Backer Only

These files are available to anyone who backs at $15 or above on Patreon. If you back the site, you will receive ALL of the files in this category.

Sex God Transformation - The Gym

The wish-granting entity you have freed is taking you to the local gym to work on your muscles, pheromones, and confidence.

Freed from watching eyes and therefore each able to do what you wish, a woman at the gym decides to have some fun with you, give in to her urges, and draw some of yours out.

Might benefit from the Sex God Transformation Wish Induction

2 versions - the original and a remake from 2025.
Present in the backer folder. One version provided as an example.

Getting Into Character - The Willow Maiden

Meditate beneath a spreading willow, in another place...

Imagining yourself in another form. Feminine, perfect, and safe. You are a devoted faerie guardian, a protector of travellers who plants trees which heal and shield people from the mind controlling corruption of Sirens and Amazons.

You are dutiful, dedicated, and your magic comes from knowing yourself. Knowing your mind and body in their totality, knowing what you want and how to obtain it.

This is a meditative preparation for files featuring this form. Assumes a feminine listener, and includes a visualization deepener.

Originally created as part of the fae Mist fantasy files at Moonlit Hypnosis.

Length: 16 Minutes

Aunt Nancy - Parlor Play - (Pussy and Penis Versions)

In the bar in the uncorrupted city of Tel'Adre, the bar matron during the day is an older Drider woman - a creature with a four-armed dark elven upper body, and a spider-like lower body. Respectfully known as "Aunt" Nancy, she has been alone for some time. Her husband predeceased her by many years, and when she asks you to walk her home, you agree.

You come in, and are bound in her web as the busty bartender uses every method at her disposal to give and derive pleasure.

She is dominant, intimate, affectionate throughout the encounter, and hints at future fun.

There are two versions of this audio. One for listeners with pussies, one for listeners with penises.

There is a "B-side" of this file in the Backer Folder with a different arrangement.


Worship and Obsession - Pussy

For the first training, use only your mouth. Your hands might be up to something elsewhere, but this is just about your mouth.

The right dedication and obsession added to your oral service to others' bodies can really make the whole occasion more exciting. When someone looks at you and sees the desperate desire to lick their pussy, to worship deeply with your tongue and only your tongue, perhaps while you masturbate and get more and more into the taste smell and feel of a wet ready pussy pressed onto your face and the control that comes from the one you are giving pleasure being above you, in control of you, you nestled between their thighs as a pussy licking slave, trained and obsessed and loving every second as if the pleasure you give were equal to what you receive from the act.

Lavish slow delicious attention on a wet and ready pussy, that's something you can focus on until it is your only thought.

Uses references to addiction/obsession/compulsion, mentions enslavement. The first of many pieces on oral worship and general conditioning through using your tongue and mouth possibly in tandem with toys, hands, etc. to give pleasure to another. The intensity with which you beg and whimper for the opportunity to eat someone out, might make them even more eager to put you in position between their legs, you know.

A plaything, a slave, a conditioned attachment to a ready wet willing pussy you might worship. That aspiration can begin here, and be reinforced further in future files.

Two versions are in the backer folder, "Worship and Obsession - Pussy" and the newer "Worship and Obsession - Pussy (Best)"

Length: 21 Minutes

Little Corruptions - The Palm of My Hand + The Spark of Creation

This series is about corruption - the idea of overriding your inclinations with a foreign if pleasurable set of ideas or concepts. In this case the ideas are mine - my fetishes, my interests, my particular brand of dominance.

This file is a detailed combination induction and deepener to make all content in my voice more effective. The visualization of you as a piece of work upon my table - clockwork, or a doll, a project for editing - and I the much larger artificer working upon you. Size disparity, "giantess" themes, sure, but also the general radiation of my touch and my desire and design. You can use this as the first part of a submissive or sexual playlist, especially any tied to my favorite fetishes. This file focuses on mental changes and perceiving my voice as "larger" and more influential each time.

Also included is the experimental "The Spark of Creation" induction which uses similar principles tied to my attention and focus, and tied to the circumstances in which that recording was made.


Worship Comes First

Pussy worship me, wait for my climax before having your own, if you have it at all. Become obsessed with my pleasure as paramount. Specific devotion and pussy worship are entrained.

A custom request originally, this track assumes a man listener with a penis.


Serpent Succubus - Voice and Will

You are being remodelled into a machine for amplifying my voice. You are more and more subjected to my words, and they enter in with my coils and venom.

This works nicely with Siren's Voice programming and is addressed to general rapport and devotion themes. Serve me, submit to me, find that your every action is secretly puppetry for the benefit of me, you, and everyone around you. It's easier when your choices leave the equation and my will does the work.

