
Got Milk 2

Some people want more than just mental change. Yet, the regimen to make change - pumping your nipples, pumping the entire breast with a vacuum pump carefully each day, applying a milker, massaging the breasts and moisturizing to induce softness - can be difficult to adhere to. Maybe you need a reminder. Maybe you need some help.

A dominant reminder which works alongside the content from Got Milk, and encourages practices aimed at softer bigger boobs.


Serpent Succubus - Metamorphosis

A whispering presence offers you the chance to sever your mind and being from all that has gone before... to enter into a coccoon, an egg, a set of coils - representing a nourishing hypnotic place distinct from your body.

That place will become your default, into which you enter whenever you trance and from which you emerge vibrantly at the end, with all the lessons that much deeper for the whispering glistening reinforcement you face.

Reinforcement for my voice, my trances, our shared aims, tying into all other succubus and serpent content as symbols of your deepening.


Full Moon Transformation

  • Aching, needy transformation to feminine wolf-like creature during the full moon.
  • Six nipples, wanton aching pussy, desire to be penetrated or to masturbate while on all fours.
  • Indicia of primal heat, desire to experience it again.
  • Lingering effects? Perhaps recurrence of file contents under next full moon.

Full Moon Feminization

A feminizing presence descends over the listener during the full moon, drawn from their own mind. While they can delay said transformation, this will empower her the next time. Includes elements of sultry seduction and arousal whenever the light of the full moon is overhead. Extensive visualization and deepener portion. Works well with Irresistible, just let your subconscious mind know you trust it to open the door and let that feminine presence out.


Feminine Succubus Seed - The Maker of Good Growth

Feeling encouraged in your feminine impulses and desires, in validly forming a feminine vision of yourself, by a succubus-like feminine assistant. Augments all other Succubus Seed files.

This second file incorporates the idea that by watching porn featuring women, you may feed the succubus more effectively, but also adopt the mannerisms of arousal and orgasm from the women you watch enjoying themselves. Glossing your lips with your own sexual fluids or those of lovers, then licking them clean, is stressed as a little ritual involved in the process. This file can be chained right after other Feminine Succubus Seed files and encourages clit and lip centric masturbation as well as oral desire.

These files form the baseline for a series of modular pick-your-own feminization pieces.

These files can be placed in a row in your playlist and will flow together. The files themselves do not reference the starting body of the listener, only the idea that the succubus might feed on masculinity and so leave one exploring their femininity with an almost amnestic or unconscious acceptance. This might be helpful since the sensual parts center around a horny vagina and pointed nipples, the files can be listened to by anyone interested in validation in feminine presentation as described in them.


Good Girl Edging Or Anal Orgasm Choice Loop

This includes a 20 minute feminization and submission session, in which certain basic commands and terms for a 'game' are established. You should be edging and masturbating freely throughout. Also make sure you have a toy suitable for inserting into your rear at some point and are prepared for same.

At the end of the main conditioning arc, you're given a choice - to listen to the 7 minute "keep edging" loop, as many times as you want, or to listen to the "take your hands off yourself and orgasm from anal insertion only" instruction to climax. it is up to you when you're ready for the latter, perhaps you just keep ruining and edging. Throughout, the idea of your body and mind aligning more with mine is stressed. Higher voice, moaning. Body more sensitive to insertion. Sensitive nipples. General arousal and an easy time climaxing from inserted toys, and so on.

Maybe you'll set it up in advance to have the edging loop go continuously, or you'll have a release chance every few edging loops. The game's precise nature is up to you, but when you climax your hands should be off your length, and a toy should be in your rear, those are the only conditions. May have some lasting effect or influence.

Designed to work very well when you lead into it with the Trance Variability Induction and Capsules of Change Deepener

File refers to penis/shaft and references it as a "clit" later in the file. Listener is called a "good girl" and an overall positive tone is taken.

Sex God Transformation - The Gym

The wish-granting entity you have freed is taking you to the local gym to work on your muscles, pheromones, and confidence.

Freed from watching eyes and therefore each able to do what you wish, a woman at the gym decides to have some fun with you, give in to her urges, and draw some of yours out.

Might benefit from the Sex God Transformation Wish Induction

2 versions - the original and a remake from 2025.
Present in the backer folder. One version provided as an example.

Getting Into Character - The Willow Maiden

Meditate beneath a spreading willow, in another place...

Imagining yourself in another form. Feminine, perfect, and safe. You are a devoted faerie guardian, a protector of travellers who plants trees which heal and shield people from the mind controlling corruption of Sirens and Amazons.

