Gender Neutral

Devotion - Fucked Deep

Mentally, you are ALWAYS under me - my strap-on inside of you, my claws at your sides, my fangs at your throat. When you drop, it is with me behind you, above you, pinning you - my toy inside of you and my clit grinding against its base as I fuck into you. Every thrust brings us both pleasure, and if you place yourself in the same position of supplication you will drop ever more deeply into trance.

Ends in an open way so you can place it on a playlist and follow up with the training of your choice. Feel free to fuck or fill yourself with a toy for the full experience during. Sample above.

Full piece available as a Reward selection.

30 Minutes

Sensitive and Aroused Induction and Deepener

Sensitivity, arousal, amnesia. When you are turned on it's harder to remember and easier to forget.

An induction and deepener incorporating rapport and encouragement to masturbate. You can use it with any other induction and deepener to layer them on. Implied amnesia and forgetting things you do not need to retain, paired with ongoing increases in arousal which you draw from trance.

16 Minutes

Serpent Succubus - Seeking Supplication

What happens if you arrive in the creature's lair by simply *needing* it enough? When you walk into the trap rather than falling into it?
In her lap, staring in the mirror, eye fixation, stimulation, surrender, rapport, devotion, mindless pleasure, manipulation in a lair you know you may think your way out of, but will never depart from.
Rapidfire recitation and verbiage mixed with some of my favorite anchored imagery, a succubus flourish and the haunting thought of someone curling sinuously around you from behind while you drip your mind away in the flood of words.
Gender and genital neutral.
Originally a custom audio request.

30 Minutes+

Devotion - Midday Encouragement

Encouraging you to accept limitations with grace, to focus if you really have to, and to take care of yourself. A gentle piece of hypnotic reinforcement for best focus practices. Ties in well with mental muzzle and devotion.

10 Minutes

Devotion - Morning Devotional

This is a wakeup positivity and capability based rapport piece tied to serving/submitting but also feeling more capable of doing things "together". Ties in with Mental Muzzle and Automatically themed content as well. Place into a morning playlist or before other hypnosis pieces.

10 Minutes

Devotion - In My Lap Deepener

Seductive, succubus-tinged watch-yourself-drop and sit-on-my-lap themed rapport deepener. Mix it into playlists. Nice if you enjoy being tranced by your own dropping appearance. For the most fun, have a mirror nearby where you can look at yourself dropping, while your eyes are open. Claws, fangs, otherworldly, my usual motifs.

10 Minutes

Cockbrain Edging Session

Thinking with your cock, letting it be in charge, edging yourself up and allowing yourself to release only when it is suitable. Thinking with your cock is so much more hypnotically susceptible, subject to conditioning, and to edging...

Listen to the craving between your legs, and submit to me... through submitting to your own cock, which will routinely outvote you in favor of trance.

This was originally a custom request for an edging conditioning piece with a personalized flourish. This plays well with Devotion and Mental Muzzle, and includes submission to my hypnosis in particular as a theme.

Attached is a reinforcement piece AND a very sexy piece which uses the cockbrain conditioning from the reward file to toy with your mind.



All of the concepts I share with you don't need to hold forever, they just need to hold One More Day.

This addresses the idea of recurrence: that hypnotic concepts I hand to you, once they leave me, *belong* to you, and are yours to use... and your mind's to use on itself. Dominant. Gender and genital neutral. An excellent deepener or general concepts primer.

Whether I command it or not is irrelevant, if your brain wants to hold on to a concept, it belongs to you - and this is why you should be sure you *want* what you train yourself for, because the conditioning belongs to you, and the votes on what you incorporate into your mind are often held by parts of the committee that have your best interests and deepest urges in mind.

Listen only if you like the idea of all your suggestions being somewhat more deeply enmeshed.

11 Minutes

Chaste Confident Tease and Reassurance

A three part track.

Sometimes you like to be teased and lightly humilitated, but it can be draining especially if you're self conscious about how turned on you get. Like when you're in chastity.

Made for those using a real chastity device, who like some light and dominant teasing. Includes:

1) A primer and induction which can be used before ANY chastity session or as part of a chastity playlist, including the idea that no matter how much you might feel a bit embarrassed by your arousal, it is all in the spirit of fun for both you and your dominant partner, or my presence as expressed through files.

2) A tease track which is made up of pure dominant teasing incorporating a bit of light humiliation.

3) A "top up" aftercare file reassuring you its alright to enjoy these things and you are cherished, appreciated, and doing just what you and any dominant chastity partner might want you to do.

The aftercare portion is available to everyone, below, as a Sample, because everyone needs reassurance sometimes.

24 Minutes

Erica - Lesson 1 and 2

This is part of a series of feminization files. The theme is that the listener is implanted with a succubus who feeds on stereotypically masculine energy, conditioning the subject toward femininity as a way of securing its "food" source. Original body parts/mindset aren't much mentioned, though there is a suggestion of the succubus popping up in other feminization files or in situations outside the file itself. Mild continued feminization conditioning, and suggestions of feminine form/clothing are included. Enjoy!

