Beginner Series

The following is a recommended listening order, but all beginner's files are suitable for, well, beginners, and should be mixed and matched freely. Try making playlists, read some of the autohypnosis content.

1, Beginner's Hypnosis Primer
2. This Beginner's Induction Primer
3. Collaborative Trance
4. Common Concepts
5. Safety and Escape and/or
6. A Safe Escape
7. The Long Night Night
8. Siren's Voice deepener can be used near the beginning of any playlist and links to the various more advanced "Siren's Voice" files
9. Mental Muzzle - Muzzling You Deftly Works alongside the Siren series and a good beginner audio in general.
10. Brain Drain 2020 is the most accessible of the various "brain drain" files and dovetails with my "devotion" series.
11. Brain Drain Ramble is the most modern brain drain and is made with the idea of you using that trigger yourself or with others, in mind.
12. Little Corruptions - Stated Purpose AKA "why would I need an ulterior motive, when my stated motive is to break you into a subby conditioned mess?"
12. The more subtle followup

Runtime Arousal Deepener

Made to continue onward from the Runtime Induction, this deepener notes that when your subconscious mind gets especially good at managing the descent into trance, it might use its excess processing power and free time to arouse you. Your mind is intrinsically pleasure seeking, and the very deep and aroused mind will tend to trance more actively and easily. Train yourself to enter trance in an aroused receptive state. Precede this file with an induction, and follow it with any other file of your liking.

You can find this file in the backer folder, or you can find a public copy about 11 minutes into the Runtime Induction recording on youtube.

Length: 10:00

Mental Muzzle 2020

Your internal voice, slowly and insidiously but helpfully replaced by my own. Encouraging, rapport building, and it leads well into numerous other files like Brain Drain and Night Night.

Length: 26+ Minutes

Night Night 2020

My most commonly used trigger. A useful trance anchor which stresses safety and taking care of yourself/having boundaries, while still being able to let a trusted friend or partner use it. Includes some positive messages.

Improved and re-released for 2020.

Includes an induction and deepener, ends with an awakener.

File Length: 31 Minutes

This track is kept for historical interest but Night Night (Best) is better.

Permissive Awakener

This long awakener is permissive - this means the choice is left up to the listener at the end, whether to wake up invigorated OR go to sleep immediately, moving from the relaxation of trance to the depths of sleep - whether normal full sleep, or just a drifty trance. This awakener uses simple, calming language of choice, discussing how since you prepared yourself to not be interrupted when you laid down to relax with the files before it, surely you can maybe afford a nap right now. And if you can, drifting off to sleep might be a good idea too. This goes well if you're listening in bed or before bed, or if you have a nap to take which fits your schedule.

Length: 9 Minutes

Quick Amnesia Instruction Awakener

Someone requested one of these. An extremely simple awakener with an amnesia instruction intended to be the awakener at the end of a long playlist of connected files. Very direct command-style awakener.

Just add it at the end of your playlist. Has implied dreamlike-forgetting and remember-if-you-need-to elements.

Length: 2 Minutes


Arm Lift and Progressive Sand Induction

A good induction for beginners. Builds off of instructions, a compliance chain, and then sand metaphor similar to Relaxing sands.

You are asked to raise your arm, fixate on it, close your eyes, let it drop, then guided through a visualization which benefits from having heard the Relaxing Sands files.

Great for Relaxing Sands 2 or Little corruptions - Cocoon of Sand Body Mod.

Length: 6 Minutes

Relaxing Sands

This is an induction made up of standard "sand" induction language combined with various deepeners - the exercises used to help you slide into slightly deeper trance incrementally during the induction process and throughout files.

These deepeners include a visualization, progressive relaxation, counting, and arm drop induction. There is also some eye fixation.

Place this induction in your playlist prior to a body file containing suggestions or commands. This file takes care of the initial induction or entry into trance.