General submission and mindfuck themes.

30 Minutes

Silver Surrender - Recall Protocol

Continuing the Silver Surrender series of files.

The entity conditioning you while you're at home notices you need to adjust your cyberware and sends you out for the day, and of course that means you're out from under her supervision... right?

There are certainly no insidious virtual remnants training and conditioning you to end up just where she wants you. You definitely aren't going to plug yourself into a machine that jailbreaks your cyberware and allows her to control you and ride in your mind over networks even while outside of your home network.

Conditioning, fantasy, pleasure, masturbation, release, all with her watching.

Say "Yes, Silver", and drop.

Originally a custom request.



Inscribed Envenomation

My claws and fangs run along you, my venom coils into you and around you. There is a mark on you, a sigil, an inscription. I am connected to you through it, and you suck some of my venom deliberately out of my every word. Doses which resonate with my triggers and make you ever more susceptible are always waiting on the wind for you to indulge in them. Useful conditioning to accompany general rapport building, or you can put this in a playlist as a deepener.

15 Minutes

Siren's Voice - Deeper Designs

When I blank you out, when I run my hands over you, when I vibrate my voice in you, I establish a connection that uses the tools you normally use to shape and interact with your mind.

Why not use the tools you already have? They require so much less energy.

A deepener, so put it in playlists. Works using the brain drain, nini, and siren's voice concepts.

15 Minutes

Mental Muzzle - Truth and Flow

Need help talking dirty, revealing your inner thoughts, or just giving yourself permission to be sexy?

Let words flow from you, quite uncontrollably, with my voice fueling them. Turn on a lover, tell the truth about what you crave, and relax into my influence as the replacement of your thoughts with my voice - which I assure you never has trouble saying filthy things in eager tones - spurring you on.

30 Minutes

Combination "Deprogramming" and Combination Awakener

This is NOT a deprogramming file, quite the opposite. It is a confusion double bind which uses you edging yourself as a guideline to help push a frequently listened audio even deeper. It uses my common "combination lock" concept, as well as Siren's Voice and Mental Muzzle themes to help push the suggestions in, while you flirt with the resistance concept of removing them.

This one is gender and genital nonspecific, and made to be used in a playlist with other audios you want to pretend you intend to remove, but actually use the resistance and edging to push it deeper into your mind and body. Begin with the Deprogramming file, end with the Awakener.

Note that this is one of few tracks which might genuinely make it harder to remove programming later/make it take longer for programming to fade.

30~ Total

Good Pup Cleanup Loop

A loopable instruction which cooperates with my triggers and all "puppy" themed files. You clean the house and get praised as a good puppy for doing so. Ties in with Mentally Muzzled and Automatically themes.

You can't be on your knees being a good puppy if the floor isn't clean and safe to be on ;) Same for being played with across the couch, or other furniture. You'll drop deeper and be a better puppy if you've got everything clean and tidy around you. The "break" version has you stop cleaning for 10 minutes to be rewarded, each cycle, making for 30 minute puppy cleaning + reward cycles. The "no break" version is 20 minutes of praise and automatic cleaning with puppy themes.

10, 20, 30 Minutes

Serpent Succubus - Metamorphosis

A whispering presence offers you the chance to sever your mind and being from all that has gone before... to enter into a coccoon, an egg, a set of coils - representing a nourishing hypnotic place distinct from your body.

That place will become your default, into which you enter whenever you trance and from which you emerge vibrantly at the end, with all the lessons that much deeper for the whispering glistening reinforcement you face.

Reinforcement for my voice, my trances, our shared aims, tying into all other succubus and serpent content as symbols of your deepening.


Edge of the Edge - Puppetry

Rapidfire wording-focused insidious corruptive serve-dominant-Mistress-and-submit edging-into-denial piece. Not genital or gender specific. Contemplates eventually being allowed to climax, but seeks to make that more difficult.

Idea of submitting to Mistress/dominant influence (file uses me but leaves idea of general dominant open) in order to edge as near as possible, completely separating climax from edging. And if you don't edge as intensely as possible... puppet-you will pick up from there.

Be careful, as climax without the permission of a dominant person might be quite difficult. Of course, plenty of my work orders or permits climax, but, I always like to tell people to be careful what they wish for.

Benefits from Brain Drain, Mental Muzzle, and my other work including of course the Devotion series.


Subby Puppy Praise + Up Pup Induction

In this file I use fractionation and positive reinforcement. I praise you for each small puppy task done, and leverage all puppy themed training pieces I have previously created to produce an effective "stay a while and listen" style induction. This induction is available separately as an attachment below. Includes suggestion to think or say "yes, yes, yes", agreeing with the praise you are subject to, and internalizing it.

