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Get Snuggly/Hard Deepener

Giving your brain a boner while you're nestling down into blankies/all wrapped up for sleep piece. Get comfy and let your brain get all hard and horny. Works with my "get hard" piece from long ago, and is genital and gender neutral. Good in playlists.

Corruption and comfort themes.


Hiss Fizz Pop Induction

Loopable/playlist insertable induction using the concept of carbonation and the pop of a can snapping open as a sinking trigger, combined with the idea unnecessary thoughts simply drift away... and then it's time to drink you up.

Corruption/teasing theme combined with useful metaphor I expand on in some other audios. Works with metaphorical snap, hiss, pop, even without liking carbonated beverages.


Just a Little More - Stud Time 1

Center your thoughts increasingly around the firm arousal between your legs and the process of filling and fucking any willing pussy that presents itself to your ministrations. Bring pleasure, bring lust and rut and blank constant thrusting mindlessness. The further into this series you get, the more overwhelming the result.

The Just a Little More series features layering corruption and addiction themes. The later in the series it is, the more intense and graphic the description and commands within. Try level 1, then consider level 2, and so on, as they reveal themselves. But know where to stop.

10 Minutes

Just A Little More - Stud 2

"Just A Little More" files are part of graduated series of files, they build upon one another to create more and more controlling scenarios and fantasies. If you have the fetish described in the first file, you might try the second in the series... the third... the fourth... and so on to the fifth and final audio. Make a playlist with the files in order, they will chain efficiently and each elaborates on a slightly different concept. The entire experience is an hour at most.

The first file can be found here.

The "Stud" files are about confident cock-centric pleasure-giving including the desire to make others want and enjoy your cock and to bring willing partners to the heights of ecstatic release. The focus is on confidence, virility, edging, enjoyment, and 'impregnation' of submissive willing desirable partners as a theme.

This one in particular is about being hard, confident, and alluring for much of your day. It includes basic stud tenets of cock-centric pleasure giving but also expands on enjoyment of studying pleasure in others.


Sensitive and Aroused Induction and Deepener

Sensitivity, arousal, amnesia. When you are turned on it's harder to remember and easier to forget.

An induction and deepener incorporating rapport and encouragement to masturbate. You can use it with any other induction and deepener to layer them on. Implied amnesia and forgetting things you do not need to retain, paired with ongoing increases in arousal which you draw from trance.

16 Minutes

Devotion - Midday Encouragement

Encouraging you to accept limitations with grace, to focus if you really have to, and to take care of yourself. A gentle piece of hypnotic reinforcement for best focus practices. Ties in well with mental muzzle and devotion.

10 Minutes

Devotion - Morning Devotional

This is a wakeup positivity and capability based rapport piece tied to serving/submitting but also feeling more capable of doing things "together". Ties in with Mental Muzzle and Automatically themed content as well. Place into a morning playlist or before other hypnosis pieces.

10 Minutes

Automatically - Roll Over and First Steps

Continuing the Automatically series, these two loopable 15 minute tracks serve two different purposes.

Roll Over induces a state of complete submission, abandoning all sign of decorum, you will become aroused, drooling, disheveled, conducting yourself into an edged fully submissive state in preparation for any sexy fun to follow. Place this on loop or at least a few copies of it before a sexual file allowing release, or use it to prime yourself for your dominant.

First Steps is about completing projects you have allowed to weigh on you, by taking them incrementally, hypnotically, step by step.

For an example of this series' style, check the Beginner file "Automatically"

Length: 15 minutes each (x2)

30 Minutes

Chronicle of the Unbound - Unexpected Gifts

You are an Amazon, a creature of power and potential. Your pheromones lure in the aroused and interested. Your will is manifested in the world around you. You love to read, you love to improve yourself.

Fortunately, there are no humans at the library today to get caught in your influence. Except one is, and one did, and she is not quite what she seems...

A story of denial and submission to a seductive raven-haired woman, her body adorned with tattoos and her heart filled with a true thirst for knowledge.

May benefit from the Getting Into Character - Studious Amazon file.

Assumes vagina/breasts on the listener's part. Sexual content is entirely woman-woman.

40 Minutes

Mental Muzzle - Muzzling You Deftly

A mental muzzle flourish which works alongside Siren's Voice to create a general deepening environment in your hypno habits. Conceptually simple: if your mind echoed with my voice, or your inner monologue was IN my voice, then this might make it more pleasantly fixating and effective. Just the idea you're not only allowed but expressly charged with putting the kind of things that help you trance, the kind of things your brain says to itself, IN my wording, or my voice, in addition to replacing your own inner voice with mine, which might be nice when you self-trigger, self-reinforce, or to play favorite phrases when you first begin to drop.

