Puppy Pawse

What if bondage mitts or any other kind of puppy glove simply helped you forget about hands and just have paws, paw at things.

Meditative, rapidfire.

Non-erotic, simply about being a good relaxed puppy who doesn't need hands once you offer them up to have gloves or other bondage put on your wrists or hands.

A good puppy can just be in the puppy part of their mind and put the rest to sleep. Your mind is on pause while you have paws.

Having some kind of thing you wear on your wrists or hands to indicate you have paws instead of hands, is useful for the anchor contained here.

General puppy mindset is trained as well.

The induction attached below is also an excellent standalone puppy induction, while the full 30 minute file is available as a Reward.

30 Minutes