Length: 14 Minutes

Runtime Induction

An induction focusing on the duality between the conscious and subconscious mind, and which tasks involved in entering routine trance are best divided which way. Double bind, finger snaps, confusion, relaxation. Gender and genital neutral. No dominant terms. This is an induction, the first part of trance. Follow it with any other hypnotic file you wish.

Length: 10:57

Spa Process Complete

If you could run a soothing spa-like imaginative protocol inside your mind, it might be quite useful to you. Installs a trigger simulating various sensory phenomena which are pleasantly detailed during a visualization walkthrough of a spa - massage, steam room, hot bath.

This is a relaxation piece. Use it with any induction and let yourself be walked through a relaxation process which will hopefully become familiar and helpful. The file ends in a general, open-ended way which allows you to put any file you want after it, including its erotic add-on.

Inevitable Induction

An induction which suggests that going into trance is a lot like going to sleep - inevitable, poetic, important. But this being guided meditation, some small but significant parts of you stay awake and focused. You may have to go somewhere or do something tomorrow, but for now you can sink and relax.

12 Minutes

Relaxation Tutorial - A Day At The Beach

This is actually 5 complete hypnosis files, intended to introduce beginners and advanced listeners alike to some of my favorite visualizations. If you are new, this is a good starting point. If you've been here for a while this is a good refresher. A relaxing non-erotic walk down on to the beach. Indeed the first four files are a bit arousing but nothing explicit. The fifth is very slightly lewd and nothing more, and is purely optional, you could just make a playlist of the first four.

The contents are numbered for your convenience, make a playlist in your favorite media player and enjoy a soothing walk by the seashore and a spa massage courtesy of the right words in the right place. This is a kind of relaxation tutorial. This is about an hour of content, so set aside the time. All of the components can be mixed into playlists with my other files, as well - so pick the ones you like.

It is summer. Carry the beach with you. Fruit juice running down your throat, searching hands massaging your back, a hot bath in a cooler room before rejoining the salt spray of the shore...

Welcome to one of my happier memories.

- File Length: 5 files, various lengths, about one hour total - 59MB

Playlist Order: They're already numbered for your convenience!


  • Training at how to relax and listen to these files.
  • Includes discussion of amnesia and visualizations.
  • A piece about the mechanics of trance.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe an easier time chilling out and following along.

Safety and Escape

When listeners are just starting up listening, they are sometimes concerned. Embarassed about their fetish or worried about effects happening in the outside world. So this file, which works well with the Common Concepts pack files - emphasizes that I will always do just what I say I will in the file description. Furthermore, this file contains safety instructions reminding the listener that all of my work is only intended to be enjoyed while safe and comfortable - and if someone is unsafe, or uncomfortable, they will simply ignore any training until they are safe and comfortable again. A hopefully useful general reassurance, relaxation, and comfort themed recording.

As I understand it, and as the originator of this file's concept requested, two general desires of my listeners are safety - knowing programming will not interfere with their normal life - and escape, to escape from the everyday and also from their own minds for a while, and be guided and afforded a chance to relax. Hopefully this hits that mark.

17 Minutes

Get Hard Trigger

For listeners with penises. Implies a link between arousal, erection, and hypnotic amnesia after the session. Erect mind, erect body. Can't get erect below? Doubly erect mind, focused on lust, fixating on the fantasies long delayed. You cannot postpone your braingasm indefinitely.

These files train a trigger, my instruction to get hard accompanied by a finger snap. The possibilities of trance, the effects of your erection, and the permission to allow other dominant partners to use your trigger are all contemplated.

The listener is walked through a brief rapport and trust based induction implying amnesia as to file contents might make for a pleasant surprise. "Get Hard" trigger and frequent finger snaps leading in to a brief awakening and encouragement to forget file contents while remembering and responding to trigger.

Might end with you in a fit state to go listen to another file. I loop it sometimes.