30 Minutes

Play And Obey - Sigil

You play with yourself, drawing a circle on yourself slowly with one finger while masturbating efficiently with your other hand. Includes an induction at the beginning, and fractionation throughout.

You repeat the words "more please" as I remind you you are being rewarded for your obedience. Gender neutral, genital neutral, and the act of circling slowly on your skin with one finger will drop your mind into that refuge and restrain it. Some corruption and conditioning themes. Plays well with Mental Muzzle series and with night night/blank puppet masturbation.

This will be the beginning of a series of intense conditioning and masturbation fixation pieces.

30 Minutes

Silvered Reflections

Latest piece in the continuing story of a dominant AI construct. This time Silver is showing off your training and devices to the person who hacked the AI modules to enable a dominant helper AI in the first place. Your training is shown off, and deepened, and when Silver is praised for her fine work in training you, you feel the reflected pleasure of that praise.

30 Minutes

Cum Witch - Size and Dominance Drain (Shrink Her)

The Cum Witch, breeding-oriented sorceress of the Sand Coven, has invented a new toy - a sleeve with suction cups at each end, for the two of you to both use at the same time

It suctions on to your body, licking and siphoning your energy, and wraps around her cock, which is long enough to extend all the way through and rub its dripping tip against you. As each of you fantasizes about the other, the device moves energy from one to the other... a struggle in which your genitals shrink or grow, and you become more submissive or dominant in the process - and the same happens to her.

In this version, you decide to give her a taste of her own medicine, winning her rigged contest and convincing her to worshipfully enjoy your newly enlarged length.

This audio makes no assumptions about the listener's genitals until after the transfer has occurred, at which point your cock and its control over the Witch is described in detail as you fuck, fill, and rut with her.

Another version, where you submit and become null, with no way of gaining pleasure except through pleasuring her, your crotch a genderless blank expanse she has siphoned away, will release really soon.

37 Minutes

The Mirror's Many Shapes

A transformation/body change file. The words "good boy" "good girl" and "good pet" are used, and links to penis/pussy/null presentations in a bit of body shape swap play, while the mirrored woman inside a cursed summoning room uses your body for her pleasure. Has an induction for setup and a general air of shape-shifting and being used while in various forms. Includes anal, penile, vaginal, and breast play referents for the listener, as well as general submission themes.

This was originally a custom commission.

An optional induction is attached which goes with the overall theme.


Cabin Kitty - Captain's Privilege

You are the horny ship's cat responsible for most simple duties of ship's protection, for reporting spies and intruders... and for satisfying the senior officers.

The wild magic used to propel the Tempest's Wail causes arousal, bodily mutation, and the entry into the world of various strange and fantastic creatures. When the senior officers (Captain, Bosun, Second Mate, First Mate) need assistance with their arousal, or have guests... you are there to provide pleasure. Of course, you provide coy, superior pleasure and hold out as long as you can, but you're head over heels for all of them - yes, even the catty Second Mate - and your service is a point of pride.

The Captain is a demigod, self-possessed, alluring. She wears a special outfit to lock in the beguiling beauty and immaculate shape of her body - as well as its corruptive and pervasive magic. When she strips it off, which she only does in the warded confines of the cabin, she more often than not needs relief. Her fluids are seductive, delicious, addictive, you want her... and you're quite resistant to her magic over the long term, so it's safe for you to let her indulge. Another is also resistant- one of the cabin people is actually not interested in the captain at all... but in you.

Nerija is indeterminate about their gender and would like some help getting off via your warm sandpaper tongue on their chest. They are incredibly sensitive, and a welcome addition to your play, once the Captain has softened you up and asked nicely. (Nerija will return in an upcoming Pirates piece, so keep an eye out for them as well!)

The captain has a cock and a pussy and desires service upon both. She is dominant, gentle, affectionate, and treats everyone like a long-lost friend.

Benefits from the Cabin Kitty- Getting Into Character piece being in mind.

This was created as the result of a custom request at my patreon.


Subby Puppy - Underfoot Training Time

You, as a submissive puppy, serve and whimper under my thrall and influence. I rest my feet on you, and slowly train you. All foot fetish exposure brings out puppy mindsets and awakens your urge to be handled, positioned, and allowed to just be a good puppy.

Incorporates the Underfoot Training Time Induction

This was created as the result of a custom request at my patreon.


Dragon's Round 1 - A Round On The Dragon

Arriving at the Sapphire Star, an inn run by a cute couple you're fond of, you head inside and offer the single remaining gold coin from your most recent heist as collateral for a room for several nights... and one round of drinks for the house "on the dragon".