You are dutiful, dedicated, and your magic comes from knowing yourself. Knowing your mind and body in their totality, knowing what you want and how to obtain it.

This is a meditative preparation for files featuring this form. Assumes a feminine listener, and includes a visualization deepener.

Originally created as part of the fae Mist fantasy files at Moonlit Hypnosis.

Length: 16 Minutes

Capsules of Change Deepener

Each concept of transformation implants a different capsule within you, a pocket of potential change containing transformative potential.

If you're getting turned on, or writhing in the grips of trance and exploration, you're bound to "bump against" these capsules, and release their contents.

For long-lasting or post-hypnotic transformation files, as well as fantasies. Place this deepener on your playlist after the induction (if any), and before the main file.

Length: 5 Minutes


Insatiable Cock Construct

Created for a listener without a cock who wanted to know what it felt like/feel affirmed in having a relentlessly aroused, arousing, utterly insatiable cock they must stroke, must stimulate, must edge. Compulsive masturbation programming, corruption, and perceiving yourself as having a cock, powerful and insistent in its sensual need. Useable by anyone.

15 Minutes

Recission 2 - Repurposed

Since your length has already slipped back inside of you, making normal orgasm difficult... why not orgasm when you give oral pleasure to others? Repurpose the nerves from your re-absorbed length, add them to your tongue, and enjoy submissive oral service you give to others, as if it were the best masturbation in the world. But this one doesn't break that wonderful chaste haze you have going on. Themes of being more submissive to me personally are also included, and themes of how right for you it is to lead a chaste existence.

Training to give oral as an outlet for chaste desires, this is the right route... it's not like you can use your recessed length now anyway. Body transformation themes also reinforced.


Memory Stone - Stud Side Story - Part 3: Twice as Nice

A three part exploration of sexual liasons with the various cowgirls at the Stud Farm. Your handler takes you to their private rooms and allows you some alone time with the eager and willing women who are obsessed with being bred and impregnated by your huge cock. Interspersed with some conditioning and triggers common to prior Memory Stone - Stud Farm entries. Takes place between Memory Stone - Stud Farm: 3 and 4 but is fundamentally pretty loose in time.

The final encounter features two lovers, dark-haired cowgirls who want desperately to be filled with your seed. They make out to tempt and arouse you, they grind on your length together, and focus all their attention on getting as much pleasure out of your evening together as possible.


Donkey Transformation Procedure

  • Full donkey transformation theme.
  • Sci-fi - factory and high tech machines.
  • For listeners with penises.
  • Ends with attachment to cock-milking device, instruction to orgasm.
  • Best preceded by the Transformation Induction.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe the occasional braying sound.
  • Or sensation of lengthened penis.

Listener awakes hovering in darkness, deposited on a conveyor belt into a facility which changes all incoming people into donkeys with human intellect. File made for those with penises. Listener processed, cock lengthened, body changes, made hard, places into cock milking device which then runs. End of file open-ended, so follow up with an awakener, or just drift off as you please. Mind left deliberately unaltered.

B-side version has a cum countdown

Bimbotization Masturbation

The listener's body becomes more sensitive and their mind becomes more empty as time goes by. The file commences with a command to masturbate, it is gender neutral throughout but the resulting body is feminine, relaxed, captivated by its own sensitivity and arousal. The urge to cum, blankness of mind, and feeling of one's brain running out between their legs may persist for a time after the file is done, and then fade as activities are required of the listener. The simplicity of mind, long hair, and tender bountiful breasts and buttocks come with vivid description and a compulsion to go deeper, forget prior forms, and indulge. Absent the word and appearance stereotypes of "bimbo", this file instead fixates on the blankness, simplicity and horny need to cum that often goes with that description but is more intriguing for some as opposed to the total package.


Feminine Succubus Seed - Shape

This third file in the Feminine Succubus Seed series incorporates general transformative body imagery/confidence centered around appropriate breasts and sex, as well as rituals such as lipstick, nail polish, dangling earrings, and glossing one's lips with sexual fluids after oral or masturbation, as per the second file.

These files will form the baseline for a series of modular pick-your-own feminization pieces.

These files can be placed in a row in your playlist and will flow together. The files themselves do not reference the starting body of the listener, so while they center around a horny vagina and pointed nipples, the files can be listened to by anyone interested in the stereotypically feminine presentation described in them.