Corruptive Seed - Tendrils of Influence

You've been listening to me for a while. Is it the case that you have a good grasp on what I do, and how, and why?

I make tools, or clockwork. My triggers are for yourself or your partners to use. I believe in self-determination and I think you can determine yourself into a pleasant and inescapable mental cage. A few well positioned tentacles don't hurt. I pick locks, I charm my way past doors, I siren vibrate into your brain, I make workshops - and they're FOR you. So if you tell me to let a slithering representation of your own fetishes and desires for a fulfilling hypno experience in... its tendrils may find just the right spots. I let a tentacular and influential symbiote use my workshop. It's up to you what that means for you. You've probably been thinking about it for a while. This also works with many of my trigger and transformation concepts.

Parasite/dark corruptive seed vibes, concept of being driven to do what you already wanted to do, now that you've trained the hypnotic tools. Encourages arousal.

Idea originally for a custom piece. This is an enhanced remake of this audio made in October 2024.

There is an induction which works with this, or with anything else.



This is a looping mantra to listen to while you are doing your needed activities, chores, etc.. The act of automatically moving through your chores is pleasurable and keeps you on edge while you do them, losing time, forgetting, and otherwise making it more of a practice exercise than an onerous endeavor. Simply loop this file on its own, and the triggers and conditioning from the other mentioned files will do the rest. Plays with the idea of looped puppet-play and blankness while leaving room to get work done and train trance at the same time. Consider using it in a playlist, or playing soft music in the background as well.

This is a much improved version made in October 2024.




Dreaming Induction - Dream It

A stylish remake of my classic "dreaming induction" which is intended to set up the idea that your mind is processing and installing conditioning during periods of rest. A little confusion, trickery, many of my commonly used phrases. Dominant and erotic tone. Listen while lying in bed, preferably with a bunch of files queued up! The better your sleep hygeine the more one might benefit. The concept: that as you listen to pieces while sleeping you DO drift into wakefulness sometimes, plus there is when you get up in the morning - to be reminded you've been trained and conditioned on your material of choice all night long.

This piece is angled toward beginners who have listened to the other beginner files, and as said it works at the beginning or sprinkled throughout playlists.




Latex Bath Induction (2 Versions)

This is the first induction made for the Latex series of files. This series is about establishing safeties and comfort-increasing and self-deepening habits in subjects, as well as developing a framework for a corruptive fantasy through description and induction. It is a soothing piece about immersion in and control by dark latex, progressive relaxation elements. Can be used with other files, but it was made for the Latex Succubus stuff.

These are two vastly improved versions over the originals. The Indeepener is just that - induction, and/or deepener, stick it in playlists mixed in, and can be ably mixed into non-erotic playlists as well.


Sexy Version

Euphoria Version


Sexy Version

Euphoria Version

47 Minutes total

Siren's Voice Deepener Ramble

A branch from my Siren's Voice content: the idea that inside your mind you can see the visualizer signal, the peaks and valleys of the shape of my vibrating voice, and that visualization, that auditory temptation turned electrical in your brain - is mesmerizing. Visual, auditory, tactile fixation. Being one of the main ways trance gets into your head, the Siren seduction of my voice, your visualization of it, the sensory synthesis of that experience - is a useful habit to cultivate for self-deepening. True audiophiles are tranced regardless of the contents, it turns out, if the voice is alluring enough to you. I hope mine is.

Script on Scriptbin:

Listen on Soundgasm:


Brain Drain Ramble

Brain Drain is my classic "make your mind blank and receptive" trigger, and this is a rambling long-form deepener-laden meditation on it and its effects (and why you want them in your brain).

Dominant, positive, encourages arousal, good beginner concept, inventive induction and deepener portion. Submission and obedience. Trigger for amnesia as to session contents ("you can forget "), trigger for focusing on one idea or concept ("think only of"), and trigger for receptive suggestible blankness (be blank *snap*)

Script on Scriptbin:

Listen on Soundgasm:



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