Seductive, dominant, a bit sinister.

Deepener, so put it on a playlist with another file after. It doesn't wake you at the end, quite the opposite ;)




Latex Bath Induction (2 Versions)

This is the first induction made for the Latex series of files. This series is about establishing safeties and comfort-increasing and self-deepening habits in subjects, as well as developing a framework for a corruptive fantasy through description and induction. It is a soothing piece about immersion in and control by dark latex, progressive relaxation elements. Can be used with other files, but it was made for the Latex Succubus stuff.

These are two vastly improved versions over the originals. The Indeepener is just that - induction, and/or deepener, stick it in playlists mixed in, and can be ably mixed into non-erotic playlists as well.


Sexy Version

Euphoria Version


Sexy Version

Euphoria Version

47 Minutes total


This is a looping mantra to listen to while you are doing your needed activities, chores, etc.. The act of automatically moving through your chores is pleasurable and keeps you on edge while you do them, losing time, forgetting, and otherwise making it more of a practice exercise than an onerous endeavor. Simply loop this file on its own, and the triggers and conditioning from the other mentioned files will do the rest. Plays with the idea of looped puppet-play and blankness while leaving room to get work done and train trance at the same time. Consider using it in a playlist, or playing soft music in the background as well.

This is a much improved version made in October 2024.




Tap Tap Tap - Creativity Control

When you feel creatively blocked, the source is often anxiety or distraction. Fixation and relaxation are possible outcomes of trance.

Learning to channel them into a specific physical trigger would be greatly beneficial to you, and so this piece of training exists. Tap a certain locaztion when anxiety blocks you, drift, let ideas occur naturally to you.

See Also: Get It On The Page


Dreaming Induction - Dream It

A stylish remake of my classic "dreaming induction" which is intended to set up the idea that your mind is processing and installing conditioning during periods of rest. A little confusion, trickery, many of my commonly used phrases. Dominant and erotic tone. Listen while lying in bed, preferably with a bunch of files queued up! The better your sleep hygeine the more one might benefit. The concept: that as you listen to pieces while sleeping you DO drift into wakefulness sometimes, plus there is when you get up in the morning - to be reminded you've been trained and conditioned on your material of choice all night long.

This piece is angled toward beginners who have listened to the other beginner files, and as said it works at the beginning or sprinkled throughout playlists.




Kitsune's New Pet 1

Transformation into a female fox-morph and then subjugation as a many-tailed fox spirit's pet. The kitsune intends to bring you home, but first comes trickery, transformation, and the implication that the spell cast on you will slowly bring you to your knees as her new pet.

Pet play and dominance themes. For pussy-having listeners or those who are fine with transformation toward that theme.

Instructed to Need

Part of the "Needs" series of conditioning and post hypnotic suggestion files.

Adding new needs to yourself, giving you easy instructions so you can carry them out with a minimum of thought and maximum of pleasure. This process sometimes benefits from a deeper trance. Place this file into your playlist after the induction of your choice (I recommend the temptation of needs induction) and then follow it with any file about post hypnotic triggers or instructions.



This file is made for people who listen to Got Milk, The Farm, Pointed, and other breast-centric files. It also draws on and enhances any cowgirl or lactation hypnosis of any kind. Using the triggers from those files, and the fact you listen to and fetishize breast based hypnosis in general, Bounce! persuades the listener that their constantly present breasts are jealous and desirous of attention. As you go through the day and see things bounce (whether the suspension of a car, wind chimes in the breeze, or the feel of your shoes impacting the sidewalk when you take a sudden step), your breasts remind you of the various triggers you have willingly put inside your head and which continue to tease and titillate by strumming your lustful desires all day.

Want your bouncing breasts to stimulate you even more than they usually do? Check it out.

Includes both the original and an updated version made in 2025. More hucow content in the (Best) version.


Get It On The Page

An artistic encouragement piece you can loop in the background while doing your daily writing practice. It encourages you to write on the page, get the words out, work them over and produce something. Good for all manner of art, but best for writing. There is also a remake/b-side made in 2025.


Tap Tap Tap - Useful Signals 2

Continuing the Tap Tap Tap series, this piece is about dismissing unnecessary thoughts and filling your mind with pleasing purple light instead. Useful to follow on after the first 'Tap Tap Tap - Useful Signals", this is an instruction set for anchoring a simple trigger to a three-taps-in-a-specific-location mnemonic.

