Cum Witch - Size and Dominance Drain (Get Drained)

The powerful sex magician who is responsible for the breeding-crazed Coven of the Sands has a new toy, and she would like you to help her test it out. It is a sleeve into which she inserts her massive cock, and which suctions to your body at the other end, sealing the two of you inside the toy. She then rubs her length against you, inducing pleasure and beginning a magical transference. Whichever of you most wants to dominate the other will begin to slowly drain away their sexual potential, transforming them and helping to maximize pleasure and potency for the "winner". This is interesting as the toy leaves a zero percent chance of you getting bred, and instead culminates in massive pleasure for her when you inevitably submit.

This audio does not define the user's starting genitals, and ends with a null blank state where only her Cock matters as your sole fixation. After all, she can feel 100 units of pleasure for every 1 you would feel by rubbing your nipples or playing with your butt. When the only true pleasure option in the room is to help her cock feel good, you're happy to be involved... especially when you begin sympathetically experiencing the immense pleasure she is.
