programming, corruption, and perceiving yourself as having a cock, powerful and insistent in its sensual need. Useable by anyone.

15 Minutes

Combination "Deprogramming" and Combination Awakener

This is NOT a deprogramming file, quite the opposite. It is a confusion double bind which uses you edging yourself as a guideline to help push a frequently listened audio even deeper. It uses my common "combination lock" concept, as well as Siren's Voice and Mental Muzzle themes to help push the suggestions in, while you flirt with the resistance concept of removing them.

This one is gender and genital nonspecific, and made to be used in a playlist with other audios you want to pretend you intend to remove, but actually use the resistance and edging to push it deeper into your mind and body. Begin with the Deprogramming file, end with the Awakener.

Note that this is one of few tracks which might genuinely make it harder to remove programming later/make it take longer for programming to fade.

30~ Total

Edge of the Edge - Puppetry

Rapidfire wording-focused insidious corruptive serve-dominant-Mistress-and-submit edging-into-denial piece. Not genital or gender specific. Contemplates eventually being allowed to climax, but seeks to make that more difficult.

Idea of submitting to Mistress/dominant influence (file uses me but leaves idea of general dominant open) in order to edge as near as possible, completely separating climax from edging. And if you don't edge as intensely as possible... puppet-you will pick up from there.

Be careful, as climax without the permission of a dominant person might be quite difficult. Of course, plenty of my work orders or permits climax, but, I always like to tell people to be careful what they wish for.

Benefits from Brain Drain, Mental Muzzle, and my other work including of course the Devotion series.


The Lake of Desire - Benefits of Experience (Restraint and Climax endings)

One of the tentacled plant women who lives at the Lake has taken an interest in you. With her vast experience and deep fixation on drinking up your fluids, she will milk you dry... or perhaps only threaten to. Two different endings available.

The restraint ending is attached below, while climax is in the backer folder.

Voiced by Leanan Ivy

30+ Minutes

Resistance to Ruin 3 - Pussy Slave Pegged and Ruined

If you are going through the "resistance to ruin" files, there is a tame version of the third step in that training, and a wilder one. This is the wilder "3" in the set, if you don't like pegging you can listen to the other resistance to ruin 3.

Delicious femdom tagteam with myself and Ms Victoria Shine.

You kneel before us, craving our pussies desperately. Light humiliation as you are reminded what you crave. You edge as my skirt and panties move out of the way... to be replaced by a strap-on which you suck off while Victoria fucks your rear and whispers delicious inducement to edge.

Eventually you are allowed to see but not touch, and to ruin but not climax.

Edging Enhancement Pack

Edging Is Powerful - A general intensification to all edging experiences, stressing the transformative power of denial. (10 Minutes)

The Edge Of The Edge - There must be a point that is the closest you can get to climax, a point that is the far edge of edging. The search for it can enhance your edging experience. (10 Minutes)

Edging Meditation - A meditation which instead of calming and focusing breaths, uses instructions to edge persistently while mirroring the language of traditional mindfulness meditation in a more sexually expressive way. (12 Minutes)

Edging Meditation is available free at the link below, as an example of the content in the pack.

Length: 32 Minutes Total

Corrupting Light

A dominant corruption fantasy. My influence inside of you remains seeded and waiting, able to open up and bring you into masturbatory pleasure when you have a spare moment.

Your own masturbation is catalyst for an ever-deepening set of post-hypnotic arousal increases. Every time you let the seed of corruption inside your mind flow over you, your limbs will be puppeted into self-stimulation.

Corruption as a consistent theme, always waiting to seduce you using your own resting fantasies, tempting you to edge a bit more, masturbate more, come harder, experiment with your erogenous zones, and be dominated.

There is a submissive theme throughout, and I refer to you as "mine" at various points.

Gender-neutral and genital-neutral. Includes some basic training which is useful in hands-free orgasm triggers and files (such as overflowing).

Uses the Night Night and Be Blank triggers.

Length: 30 Minutes

Edge Your Pussy

Edging yourself has its own specific gravity, its own forceful allure. If you're walking around with your clit thrumming and pussy soaked all the time, it'll help you think of sex more and become a self-perpetuating cycle where the allure to perform the action exceeds the importance of some other thoughts. When you have time, you'll edge. When a lover touches you and finds not an ordinary pussy, but one that has been edged so close, and you find yourself unable to quite tip over the edge so a welcome lover's touch is all the better, because your lover will make you come with no regard for your edging regimen, unless you ask, and the temptation to ask might be very real.

This file works just as well alone, you'll simply have to set up a mechanism by which you permit yourself to come, or grind on something, or vibrate over the edge. But once you know how good it feels to come after three days of edging every chance you get, fantasizing actively, indulging in fantasy, might you not want to wait until four days, or more, to see if the release gets better?

Learning how it feels to touch yourself in ways which feel good, but won't get you off, is another treat in this conditioning. Some angles of vibration or stimulation will never get you off but will get you close enough to qualify as edging.

This and other related topics intertwine to begin a course about edging.

Edging during is permitted.

21 Minutes

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