Also includes a remake made in 2025


Tap Tap Tap - Useful Signals

The act of tapping a chosen spot three times with your fingers becomes a useful anchor - a reminder that you are here and only useful information can and should be present with you.

You only need certain information in order to function, and a lot of the data you receive from your body can be junk data.

That data can be discarded with a few simple taps.


Tap Tap Tap - Relaxation Trigger

A simple and calming trigger implantation piece. The trigger of gently tapping two fingers anywhere on your body becomes a signal to help you calm down, center yourself, restore equilibrium, and limit your senses and awareness only to the things you need to handle. Just for a few moments, long enough to resettle your mind and choose new actions in the wake of that pleasant reminder.

Uses the experience of trance as an analogy. Includes confidence and encouragement.


Siren's Voice Deepener Ramble

A branch from my Siren's Voice content: the idea that inside your mind you can see the visualizer signal, the peaks and valleys of the shape of my vibrating voice, and that visualization, that auditory temptation turned electrical in your brain - is mesmerizing. Visual, auditory, tactile fixation. Being one of the main ways trance gets into your head, the Siren seduction of my voice, your visualization of it, the sensory synthesis of that experience - is a useful habit to cultivate for self-deepening. True audiophiles are tranced regardless of the contents, it turns out, if the voice is alluring enough to you. I hope mine is.

Script on Scriptbin:

Listen on Soundgasm:


Brain Drain Ramble

Brain Drain is my classic "make your mind blank and receptive" trigger, and this is a rambling long-form deepener-laden meditation on it and its effects (and why you want them in your brain).

Dominant, positive, encourages arousal, good beginner concept, inventive induction and deepener portion. Submission and obedience. Trigger for amnesia as to session contents ("you can forget "), trigger for focusing on one idea or concept ("think only of"), and trigger for receptive suggestible blankness (be blank *snap*)

Script on Scriptbin:

Listen on Soundgasm:


Donkey Transformation Procedure

  • Full donkey transformation theme.
  • Sci-fi - factory and high tech machines.
  • For listeners with penises.
  • Ends with attachment to cock-milking device, instruction to orgasm.
  • Best preceded by the Transformation Induction.
  • Lingering effects? Maybe the occasional braying sound.
  • Or sensation of lengthened penis.

Listener awakes hovering in darkness, deposited on a conveyor belt into a facility which changes all incoming people into donkeys with human intellect. File made for those with penises. Listener processed, cock lengthened, body changes, made hard, places into cock milking device which then runs. End of file open-ended, so follow up with an awakener, or just drift off as you please. Mind left deliberately unaltered.

B-side version has a cum countdown


  • Fast paced and dominant submission themed file.
  • Works with Mentally Muzzled.
  • Go deep, listen to my voice more.
  • Subservient overtones - more personally dominant than most of my work.
  • Ensure comfort with obeying me personally is on your mind, before listening.

Hypnotic Cognitive Amplifier and Reinforcement Loop

What if you were so good at falling into trance you emitted words of trance, repeated trance after your partner, tried to hypnotize your willing top and otherwise radiate trance into the air around you, as you submit. You want to bring everyone down with you. You're a magnifier for all hypnotic control and corruption, it's just what you are.

There is a reinforcement loop attached below, as well, which will add on to the corruptive submission based hypnotic spreading in which you will be a component. This is how I think about trance, and even when I'm a subject I will often invite my top to drop with me.

30 Minutes total

Good Pet Induction and Reminder

A reminder that "break times are good times to break", an induction into trance you can follow with any submission or pet play themed track. Uses corruption language and was something I made for a subject of mine directly

10 Minutes

Submission is Sluttification

The bigger a slut for trance you are, the more submissive you get. Pleasure-seeking, with few restraints is just the way to be. It's similar to how I get, and you want to trance, to loop, to submit, for me - don't you?


16 Minutes

Insatiable Cock Construct

Created for a listener without a cock who wanted to know what it felt like/feel affirmed in having a relentlessly aroused, arousing, utterly insatiable cock they must stroke, must stimulate, must edge. Compulsive masturbation programming, corruption, and perceiving yourself as having a cock, powerful and insistent in its sensual need. Useable by anyone.

15 Minutes

Warm Up Trigger

Works as a deepener or induction sprinkled amid other tracks. Tension theme, and eventually the signal and trigger to let go, let yourself slide into malleability. Self-reinforcing, plays on the recurring 'you can only remain tensed to the maximum for so long before some part of you will begin to slip, to tire, to sink" theme.

Some submission/corruption elements, works well with mental muzzle and brain drain/blank puppet themes, but anywhere in general if you want a subby thematic push.

11 Minutes