This is an intense feminization pack. A 1 hour long erotic feminization file and a 20 minute addon to supplement the training, both of which work well with the Feminine Succubus Seed files, and has a lot of the same ideas of an internal feminine identity coming out irresistibly. Works alongside the Feminine Succubus Seed construct to build on it.

The listener is conditioned to regard a feminine form and the name "Erica" as normal and enticing. Site loyalty, feminization fetishism, arousal, and submission, are all stressed. This file builds well on the basics from the Feminine Succubus Seed series, and if you like it you can proceed down the Erica lesson series to augment it when more come out in future.

80 Minutes

Silvered Reflections

Latest piece in the continuing story of a dominant AI construct. This time Silver is showing off your training and devices to the person who hacked the AI modules to enable a dominant helper AI in the first place. Your training is shown off, and deepened, and when Silver is praised for her fine work in training you, you feel the reflected pleasure of that praise.

30 Minutes

Corruptive Seed - Tendrils of Influence

You've been listening to me for a while. Is it the case that you have a good grasp on what I do, and how, and why?

I make tools, or clockwork. My triggers are for yourself or your partners to use. I believe in self-determination and I think you can determine yourself into a pleasant and inescapable mental cage. A few well positioned tentacles don't hurt. I pick locks, I charm my way past doors, I siren vibrate into your brain, I make workshops - and they're FOR you. So if you tell me to let a slithering representation of your own fetishes and desires for a fulfilling hypno experience in... its tendrils may find just the right spots. I let a tentacular and influential symbiote use my workshop. It's up to you what that means for you. You've probably been thinking about it for a while. This also works with many of my trigger and transformation concepts.

Parasite/dark corruptive seed vibes, concept of being driven to do what you already wanted to do, now that you've trained the hypnotic tools. Encourages arousal.

Idea originally for a custom piece. This is an enhanced remake of this audio made in October 2024.

There is an induction which works with this, or with anything else.


Serpent Succubus - Walls and Coils

In the deeper places where once there were barriers, now there is a garden of my delight - bathed in purple light. Awash in me, my venom waiting to pump into you as I coil myself around you and fixate your eyes on mine. All implications of serpents, coils, venom, fangs, and snake-girl eyes draw you into trance easily, and you are primed to fetishize and drive toward these as surely as you are gradually primed by *all* of my training. Uses my most common triggers and conditioning themes while also laying out future serpent themed files as extra effective for your mind.


Hypnotic Cognitive Amplifier and Reinforcement Loop

What if you were so good at falling into trance you emitted words of trance, repeated trance after your partner, tried to hypnotize your willing top and otherwise radiate trance into the air around you, as you submit. You want to bring everyone down with you. You're a magnifier for all hypnotic control and corruption, it's just what you are.

There is a reinforcement loop attached below, as well, which will add on to the corruptive submission based hypnotic spreading in which you will be a component. This is how I think about trance, and even when I'm a subject I will often invite my top to drop with me.

30 Minutes total

Good Pet Induction and Reminder

A reminder that "break times are good times to break", an induction into trance you can follow with any submission or pet play themed track. Uses corruption language and was something I made for a subject of mine directly

10 Minutes

Well-worn Groove Induction

A short rapport-based induction which uses the theme of your long-established hypnotic trance skills becoming ever more automatic and providing routes along which consciousness may flow, with me. The more familiar you grow, the deeper you go, and more easily you prepare the fertile ground of your mind for all to follow. This is an induction, so consider putting it in playlists with other audio for deepening and to create your own experiences with their own flow.

7 Minutes

Succubus Harem - Reinforcement

This file reinforces all of the earlier content in the Succubus Harem Series. It draws on files such as Succubus Creation, Summoning Circle, Mental Mansion, and Support Structure

It includes a deepener to make sure the reinforcement is well presented, and it can be used as a lead-in to any of the other files in the series.


Submission is Sluttification

The bigger a slut for trance you are, the more submissive you get. Pleasure-seeking, with few restraints is just the way to be. It's similar to how I get, and you want to trance, to loop, to submit, for me - don't you?


16 Minutes

Rewarded Puppy by Leanan Ivy

Part of my Puppy series of audios using terms of endearment and a powerful pleasure trigger. This set does not use any actual puppy play or puppy outfits as the anchor, just the term "good puppy" and "Alpha" as a term of respect for your dominant. These audios will link into future My Puppy tracks. Includes fractionation and progressive relaxation in the induction, and forceful pleasure anchoring in the Rewarded Puppy track.

Leanan has their own Patreon where they produce works like this.

18:36, 33:01 with Induction.

Autohypnotic Conditioning Practice

The Conditioning piece (attached below) is about adding a self-conditioning element to your trances, allowing you to pick kinesthetic, verbal (self-mantra-repetition), and visualization (images of fetishes, programming, or dreams of your own subservience) to the exercise from the first track.