For you did indeed steal that coin from a dragon's hoard. To be fair, she was sleeping. Or seemed to be...

Unbeknownst to you, she has followed you with designs on finding her way into your bed, and bringing you home to her lair. Of course, she'll have to get in line behind the powerful warrior woman who wants to spar with you, with sexual favors on the line.

You're happy to accept, your legendary agility and skill with a blade should enable you to end it quickly enough to avoid being controlled by the pheromone-laden Amazon warrior *too* early in the encounter...

It's not that you never want to fall, you'd just like to put on a good show before she takes you to her bed, rubs you down, and puts you to work on her gorgeous body.

The attached "Getting Into Character" audio is a good setup for our protagonist's mindset.

A bratty sapphic love story in numerous parts, starring you as the noble thief in the crosshairs of a bunch of domme vixens on one of the few vacations you've taken in your career.

This was created as the result of a custom request at my patreon.


Nothingness 2 (Normal and Extended Versions)

Your mind empties, as effectively as ever, and you only notice those places where our discussion and shared regard alights. The longer you fall into the relaxed place, the more you are just a void waiting for the next thing to be highlighted, and for my voice to lead you home.

In the extended version, the only parts of you which exist are the parts I talk about, the erotic bits which feel best and which you then have no way to clench against because of the fact they are the only thing you can sense.

A longer erotic version is available to supporters of Leanan Ivy at her independent Patreon, as well as a copy of the script and other exclusive extras.

7 Minutes / 15 Minutes Extended

Zoom Out Meditation

A training meditation incorporating a simple trigger you can think when you want perspective and the benefits of trance, but when your mind must be quite active.

Zoom out, benefitting from memories of our training together, seeing how your concerns and stressors are a lot smaller than they seem, and how the focus of trance can be used to help you be more comfortable in the face of difficulties and requirements. This will be connected to a larger series of audio pieces.

Draws on all of your hypnotic training to reinforce this piece whenever you listen to anything with a theme of focus or relaxation.

There is also an extended (30+ Minute) version which is available as a Backer audio.

Both versions of this audio were created as a self-help custom audio request as part of the eSuccubus Patreon.

14 Minutes (Short) / 30 Minutes (Extended Reward)

The Lake of Desire - Benefits of Experience (Restraint and Climax endings)

One of the tentacled plant women who lives at the Lake has taken an interest in you. With her vast experience and deep fixation on drinking up your fluids, she will milk you dry... or perhaps only threaten to. Two different endings available.

The restraint ending is attached below, while climax is in the backer folder.

Voiced by Leanan Ivy

30+ Minutes

Factory Floor - Open Invitation (Sweet and Spicy versions)

You visit a mysterious factory and find its only inhabitant, a succubus sitting at her desk waiting for you. She called out to you. You could leave at any time, but it's so warm on her lap, in the cocoon of her wings, and within her grasp. When you leave, you do so safely, peaceably... and part of her gets out as well.

Two versions, one non-erotic (but still hypnotic) and another thoroughly erotic (gender neutral, genital neutral), are included. The Sweet version will be available to the public, the Spicy version is in the backer folder already.

The sweet version is attached below, for everyone, and the spicy version - which contains erotic content- is in the backer folder.

29 Minutes

Null Puppy

An expansion of Subby Puppy concepts. Available in both non-erotic and erotic versions.

Pleasurable physical sensation changes from its usual state to a worshipful increase in obedience and subby puppy thought for your handler. When you touch yourself, your mind produces more relaxing submissive thought, which expands to fill your mind. When you would normally reach your most intensely stimulated, you are overcome by submission instead. Null puppy, and a finger snap, is enough to put you in a frame of mind where you care less about your body, and more about your good puppy nature.

The erotic version is in the backer folder. The non-erotic version can be downloaded below.

Non-erotic: 10:14 / Erotic 18:55

Ilyrian 2 - Date Night (F4M and F4F)

The Scion of Ilyrias came to the city for you, so you could be together.

The shapeshifting eldritch incarnation has lost track of you, however, and so you don't know she's in town... until her cousin crawls through your mirror and offers to take you to her.

Her empathic lust leeches through in every hug, every press of her breasts against you, every hidden caress of her selectively visible tentacles. She wants you, needs you, and the two of you can finally be alone, and together.

Originally created for the Moonlit Hypnosis Project. Available in both penis and pussy haver versions.

Length: 45 minutes+

Latex Puppy - Foot Worship Conditioning

Following on from other puppy play tracks and from the Latex Bath and Latex Succubus tracks, the subject is put in their place and allowed to worship their mistress, their handler, their owner. Foot worship and scent worship are stressed along with good puppy behaviour and being put in your place. Some light domination overall.

Length: 15 Minutes


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