23 Minutes

The Mirror's Many Shapes

A transformation/body change file. The words "good boy" "good girl" and "good pet" are used, and links to penis/pussy/null presentations in a bit of body shape swap play, while the mirrored woman inside a cursed summoning room uses your body for her pleasure. Has an induction for setup and a general air of shape-shifting and being used while in various forms. Includes anal, penile, vaginal, and breast play referents for the listener, as well as general submission themes.

This was originally a custom commission.

An optional induction is attached which goes with the overall theme.


Cow Tits - Mooful Loop

This is a simple loop which uses the "Got Milk" trigger phrase just once, but I think uses it well. Loopable, encourages self-stimulation and verbal mooing.

Assumes breasts, cowgirl language.


Your Submissive Cock Remake

This file uses the triggers from Brain Drain and Night Night.

The listener has a submissive cock constructed. Different from an ordinary cock, every stroke of this length results in greater submission - kneeling, begging, submitting. The thick, small, usually limp, hard-on-command cock entrains the subject to serve a dominant partner, and any stimulation to it draws one further into orgasmic surrender. Your cock becomes an instrument of surrender and submission, with every stimulation to it rendering you increasingly subjugated and aroused.

This file was originally made for someone with a pussy so they could envision and hypnotically explore a different way of being and submitting.


Sex God Transformation - The Park

Training your endurance, oral sex skills, and sense of women's erogenous zones... This is the genie's goal in taking you to the local park and then shielding you and a local runner from view. Freed to do what she really desires, she surrenders to your touch and enjoys your oral ministrations.

Furthering the Sex God Transformation wish theme, this file has mild exhibitionism/exposure elements, chiefly in service of growing confidence.

You can listen to the Sex God Transformation files in any order - though The Party should be last. But all of them can benefit from the Sex God Wish Induction

35 Minutes

Stud Unleashed 2 - Growing Pangs

After time spent at the cock milking facility, you have a small problem with your penis and testicles growing more virile, commanding, as well as larger.

After morning masturbation, a return to the facility reveals another issue: women who observe your shaft are drawn in, mesmerized, and your own arousal makes you helpless to do anything other than give in to the commands of your cock. Breeding, lactating women who worship and surrender to your length, further transformation, and hints of things to come.


Getting Into Character - Cabin Kitty

A non-gender-specific non-genital-specific series of files starring the Pirate crew of the Tempest's Wail.

You take on the role of a feline-morph crew member on the ship.

Sometimes the large crew of the ship need sensual relief, whether cuddling or some more involved erotic comfort. Sometimes intruders sneak onboard, magically or while the ship is at port. Sometimes the ship just needs some good luck. You take care of that and are well-compensated.

Files involving this character will tend to feature encounters with the powerful officers of the ship or useful pet-play themed service to powerful figures on the ship. Detailed fantasy with mind control themes, this piece sets the stage and the personality of your character well.

This was created as the result of a custom request at my patreon.


Getting Into Character - Pet Bot Pack

I think we've always wanted a pet robot standing in one corner of our room, waiting to serve our interests, experiencing profound pleasure and fulfillment just from carrying out orders. This is a pack of files for anybody who really likes Maintenance and other computer-themed files I have done like the Latex Drone series.

Any command will bring immense pleasure to a pet bot, a drone, a serving automatic machine.

Get into character and enjoy files with this theme more.

Once you are into character, you can do the simple assignment. The full pack has 3 trigger commands included for you to try out the pleasure conditioning.

10 Minutes Base audio + 10 minutes command trigger file + 5 Minute Assignment

Null Puppy

An expansion of Subby Puppy concepts. Available in both non-erotic and erotic versions.

Pleasurable physical sensation changes from its usual state to a worshipful increase in obedience and subby puppy thought for your handler. When you touch yourself, your mind produces more relaxing submissive thought, which expands to fill your mind. When you would normally reach your most intensely stimulated, you are overcome by submission instead. Null puppy, and a finger snap, is enough to put you in a frame of mind where you care less about your body, and more about your good puppy nature.

The erotic version is in the backer folder. The non-erotic version can be downloaded below.

Non-erotic: 10:14 / Erotic 18:55

Getting Into Character - Sorceress' Undead Servant

You are the undead servant of a Sorceress. Your mind has tactical information, but this is a byproduct of the computations of the spell. You have memories, thoughts, even opinions left over from your other life, and you're a good sounding board when she wants to talk, even if you only reply in grunts and groans. Her telepathic commands tend to be singular, and powerful. You are her entrant, her champion, in the Enchantress' Arena - and you aim to make her proud.