Autohypnotic Practice Session

This is a simple exercise for relaxing, taking some deep breaths, and visualizing your mind turning off as you slide into trance. It is intended to be a basic form of practice. The exercise asks you to note the time or perhaps set a timer, and then to drift with your eyes closed, progressively relaxing your body and focusing on simple visualizations and kinesthetic response.


Succubus Harem - Support Structure

This file follows on from Succubus Harem - Mental Mansion and Succubus Harem - Summoning Circle files.

For those who enjoy listening to multiple Succubus files like the Latex Succubus and Arousal Succubus, there is the Succubus Harem series. Also good for those who ordered custom succubus themed files. Simple enough concept - internal visualization of a fetishistic feminine entity there to support and tease the listener. This one is about self-help things like motivation to adopt good habits, proper posture, and overall supportive encouraging reminders like backrubs and helping one get to sleep. Titillating concepts mixed in, but mostly non-erotic.

31 Minutes

Play And Obey - Sigil

You play with yourself, drawing a circle on yourself slowly with one finger while masturbating efficiently with your other hand. Includes an induction at the beginning, and fractionation throughout.

You repeat the words "more please" as I remind you you are being rewarded for your obedience. Gender neutral, genital neutral, and the act of circling slowly on your skin with one finger will drop your mind into that refuge and restrain it. Some corruption and conditioning themes. Plays well with Mental Muzzle series and with night night/blank puppet masturbation.

This will be the beginning of a series of intense conditioning and masturbation fixation pieces.

30 Minutes

Latex Loop Mantra

A simple looping mantra reminding the listener of their latex succubus training and that it has entered them and is always with them. A simple short loop, it encourages a surrender to the inevitability of training and conditioning.

Play the mantra as you do other things, as a reminder, as you fall asleep, whenever - enjoy.


Massage Mantra

This file goes with the Gift of Massage - it is a mantra reinforcing your desire to rub the stress out of your lover.

However, even if you don't have that other file, listen to it while you massage and you might find yourself getting in to it.

11 Minutes

Subby Puppy Play

This file works well with Subby Puppy, Subby Puppy Behaviour, and Trained Puppy induction.

This file is for those who don't necessarily have an authority figure to take advantage of their subby puppy conditioning, but want commands like SIT, STAY, HEEL, and other more involved ones, to run through their mind. The file ends in a permissive way which encourages the listener to listen to the next file, chain another puppy file after it if you wish, or otherwise just lay there and relax.

22 Minutes

Simple Implied Amnesia Induction

This induction is just the first 8 minutes of the Mirror Estate Induction. Essentially it implies amnesia without directly ordering or requesting it, and notes that the content which follows this file may be difficult to remember. Combine it with fantasy files to achieve a description of dreamlike fading prior to the file, and then to enjoy after. Description and metaphor are employed, along with some of the imagery from the Common Concepts pack.


Dominance Transfer Deepener

A looping piece to meditate to, all about moving any devotion you feel toward me, into a more general skill set you can assign or hand over to other dominant influences in your life, play partners, or anyone else who you want to step into that role.

Encourages seeing any track which trains you to be mine or listen to my work or feel a way toward *me*, into a more general thing you can hand the keys to, over to a dominant. Encourages you, if you have someone in mind already, to picture them instead of me, and to have a layer of replacing thoughts of me, with them, in listening to my work. It's a deepener too, so it can go in front of any file which stresses obedience to me personally, in a playlist, to help remind you of where your devotion really flows.


Mental Muzzle - Muzzling You Deftly

A mental muzzle flourish which works alongside Siren's Voice to create a general deepening environment in your hypno habits. Conceptually simple: if your mind echoed with my voice, or your inner monologue was IN my voice, then this might make it more pleasantly fixating and effective. Just the idea you're not only allowed but expressly charged with putting the kind of things that help you trance, the kind of things your brain says to itself, IN my wording, or my voice, in addition to replacing your own inner voice with mine, which might be nice when you self-trigger, self-reinforce, or to play favorite phrases when you first begin to drop.

Seductive, dominant, a bit sinister.

Deepener, so put it on a playlist with another file after. It doesn't wake you at the end, quite the opposite ;)




Edge of the Edge - Puppetry

Rapidfire wording-focused insidious corruptive serve-dominant-Mistress-and-submit edging-into-denial piece. Not genital or gender specific. Contemplates eventually being allowed to climax, but seeks to make that more difficult.

Idea of submitting to Mistress/dominant influence (file uses me but leaves idea of general dominant open) in order to edge as near as possible, completely separating climax from edging. And if you don't edge as intensely as possible... puppet-you will pick up from there.

Be careful, as climax without the permission of a dominant person might be quite difficult. Of course, plenty of my work orders or permits climax, but, I always like to tell people to be careful what they wish for.

Benefits from Brain Drain, Mental Muzzle, and my other work including of course the Devotion series.



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