Some general good feelings/appreciation/ownership and light objectification/submission themes. Good prelude to the various "Undead Servant vs." Enchantress' arena files which will come after.

Length: 15 Minutes

Fae Transformation Induction

Finding a mysterious glade, you are encased in the vines of an amber-dripping tree and Changed, gradually, body infused with mysterious substances.

The resulting form is a proud fae, from fluttering wings and prehensile vines to sharp teeth and pointed ears.

A series of audios leading on from this one feature this fae being laid low in a variety of ways and by a variety of creatures.

Written and voiced by Leanan Ivy and originally posted at the Moonlit Hypnosis Project (

Succubus Energy Exchange -F4M

Attending a facility near Athene Magical College where interdimensional entities visit, you make an appointment to have your energy... augmented, by a local succubus.

She slowly drains your masculine presentation and your penis as well, then fucks you with it, filling your dripping pussy, exploring your curves, swapping your energy for her own and turning you into something like her: a succubus, desiring to be impregnated, fucked, bred, filled full of fantasies and put more in touch with your true core anyway, which she has awaken: feminine, horny, seductive.

Includes a Lucid Dreaming Anchor, which is meant to aid in lucid dreaming training by providing a memorable moment in the main file to use as your touchstone in directing dream experiences and reinforcing the overall sensations and transformations of this audio.

This is a Moonlit Exclusive above and beyond normal releases this month, only made possible by, and featuring themes chosen by, the patrons of the Moonlit Hypnosis Project. This means that while it is a Syllabus file available to all 15+ backers of Moonlit, it is instead harder to get here, as a Reward file.

Length: 50 Minutes

Memory Stone - Stud Side Story - Part 2: Perfect Match

A three part exploration of sexual liasons with the various cowgirls at the Stud Farm. Your handler takes you to their private rooms and allows you some alone time with the eager and willing women who are obsessed with being bred and impregnated by your huge cock. Interspersed with some conditioning and triggers common to prior Memory Stone - Stud Farm entries. Takes place between Memory Stone - Stud Farm: 3 and 4 but is fundamentally pretty loose in time.

This second encounter features a muscled blonde. A sublimely well trained cowgirl whose muscular control and arousing skills tempt you into rutting mindlessly with her, while keeping you on edge for a long time.You are then left in her room at the end, with the suggestion of fun all night long. The next Part resumes on the following day.

Length: 30+ Minutes

Originally created as part of the Moonlit Hypnosis Project

Memory Stone - Stud Side Story - Part 1: Above and Below

A three part exploration of sexual liasons with the various cowgirls at the Stud Farm. Your handler takes you to their private rooms and allows you some alone time with the eager and willing women who are obsessed with being bred and impregnated by your huge cock. Interspersed with some conditioning and triggers common to prior Memory Stone - Stud Farm entries. Takes place between Memory Stone - Stud Farm: 3 and 4 but is fundamentally pretty loose in time.

This first encounter is simple missionary with a welcoming and desperate redhead, and then a very submissive partner who would like you to fuck her doggy style as she lays across her bed. You are then left in her room at the end, with the suggestion of fun all night long. The next Part resumes on the following day.

Length: 30+ Minutes

Originally created as part of the Moonlit Hypnosis Project

The Wish - Sex God Transformation - Induction

The induction for the Sex God Transformation series of fantasy files.

You find a mysterious and seemingly valuable bottle in a thrift store. A wild-looking woman emerges and casually asks you what you want, what you'd wish for.

You wish to be attractive, and confident. To be muscled and capable and bestowed with a keen eye for how to bring pleasure to women.

She grants you not just the wording but the spirit of your wish in the best possible ways.

This is the induction: visualization + deepen with some story context. It is one possible induction to use before any of the other Sex God Transformation series files.

There will be other wishes in future, with other inductions. As the Sex God Transformation files all have a small amount of intro induction, and can be listened to in any order, you can always just use a different induction or none at all, but this is beneficial to listen to at least once. This ends in an open way so you can put any Sex God Transformation in the playlist after it.

Kitsune Clothier - Blazer and Shorts

The kitsune clothier is a lonely spirit living in the forest outside town. She routinely invites visitors, gifting them special outfits to wear with brainwashing properties. As the outfit takes you, on automatic pilot, to your rendezvous, you become more and more interested and aroused.

Assumes the listener has a pussy. Includes furry fox ears and tail transformation themes.

Works well with the Kitsune Invitation Induction.

Created as part of the Moonlit Hypnosis project.

Length: 20+ Minutes


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